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Hi folks!

The topic of the week in this series of dev diaries for Stellaris is what sets empires and species apart from each other. Most obviously, of course, they look different! We have created a great many (ca 100) unique, animated portraits for the weird and wonderful races you will encounter as you explore the galaxy. These portraits are mostly gameplay agnostic, although we have sorted them into six broad classes (Mammalian, Arthropoid, Avian, Reptilian, Molluscoid or Fungoid) which affect the names of their ships and colonies, for example. To give additional visual variety, their clothes may sometimes vary, and when you open diplomatic communications with them the room they are standing in will appear different depending on their guiding Ethos.


Speaking of Ethos, this is no doubt the most defining feature of a space empire; it affects the behavior of AI empires, likely technologies, available policies and edicts, valid government types, the opinions of other empires, and - perhaps most importantly - it provides the fuel for internal strife in large and diverse empires. When you create an empire at the start of a new game, you get to invest three points into the various ethics (you can invest two of the points into the same ethic, making you a fanatic.)

Collectivist - Individualist
Xenophobe - Xenophile
Militarist - Pacifist
Materialist - Spiritualist

Your Ethos will limit your valid selection of government types, but there are always at least three to choose from; an oligarchy of some kind, a democracy or a monarchy. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, in monarchies there are no elections, and you do not get to choose your successor when your ruler dies (except in Military Dictatorships), and if you die without an heir, all Factions in the empire will gain strength (oh, and there may be Pretender factions in monarchies...) On the other hand, each ruler may build a special "prestige object" in his or her lifetime, named after themselves. For example, military dictators can build a bigger, badder ship, and Divine Mandate monarchs can build a grand Mausoleum on a planet tile. Of course, both ethics and government types usually also have direct effects on the empire.


Keep in mind, though, that there is a clear difference between the empire you are playing and its founding race. Empires and individual population units ("Pops") have an Ethos, but a species as a whole does not. Instead, what defines a species is simply its initial name, home planet class, and portrait (and possibly certain backstory facts.) Each race also starts out with a number of genetic Traits. As with the empire Ethos, you get to spend points to invest in Traits when you create your founding species at the start of a new game.

It is natural for individual Pops to diverge in their Ethics, especially if they do not live in the core region of your empire. This has far reaching consequences for the internal dynamics of empires; how Pops react to your actions, and the creation and management of Factions, etc (more on that in a much later dev diary!) Traits are not as dynamic as ethics, but even they can change (or be changed - this is also something we will speak of more at a later date...)

The traits and ethics of individual Pops of course also affect their happiness in various environments and situations. Naturally, they cannot even live on planets that are totally anathema to them…

That's all for now. Next Week: Leaders and Rulers!
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I don't think there would be much point in having constitutional monarchies if the defining in-game features of monarchies come from them not having elections.

Listen. Strange platypi lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery platypus threw a sword at you! I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened mammal-beaver-duck thing had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
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Can you stop discussing marxism vs socialism and take it to an appropriate thread?

Like the OT forum?

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Does your initial homeworld population start out fairly uniform in their ethics and aligned with the empire ethics? Is there some kind of force that causes pops near your center of government to gravitate toward your empire's ethics?

Increasing diversity of opinion based on distance from the center seems like a fairly natural way to model the difficulties of large empires!
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can we mod in as much ethics as we want? I ask this in relation to if the UI can handle it. IE if I have 10 different ethic categories will the UI stretch or create a scroll-able area?
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Yes, you can have capitalist democracy or communist dictatorship and then flip it up so you could also have capitalist dictatorship and communist democracy. The funny thing is, communist democracy has yet to happen in real world history. Unless you count the Maoist party rule in Nepal but I'm fairly positive the economy there is still capitalism. The thing is, most of the world are mixed economy. So it'd better to have economy determined by multitude of policies that collectively determines what type it is. For example, add collectivism policy, state owned enterprise policy, etc. and you get communism. but if you switch collectivism with free market but keep state owned enterprise policy and certain policies, you get state capitalism. Each policy would give weight towards one or more economic systems. Whichever economic system gets most weight from policies becomes your official economic system.
Communist democracy is an oxymoron, Communism according to the communist manifesto is inseprable from violent uprising. Socialism through gradual democratic reforms is called social democracy, and there has been plenty of social democratic parties in power. Diffrence is since they work through gradual reforms none of them has achieved a full on socialist society. Then again neither has any communist uprising, those tend to get stuck in the dictatorship of the proletareat, and unlike communism those countries who have dabbeled in social democracy are all on the top ten richest countries per capita list while the formerly communist ones score very badly (russia for an example has a median standard of life worse than india).

