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I didn't want to. The de jure empires don't do it for me. Too bland and fake (Carpathia WTF!?). I wanted a true Swedish empire instead.
Fair enough. I think the Swedish coat of arms looks better anyway.

I wanted to be a good Christian king (it's a roleplay thing for me) so I went for all the things asap. It would be sooo much easier to just continue as a tribal pagan (ask the king of Ruthenia with his tens of thousands from tribal vassals) but that's just not how I roll. So I started as a unreformed pagan tribal high chief in 867 and now I'm a catholic feudal emperor. Managing 20 dukes while waiting for the 8000 prestige for the custom empire was NOT fun. Good thing there's Carousing focus! I couldn't wait to give away the damn kingdoms. Gave one to my son for his 18th birthday. And thank God for Muslims! I really wasn't looking forward to declaring three wars at a time for a dirt-poor duchy with 2k garrisons and 1k supply limit. Now it looks like I'll be eating Muslim land all the way to the Holy Lands, which I did not picture when I began the game (I was planning to expand in Russia instead). I'm looking for claimants in the Christian countries while waiting for the threat cooldown(75,5%). And yes, I do intend to clean up in the British Isles.

East Francia formed the HRE. Byzantium is an absolute beast, repelling Jihads left and right. Bulgaria was completely conquered by Khazaria at some point, became stronger under them, rebelled and started to eat them.

I'm just impressed by the surprisingly normal looking HRE. I've never seen it form like that naturally.
I didn't want to. The de jure empires don't do it for me. Too bland and fake (Carpathia WTF!?). I wanted a true Swedish empire instead.
By forming a custom empire you integrated all your realm in the empire anyway, and if you just wanted the CoA you could have just changed in the game files without any problem
I didn't create a custom empire for some time, but at least in previous versions, when you created a custom title the kingdoms you had were de-jure vassals of the custom empire you created
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You need to completely own the kingdoms. (Wasn't that way originally though)
and they can't be held by somebody (unless that's you)
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This is a "Caliphate Strikes Back" achievement run. You start in 1066 as the Sunni Caliph with 3 counties and the duchy of Baghdad. i restarted 5 times due to disease killing me within 10 years so i turned the frequency down in settings. no defensive pacts .no conclave. I formed the Empire in 1189. Mongols just go there might play around a bit until bored.



Seine Kaiserliche Majestät Öyesteinn von Dänemark, Kaiser von Deutschland und Skandinavien! König von Dänemark und Sachsen! Volker von Midgard!

Finally conquered enough of Central Europe to create Germania and made it my primary title. Most recently I vassalized the Cerdicings in Wessex by kidnapping the youngest brother of the previous king, raising him in the faith, and then installing him over his nephew so he would accept diplomatic vassalization. Of course, because I have slightly fewer levies at the moment than the King of Lombardy he's declared war on me in hopes of recapturing Austria. It'll be bloody but I should be able to beat him or force him to white peace, none of the other Catholic nations are his allies and I have enough gold to hire some mercs.

The next job after this is going to be to decide whether I want to keep Scandinavia, destroy it, or give away the empire to the af Munsos in Sweden.

I realize its not too impressive but its my first serious game and I'm proud of it. In this game the black death ravaged the entire world once then popped up again 40ish years later and died out in Andalusia. Also, I have survived 3 or 4 jihads for Jerusalem.
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Have to say i'm pretty proud of that one, I've only conquered the base roman empire( All the parts you have imperial reconquest cb on), germania and mesopotamia and then i let my vassals conquer for like 200 years before the end. (Just wanted the spqr and the survivor achievement really) ^^
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Meet Sergia II Lesbioi, second queen of the kingdom of Lesbos and matriarch of the Lesboi dynasty.


A look at the vassals of the ERE:


I started in 1066 as Eudokia Makrembolites, countess of Lesbos and basilissa of the Byzantine empire and am attempting to play until the end date with female rulers only. the starting position was tough because Eudokia starts 36 years old, married to the Byzantine emperor, and with 6 non-dynastic children. The only chance to preserve the female lines is to get her unmarried 41 year old sister (who is also a countess) matrillineally married to one of your courtiers and cross your fingers that she gets a daughter within 5 years. Once that's done though, things get easier becuase Eudokia has already ruled for 10 years and can instantly switch to elective monarchy and nominate her sister as heir. There were some other hiccups, but fro there it went fairly smoothly, with the occasional spoiled plan.

I eventually created a solid power base in Greece and manage to grab 3 of the 5 provinces of k_serbia. As soon as I created the title I renamed it into Lesbos and my dynasty into Lesbioi (courtesy of the customizer DLC) and that's pretty much it. I've been pushing into Africa and the game tells me I have 44% of the power of my liege, the Byzantine emperor.

The kaiser is Sergia's third husband. She married him after her lowborn boy toy died because it was free prestige and in case my liege gets upset that I'm trying to murder his eldest son. You know, the one that isn't matrilineally married to my own heir.
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Update to my Taghlibid Empire:


I'm pushed into eastern Iranian territory and now waiting for de jure drift. I plan to challenge the Qadirid Caliphate for the title of Caliph, but right now they're on a winning streak so I'm kinda stuck.

Tolun and Mesudids are Turkish Sultanates I released to wreck havoc on the rest of India, as well as keep the Hindus in check, which is working very well.

Latest developments in the Fylkirate of Germania. Kaiser Öyesteinn von Dänemark is now in his mid-seventies and still as strong as ever, and I actually had to switch the empire to primogeniture because my eldest son died and my gavelkind/primo combo would have split the empire and held kingdoms. I fended off a holy war from Lombardy, established a German-ruled merchant republic kingdom in Frisia (the Federation of Friesland), and spun off Scandinavia as an independent empire under the af Munsö King of Sweden (though I held onto Denmark as my capital). The main goal is to have the rough borders of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, though as you can see I have footholds elsewhere in Western Europe as well. Some of it was bordergore I inherited when I conquered Bavaria, though Wessex I snatched by conquest: I took the child uncle of the previous petty king prisoner and raised him in German religion and culture, then overthrew his nephew for him and asked for diplomatic vassalization. Then the Jarl of Wessex took over that pocket of Ireland by himself.

Also, a German Germanic conquest host briefly took over three counties in Brittany, but then got holy-warred out of existence by Austrasia. I'm going to see if I can reconquer it and then land a Norseman there to try and create English culture down the line.

And yes, Lombardy stronk, and that is the Papacy in control of pieces of France. I have yet to figure that one out.
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While all that is all god and so.. what the devil happened that made Khazaria have that much land in Poland? :D
I have no idea, it happened while I was doing other stuff. Regardless, the Khazar khagan has gone Sunni, so no more Mr. Nice Fylkir.
Was that ever an option? ;)
It was when they were Tengri and not in my "manifest destiny" area (we were allies for a while). But for whatever reason, even as a Reformed Germanic I'm not allowed to send missionaries to other pagans (though I suppose Germanic nomads would be stupidly OP).

The other goal with this game, of course, is to conclude the German-Frankish feud by the conquest and conversion (or failing that, eradication) of the Karlings. :D