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Connubium whistled a pleasant tune as he finished his letter to the pointy haired imbecile that was Aphippos. His mood had improved significantly over the past week.

“My dear Aphippos,

I have wonderful news; the Grandmaster has died. His replacement is Emmanuel Despuig, whose dossier I have included for your perusal.



That sketch was drawn by Fra Angelico with two pieces of chalk while Emmanuel was on vacation in Cyprus last year. (It is part of Angelico’s “graphic novel” project.)

As you may have guessed, Despuig is the sort of grandmaster who will take his duty of policing the Mediterranean seriously. He has already discussed plans to declare wars on Morea, Crete, Venice, Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Poland. He would have also requested a plan of war against the Papal States, but I had to explain to him that the Pope would frown on that sort of thing. He sulked for a few hours after, but felt better when I suggested that maybe the Ottomans would annex the Papal States, and then we could crusade and take it back, looking good in the process. The estimated body count from such an enterprise made him grin.

Everything else is going according to plan. It will take a few years, but once our manpower has replenished, war will be upon us. With luck, I may have my hands upon the Batrachion Kouris within a few decades.

I cannot wait until you exhale in my direction once again,

Connubium Frequentia”


The aged vampire glanced up and stopped whistling.

“Yes, grandmaster?”

“Who are we sending to command the invasion of Morea?”

“De Julliac, grandmaster.”

The grandmaster adjusted his helmet and loincloth for a moment as he thought about it.

“No, he’s too much of a wuss. To effeminate. Not the sort of general I had in mind at all.”

Connubium searched through the vellum scrolls and books and produced de Julliac’s dossier.



“So, he’s not good enough for you, and he is effeminate. Did you have someone else in mind, grandmaster? I mean, he seems pretty good.”

“Pretty good? Bah, he lost one battle during the entire war with The Mamluks. Losing a single battle out of a dozen is unacceptable. Besides, the only machismo he knows about is from that stupid phrasebook you gave him.”

“Well, he only had twenty men left, grandmaster. And I think he’s learned a lot from the phrasebook. Only yesterday he was telling me that he wanted to be a lumberjack...”

Connubium considered the error in his statement for a moment before continuing.

“You have a point, grandmaster.”

“I thought you would see it my way. Find me a better general to command the invasion of Morea!”

“Certainly, grandmaster.”

“Oh, and one other thing. I want Magnus Larsson fired. She’s such a nuisance.”

“I’ll fire him at once, grandmaster.”

The grandmaster began to look confused.

“Him? But I saw… I mean, I thought I saw… you know, in the baths… hygiene… very important… dark days of the war… arrows darkening the skies… phallic symbols in the military…

Connubium could see the grandmaster’s PTSD beginning to act up again, and decided to have mercy on him.*

“I’ll send him, err, I mean I’ll send her packing, grandmaster.”

“Excellent. And while you’re at it, hire one of those philosophers I keep hearing about.”

“You think de Julliac is effeminate, but you want to hire a philosopher?”

Grandmaster Despuig looked affronted.

“My God man, don’t you know that Socrates himself was permanently pissed? And Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle? And Plato, as they say, could stick away half a crate of whiskey every day?”

“Why no, grandmaster, I didn’t know any of that.”

“Well, shows how educated you are with your fancy learning from books.”

“Indeed. Shall I go and attend to these affairs, grandmaster?”

“Yes, Connubium. Go and find me a brilliant leader and a brilliant philosopher.”

Connubium left the grandmaster’s presence. His ego was bruised by the realization that the grandmaster had almost as much intelligence as himself, but his dignity skulked behind him, picking up his precious ego and dusting it off as he left the fortress.

I hate manipulating intelligent mortals. They have this annoying tendency to know what’s good for them. Well, a brilliant general he will get. But I have a feeling that he doesn’t need a brilliant philosopher. He just needs one that sees the world his way.

“Message for you, sir!”

The Messenger appeared smiling in his usual well groomed, infuriating manner.

“Juno’s jealousy! How do you keep sneaking up on me like that? I have senses beyond the ken of mortals, and yet you seem to appear as if from thin air.”

“I have no idea, sir. I apologize for any inconvenience.”

“Well, stop it. I want you to start behaving like a normal human being.”

The Messenger’s smile evaporated as a hurt look crossed his features.

“But this was the only job I could get after Oberon released me from his service after that whole midsummer night fiasco. You have no idea how difficult it is to find good work when you’re in a copyright dispute and can’t even use your own name. ‘Else the Puck a liar call’ indeed…”

Connubium sighed inwardly.

