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The British would never let the Zulus in charge of South Africa, which is why I think it's so strange that the natives become the primary culture of a released dominion.

This is exactly what I was thinking too. Primary culture of the protectorate should be the primary culture of the nation releasing it. Reforms/decisions should be able to add natives as accepted cultures. Revolutions should replace the natives as the primary culture, depending on the revolution.

Doesn't make sense that you release a protectorate and it INSTANTLY gets to train guards and other high-end units which require cultural compatibility. Protectorates would just be too easy and a no-brainer.
Swiss-Baden War of Honor? *sigh* Baden, how could have you angered the Swiss so?

More seriously, Switzerland needs a special AI.

Maybe so.

This looks really awesome, I'm really excited for this. However, I'm confused, what was the point of colonizing West Africa if you were thinking of releasing it anyway, besides demonstration purposes? Was it to gain access to the resources through the sphering?

Purely for demonstration purposes.

This is such a small thing to get exited about, but I love it so much. Less micromanaging for the player, and the AI has less opportunity to be dumb. I approve!

I'm with you -- I always forgot to use my troops in AHD or vanilla when the bonus was present.

So many things that are going to make this game even more awesome than it already is. I am so excited I have actually been counting down the days in my head.
Great informative AAR! Very happy to hear the troop bonus is being removed for colonising, evens things out. I have high hopes that this expantion will finally make the map look differant at the end of the game than it does at the beginning with crisis and stuff.


Insteresting update. Does the size of the dominion released affect the number if CP's freed? (Ie releasing the whole of Canada frees more CPs than say Yemen)

Since every colony (which is represented by state) takes CP to keep, the number of freed CP depends on how many colonies (states) is included in a new dominion.

Exactly right!

Spain seems to be having way more fun than ever before. :)

That's because I've cut out the actual mechanics of getting smacked around by France; that part wasn't very fun. ;)

Very nice update.

I've got some questions:

Do Dominions cease being Dominions if they become a great power / secondary power? I'd imagine that if you were to release that large "spanish africa" block, the resulting nation might be able to gain 8th place within a few years.

Second question: can I colonize inland provinces which are connected to a dominion of mine?
That might be useful to counter the above effect, take a few provinces -> release, take a few more, release again, albeit it might be difficult to balance.

1. Good question; I honestly don't know.
2. No. It has to be your territory, not your puppet's.

Quick question. Why does Sierra Leone have British as the primary culture? Are all dominions just using a British placeholder for now and the dynamic cultures or whatever just haven't been implemented yet?

You got answered a bit down the line.

Thank you for this informative AAR!

I have some questions about the dominions: Are they civilized? If yes: Do they have the same technological level as you? Are their provinces full states or colonies?

Edit: I've just seen in the screenshot that Sierra Leona is civilized

AFAIK, they're full states. Not sure about the tech level.

Liked the update. One bit of information was of special interest: "Soldier POPs must be larger to get you troops from a protectorate"

Does the same apply to colonies? And what is the penalty like for protectorate soldier POPS?

No; the soldier POP penalty is only for protectorates. As far as the actual penalty, I'm not certain. TBH, I usually upgrade to colonies ASAP. :)

I would imagine so since you're SPENDING CP's on each Canadian state.


Is spending CP rate state-pased or province-based?
So is there difference between state of 5 provinces and 2?

It is state based; the number of provinces is irrelevant.

It would be nice if there was an option for countries with coastal colonies (e.g. Portugal and Angola in your example) to dispose of their partition of the state just to keep the borders tidier.

It would be nice, but probably won't happen. :)

OMG the confederation thing is cool :D

I like it too!

Since I gave you a thumbs up for declaring support for the Polish independence in the previous update, it's only fair if I give you a thumb down now for abandoning the poor Poles :p.

On a serious note - the game really looks interesting. I haven't followed the DD's (though I've already pre-ordered HoD anyway): are there any major changes to the economy?

The synergy bonus is the big change, but there's been an overall economic rebalance as well. As I said in an update, a lot of the techs have been changed.

This, definitely this. Why British?

Podcat answers you later on.

Nice to see commanding dominion units is indeed a choice. I always hated the massive wars where you had to check on Africa to win, even though the actual important fighting was in Europe anyway.

It didn't make much of a difference for me in this game, but I did like to use their transports.

