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hjarg said:
Sparta (ie Achaean league) has relations of 155 and a trade agreement with us. As for Rime and Seleucids, they are too far down the list to be seen from screenshots :rofl: Still, we have no common borders with them so far, so the risk isn't perhaps that big.
I doubt it's a trade agreement. I think it's a tribute, as the very same screenshot tells us that Aetolian League could pay us some tribute as well.

I'd go for Illyria as well - you'll get rid of country that cuts you off from rest of Balkans. Unchallenged they can become a threat in the future, when you'll be busy elsewhere. I'd try to keep friendly relations with Greek Cities. They are already (or will :D) paying us tribute and don't seem like a threat to us. Expansion there would cost too much in terms of BB/lowered relations.

It's certainly worthy to build a large fleet now. You're in position of England: your potential enemies land route to your lands is difficult now; fleet will come in handy.

When you have the fleet, intervene in Rome-Carthage war on losing side. You'll certainly be able to tip the balance, and retaining status quo in the west is important. You could gain a powerful ally as well.

In summary: Illyria, then fleet, then Roman-Carthaginian war
I don't know if anybody's mentioned it yet. But I've found the Selucid rebels. They are in Antioch and Edessa in the screenshot below the one with the battle against the barbarians
Keraunos said:
I doubt it's a trade agreement. I think it's a tribute, as the very same screenshot tells us that Aetolian League could pay us some tribute as well.

Considering we have a pretty good relationship with them, i doubt it's tribute. After all, they can't be too happy about it giving part of their treasury to us, right? But it seems only King can clarify this, of course.

By the way, Illyria needs to be destroyed.
Hm, Ilyrria seems to be sentenced fo sure - "Ceterum censeo Ilyrriam esse delendam" :rofl:
hjarg said:
Considering we have a pretty good relationship with them, i doubt it's tribute. After all, they can't be too happy about it giving part of their treasury to us, right? But it seems only King can clarify this, of course.

By the way, Illyria needs to be destroyed.
Well, if I was in their rulers position I would refuse tribute and tell them to come and get me but I am pretty sure that a lot of people would rather pay tribute than have their land conquered and themself ultimately killed.

This corn is well grown and Illyria must be destroyed. :D
runnersan said:
There is always a chance for political crisis if he dies heirless:)

I hope it is modeled in EU:R :)

Or even worse: Testament his kingdom to Rome!:eek:
I hate to jump on band wagons but our next immediate military target is Illyria. However I would suggest shoring up Greek support and internal building should be the priority. We should only attack Illyria when an opportunity presents or they begin to threaten our colonial ambitions.

In the medium term we should be improving relations with Egypt but avoiding an alliance. Propping up Egypt creates a counter to the Seleucids while we deal with our own back yard. We should be using indirect methods to keep them occupied.

Rome and Carthage are doing very nicely at the moment. Why interfere? Wait for the war to end and use the same indirect methods to support the loser and try to maintain a balance where both sides waste their strength.

The worst thing Macedon ever did was bring Rome into Greek politics. We aren’t ready for the Great Game yet so we should avoid attention and build, build, build.
Duritz said:
I hate to jump on band wagons but our next immediate military target is Illyria. However I would suggest shoring up Greek support and internal building should be the priority. We should only attack Illyria when an opportunity presents or they begin to threaten our colonial ambitions.

In the medium term we should be improving relations with Egypt but avoiding an alliance. Propping up Egypt creates a counter to the Seleucids while we deal with our own back yard. We should be using indirect methods to keep them occupied.

Rome and Carthage are doing very nicely at the moment. Why interfere? Wait for the war to end and use the same indirect methods to support the loser and try to maintain a balance where both sides waste their strength.

The worst thing Macedon ever did was bring Rome into Greek politics. We aren’t ready for the Great Game yet so we should avoid attention and build, build, build.
True, I agree that we shouldn't declare war on Illyria w/o a CB. That way we can circumvent the need to "stab the pig" as much as we did after Epirus. Hopefully we can manufacture a core on one of their providences or "claim their throne" to gain a CB b/c the sooner they are taken out the better. Illyria should be destroyed... eventually.
Is there anything you can do to check Illyrian power without actually going to war? Maybe pay off some barbarian hordes to attack?
I like the idea of building while we wait for an opportunity to attack Illyria.
Fine then, but don't say I didn't warn you when we get ringed by the Beast from the East just because we were preoccupied with some crappy semibarbaric coalition that has shown no propensity for aggression beyond putting tendrils into a small handful of equally cock Balkan provinces.

Obviously going head to head with the Seleucids now you will get decked - indirect means at first - do what you can to undermine them at the margins and help their rivals in every possible way. I agree with those who have said you need a fleet sharpish. Don't squander valuable prestige, manpower, rep and stability conquering a horde-magnet wasteland.

How are relations with Rome and the Seleucids right now, out of interest?
I'm not too big on this navy idea actually, I don't think it will be too hard for the Selucids to cross to our side and our time/money would be better spent shoring up our actual kingdom/making allies/and building soldiers/defenses on the closer coast. I don't know how long it takes to build ships but I would imagine it's at least in the months and the costs, especially for our small kingdom would never allow us to compete with the Sel's right now. Cheap expansion to the north can only bring benefits imo. I'd actually like to double our army to about 45k or so of good units. If we can actually get the Greeks to ally with us a quick Campaign against Il would not be a bad idea. Doing so when the Sel's are otherwise engaged would probably also be in our best interests. Allying with Carthage seems feasible as well, and shoring up Egypt sounded like a good idea to me.
Ok Ptolemy's circle of advisors are a bit divided here, with have hjarg the elder leading the war party against Illyria, while we have other voices calling for diplomacy and fleet construction. While other voices are calling for consolidation. It looks like we will have to try a balanced strategy here. However there is still time to win the debate. I have a few things to do first.
I would go for Illyria. Try to estimate their army size if you can. Can't you sail the fleet up along their coast to see if there are any armies in their coastal provinces? Then they only have one province covered by fog of war so you shouldn't get too many unpleasent surprises.

If you think Illyria is too strong then consolidate and colonise instead although Illyria is limiting our colonizing options severely.
A fleet scouting mission sounds like a good idea.
Illyria needs to be stopped before it's too late. Take a look at their colonization strategy. It has been aimed to cut off Macedonia from the northern Balkans, while giving them free reign to colonize to grow into a superpower. We're in a race with them on getting the most unclaimed provinces in the Balkans, and once they cut us off, there can be only war.
Ok I did quick fleet scouting mission. I can 6 cohorts on the border and none on the coast. There is one province I can not see from either the border or the coast so there may be more troops hiding in the interior. Also Illyria has access to both Iron and Horses, which means that its army should be of a much higher quality than the Greek states to the South.

Edit: I'll delay starting todays update for a bit, while you consider this information.
edit: disregard what i said, it was a minute too late :p

But 6000 men vs our 31 000 seems like quite the favourable odds indeed. Even if they're hiding something in that one province. That's a colony anyways, right, so there is good chance that the main army isn't stationed there?

I'd still say, war time!

As for iron and horses, our boys have them as well. And we have plenty more of our boys and one pretty decent, if a bit insane general. Plus, let's nor forget: Ptolemy can actually flank!

Illyria is well grown and corn must be destroyed :D
ups :p
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What are the odds that you can get a CB on Illyria?

Edit: I'm for war too but would prefer if we didn't get too many stab hits