“Look, I appreciate all you’re doing here on Rhodes, I just need you to, you know, blend in a little better. I can only imagine what would happen if the current grandmaster decided you were a fairy.”

“But I am a…”

“No, you’re not. Don’t even say it. You’re a stout yeoman or some such nonsense. Whatever will make Despuig happy and not think you are too effeminate.”

“That’s racism, you know.”

“No, it’s not. It’s specism. And humans are notoriously intolerant about other species. Just take a look at all the fishing they do off the coast.”

“Oh, alright.”

Connubium could see that The Messenger was becoming depressed.

“Look, I tell you what. If I get tired and have to take one of my decades long naps, you can fill in for me. How does that sound?”


“Yes, really. I may be a manipulative bloodsucker, but at least I am an Equal Elfin Employer.”**

“That’s so considerate of you. I didn’t expect you to be so understanding.”

“Well, that’s the kind of guy I am. What was the message?”

“Oh, right. General de Julliac has the twenty survivors from the previous conflict in the courtyard as per your instructions.”

“Right. Well, carry on. I shall attend to these matters.”

The Messenger began to disappear.

“Eh, what did I tell you?”

“Oh, sorry.”

The Messenger walked off a bit awkwardly, as he tried this new method for entering and leaving scenes. For his part, Connubium walked to the courtyard where the veterans from the previous war were standing in formation.

“Are these them, General?”


De Julliac paused as he mulled over a sentence in his mind.

“…these are those happy few who stood by my side on Toxic Wings Day, when we poured brewed hops once more into the breach and filled it with Mamluk dead.”

“You know, de Julliac, that is the sort of thing you should have said two days ago to the new grandmaster. You might still have a job.”

De Julliac shrugged.

“You knights, I have come to select the new leader for our crusade against the heathens. Whosoever can answer my question correctly will command our armies for the invasion of Morea and the conquest of godless Orthodox Christians who live there.”

A general murmur of excitement spread through the knights.

“My question is this: you are moving in to position to besiege a castle. Civilians are fleeing to try and get behind the castle walls. A small force of enemy infantry guards the entrance to the castle. What do you do?”

A knight raised his hand.

“I would let the civilians go, surround the castle, and begin constructing trebuchets in order to…”

“No, sorry, that is incorrect. Anyone else? Yes, you in the back?”

“I would loot both the outlying town and the fleeing civilians of all foodstuffs and movable wealth, before settling down to a lengthy siege to starve the defenders…”

“No, that is a stupid plan.”

The knight began to tear up.

“Oh, stop it! Look, someone here surely knows the right answer. Come on, tell me what it is.”

“I would order my cavalry to charge.”

The voice was obscured by the knights in the front rank.

“Charge? What do you mean?”

“Yes, charge. Full attack, give the enemy no quarter.”

“Who? The guards?”

“No, the civilians.”

The other knights groaned while de Julliac cut in.

“I’m sorry, Connubium, Johannes gets carried away sometimes.”

“No, please continue, Johannes.”

“Well, that’s all there is to it. The standard charge and full frontal assault on the fleeing column of civilians.”

“What about the castle?”

“Hmmm, I’d have to say that we would charge while conducting full frontal assault.”

“Really, is that all?”

Johannes peeked his head from behind his fellows and wiggled his brows conspiratorially.

“If I was feeling sneaky, I’d feint to the right, and then the charge and full frontal assault.”

“And what about prisoners?”

Johannes thought for a moment.

“Charge the prisoners while conducting a full frontal assault.”

Connubium smiled.

“You will do nicely. Come here, Johannes, let us discuss the invasion of Morea.”

“Oh, well, thank you. And please, call me Paul. Paul de Paul.”

The two walked out of the courtyard. On their way they passed the docks. A brewer was unloading his cargo. The brewer was holding his head like he had a headache or a hangover. Connubium decided this was the pose of a true philosopher and hired him on the spot.


And now war was on the horizon, with the rising sun red as blood. Of course, Connubium only knew this second hand, but it still felt very impressive as he reviewed the day’s documentation before going to sleep.

He updated Paul de Paul’s dossier.



*Post Transvestite Stress Disorder.

