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Bravo, great choice - warmest congratulations Professor @nuclearslurpee :)
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Congrats @nuclearslurpee ! Thanks for being an excellent commenter, always full of historical insights or strategic ideas. You also helped me to keep working on my AAR, so thanks for being a fan!
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Congratulations professor!
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As is seemingly tradition I must now conduct the business of thanking my benefactors, cursing the name of El Pip who has dragged me into this in the first place, and ultimately passing the title along to a far more deserving recipient.

To the great mass of commenters making me out to be a far better readAAR than I actually am - thank you all for your congratulations.

To @RustyHunter it has been my pleasure to provide needless historical ranting and harebrained strategic outlines on your AAR, and if anything I should be thanking you for the production of such a work which facilitates such self-indulgence for the readAARs. ;)

To @Midnite Duke I am glad to have increased your own knowledge, indeed this is a most fortuitous outcome and it is a marvel I have not somehow instead misled you down dark and dangerous paths. I shall endeavor to remain at this standard of commentary.

And of course, @El Pip - curse ye!

Now, to my understanding, it is traditional I believe for the Fan of the Week to provide a few recommendations for the rest of the board to enrich all who pass through this thread, and to do as much I shall now endeavor:
  • In long-running, main stay AARs to which all readAARs should be directed, the newcomers to enjoy the majesty and splendor of the work and the veteran forum-goers to be reminded of its persistent existence once again, I can do no better at the present time than to highlight once again The Butterfly Effect by El Pip (cursed be his name!). The finest slower-than-real-time AAR on the board has of late only deepened its awe-inspiring majesty with recent digressions into 1930s material science, aircraft engine cooling systems, and of course British inter-service factionalism. Truly one cannot ask for more from an AAR.
  • In recent arrivals, it is my pleasure to direct the readAARs to RustyHunter's Republic of China HPP AAR, featuring the HPP mod which can always benefit from greater exposure on the boards. Join RustyHunter and the rest of us as conclusive proof is given that the Imperial Japanese Army should have been disbanded and its assets folded into the far superior Imperial Japanese Navy China kicks ass. :D
  • In classics, the great works of the past, I shall diverge from my usual purview and recommend Blue Emu's Ad Astra, a forum game/AAR played in a now quite ancient version of a game called Aurora, which I'm sure I've recommended in a past listing. It is perhaps a different experience from the usual AAR fare on these boards but this is of course all the better to broaden the horizons of newcomers and veterans alike.
And thus my historic reign as Fan of the Week comes to an end, and it is time to name a successor for the crown. Our next Fan shall be a member whose comments though sometimes infrequent have been always thorough and insightful, contributing greatly to the roleplay and worldbuilding of any thread he visits. I speak of course of none other than @roverS3 - come on down my friend and take the crown.

No, really, it is quite heavy and my neck hurts from wearing it all week...
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I'm deeply honoured to receive this crown for the fourth time now. To receive it from the illustrious radioactive frozen beverage is even better. Considering my recent back problems I'm not sure I can carry the darn thing, but I will certainly give it an honest try.

This also serves as a reminder for me that I should maybe check these threads more often, as I missed the nomination of @El Pip and @nuclearslurpee and I'm sure I missed quite a few in other 'of the week' categories. I'm not making any promises on that though. What I do promise is that I will now start to consider who will be getting this crown next, and which riveting works to recommend to fellow readAAR's. All in the fullness of time, that is, by next Sunday.

Until then, I wish you all much reading pleasure, and hope you'll take the time to write a comment or two.
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congratulations @roverS3 very much!
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As ever, congratulations to @roverS3 !!!
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