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Hi, I'm a Spanish user, I think I represent the Spanish players saying this, I do not want the money, 40 € € not make me richer, (nor want this to happen again, for me it is a hoax). What I want is the game in perfect condition and if I have to wait, wait until you are ready. What if you would like the Spanish, is that the game is translated into our language, so that everyone can enjoy. Thank you.
Yeah if they really do stick to regularly patching (2-3 times a week I think the figure is?) I'll be happy.

I was pissed like everyone else on release, but I don't see the point right now in demanding a refund if I look back in a few weeks or months and see a functioning game, and then decide to buy the game again.

As for anyone else, I really do recommend taking up their offer about the original SotS. It is worth it and I've definitely wasted countless hours of my life playing it. Fire control command section plus mass drivers = constant barrage of semi-accurate death :D
Although I was screaming 'I'll never pre-order a game in my entire life!!' and still am dissapointed with the current state of the game. I must say I really like the way you guys are trying to handle this. As an avid EVE-online player ( ex-player) I witnessed great horrors in crisis communication that just made the customers go nuts. I think you guys handeld it well, admitted what went wrong and I hope it buys you enough time to set things straight. I didn't play the first sword of the stars so I'm very curious how this game will run when it goes smooth... and probably mentioned in other threads, just a tiny tutorial, a shove in the right direction would be a nice addition...
Oh Jesus Christ! "Oh they used me for my money". Oh come on, like $40 is going to make a difference. Most people piss this kind of money away at a bar. It's one thing to complain about paying for a product that is not ready, and it happens over and over again, but to say "they took my money" like it was $1000s of dollars is just pathetic.

If this $40 really means that much to you, then you should have never pre-ordered the game in the first place or buy it on First Day release. It is getting quite pathetic on how some people are whining about $40.

All I can say for anyone who is complaining and crying, You should have know better. How come people are surprised? It's not like this doesn't happen all the time. Oh wait, yes it does.
Oh Jesus Christ! "Oh they used me for my money". Oh come on, like $40 is going to make a difference. Most people piss this kind of money away at a bar. It's one thing to complain about paying for a product that is not ready, and it happens over and over again, but to say "they took my money" like it was $1000s of dollars is just pathetic.

If this $40 really means that much to you, then you should have never pre-ordered the game in the first place or buy it on First Day release. It is getting quite pathetic on how some people are whining about $40.

All I can say for anyone who is complaining and crying, You should have know better. How come people are surprised? It's not like this doesn't happen all the time. Oh wait, yes it does.

How... unsolicitous.
It is good to hear from you, Martin. I don't want my money back, no sir... what I want is a game that works as it should... a game that I don't have to be hitting Alt+Enter just in order to get to full screen so I can start playing it (that's what I call pathetic, by the way).

But I don't want just a good, stable, version of the game... I want it to be a great game, alright? Now I am a old SOTS player, so I know how you guys used to work... so I still have my hopes that you will get a great SOTSII for me, for all of us!

Now it is Monday, so you should go back to work... no free time for you, mister! Get your hands dirty and get us that game you promised a long time ago... OK?
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I've been a manager in a small games company and I think I can understand they were between a rock and a hard place - if they didn't get some cash flow, the 'game' was probably going to be up in a bigger sense. The shame is that they had painfully built up so much goodwill in the previous years; to see so much of that squandered in a weekend... I'd like to believe that coming clean would have been a possible alternative but a) that would have been a huge risk not only for the company but their own jobs; and b) legally it would probably have been breach of contract with PI. I've had to let people go; could I have justified risking everyone's livelihoods - my team that depends on me and who probably feel like a second family - to test a theory? Probably not.

I just hope they made enough money to finish the game - it is so slow I haven't got through more than 20 turns but it sure has the potential to be the wet dream of space games.

Finally, guys, next time try and think about more innovative ways to help your cash flow that leverages your community in a more positive way than trying their patience. I imagine there are quite a few of us who would pay for the privilige of being involved earlier on, e.g. as a customer focus group or small investor community. I'd happily chip in a few hundred dollars to have a voice in the design process, a copy of the game and even a share of the success. Think of the way elections are financed now with Major Supporters, bundlers , clubs, etc. I don't approve as a voter but I would love to see it tried in the games industry.

Finally, i have to confess the drama of the release has been almost as entertaining as the game could have been. I'm hooked to the forum! :)
Oh Jesus Christ! "Oh they used me for my money". Oh come on, like $40 is going to make a difference. Most people piss this kind of money away at a bar. It's one thing to complain about paying for a product that is not ready, and it happens over and over again, but to say "they took my money" like it was $1000s of dollars is just pathetic.

