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Pffft, inflation. Try playing the Timurids in AGCEEP. Now that's inflation. Especially if you like all-cavalry armies. :D

I wonder how the English AI will respond to your RM? Maybe it will give you a little border security. ...I somehow doubt it.
Scotland Forever

When we come back to the game, it is May of 1424 and the event I (and hopefully you) have been waiting for arrives...the English send James home and he finally has his coronation as the rightful King of the Scots.


I must admit, I was somewhat frightened that the King I wanted returned might have worse stats than my previous regent. However, it's not so bad...


He at least has some good administrative stats and he will need them very soon. But before we get a chance to find out how, I am met with a choice I mentioned might happen...it seems the English made a devil's pact with James when they released him...his freedom for their freedom to war with France. Immediately upon his coronation, the English declare war on France and her allies (including Burgundy and myself)...


...I mean, it came just 5 days later! And this is the choice I've got. Turn my back on England and the RM and go right back to war, likely losing stab from the truce and RM, and ensuring that my war exhaustion goes even higher. I just can't do it. It's too soon. I've not yet recovered from the last war and I am happy where things are at for the moment. I decline the invitation of France and let them fight it out on their own.

Besides, apparently there is much more to do at home...


For when James returned home, he wasted little time in getting his house in order. This event comes just 9 days after the DoW from England. I sit back a bit and wait, hoping maybe I have some respite from events. And then the other shoe drops from the devil's pact...



"Ach! Ah dinnae expect that! Ye'v git tae be kiddin' me?!"

(Even Pedro the Unwashed is pissed!)

Well that's just great! Son of a...I nearly destroyed the laptop when that happened. No idea what the string of events that led to this are...I've been going fairly historically though, so perhaps I led myself right into their hands. I guess you can explain it realistically, even after the bloody thumping I just gave them. :mad: Still trying to work that out. I'm not sure I like this James fella. I know I don't like his damn wife.

In the end, I blame the Beauforts! :mad:


At least James keeps himself busy as King. He first calls a Parliament in July of 1424 for the first time in ages, and he made sure those in attendance knew he meant to be King over all of Scotland. I also wanted the centralization bonus this choice gave me. The other option also offered 50 ducats and revolt risk raised in all provinces save Northumberland.


The people of the North let us know how the felt about the great speech he gave. :rolleyes:

I try another failed peace offer with the Pope and then right after that, August 21st sees another string of events...Buchan is lost as leader...


Not only that, you can see it comes with some serious decisions as well. James must be a strong King so I make sure he is unchallenged. The Albany Stewarts are knocked down a peg and it also helps to take on some more wealth...


Where it belongs, methinks. All part of the devil's pact too, I presume. I've already looked to see if I could just cancel the vassal status and I cannot. No matter as events are running fast and furious. Buchan died on August 21st and all of the above starts September 1st. And on September 6, we get another event:


One could say James took the deal to make sure he had a shot to handle all these under the surface rebellions. From what I've learned he was ready to take on the reins of government when he arrived in Scotland, having been well taught in his English captivity. It is clear he wanted no rivals and even went so far as to execute the very people that cared for Scotland while he was away (though I'm not sure we are done with the events in this chain.)

In this timeline, Murdoch did much to beat back those very English. But the English said "No matter...there you are James old boy, here's a pretty bride and some pocket change. Now be a good lad and go home. Make sure to handle those war-like buggers up north, would you? You wouldn't believe what they've got up to." Never mind that we just took back...by force...the very stone he used in his coronation. :mad:

Anyway, here's a look at England and France during the continuing Hundred Years War:


James has his hands full alone, however. And he does not rest as he apparently relentlessly pursues peace with the Pope. Finally, in December, we receive word that Burgundy has agreed to peace with the Holy Father for 20 ducats...going to us too. I guess it worked out to wait. :D Every little bit helps.

I'll say this about James...he is not lazy. He held his coronation in May 1424 and it's now just turned the calendar to the year of our Lord 1425. James is just 21 years old having been held captive by the English since he was 10.


James I of Scotland

He's already done much to centralize the monarchy and break the nobles. Here's his Kingdom, newly formed rebels included...


