Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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A fantastic choice - my sincerest contrafibularities, Tanzhang (譚張)! A wonderful AAR.
Agreed. This is a great piece of work. Congrats, Tanzhang (譚張)!
Congratulations Tanzhang (譚張)! Very well deserved for an awesome AAR
Before I begin let me just thank Jape for nominating me for this award. It is always an honour to receive any award from anyone in AARland but to recieve one from an author of the calibre of Jape is worth twice as much. Let me also say that I'm absolutely thrilled to have been awarded the showcase: after a dry spell of almost three years since I last won it (for my first AAR; it was also the first AARland award I had ever been nominated for, which made its capture all the more thrilling), I honestly thought I might never win it again! I suppose it is only fitting that the first AAR deemed worthy of the showcase since Onze Plaats in de Zon should be my "remake" (I use the term remake very loosely) of Onze Plaats in de Zon. Thanks to Jape once again, and I know that for this coming week I have my work cut out for me in trying to find a successor worthy of the past two weeks' excellent nominees: In the Shadow of God and The Republic.


Thank you! :)

A fantastic choice - my sincerest contrafibularities, Tanzhang (譚張)! A wonderful AAR.

Thank You too Densley, keep those obscure Blackadder references coming! :)

Congratulations, Tanzhang! You just keep producing great AARs!

Nice to see you're still around Qorten, thanks! :)

Congratz Tanzhang, keep up with your work! :)

Thank you, oh divine and most benevolent of editors. *kowtows*

Agreed. This is a great piece of work. Congrats, Tanzhang (譚張)!

With all the numerous AARs you seem to be following at the moment I'll have to take your word on that. Thanks for the kind words. :)

Congratulations, Tanzhang (譚張)!

Thanks... does this mean you might stop by my AAR some time and offer a comment or two? :)

Congratulations Tanzhang (譚張)! Very well deserved for an awesome AAR

Thank you too Mondo, keep up the good work! :)

Awesome job, Tanzhang!

Great to hear you think so Avindian, thanks! :)

Congratulations Tanzhang!

Thank you. :)

Congratulations on the Showcase, Tanzhang! Which reminds me, I need to check in on it...

Indeed you do, thanks for the kind words and the frequent comments. :)
恭喜你, 譚張! Congrats, Tanzhang! I've still got some catching up to do on your AAR, but I'm certainly liking what I've read so far.
Congratulations Tanzhang (譚張)! I'm not sure I'll ever catch up at the rate I'm currently reading AARs, but what I've read I have enjoyed.
Revan86: 谢谢你! Thank you very much, let me know once you do catch up. I'd love to hear from all of you :)

Malurous: Oh, I can relate... Thanks for putting in the effort to read some of it though! :)

RikD: Nah, I'm the one who's late! Thanks for the compliment and for putting in the effort to read my AAR! :)

Apologies for the long delay, but I've been exceedingly busy this past week and haven't had much time to read (let alone write) AARs - this made picking a successor quite difficult, given that my two favourite AARs at the moment happen to be the past two winners. The showcase was the first AARland award I had ever won, and so I thought it was only fitting for me to look for someone who hadn't won an award before (well, not one of the "big three" anyway.) In the end I decided upon RikD's Case Study: I assure you, the AAR and AAR concept are far more fascinating that the dreary sounding title!
Congrats RikD! Keep filling that trophy case! ;)