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Couldn’t agree more with this. Well done @loup99 and thanks for all you do in this forum
What a honour to receive this awAARd once again, although I will admit it feels especially surprising after a period of prolonged absence and previously rather sporadic appearances. Logging back in to the forums and reading all of these kind words from you, who by voting yourselves and spreading the word about the ACAs have done as much, if not more, than I can do on my own, was not only a immense surprise, it also seemed like an encouragement to continue the mutual effort of showing appreciation through the awAARd that the ACAs are. Thanks a lot, I will definitely make sure to find a new fan and some reading recommendations when the week is over, and hopefully also have presented the results of the latest ACA round by that time.
Oh wow, how many great fans of the week haven't I missed! It's time for me to offer my belated congratulations to @Tom D., @JabberJock14, @Asantahene and @markkur! Well deserved to all of you!:)

And now, congratulations @loup99! We are certainly thankful for what you do and have done for AARland. I'm familiar with the feeling of unexpected recognition, but indeed like you say, in times of less activity an awAARd can be seen as a powerful incentive to keep going. Although, this time as Fan of the Week is certainly no less deserved than your previous ones.:)

Unfortunately, I delayed my participation in the ACAs this quarter and then was more or less inactive on the Internet for a week, so I missed the deadline...:( Looking forward to the results and voting in the next round though.:)
While @loup99 considers his activity of late light, I think this a very well deserved honor for running any type of AARland venture is no easy thing and requires a great deal of time. The ACAs have been part of our world for some many years at this late date and are enjoyed by members and surely our writAARs! That they still exist is entirely due to the labors of our recipient and we should all thank him for that alone!

Well considered and well earned in every way. Congrats and thank you, @loup99! We can all get a little too focused on ours stories or our lives from time to time and it is people like you that keep this subforum alive and thriving. Well done!
Congrats @loup99, very much deserved! :)
@coz1 has it correct. We are lucky to have you @loup99 !
I'm still preparing my response with recommendations and finalising the compilation of the ACA results, but I nonetheless wanted to pass on this awAARd in time, to allow the next nominee to have an entire week in the spotlight, as they deserve! This post shall be edited tomorrow when the rest is properly finished.

I will admit this was a tough choice, given the many fans active here, with both the old faces we know and love and new faces that continue to renew the community regularly, ensuring a continued healthy activity. Yet, I wanted to pick someone who hadn't been nominated too recently but had been active nonetheless in the recent period. This proved to be more of a challenge than I imagined, since I have myself been rather less active and thus might not be the most up to date on all forums. However, I have done my best by looking around in all of the corners of this section during the past week, and am thus truly convinced that this nominee more than deserves to be awAARded this awAARd a second time.

The user in question is a person which I have seen being around in the AARland for as long as I remember, always ready to vote or congratulate in an awAARd thread, or to send a kind comment in the AARs themselves. As a true fan of AARs, he has not hesitated to also comment and encourage Francophone AARs too, thus supporting writing in more than one language through at the French sister forum of the AARland. Just as much as last year when he became Fan of the Week for the first time, he is one of the loyal readAARs that "make this forum run", as the opening post of this thread wisely states.

Congratulations @The Number 9! :)
A fine pick! Well deserved @The Number 9!:) I'm surprised to hear that this is only the second time you win this awAARd.

Back when I was new to AARland, soon 3 years ago, I remember you being one of those who noticed my first AAR (and if you do not remember it to this day, I won't blame you, for that project wasn't very special). I'd like to say thank you for the incentive you provided for me to stay in AARland!:) Indeed, you have likely done much good for others as well and, judging from this awAARd, are still doing.

(And also, I'm looking forward to hear what you have to say @loup99.:))
Many congrats to you @The Number 9 for you have been a steadfast reader of my work since the beginning. Even after I have moved far ahead, you always try to catch up to me and it is much appreciated! Well done!
Wow, that was unexpected (I was wondering why I had so many notifications :p ).

The user in question is a person which I have seen being around in the AARland for as long as I remember, always ready to vote or congratulate in an awAARd thread, or to send a kind comment in the AARs themselves. As a true fan of AARs, he has not hesitated to also comment and encourage Francophone AARs too, thus supporting writing in more than one language through at the French sister forum of the AARland. Just as much as last year when he became Fan of the Week for the first time, he is one of the loyal readAARs that "make this forum run", as the opening post of this thread wisely states.

Congratulations @The Number 9! :)

Thank you very much @loup99. Coming from you, and with all you are doing for this community, be assured that it means a lot. :)

A fine pick! Well deserved @The Number 9!:) I'm surprised to hear that this is only the second time you win this awAARd.

Back when I was new to AARland, soon 3 years ago, I remember you being one of those who noticed my first AAR (and if you do not remember it to this day, I won't blame you, for that project wasn't very special). I'd like to say thank you for the incentive you provided for me to stay in AARland!:) Indeed, you have likely done much good for others as well and, judging from this awAARd, are still doing.

Thank you very much.
To be honest, I remember following at least one of your previous AAR but I know I had missed the last :oops:. And you give too much credit, I did nothing special. :)
I have no talent to write something so I'm just encouraging those who can. :D


Thanks you very much. :)

Many congrats to you @The Number 9 for you have been a steadfast reader of my work since the beginning. Even after I have moved far ahead, you always try to catch up to me and it is much appreciated! Well done!

You know, when the story and the authAAR are good, it's really easy to follow even weeks or months after. I've never forced myself to catch up with your work, it was a pleasure all along.
Thank you ! Really. :)

Very many congratulations @The Number 9

Thank you, both of you ! :)
I'm not sure I deserve this.

EDIT: Wow, it was my 1000th post. :eek:
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Thank you very much. :)

I plan to do a recommendation list by the end of the week (and pass the award of course). But, I must tell you all that I'm working this week-end so maybe i will be late and it will be posted next Monday.
I still think I will be good for Sunday but just in case, sorry in advance for the delay. :(