I explained this on last AAR. Hes using an old build where they had british culture. You cant really start over with each new beta build for an AAR or you will never finish it.

yes, you can do that


Thanks, found it:

In addition to that, do we know prior to release what the primary culture and accepted cultures will be? Or is it sort of a surprise. I'm asking because some of the larger land masses will be a bit hard to guestimate with.

That's a good question actually. Primary culture will be the local tribal majority, the peoples who will be in charge of the government of that dominion (so it's playable as a country). Other significant tribes, as well as master country's culture will be treated as accepted, to make sure they don't get discriminated against. British culture for everyone, the way it's shown in Avi's screenshots was just a placeholder and is a thing of the past now.

For example, here's an (exclusive!) pic of a dynamic Austrian dominion in Somalia:


Very nice!

I understand that, but before releasing them will we know who the majority is or will we have to guess? The reason I ask is because, if these dominions are areas of contiguous lands, they will be made out of large numbers of states at times resulting in a fairly vague knowledge of which groups actually have a majority before the release of the dominion. I'm wondering if it says on the tooltip before release what culture will be the primary one.

You hold them as colonies before you release them. So you can check the POPs who live there, through the population screen or culture map mode. It's typically very easy to predict who gets control of the government where. You could as well go to the map of Africa in AHD, check the cultures for regional majorities and predict who will get what in HOD.

Thanks for fielding these for me, delra. I can't believe how many comments I've gotten in just a few hours! :eek:

Why does it really matter? Would it have that much of an effect on your choice to release them?

Depends on the player.

What happens if the United States releases its colonised states as dominions?

Also, are Dominion flags randomly generated as in CK2?

You'd probably get a decent sized dominion covering the American northwest, I'd guess. Yes, the flags are randomly generated.

Yes. I won't go into detail, but I feel better about giving up territories if the people of the country I am playing are still the primary ones in charge. Sort of how the Brits did with most of their dominions in real life.

Fair enough.

Awesome work on the aar ,i love it! And if i had doubts bout buying this expansion ,you can consider them now as removed. :D


The British would never let the Zulus in charge of South Africa, which is why I think it's so strange that the natives become the primary culture of a released dominion.

I hope it's moddable. It is fairly unrealistic. I can't think of any dominion the UK, or anyone else for that matter, willingly released that went on to be governed by people outside of the enfranchised colonialists.

I honestly had no idea that, of all the things I've talked about it in these two updates, that the culture for dominions would be the most controversial.

Huh. That's actually a pretty good question.
Is there some mechanic preventing the AI from releasing colonies it has cores on?

How are Sokoto, Transvaal, Oranje and Zulu still around?

They probably got sphered by somebody. As to your first question, as of this build I played (which was from April 5, a lot has changed!) the AI hadn't been taught how to release dominions or when to do it, yet. Very much work in progress.

Sounds like it would be a much more generous than history Indian Reservation.

Could very well be!

You can always save, release and see the result (and load if you dont like it)

That's true.

Honestly, this "largest culture is the primary culture of the released dominion" thing only really makes sense in the case of Canada, which has Anglo-Canadian pops. Everywhere else (except Australia and new Zealand, I suppose), you'd get ahistorical dominions that have the natives in charge. If you released South Africa as a dominion right off the bat, you'd get a native run nation, which just makes no sense within the historical context of the game.

Ideally it should be largest accepted culture. So Canada becomes Anglo-Canadian, but South Africa becomes British.

Why are people equating primary culture with ruling class? I certainly don't: think of it as asking the question, "of what culture are most of the people?" That's how I think of it.

The one thing I do not like is that the AI is given all contiguous territory.

I hate that. I should be able to tell them what they get, not play the system so that I can release a dominion, then colonize, then release, etc.

That's probably the one thing I do not like so far.

I'd find kind of tedious for very little benefit, myself. Your mileage may vary.

I just remembered this: because the nations of Canada, South Africa and Australia already exist in the game, they already have a defined culture, and are not affected by this new feature. The problem only arrises when you liberate dynamically generated dominions. While we won't see South Africa run by the zulus, the xhosa or the khoisan, an animist Senegal led by african minor is a possibility... a terrible, terrible possibility.