** The EEE, or Equal Elfin Employers, has stated its commitment to the gainful employment of all elves, gnomes, halflings, fairies, and dwarves. Unfortunately, the dwarves generally resent this, pointing out that they should be grouped with midgets other people with pituitary and skeletal disorders. Instead, the EEE forces them to wear chain mail, carry large axes, and quaff large quantities of alcoholic beverages in order to obtain work. Needless to say, this has caused some confusion among 21st Century directors filming in New Zealand.
You know...hmmm...with your obviously corporate background....uhmmm...you need a job?

At least you would make me laugh.

All joking aside, hilariously funny stuff. "if I was feeling sneaky"...priceless. :rofl:
Sir Lancelot: We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril.
Sir Galahad: I don't think I was.
Sir Lancelot: Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril.
Sir Galahad: Look, let me go back in there and face the peril.
Sir Lancelot: No, it's too perilous.
Sir Galahad: Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.
Sir Lancelot: No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. Come on.
Sir Galahad: Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril?
Sir Lancelot: No. It's unhealthy.
Sir Galahad: I bet you're gay.
Sir Lancelot: Am not.


Monty Python FTW.
That man appears to be, not so much gung-ho as gung-howge. :D
I like this Paul de Paul. Seems just right for the matters ahead of him. I wonder, if you asked him what he would do if he was hungry and saw a table of foodstuffs...would he charge and order a full frontal assault? ;)
coz1 said:
...would he charge and order a full frontal assault? ;)

If he did it any other way, he'd put himself and his men at an immediate disadvantage... :D
grayghost: You know, I've seen the worst the corporate world has to offer, and the best it has to offer (including a year's worth of employment at a Fortune 100 Employer) and I have to say that the so-called corporate world isn't for me, whether as peon or management. So, I've condemned myself to poverty with a career in academia. Academia, much like my time in the military, suits my temperament better. But, if Scott Adams can get a laugh from corporate humor, I don't see any reason that I can't. ;)

leftyboy: You know what's funny? As much as Monty Python will inspire/inform Paul de Paul, I have to say its been my recent work with Malory's Le Morte Darthur (the spelling the Oxford scholars give the Winchester manuscript before some starts wanting to punctuate it differently ;) ) that has really inspired me to include a "Lancelot" like figure. As ridiculous as Monty Python paints Arthur's kniggits, Malory paints them in an even more farcical light. I'd make Paul de Paul look like Sir Balin rather than Lancelot, but then everyone would accuse me of unnecessary violence and general bloodshed... against women. :eek:

stnylan: All I can say is... :D

coz and cthulhu: You never know. He might try to be sneaky and use the knife and fork as a feint. :D

Alright, I will probably have a post up in the next 24-36 hours. Depends on how much editing I have to do of pictures. I found some actual artwork from the real-life Fra Angelico, and I have the urge to post a new recruiting poster. You know how that's going to go. :)
Charge and order a full frontal attack - he's not leading a squad of cheerleaders is he?

Is Connubium inconvenienced at all by all those religious items lying around - crucifixes, garlic, holy water, churches and altars that the Knights like to frequent? I'd hate for Connubium to reach uinsuspecting, choking on the latest piece of idiocy from a force of Knights, for a chalice only to down a large liquid refreshment of holy water or eat blessed bread. He may find getting off the island a problem. His superiors clearly don't like him?
Brilliant and highly entertaining read. Inspires both AAR writing and playing one of the smaller mediterranean nations - going after the big, bad wolves of Ottomans, Mamelucks etc...

One request if you don't mind - in addition to the brilliant narrative, would you mind posting an update of the map when you post, to see what progress you make in land gains?


Some extra feedback before I post tonight's episode.

Chief Ragusa:

Despite the fact that I am the author of this particular vampiric tale, I cannot offer a complete explanation for the various technicalities of a vampire's existence in this world of great silliness I have created. I can only offer two hypotheses regarding vampires and various holy items and symbols.

#1: Vampires are unaffected by these things. As a result, it doesn't bother Connubium, and as old as he is, he probably thinks Christianity is just a passing fad anyway. After all, he remembers what the world was like before Christ was born.

#2: Vampires are affected somewhat by these things, but Connubium is affected far more by Aphippos' incompetence. As such, he spends his time fuming and being angry at his leader, rather than being frightened of the fifty thousand crosses that litter this Christian fortress.