If this $40 really means that much to you, then you should have never pre-ordered the game in the first place or buy it on First Day release. It is getting quite pathetic on how some people are whining about $40.

All I can say for anyone who is complaining and crying, You should have know better. How come people are surprised? It's not like this doesn't happen all the time. Oh wait, yes it does.

yea some people piss it at a bar, but atleast they get good beer for that $40 or whisckey original brand with quality warranty, so its the main difference, if some one gave u a bottle of beer with some water didnt you be pissed? we people will be silent and dont complain then yea it`ll become a tradition, thats why we have a mess in this world from politics to gaming and so on, if u like to pay money for crap and not working stuff so its your choise.
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Not many companies stand so boldly behind their products, especially after a disaster. You're welcome to spend your hard earned money in other companies, but Paradox and Kerberos have both manned up, been humbled, rolled up their sleeves, and have set a course of action to set things right. I'd pay twice as much money for this game knowing that the company is dedicated to working on it rather than just putting a token patch crew on it and starting on the next project like many other companies do.

For any of you who doubt Kerberos's commitment to their products, look how much effort went into SotS1 and all of the expansions.

I support you, Kerberos. I know SotS2 will only get better and offer a new and better gaming experience each week that goes by. And thumbs up to Paradox for standing by your developers through thick and thin.
I've been a manager in a small games company and I think I can understand they were between a rock and a hard place - if they didn't get some cash flow, the 'game' was probably going to be up in a bigger sense. The shame is that they had painfully built up so much goodwill in the previous years; to see so much of that squandered in a weekend... I'd like to believe that coming clean would have been a possible alternative but a) that would have been a huge risk not only for the company but their own jobs; and b) legally it would probably have been breach of contract with PI. I've had to let people go; could I have justified risking everyone's livelihoods - my team that depends on me and who probably feel like a second family - to test a theory? Probably not.

Well, it has been tested and proven to work already for other games. And I do want to believe that PI is a publisher sensible enough to see how that approach would have greatly helped to solve the situation. They could have even made it look like we got more than we paid for, not less. What a chance!

Additionally, early reviews and the word about this spreading through the gaming community could very well be a much quicker end to Kerberos and the SotS-franchise than coming clean and making this beta a pre-order bonus while delaying the actual release. It isn't just "money vs. honesty", it is "money vs. money & honesty", and I still do not understand why they have just chosen the money that day.
yea some people piss it at a bar, but atleast they get good bear for that $40 or whiskey original brand with quality warranty, so its the main difference, if some one gave u a bottle of bear with some water didnt you be pissed?

Well said amenisto... that is exactly the point, it is not that 40 bucks is such a great amount... we might be willing to buy peanuts or beer with it... but we definitely would want to get what we paid for, if we paid for beer, they better not deliver us water!
After my dissapointment with Might & Magic Heroes 6, and my pure shock and outrage at Stronghold 3, I am reasonably satisfied with Sots 2.
It has everything I wanted, it just dosn't all quite work right, but I have actualy factual communications from those who be in charge that it will work right. Compared with those other two farces of a release I am quite happy with Sots 2.

And for those who are still complaining, just think of a game out there called Star Ruler, I actualy had one of there lead dev's tell me that not only will it not work on my computer (because I use ATI) but that they had no intention of ever fixing it because all the Dev's use Nvida. WTF?

No camparison between the two, you guys got my support! Crap happens at least you guys unlike all the others Owned up to it and more importantly are fixing it, so a HUGE THANK YOU!

When i finish my programming Degree I want to work for a company like yours. You may not always release things perfectly but you keep at it till it is perfect. Just like Sots 1.
we people will be silent and dont complain then yea it`ll become a tradition, thats why we have a mess in this world from politics to gaming and so on, if u like to pay money for crap and not working stuff so its your choise.

I am not saying do not complain, we Must Be Complaining about the state of the game. What I am saying is some of the way people are complaining. They are saying it's like it's not their fault at all and do not take any responsibility at all. One person was going on like $40 was like $1000s of dollars and was screaming Bloody Murder. Like come on, if $40 really ment that much to him, he shouldn't have gotten the game in the first place.

All I am trying to say is yes We need to show are disatisafaction with this game. Yes we should say we do not want to accept this no more. But No we shouldn't be screaming bloody murder because Mecron, Kerberos and Paradox are doing their damnest to fix this mess.

