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You should nab Albania while you are at it.
Chapter VIII: A Balkan Requiem​
September 29 - October 17, 1914​

The European war at the end of September, with Luxemburg and Montenegro already having been knocked out by the Central Powers. Note the Russian occupation of northern Silesia and impending invasion of East Prussia.


Late September

Our priorities are clear: wrap up the Balkans, push the Bolshevik pig-dogs out of Galicia, and wait for winter, I mean, push and prevail gloriously by Christmas. In the service of this great goal, our last offensive in Macedonia is aimed at eliminating the tattered remnants of the Serbian army, who put up a gallant fight.


Field Marshal Putnik's last stand

At this stage I should like to mention the heroic defence of Serbia conducted by Field Marshal Radomir Putnik. This man resisted the numerically superior Austro-Hungarian forces for two months and sallied forth valiantly, several times defeating larger armies. He was at the helm of his troops throughout the campaign and is truly an honoured foe.


Radomir Putnik

Ultimately, however, his blood, sweat and tears were in vain. Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours.


The end of Serbia

This is a Good Thing. At last we can transfer some troops to hold the Italian front next year, as well as buffer our crumbling lines in the east, where the usual Galician clap-trap is taking place. Austrian attack, Austrian victory, Russian counter-attack, Russian victory, Austrian counter-attack... but let me not spare you the excruciating details:


Back and forth in Stryj

And so on, ad nauseam. Meanwhile the Germans are being forced back in both east and west. In the west, Entente troops have retaken Brussels, whilst in the German East, the Russians have seized Königsberg, Memel and Elbing. This might inspire something of a crisis of confidence in William II and his generals.


Germany forced on the defensive

In mid-October the weather is already sufficiently poor to damp, pun fully intended, future offensive operations. I love the weather, it means it can never be my fault. Anyway,the point I'm trying to make is that the German offensive in the west seems to be drowning in mud and rain.


The weather, mid-October

In this generally dispiriting atmosphere, victories are needed! The joyous dancing in the streets of Vienna at the defeat of Serbia has barely ended when High Command send more troops to the east. I'm actually using strategic redeployment, but the little arrows look more dramatic.


Troop redeployment to the east
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Time to show the Ruskies whose boss now.
Maj. von Mauser: The Albanians do make the map look untidy, but they're not really a strategic priority right now... maybe later when the inevitable (hopefully) grand world conquest ensues :D And yes, time to boot the Russians out of our eastern territories...

Enewald: I'm sure the Hohenzollern spin-doctors will work overtime on this. 'Glorious Pan-German solidarity as Austrian troops drive the foul tsarists out of Berlin...' :rofl:
Chapter IX: Standstill​
October 18 - November 7, 1914

This update will start with a bang. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the two-month Battle of Stryj (a series of battles, really) is over at last. Large numbers of Austrian troops have arrived in the region and continue to occupy it. We have actually won a battle of attrition, before the troops from the west have arrived.


Austrian troops in Stryj

Although the battle on the eastern front rages back and forth with us losing and retaking Zamosc several times, Germany appears much stronger than before. Königsberg and the rest of East Prussia is retaken by the victorious Germans, who push back the surprised Russian armies.


Königsberg Castle

The European situation as it presents itself in late October is hopeful. Germany has rolled back the Entente counter-attack in the west and retaken her eastern territories, whilst Austria has crushed the South Slavs and is now re-establishing control in Galicia. In the eight weeks we have left until Christmas, winning the war should be downright impossible, er, a piece of cake.


Grand overview

The number of countries in the Entente continues to shrink, let's keep it up. Er, I forgot to mark Turkey on that map, but ah well! While our initial assaults on Russian-occupied Lemberg fail, the German army seems to be making progress again in the west, seizing Sedan and hopefully pushing further before winter:


German offensives

Sadly, these sorts of successes turn out to be short-lived. In the first week of November, the western front comes to a standstill as the armies realise that no significant further progress can be made:


Bogging down in the west

This might cause Austro-Hungarian propaganda a minor headache. But I'm sure we can work it all out. 'Er... well... with these defensive works in place, the enemy will never be able to invade us from the west! You can all sleep safe in your beds now!' To make things worse, the Germans have overextended their lines, with the result that sixteen of their divisions have been cut off - 300,000 men. This might be one grim winter indeed...


The pocket at Amiens
Those dumb Krauts.

At least you took back Stryj though. I look forward to your continued conquest.
Ingenious AI got its troop encircled again :rolleyes:

I know I am repeating itself, but you should not underestimate Italy. They don't suck so much in this mods. They backstab you and with the help of the French, they can advance into Austria and Croatia in no time.

Start making preparations for Barbaro... ehm, let's say sping offensive against the Russians ;)
I remember my first AAR as 1914 Germany where all my navy was sunk in two battles against Britain.. God, how I was annoyed :D
Lord Finnish said:
I remember my first AAR as 1914 Germany where all my navy was sunk in two battles against Britain.. God, how I was annoyed :D

Yeah, it happens a lot in 1914 mod.

You have to retreat if the situation looks bad, because the longer is the battle, the heavier are the losses ;)
Winner said:
Yeah, it happens a lot in 1914 mod.

You have to retreat if the situation looks bad, because the longer is the battle, the heavier are the losses ;)

But huge BB vs. BB battles are the best side in the whole mod, methinks :D
Lord Finnish said:
But huge BB vs. BB battles are the best side in the whole mod, methinks :D

Oh yeah! :D

But they should include some graphic improvements, I just love the SKIF and other new icons.

(edit: I cant forget about how I crushed almost the entire British fleet near Scapa Flow, that was... legendary ;) I felt like if I just won a lottery or something, I guess this is why I play HOI :D )
Finally the Serbians are down, time to take care of the Russians
This is a fun show to watch... :D
Germany better watch out or you will be fighting Russia, Italy AND France at same time, alone and desperate.

When Italy strikes, you'd better fight it fast.. France pumps 40 divs there quick and you can't beat them anymore.
Maj. von Mauser: Silly Germans indeed. We might have to bail them out.

Lord Finnish, Winner: Sadly my genius military strategists have already decided that the Italian army is small, weak and, er, weak, and that the French won't be stupid enough to divert divisions from their main front. As we all know, WW1 generals were never wrong, so sadly I can't take your advice. (Real explanation: I've played and screenied the game for years beyond this point, so sadly I had to learn what the Italian front is like the hard way.) - On naval subjects: I do like my large, week-long naval battles, so good news: I'm rebuilding the k.u.k. navy!

Enewald, Elidioemperor, Capibara: Oh yeah! Two down, several great powers to go. But all the world will be subject to Austria!

Murmurandus: Thanks, I'll try and keep it fun :)

The Young One: With my manpower between 200 to 300, I kind of doubt it. Fortunately I currently have the shortest possible front against the Russians, and my defensive position against the Italians is reasonably strong, so it might work out!