Pick which one you think is more logical and/or funny. :D

the second dime: You will get a far more detailed breakdown of what the world looks like after a couple of years. I have three wars and a string of Badboy wars to fight before I get to a map screenshot. Note that this all takes place in the span of about twenty years, and I did not anticipate becoming a badboy that quickly, otherwise I would have taken more map related screenshots. It's going to get fun, so I'm glad you've signed up to watch it happen. :D

Alright, a shorter post going up. Special note: All of the recruiting posters in the next post are based on actual Fra Angelico artwork. You can find them all here; just do a search for Fra Angelico. (Just citing my source here, and helping out any curious readers.)
“Connubium, come quickly! The Grandmaster says it is an emergency!”

The Messenger was nearly floating off the ground in a state of agitation as the ancient vampire opened a single, anemically bloodshot, eye.

“What did I tell you about acting human? And about waking me up at noon?”

The Messenger set his feet firmly on the ground.

“I’m sorry, but the Grandmaster threatened to come in to your room himself and open the window.”

Connubium opened his other eye.

“There is no window in my room.”

“He said that wasn’t going to stop him.”

Connubium grunted.

“Hand me my flowing black cape with the Hood of Darkness™. If I must go about the fortress during the day, I can at least do it safely and in style.”

The Messenger helped him dress, and led him to the Grandmaster’s War Room. In the War Room was a delegation of French diplomats, including the Marquis de Obtus.

“Ah, now my finest advisor has arrived. Would you care to restate your business?”

As he spoke, the Grandmaster’s sword hand twitched. For his part, Obtus sighed and casually recounted his initial message.

“The thousand unannexed vassals of the French Empire descend upon you. His highness, Louis, king of France, sovereign of all Picardy, Burgundy, Lorraine, and St. Helena, recognizes your honor and valor as Christian knights and crusaders…”

It’s too bad that Picardy, Burgundy, and Lorraine are all in the hands of vassals who refuse to pay tribute or fight in France’s wars. But what is this Saint Helena he is blathering on about?

“… and so he offers you the chance to retain your lands and wealth. Simply refuse the request for aid coming from the Pope, and his supreme kingliness will not burn your fortresses to the ground and carry your advisors off in chains.”

The Grandmaster appeared to think for a moment before speaking in reply.

“Walk with me, Obtus, and let us talk of diplomatic matters.”

They were walking towards the well within the fortress.

“There is a problem with your request. You see, the Virgin Mary came to see me last night. And she told me about your arrival. And she also told me about the evil of your king and his so-called bishops and cardinals. She even mentioned your impertinence...”

“What is this blasphemy?”

Both men were near the well.

“…I asked her for guidance. And do you know what she told me? She told me that the Papacy cannot be allowed to be soiled by the French. Their foul accents cannot be allowed into the hallowed halls of the Vatican. And their disgusting aristocrats must be tempered in the fires of war. Those that do not survive will be plunged straight into Hell, from which none may return…”

Grandmaster Despuig suddenly drew his sword. Fra Angelico had inadvertently walked into the room with a piece of brown chalk. When he saw the unfolding drama, he started scrawling on the floor to capture the moment.

“This is madness! Blasphemy! Sacrilege! No one kills messengers! Not even the heathen Turk!”

Despuig’s eyes went wide with fury.

“Blasphemy?Sacrilege? Madness! This is The Knights!”

Without flourish, Obtus and his servants were stabbed and pushed into the well as Fran Angelico grabbed for a second piece of chalk.


As the Grandmaster patted his guards on the back for a job well done in slaughtering unarmed messengers, Connubium turned towards The Messenger.

“So, it looks like someone got a little carried away with the shadow puppets last night.”

The Messenger contrived to look hurt.

“But I followed your instructions as well as could be expected. Besides, isn’t this the result you wanted?”

Connubium glanced at his diplomatic reports.


“Yes, I suppose it is. As such, I need you to get a message to Paul de Paul in Morea. Tell him to finish defeating the godless Orthodox heathens in Athens and return to Rhodes. I have a new task for him.”

The Messenger ran out of the room.


“Yes, Grandmaster?”

“Would you send a message to the Pope? And pour him a wineskin full of water from this well and tell him that it is French flavored water for his pleasure.”

Connubium winced.

“Of course, Grandmaster. And shall I have Paul de Paul return to Rhodes once Athens is sacked.”

“Yes, but only long enough to replace his losses. I intend for him to attack Provence, Argmanac, and Foix.”

“Any other orders?”

“Yes, if he has time, tell him to also attack Maine, Poitu, and Normandy as secondary targets.”