PS I got pissed at the bars drinking bad bear and drinks. Never got my money back and they were never fixed either. :p At least Kerberos and Paradox will fix this. Still that is no excuse though.
I am not saying do not complain, we Must Be Complaining about the state of the game. What I am saying is some of the way people are complaining. They are saying it's like it's not their fault at all and do not take any responsibility at all. One person was going on like $40 was like $1000s of dollars and was screaming Bloody Murder. Like come on, if $40 really ment that much to him, he shouldn't have gotten the game in the first place.

All I am trying to say is yes We need to show are disatisafaction with this game. Yes we should say we do not want to accept this no more. But No we shouldn't be screaming bloody murder because Mecron, Kerberos and Paradox are doing their damnest to fix this mess.

PS I got pissed at the bars drinking bad bear and drinks. Never got my money back and they were never fixed either. :p At least Kerberos and Paradox will fix this. Still that is no excuse though.

well Davor, we all (for who $40 is a lot and for who $1000 is nothing ) didnt thought that game will be in such condition, so its up to individuals to complain or not, if you like it this way dont say then or complain, for others its different situation, and in that mater we deliver a message to devs that we dont tolerate this, if somebody like to waste money even 1000 or 40 on nothing go ahead or better give it to charity, nobody is screeming bloody murder ( maybe some poor, but still its thier right, yes? they are customer and brought a product, which is not complete, but payed for complete so they where cheated) , we just deliver a message to them, thats basically it. well, then you need to chose a better bar where they deliver a good stuff, baranded one and enjoy it :) well we hope they will, if they say we`ll see, trust jobs not words there is a saying :D
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Personally I don't know the big deal. I've come from many releases of many games, and specifically in the d2d age, stuff like this happens. I don't know... I guess being active in the Modding community, yes yes I know Mods =/= Retail, I have a lot of empathy for the people invovled.

I am intrugied about how the code got busted on friday, as that does seem to be what he is implying to us (or perhaps a lay person missinterpretation). In any case, and I'll make a point of this later, I'm INCREDIBLY excited for this game! Got the first one for 8$ on a whim at a Staples Sale bundle... and loved every moment of it. Now what I am given is this incredibly pretty and seemingly deep game and I love every bit of figuring it out!

Its so much more expansive than Prime, I had missed on the expansions, and is what I think is the logical expansion of themes from then!

I never encountered crashes this weekend and only really suffer from poor FPS (20 or less) at times.
I guess just being perplexed and disappointed puts me into a different camp than those filled with rage. Interestingly enough I was mostly disappointed about my lack of mental strength which if present could have made me waiting for the release and the demo first. Because a responsible software buyer usual should wait for a trial/demo at least or be at least absolutely convinced by the reviews :s

Anyway, it's done and cannot be undone. Time to get it fixed!
Honestly This entitled generation makes me what to throw up. Get over it They are a small company trying to make a completely new game. There product was going to be like this as a software professional i know this is what happens. Google and mircosoft do the same thing. Software is like this. I was playing battlefield 3 which oviously had a huge budget and it had bugs. So if your a little kid throw your fit if your some bum asking for money go to wall st and complain like all those idiots. But dont sit there are blame other people for buying something that oviously was going to have bugs on the first day. never buy a game the first day if its going ot have bugs.
this idea that software has no bugs is dumb. especially in a age where auto updates and crash recovery is so large.

Fact is my money was invested in this team why? beacuse I love these types of games. Fact is these people are willing to make these types of games so I am trying to support them. will there be some money making on there part. OF COURSE YOU IDIOTS! thats the point people dont just do there jobs out of the goodness of there hearts. when I go to work I wanna get payed so I can spend my money on fun things. Like Sword of the stars 2. If I spend my money unwisely its just my fault. If you buy food and it makes you fat do you complain to that company that you didnt like there food and you want a refund?

Anyone who is angry over this need to grow up or calm down. They can get a refund you can always get a refund after buying somehting. But to sit here a moan at a team and make them bow down to you is stupid.
Well said amenisto... that is exactly the point, it is not that 40 bucks is such a great amount... we might be willing to buy peanuts or beer with it... but we definitely would want to get what we paid for, if we paid for beer, they better not deliver us water!

What about that really big pizza?

Enough silliness on my part, I'm up for this, I was looking forward to this game because it seems to be the right direction on how I want my 4x Space Strat games.
That and SotS was good, and took much time. :p

I just want to have a good LAN match with my brother (who got me into ths series). As was our plan on Friday. :p
Shape up and lets have a good game in the end. I want the other immersion packs as well. :D (to buy, will take them for free though. Just saying. :) )
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