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Hello everyone!

I'm Tobias Bodlund, Scripter on the Crusader Kings II team, and I bid you all welcome to this week's dev diary for Crusader kings II: Charlemagne.

Autumn is coming in Sweden but the birds are still singing, though sometimes out of tune.

Today we'll be discussing some new changes that affect how you rule your realm. Some of these things are obviously patch content, while some are locked to having the Charlemagne expansion.

The first thing we've done is to add a vassal limit. This is exactly what it sounds like - a limit to how many vassals a ruler can have without receiving penalties. Every vassal of count tier or above will count against this limit. The vassal limit will be higher for rulers of higher tiers, and for rulers with higher diplomacy skill. Another factor that increases the limit is your dynasty's prestige. You can also affect your vassal limit by changing your Centralization Law (this touches on an important new law mechanic - more on this later in this dev diary).

So what are the penalties of going over your vassal limit? Well, you will immediately get a penalty to the taxes and levies for all your vassals. This penalty increases exponentially, and if you go far enough over the limit you will get no vassal taxes or levies at all.

The second danger of being over the limit is that when your ruler dies, there is a chance of any vassal simply becoming independent instead of swearing fealty to your heir. The risk of this happening increases the higher over the limit you are. Vassals who are geographically more distant from your capital are the ones who are most likely to declare independence.


We've also made a very important change to how laws depend on technology. Many laws are now unlocked by advancing your Legalism technology. Higher levels in this tech are needed to unlock higher levels of Centralization, Crown Authority, Levy and Taxation laws and Viceroy laws (again, just keep reading to find out more about this). This means that you will see a big difference in the tools available to organize your realm early game vs late game.

With these changes, Legalism no longer directly increases your demesne size limit, this modifier has been removed. Also, the short reign penalty modifier has been moved to the Majesty tech.

So, what does the Centralization Law do now? Well, firstly, it's a demesne law and so applies to your entire realm. Secondly, it has five tiers, going from fully decentralized to fully centralized. Lower centralization grants you a bonus to Vassal Limit, while high Centralization grants a bonus to Demesne Size Limit and a penalty to Vassal Limit. This presents the player with an interesting choice - do you want to focus on a larger, less centralized realm or on a stronger personal demesne but having a harder time of organizing your many vassals?

How legalism unlocks laws will be moddable to a large extent.

Now, to viceroys... With the Charlemagne DLC, it will be possible for a non-tribal emperor tier character to appoint viceroys to rule any kingdom or duchy titles that the emperor himself holds. This is effectively a lifetime governorship, where the viceroy becomes a vassal of the empire. Any landed vassal of count tier or above can be granted a viceroyalty. However, the viceroy does not own the title, but rather rules in his liege's name. When he dies, the title goes back to the liege. For all other purposes, the viceroy functions as a normal vassal. One character can hold several viceroyalties.


The ability to appoint viceroys is unlocked by the Legalism tech, and kingdom viceroyalties are unlocked much earlier than duchy viceroyalties.

Viceroys will gain an opinion bonus to the liege who grants the title, so should usually be quite loyal. However, should a viceroy mount a successful rebellion or otherwise become independent he will gain the granted kingdom or duchy as a permanent title.

We have also made some changes to regencies. The essence of it is that a character's regent is now more of a conscious actor, and will not automatically act in the liege's interest. A regent who dislikes you will be somewhat likely to make things difficult for you, and certain types of personality traits will also be likely to cause problems. Diplomatic actions may be blocked if the regent does not approve, for example. A friendly regent is your best bet for getting things done your way, but there are also other considerations. Any regent is likely to prefer seeing you married to someone of their own religion and culture, for example.


Since choosing your regent has now become much more important, you will be able to name a regent beforehand, via "Award Honorary Title" in a character's diplomacy interface. Your Designated Regent is officially recognized as the one chosen to take the reins if a regency is required.

In addition to the things mentioned, there are a number of smaller changes intended to make ruling your realm more interesting, and some intended to just make it easier. One example of this is the possibility for a councilmember to help you assign recently acquired titles for you if you have a lot of them.

In the final dev diary next week we will be talking about the new tribal mechanics. See you then!
I just had a thought... Since we now have Viceroys and we can create our own empires.. Does that mean I can reborn Ancient Egypt Minus the Egyptian Religion. I mean we have the Roman Empire and Now I want to reborn the Egyptian Empire to its former glory, Although they be Greeks but hey... I can do better than the Ptolemies. Just have to Ruler Design the first char and his relgion but Eh should not be that hard to find a location were I wont get attacked by Muslims right of the back.

-Drools over the possibilities- And this adds more years to the game right ?. So even better
I just had a thought... Since we now have Viceroys and we can create our own empires.. Does that mean I can reborn Ancient Egypt Minus the Egyptian Religion. I mean we have the Roman Empire and Now I want to reborn the Egyptian Empire to its former glory, Although they be Greeks but hey... I can do better than the Ptolemies. Just have to Ruler Design the first char and his relgion but Eh should not be that hard to find a location were I wont get attacked by Muslims right of the back.

-Drools over the possibilities- And this adds more years to the game right ?. So even better

If you have three kingdom titles and Kingdom/Sultanate of Egypt is your primary kingdom title, then you should be able to have titular "Empire of Egypt" on the map. Since it takes three kingdoms for titular empire.

I assume color will be the ugly light green though, unless one can change that somehow.