Because I don't think it's plausible that the europeans would be selfish enough to abdicate of the white man's burden. No. The white man alone must carry that burden into the heart of darkness. The natives must be spared! Their innocence can not be spoiled by the hardships of self governance. We must guide them. They must learn to speak the language of civilization, they must abandon their childish beliefs and be redeemed by the word of Our Lord, and we must bring them civilization whatever the costs. It is our duty. This noble and difficult task can only be carried by us, for if let to themselves they would quickly descend into the savagery they came from.

I'm sorry, I don't want to derail the thread any further, this is a great AAR, but please Podcat reconsider your decisions and do the right thing ;)

See what I said earlier.

That bonus was stupid anyways. The AI almost never used it.


This is exactly what I was thinking too. Primary culture of the protectorate should be the primary culture of the nation releasing it. Reforms/decisions should be able to add natives as accepted cultures. Revolutions should replace the natives as the primary culture, depending on the revolution.

Doesn't make sense that you release a protectorate and it INSTANTLY gets to train guards and other high-end units which require cultural compatibility. Protectorates would just be too easy and a no-brainer.

Well, not to steal delra's thunder, but Guards aren't the world beaters they used to be any more.
Why are people equating primary culture with ruling class? I certainly don't: think of it as asking the question, "of what culture are most of the people?" That's how I think of it.

Because when you mouse over the tooltip it states "the group of people that are treated like first class citizens in your country". Primary culture is very much the ruling ethnic class.
Because when you mouse over the tooltip it states "the group of people that are treated like first class citizens in your country". Primary culture is very much the ruling ethnic class.

Fair enough.
I agree with the others on this thread that I wouldn't release a dominion if it inherited a native culture as a primary culture, and not my culture as primary... I really wanted to make a dominion empire as well spreading my culture as first-class :(
I agree with the others on this thread that I wouldn't release a dominion if it inherited a native culture as a primary culture, and not my culture as primary... I really wanted to make a dominion empire as well spreading my culture as first-class :(

That, of course, is your decision, but I beg you not to judge based on this beta AAR. :)
Have they exported the relationship factors that play into accepting agreements like right of passage and alliance to a text file? I don't think they're moddable atm. Like -50 for "has alliance with another great power" and the such.

I get pretty perturbed that the league of the three emperors or the triple entente just breaks days after making it, and I'd like to be able to adjust these variables to allow them to perpetuate in reasonable conditions. This assumes that the reasons they break alliances are related to those that they make alliances.

I figure with the crisis system, alliances between great powers means much more than it did before. I'd rather appreciate if Prussia wasn't constantly crapping on it's bro Austria in these events.
Because when you mouse over the tooltip it states "the group of people that are treated like first class citizens in your country". Primary culture is very much the ruling ethnic class.

Just to complement on that, look at the following cases:
South Africa, primary british, accepted boer, both minorities
Ethiopia, primary Oromo, majority amhara
Liberia, primary afro american, majority kru
Belgium, primary wallonian, majority flemish
Bolivia, primary south andean, majority quechua
Peru, primary south andean, majority quechua
Paraguay, primary platinean, majority guarani

Primary culture was never intended to be the culture of the majority, it's the culture of the elite. Pops assimilate to the culture of the elite, because they want to be considered first class citizens and have the same privileges. Now consider this, if the liberated dominions have the native culture as primary, it means that under residency policy the citizens of the master's nationality are not allowed to vote. Her Majesty's subjects are not allowed to vote. In Her own dominion.
For me the whole primary culture issue is not a huge deal.

I am more interested in the crisis mechanic than anything else.

I guess you could RP as a benevolent civilising force if you want.
Awesome read my friend.


Have they exported the relationship factors that play into accepting agreements like right of passage and alliance to a text file? I don't think they're moddable atm. Like -50 for "has alliance with another great power" and the such.

I get pretty perturbed that the league of the three emperors or the triple entente just breaks days after making it, and I'd like to be able to adjust these variables to allow them to perpetuate in reasonable conditions. This assumes that the reasons they break alliances are related to those that they make alliances.

I figure with the crisis system, alliances between great powers means much more than it did before. I'd rather appreciate if Prussia wasn't constantly crapping on it's bro Austria in these events.