Also get your terminology right communism is not the same thing as socialism.
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I mean, great dev diary - nice to see a species portrait which is unambiguously non-humanoid.
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Does Leader Name mean the name of your first leader or the title?

Also, I think the globe icon is a sort of scientific monarchy while the one with the lightbulb is like enlightened despotism from EU4, since it's in the same column as the moral democracy and the hippie looking government.

The eagle of course is Byzantium, when you pick that you turn into the Byzantine Empire.
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Wait... Seriously? How are we are supposed to make insectoid "hive mind" races?

I'm hoping / assuming that they're just talking about dictatorial USSR-type Communism. Some kind of democratic collectivism will probably represented and if you're talking about the a stereotypical hive mind species then some kind of monarchy would be more appropriate anyway.
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Hey! Paradox,

*leans over table and looks Paradox directly in the eye*

Paradox. Don't screw this up, alright?

*continues to stare at Pardox for several more seconds*

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I think the thing is that there are only government types not economic types, which is a bit of a shame since the distribution of wealth can be fairly important. Are all your pops comfortable or are some extremely rich and others extremely poor? Stuff like that. But I think things like that will be based on other aspects other than government. So if one wanted to be "communist" they could be a democracy and then have economic policies to best match, but I think our economic politics are going to be fairly limited and we won't have a huge array of sliders and boxes for property rights and finance.
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Only question now is whether my Imperium is Militarist x2 Xenophobe x1, Militarist x1 Xenophobe x1 spiritualist x1, or Xenephobe x2 Militarist/Spiritualist x1.

(assuming this is the 40k imperium)

Imperium's one a 1 on the xenophobe scale; they will at least work with other species against a mutual threat and tend to ignore xeno species that keep themselves to themselves while they focus on more pressing threats (HINT: they will never, ever be done with those more pressing threats because 40k).

I'd leave off the militarist too; the lore is very focused on the military for obvious reasons but their societies not *that* militarised and the military definitely plays a subordinate role to civil governance. Most Imperial citizens will never sever in their military or see a war zone.

So, yeah Spiritualist 2 and Xenopobe 1. Also, pick a government which most closely resembles feudalism.
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Regarding three points, it's kind of the perfect number for simple yet deep customisation with the way they have set it up. It means you can always go as a fanatically X, Y species, or go slightly into three out of the four things.
Personally I'd prefer only limitation on being fanatical in only one aspect. As for everything else, why can't I be xenophobic, individualistic, materialistic and militaristic? What's the logical base for that?
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What was the release date of Stellaris ?

Steam says early February and the game is currectly in late alpha so not too soon, not too late, if there aren' going to be significant delays (well, it is already late alpha so I don't expect gigantic problems...)

What I am wondering though is how many developer diaries are we going to get. EU4 had 40+ DDs but it was announced in much earlier stage of development. If Stellaris was released 16th February it'd mean there are 'only' around 16 DDs left.

Do you really use wikipedia to "define" what is and what isn't communism?
If you wanna wrong informations you could ask some nazis about that....
Wikipedia is not place where you can find correct informations on such topics....
And even if you think wikipedia is not sided with any of sides of conflict .... it is....
look north korea page with sources that are basicly claims without prove... it's like "it's correct because they say so!"...

I am not sure if I am more surprised by your negative attitude, league-of-legends-community insults, your Godwin's Law or you suggesting North Korea is not that bad :p
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I notice that there aren't any mechanoid/synthetic or silicoid races in the mix (or any explicitly cybernetic races, but those could be mixed in). That is a little disappointing.

Most likely DLC material because mechanoid/synthetic races would need special treatment. They shouldn't function like biological races with metal.
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[screams like a little girl after reading the DD] this is sooooo coool!

ok so 15 different goverment types. i like it! (who is going to try and name them all :))

question to the devs: if the majority of your pops have different ethos as the empire can the empire change its Ethos and thus eventually its government type?
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