Now if only I could figure out a way to get out from under England's thumb...yet again. Ach! :mad: "Serenity Now!"
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I'm baffled where that vassalisation would have come from. If my history is correct I believe Scotland has only been vassal to England once in history (and I think that was in the 1100's). An error in an event chain perhaps - I always thought that vassalisation could only come about through peace negotations, events or diplomatic offers, and I'd imagine in all three cases you'd get a choice (or at least a notification of "Blah blah event has happened to England, here's some historical stuff, have a nice day". Really odd.

It's nice to see that the event chain captures the sweeping changes of the early days of James' rule. It was a fairly hectic time! And, without giving too much away, I think the closing stages were equally chaotic ;)
I'm baffled where that vassalisation would have come from. If my history is correct I believe Scotland has only been vassal to England once in history (and I think that was in the 1100's). An error in an event chain perhaps

Or perhaps the game isn't as tied to history as some feared? Coz made his own bed and now he has to sleep in it. The fact is has bed bugs was I'm sure unforeseen.:D

So, just need to pick your moment to do in with the vassalage now. Nasty shock that.

I wonder if it would have occurred had you been at war with England ...
I'm baffled where that vassalisation would have come from. If my history is correct I believe Scotland has only been vassal to England once in history (and I think that was in the 1100's). An error in an event chain perhaps - I always thought that vassalisation could only come about through peace negotations, events or diplomatic offers, and I'd imagine in all three cases you'd get a choice (or at least a notification of "Blah blah event has happened to England, here's some historical stuff, have a nice day". Really odd.

It's nice to see that the event chain captures the sweeping changes of the early days of James' rule. It was a fairly hectic time! And, without giving too much away, I think the closing stages were equally chaotic ;)

i think the vassalation helps SCO more than ENG in that England will be involved in a long war with FRA, while Scotland can get his troops, money, stab and ws fixed and hit England while they are wavering against FRA
Drive up that inflation and show them the worth of scottish silver :D
Boy that is a tough situation... Do you just break it now and risk war, or do you wait until England is preoccupied in France and Scotland has recovered a bit. Every month that Scotland remains a vassal is a month in which it has lost a significant share of its income. Certainly will slow Scotland's recovery...

I usually break any vassalization the minute that my stability is high enough to do so, but with the threat of war looming whether to do so is a good question in your case.

It's high time to get some galleys then! :p

Yeah, send those rebellious clan Gaels to the Galleys!:D
Galleys? :D Cheaper, yes. I doubt they would be any more effective against that same one Ulster ship than my five warships. ;)

Pffft, inflation. Try playing the Timurids in AGCEEP. Now that's inflation. Especially if you like all-cavalry armies. :D

I wonder how the English AI will respond to your RM? Maybe it will give you a little border security. ...I somehow doubt it.

Fun indeed :D
As you can see, they had their own game going on. I don't think they are too worried right now. And the inflation just gets higher and higher. :rolleyes:

They're craving for revenge.
The RM won't stop them, it's just a matter of time...
Indeed, England will take much longer to crack.

Stupid, stupid events...:mad:
They make a sort of sense...but they can hamper things. I imagine it's next to impossible to make it entirely dynamic and these events do a darn good job guiding things along. Just not always to my liking. :(

I'm baffled where that vassalisation would have come from. If my history is correct I believe Scotland has only been vassal to England once in history (and I think that was in the 1100's). An error in an event chain perhaps - I always thought that vassalisation could only come about through peace negotations, events or diplomatic offers, and I'd imagine in all three cases you'd get a choice (or at least a notification of "Blah blah event has happened to England, here's some historical stuff, have a nice day". Really odd.

It's nice to see that the event chain captures the sweeping changes of the early days of James' rule. It was a fairly hectic time! And, without giving too much away, I think the closing stages were equally chaotic ;)
I imagine it has something to do with the royal marriage or something. They accepted some event as well which is what led me to believe some secret deal was hatched when I wasn't looking.

Or perhaps the game isn't as tied to history as some feared? Coz made his own bed and now he has to sleep in it. The fact is has bed bugs was I'm sure unforeseen.:D

Quite...I did choose to stay at peace. stnylan's comment is interesting below...

So, just need to pick your moment to do in with the vassalage now. Nasty shock that.

I wonder if it would have occurred had you been at war with England ...
I wonder that too. Perhaps I should have just bit the bullet and gone to war again. But, as I mentioned, there is much going on at home as well, with lingering war exhaustion.

i think the vassalation helps SCO more than ENG in that England will be involved in a long war with FRA, while Scotland can get his troops, money, stab and ws fixed and hit England while they are wavering against FRA
It does give me a certain sense of safety, though not if things crumble internally.