“As you wish, Grandmaster. I am sure he will be overjoyed at his wide selection of enemies to fight.”

The Messenger ran back into the room.

“Message for you, sirs!”


“Paul de Paul reports victory in Morea. Anticipating your orders, he has annexed Morea. He has also taken the Byzantine royal garb and cleaned his horse’s…”

Connubium cut in.

“Yes, yes, I think we get the point. No point in belaboring the petty details.”

The Grandmaster looked puzzled.

“Can he do that? I thought only I could perform diplomatic functions.”

“If you remember, I mentioned that Paul de Paul is a real go-getter. You agreed with me, and you assigned a number of diplomats to him, so he could negotiate treaties of annexation all by himself. It saves us the trouble of waiting months for messengers to go back and forth when he can just use up a diplomat himself. Save’s everyone time and gives him leave to continue charging with full frontal assaults.”

“Oh, well, smart thinking, Connubium. Sorry, I forget these finer details of statesmanship while I’m busy thinking about the war.”

“Of course, Grandmaster. Also, shall I preview Fra Angelico’s new recruiting posters?”

“Yes, Connubium, do so. I shall retire for an afternoon nap and pray for further dreams of blood and war from the blessed Virgin.”

“Right. I shall retire as well.”

Tired, but unwilling to go back to sleep until he had done some more work, Connubium went back to his room and pulled out the initial sketches of Fra Angelico’s new recruiting posters. **






Pleased with these results, he turned his attention to the unopened letter from Aphippos that lay next to his bed. He had intended to save it for later, but seeing as how he was up already, there was no point in not lighting another candle and seeing what his imbecile leader wanted.

“My most beloved Connubium,

It is almost time for performance reviews…”

Connubium dropped the letter to the ground, crying out, “The horror! The horror!”

*This has often been cited as Fra Angelico’s best use of chalk, but he was never satisfied with it. As he put it, “I would never have had to make them look like Spartans if I had a blue piece of chalk handy. Oh well, it was the best I could do with this once in a lifetime opportunity.”

**The recruiting posters were making a difference. Instead of only 39 men a month, Connubium could claim almost 50 men a month. He almost did a dance of joy upon hearing the news, which just goes to show that even vampires can be silly.
#2 seems more likely for the world you have created, but Connubium probably does believe Christianity is just a passing fad.

Thr French have colonised Saint Helena? Already? Will Paul de Paul ever fight non-Chrisitans? I don't think he'd understand the difference anyway. That's a tough war you'll have against the French and their allies. If matters weren't difficult enough with advising on that war, Connubium has to make time for a performance review.
A Performance Review...

Could be worse. Could be a full hands-on Inspection! :eek:
Oh my goodness!

Secret Master, it was reading your Castilian EU2 AAR that persuaded me to join this board long, long ago and begin writing my own AARs, and since you disappeared I'd been waiting for you to come back ... it's such an amazing joy to find you back (though I'm kind of embarassed it took so long to notice this AAR was here :eek:o :D ). And writing comedy! Wow! :D

Am I the only person in the world who hasn't seen "300"? I only recognized the picture because Stephen Colbert talked about it last night. Hmm... has anyone told you what a bizarre name Connubium is? He is hardly enjoying any sort of bliss at this point...
Hajji Giray I said:
Am I the only person in the world who hasn't seen "300"? I only recognized the picture because Stephen Colbert talked about it last night.
No, you are not.

I too, only recognized that picture due to Mr. Colbert.

As for the AAR, it is extremely funny, however I find myself constantly noticing Fra Angelico in my games now.
Hajji Giray I said:
Am I the only person in the world who hasn't seen "300"? I only recognized the picture because Stephen Colbert talked about it last night. Hmm... has anyone told you what a bizarre name Connubium is? He is hardly enjoying any sort of bliss at this point...

I also have not indulged in that movie.
Secret Master said:
It is almost time for performance reviews…”

Connubium dropped the letter to the ground, crying out, “The horror! The horror!”

I had my 'first' job performance review the other day. I found it most amusing considering I've worked for the University for 29 years and they just now got around to evaluating how I’m doing. I think they might have be a bit irritated when I asked if I could eat some popcorn while they did it. Still I received two gold stars, a brownie point and a wink-wink nod-nod from my supervisor who took all the credit for my good work even thought she hasn’t supervised me in years. Might be because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Glad to hear you’ve escaped the corporate world. For some reason I didn’t see it as a good fit for you. No idea why, go figure. ;)