Too bad it will be hard Zunism to Egypt as that is the only sun god religion available. Reforming is also too damn hard if you use ruler designer in Egypt :D
Another viceroy question: What happens if a viceroy ends up fighting their liege (either alone or as part of a faction)? I assume that won't count as independence and change the succession law, but what happens if the viceroy dies during the war?
If you have three kingdom titles and Kingdom/Sultanate of Egypt is your primary kingdom title, then you should be able to have titular "Empire of Egypt" on the map. Since it takes three kingdoms for titular empire.

I assume color will be the ugly light green though, unless one can change that somehow.

Too bad it will be hard Zunism to Egypt as that is the only sun god religion available. Reforming is also too damn hard if you use ruler designer in Egypt :D

Well that kinda of sucks.. I wanted to recreate the Egyptian Empire, But I suppose I should go as a Orthodox ruler in Egypt and pray nobody attacks me. Eh But then again challeges is what make this game great. But regardless I want to kick the Muslims out of Egypt and have someone else rule it and see how long it will last. Not sure how powerful Mulims are at the new start date though.

Either way I want Egypt to rise up as a Empire once more...As long as the ruler is not Muslims... Or Catholics :p
With the custom character creator you could start as the Hellenist sheikh of Alexandria (don't ask me how he became Sheikh) then go up from there (or get revoked along the way). At its peak the Egyptian Empire was something like de jure Egypt+Nubia+Jerusalem+Syria. You won't be able to create Jerusalem since you're not Catholic/Jewish but Egypt+Nubia+Syria should be enough to create a titular empire.
With the custom character creator you could start as the Hellenist sheikh of Alexandria (don't ask me how he became Sheikh) then go up from there (or get revoked along the way). At its peak the Egyptian Empire was something like de jure Egypt+Nubia+Jerusalem+Syria. You won't be able to create Jerusalem since you're not Catholic/Jewish but Egypt+Nubia+Syria should be enough to create a titular empire.

Thank you for the information !. I know what I am going to get tomorrow Time to get Ruler Designer:p

Yeah it was not as big but since this wont be historical.. Maybe Ill have Egypt Go and take over Rome !. Oh this is going to be fun to play indeed !
Either way I want Egypt to rise up as a Empire once more...As long as the ruler is not Muslims... Or Catholics :p

Well, if you are ok with save scumming, you can do this in Charlemagne start.

1: Use ruler designer to create Zun ruler to Egypt.
2: Save game, start as Abbasid Caliph and grant independence to Egypt. (as I believe Egypt starts as Abbasid vassal)
3: Save game, then start as Zunbils and Buddhist dynasty ruling in Gandahar.
4: Swear fealty to Egypt with both (as they are dukes) and I think diplomatic range is enough.
5: You now control three holy sites (Cairo, Bost, Kabul) and fourth (Multan) is one county conquest away.
6: Gather enough piety and MA to reform faith, perhaps save scumming auto victory for the fourth holy site, etc.
7: Profit

For further save scumming, create kingdoms of Punjab and Afghanistan, then use it to create titular Empire of Egypt. After this, release Afghanistan and Punjab and go nuts with your sun worshiping Empire. This sort of defeats the challenge though but I would guess you can still have plenty of difficulties getting your Pagan Egypt off the ground due to political realities of Middle-east :D

At least this way you probably have closest thing to old Egyptian empire. Alternatively you can just go with Hellenism but Zun has more mechanics, (likely) more events and the yellow color is nicer than the light red of Hellenism. Hellenism does have one holy site in Egypt like Zun, which gives MA and faster conversion and requires less "scumming" unlike Zunism. In later starts, reforming Zun of course becomes quite impossible due to king-level rulers having control of holy sites.
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I was digging around in my old screenshots, and came across something interesting. Is there any chance that a realm breaking up due to being over the vassal limit might look something like this?


And after:

Excite! :)
I'm a little concerned with exactly how distant vassals randomly going independent will work. I understand if you are an Emperor in France and your empire stretches to Sweden and Russia and some Slavic lord who swore fealty to your father doesn't want to swear to you.... but shouldn't there at least be a CB to make them? How can empires ever expand if the farthest bits from your capital randomly go independent whenever there is a succession?
I'm a little concerned with exactly how distant vassals randomly going independent will work. I understand if you are an Emperor in France and your empire stretches to Sweden and Russia and some Slavic lord who swore fealty to your father doesn't want to swear to you.... but shouldn't there at least be a CB to make them? How can empires ever expand if the farthest bits from your capital randomly go independent whenever there is a succession?

Well, it only happens when you are far over your vassal limit, so don't do that and you'll be fine.
Question, will the viceroy system be hard or moddable? Meaning will it be possible to mod it to where Kings can appoint duchy viceroys, once they've acquired the technology? Also will it possible to appoint count level viceroys are mod such an option into the game?

Because I would love to be able to create mod with a special decision that allows you to do away with that silly system of giving lords land so they go about warring with one another like rapid wolves. Disrupting your kingdom's peace, stability, my life miserable for the common-folk. Hey it worked for Ancient china. There could also be penalties, such as one that hurts your relation feudal lords, especially those next to your realm who will live in constant fear you expanding into their lands and striping them of their titles.
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The devs said having viceroys won't stop them from warring inside your realm. The only restrictions are on inheritance.
Unknown. They already have free revocation of duchies though.