A really bad set of events there. Can you not simply break the vassalisation? I'd be more worried though by the finances, you can't go on too long while your expenses are exceeding your income. Or will that correct itself once Strathclyde is no longer looted?
Yeah, I tried and it is greyed out. Not an option. Perhaps stab isn't where it needs to be or something but it is frustrating. The finances are...well, I'm just trying to stay afloat.

Probably, but getting rid of the loan would help a lot too.
Indeed, that would be a huge burden lifted.

Drive up that inflation and show them the worth of scottish silver :D
The problem is, the more inflation I get, the farther behind England I get in research. While I won the first "battle" as it were, they could still end up winning "the war" which so far, they have been pretty sneaky about.

Boy that is a tough situation... Do you just break it now and risk war, or do you wait until England is preoccupied in France and Scotland has recovered a bit. Every month that Scotland remains a vassal is a month in which it has lost a significant share of its income. Certainly will slow Scotland's recovery...

I usually break any vassalization the minute that my stability is high enough to do so, but with the threat of war looming whether to do so is a good question in your case.
If I could break it, I would be very tempted to use it as another pretense towards war. Perhaps because we have a truce I cannot break it right now. But only if, as you say, France has them occupied. There has been little movement on the continent.

At last you've got some tax income with good ol' Keeng o Scots:cool::)
James has been better than expected with the admin duties. He doesn't sit still.

The glory and the bane of every Eu2 player, EVENTS. :D
This is true...they do tend to pin you in from time to time. The challenge is to work with what they give you, I suppose.

And some time back, there was a culture question. I took a screenie of that last time as well...

No CB shield but Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany are in play as far as culture. There is that. :D I should have another update tonight sometime, hopefully. Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
Scotland Forever

As I said before, James does not appear one to rest too long. Back in the game again and first thing, James sees to the arrest of none other than Murdoch, so recently the regent while the King was kidnapped.


Of course, Murdoch's laxity in paying the ransom might be considered, as was a goodly amount of rebellion that the King has had to deal with. Unfortunately, this event also sees a second revolt in Strathclyde. I am forced to extend the loan in April of 1425 but James wastes little time in bringing about justice.


More crushing of the nobles.

Allow me to backtrack a moment while we appreciate at least the swift movement away from Aristocracy and towards Centralization. If nothing else, the events are worth that. I was actually impressed that a long time exploit has finally been fixed. Used to be, you could just take another loan to pay off the first. No longer. Now you are forced to take on the extra interest.

The results of the above events leaves us thusly,


In July of 1425 a second revolt begins in The Grampians. Now I have to deal with both. Worse yet, Strathclyde falls and the rebels head towards us in Lothian.


The loss in August is ugly but we had troop maint. down. We weren't ready for them. I am forced to raise it as I gain strength in Northumberland and then head north to take out the smaller of the two armies. By the new year of 1426, we arrive and...


...lose! :mad:

This pushes us back into the Highlands.


As you can see, we are close the the breaking point now. We are losing money fast and our armies are scattered. The rebels are their usual strong force in this early game. In February of 1426 Lothian falls to them and some small bit of luck happens...they move to reinforce the siege in the Grampians. A happy day. Now I have to figure out a way to get my armies en masse.

I do get a slightly positive event finally...


But this is where I am...


Scotland, 1426

Sitting in the highlands...I even had to lower the troop maintenance just to make ends meet. They aren't even close to meeting right now. :rolleyes: I toss about a few cabers and then decide something must be done. I've been handed back on my ass too many times already. It's now or never as I quickly see the game start to slip away from me.


"We waant ye!"

I gather up all the strength I have, even the fresh recruits from Northumberland, and put everything I've got into The Grampians, even upping maint. once more to get at full strength. It's the only hope I've got.


By God, let's hope it works because it's August of 1426 and I run out of money next month...
Scots are meant to be thrifty you know :)
I've run into rebels a couple of times with Venice but I was lucky and had a good leader, which seemed to make a big difference. Stay a vassal to England. I know it costs you income but you really need to get things under control before you break from them.

Sitting on pins and needles waiting for the next post.
