Ask Paradox (almost) Anything Thread (no support/tech or code questions)

  • We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
It is an open office plan. Teams are usually clustered together and it really helps with communications. I quite like it, even if the noise and distractions can become a little problematic at times. But that is what the noise-cancelling headphones are for.

Thanks, that was fast! I agree that being in an open office can sometimes be helpful for communication. I just forgot that, generally speaking, Swedish are more considerate than most... and also, I should have invested a bit more in a good noise-cancelling headphones.
Sorry if my questions in this thread are low-quality. I'm new to this forum.
Haha it's not a low quality question :D!
Personally I'd love to see the community interact even more. This isn't easy though as our community is already extremely involved, engaged and passionate when it comes to talking to other fans.
I've read the rules around three times. What should I do to stay out of trouble on this forum?
Remain civil.

If your blood boils up because of someone's post... close the thread and let yourself cool down before replying. :)
I've read the rules around three times. What should I do to stay out of trouble on this forum?
Treat others with respect. Don't be rude. Don't argue with the moderators in public (if you wish to query a moderator decision - PM them)
Sorry if my questions in this thread are low-quality. I'm new to this forum.

Don't say anything bad about vicky 3 or that the chance of it actually being released are pretty low. I made this mistake once and I'm still receiving death threats ;)
This is very good advise so I'll quote it again.
Hi. Do you have any advice on how to soften controversial posts and be more polite when stating harsh opinions? I want to be polite when stating something controversial without "diluting" the message.

I'm not touching the Israel-Palestine thread with a twenty foot pole, and I am considering avoiding all threads about Donald Trump.

Nice Dr. Strangelove reference in your quote BTW. :)
I was confused by Had a Dad's question. :3
Sorry for this late reply: My question was meant in a humorous way, and I apologies if it didn't come across that way.
I want to be polite when stating something controversial without "diluting" the message.
eh... sticking to known facts and away from conjecture is the best way. Also understanding that opinions are not facts :) Paradox games tend to attract people that are capable of critical thought so it isn't necessary to beat a point to death for others to understand what you are wanting to convey. That said, most of what you just referenced would be topics for the OT and the best way to get information about the etiquette of the OT is to ask there.
Sorry for this late reply: My question was meant in a humorous way, and I apologies if it didn't come across that way.

eh... sticking to known facts and away from conjecture is the best way. Also understanding that opinions are not facts :) Paradox games tend to attract people that are capable of critical thought so it isn't necessary to beat a point to death for others to understand what you are wanting to convey. That said, most of what you just referenced would be topics for the OT and the best way to get information about the etiquette of the OT is to ask there.
OK. :)
What is all the approved for dissemination information about the new Paradox Interactive Studio release that'll be announced at PDXcon? On streams they've said it'll be something the community has been requesting and excited about for a long time.

I don't know what Rome actually was, and I'm not really interested in that, but I was absolutely chomping at the bit to hopefully see a reveal trailer for Victoria III this summer. I've seen the PDXcon trailers where they said it will not the the game they are revealing, which was a bit of a punch in the gut. (Just make a kickstarter, I paid $90 for Hoi4 FM, I'll pay $100 for Victoria III). My question is whether the company has decided that it is not an viable product to create, or whether it may come out at some point in the future, and if so when that timeframe may be (2019,2020,2022, etc)?
Hello Paradox, so I was utterly thrilled to see the new game , "Surviving Mars" hit the pre-orders for PS4. Love a good survival strategy game. said "Ask anything" so.
At the end of the launch trailer there is a really nice piece of music playing and I was just wondering what the song was and, will it be in the game.?


In Surviving Mars will there be are putting in "walkways" between domes? It seems to be redundant to make every dome have the same things in it to be fruitful? I know to a extent they all cant be connected, but the close ones should be able to.
In Surviving Mars will there be are putting in "walkways" between domes? It seems to be redundant to make every dome have the same things in it to be fruitful? I know to a extent they all cant be connected, but the close ones should be able to.
Please post this in that game’s forum, thanks.