No idea; you'd have to ask somebody with knowledge of modding. :)

Just to complement on that, look at the following cases:
South Africa, primary british, accepted boer, both minorities
Ethiopia, primary Oromo, majority amhara
Liberia, primary afro american, majority kru
Belgium, primary wallonian, majority flemish
Bolivia, primary south andean, majority quechua
Peru, primary south andean, majority quechua
Paraguay, primary platinean, majority guarani

Primary culture was never intended to be the culture of the majority, it's the culture of the elite. Pops assimilate to the culture of the elite, because they want to be considered first class citizens and have the same privileges. Now consider this, if the liberated dominions have the native culture as primary, it means that under residency policy the citizens of the master's nationality are not allowed to vote. Her Majesty's subjects are not allowed to vote. In Her own dominion.

You and others have made your positions on this quite plain. I am certain that the devs are looking into this, and may have already adjusted things for the eventual release.

For me the whole primary culture issue is not a huge deal.

I am more interested in the crisis mechanic than anything else.

I guess you could RP as a benevolent civilising force if you want.

You certainly could.
I honestly had no idea that, of all the things I've talked about it in these two updates, that the culture for dominions would be the most controversial.

You and others have made your positions on this quite plain. I am certain that the devs are looking into this, and may have already adjusted things for the eventual release.

Just to be clear, the reason that the culture thing is being noted is because its the only thing that we notice that isn't what we expect it to be. Everything else looks great and was well covered by the AAR. The culture thing is a minor bit too, as at least there is now an actual purpose to making dominions. So overall a positive change, even if we disagree about some points of the implementation.

Edit: Also, I would have loved if the game had a religion map mode, as religion and culture are two massive parts of colonisation for me. Didn't want to start a new thread for that observation, so thought I'd mention it somewhere where the devs may eventually see it. Not a biggie, but would add a little flavour.
Just to be clear, the reason that the culture thing is being noted is because its the only thing that we notice that isn't what we expect it to be. Everything else looks great and was well covered by the AAR. The culture thing is a minor bit too, as at least there is now an actual purpose to making dominions. So overall a positive change, even if we disagree about some points of the implementation.

I'm glad you've liked the AAR. :)
Avindian said:
I honestly had no idea that, of all the things I've talked about it in these two updates, that the culture for dominions would be the most controversial.

you must be new to these forums :)

When you turn a colony into a state, do you just spend colonial points, or does the process also require the 1% of primary culture bureaucrats we have had so far?

It also require primary culture bureaucrats. So even with a lot of points you cant rush it much faster
Making the primary culture the culture of the coloniser doesn't just make sense in terms of game balance and the fact that IRL dominions were characterised by minority rule, but also because it helps clarify that imperialism was oppressive and unjust. Being able to create dominions in the 19h Century which are non-white majority ruled is something of a whitewash of history.
Making the primary culture the culture of the coloniser doesn't just make sense in terms of game balance and the fact that IRL dominions were characterised by minority rule, but also because it helps clarify that imperialism was oppressive and unjust. Being able to create dominions in the 19h Century which are non-white majority ruled is something of a whitewash of history.

But we dont really want colonization in HoD to be oppressive and unjust for the same reason as germany doesnt build concentration camps in Hearts of Iron. We are focusing on GP conflict and competition. If you want a modifier on cultures based on skin color its just not happening.

note that this does not apply for scripted historical dominions like Canada. The added cultures is only for dynamic countries, so if you disagree that the local african minorities should be primary culture of a region you can just not release them. Do note also that they are your puppet and in your sphere, so its not like they arent ruled by your country.
But we dont really want colonization in HoD to be oppressive and unjust for the same reason as germany doesnt build concentration camps in Hearts of Iron. We are focusing on GP conflict and competition. If you want a modifier on cultures based on skin color its just not happening.

I think nobody in this thread is actively promoting genocide or racism, nor are they campaigning to have you add them in the game!

The question being discussed is that of colonial politics, which should be a viable topic considering the nature of the expansion. Also, the fact of post-colonial states having a ruling class that was not of the majority was a major issue in the way those countries developed, as it was a source of major instability in many cases.

I am personally on the fence about this (and will therefore loose prestige for admitting that) mainly because the accepted, primary, and secondary culture mechanics would require a make-over for this to work properly - since you can't have movements or even revolutions to grant a culture a different status, post-colonial nations would be forced to remain as they were released.