PSA : Strike craft still bugged and do not properly benefit from ship fire rate and damage modifiers

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Field Marshal
Jun 11, 2019
As some people may know, strike craft was bugged for a very long time and they did not benefit from strikecraft repeatables (which specifically increase strike craft fire rate and damage).

Paradox has fixed that apparently and its mentioned in the patch notes...but they forgot to fix ship fire rate and damage modifiers. They do not apply to strikecraft properly, but the game thinks they do.

Heres an example :


The game thinks ship fire rate and damage apply to the strikecraft on this battleship, and the fleet power is calculated as extremely high because of it.

For testing purposes, i made strikecraft invulnerable, have 100 range, launch instantly, used the invincible console cheat and made strikecraft do a fixed 10 damage. That works out to 80 damage per hangar or 480 damage per volley. Or roughly 4.4k damage per volley after modifiers.


Note that the batlteship has 34k DPS according to the tooltip. An ether drake has 100k armor and 150k hull. It should take less than 8 days of firing to kill the ether drake. Take note of the date at the top right, its 06.12.


14 days later and the strike craft still hasnt gone through the armor yet. Its pretty obvious that the modifiers arent working properly.

I remember that before 3.0, i had done testing and found only the FIRST strikecraft in the squadron benefited from strike craft fire rate modifiers
So I tried changing strikecraft to only have 1 fighter in the squadron and ran the same test. To keep DPS the same, i just increased damage per shot by 8x.


Notic that in one day, the strikecraft is actually doing its correct damage?

In short, paradox didnt fix the bug where strikecraft dont benefit from modifiers properly unless there is only one fighter in the squadron.

The good news is that admiral ship fire rate and damage modifiers DO benefit strikecraft if you reduce the number of fighters to 1 and increase damage by 8x to compensate. (Do note that you need to increase the hp/shields by 8x as well).

Im still not sure if "home territory fire rate" affects strikecraft however.

Quite surprised that this was missed when I reported this back in 2019 :
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The good news is that admiral ship fire rate and damage modifiers DO benefit strikecraft if you reduce the number of fighters to 1 and increase damage by 8x to compensate. (Do note that you need to increase the hp/shields by 8x as well).

Not that it is all that relevant but the math doesn't actually check out here. This actually gives far more burst DPS and less survivability.

You would need to eat through all of the health before damage dropped but your damage would be far better applied.

Shooting 8 ships with 10hp each using a gun that does 15 damage requires 8 shots and each shot reduces the incoming damage as a fighter is killed. where as one fighter with 80 hp takes only 6 shots to kill but is doing full damage until then
This explains how my 18k starbase with only hangar bays and with +43% fire rate and +50% damage from supremacy/agenda gets completely annihilated by fleetpower half its size.
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Not that it is all that relevant but the math doesn't actually check out here. This actually gives far more burst DPS and less survivability.

You would need to eat through all of the health before damage dropped but your damage would be far better applied.

Shooting 8 ships with 10hp each using a gun that does 15 damage requires 8 shots and each shot reduces the incoming damage as a fighter is killed. where as one fighter with 80 hp takes only 6 shots to kill but is doing full damage until then

Yes, thats why its a workaround, since you are forced to limit strikecraft to only 1 fighter in the squadron or modifiers wont work properly.
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Cough cough...

Each squadron has only one ace pilot. All those who follow him are just grunts. Seems legit.

Edit: After respectfully disagreed... it seems people don't like sarcasms and jokes?
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Feels like strike craft has been bugged in some shape or form since Stellaris launched. o_O
You're not wrong. They're the odd weapon out in terms of all the others. Which is a shame, because they're one of the most flavorful.
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I wonder if the Strike Command module for Juggernauts is also affected.

Could you please post your mod or at least provide some guidelines so we can make our own more easily? Which file governs the amount of fighters in a squadron?

I'd really like to try and fix this personally. It always looked like there was too many fighters anyway, so one fighter per "squadron" shouldn't look bad.
I wonder if the Strike Command module for Juggernauts is also affected.

Could you please post your mod or at least provide some guidelines so we can make our own more easily? Which file governs the amount of fighters in a squadron?

I'd really like to try and fix this personally. It always looked like there was too many fighters anyway, so one fighter per "squadron" shouldn't look bad.

Check the component_templates folder for strikecraft. The stuff in the file itself is pretty self explanatory.

The things you need to adjust :

-Number of strikecraft to 1
-Damage by x8
-HP/Shields by 8x
-regeneration rate by 1/8 or so

You also probably need to re-balance them entirely. The fundamental problem is that they are PD, but slow firing PD is neutralised by a single corvette firing a missile. If the fire rate is 4s, that means all you need is 1 missile firing every 4s to keep the strikecraft permanently neutralised.

There are two ways to handle this : Either change them to not PD (so they dont waste their time chasing after missiles like an idiot) or change them to be fast firing (0.5 seconds like regular PD). Tweaking the DPS to be balanced is an entirely different issue, especially considering that they are extremely accurate weapons and larger weapons are supposed to do more DPS in exchange for having lower tracking.
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Check the component_templates folder for strikecraft. The stuff in the file itself is pretty self explanatory.

The things you need to adjust :

-Number of strikecraft to 1
-Damage by x8
-HP/Shields by 8x
-regeneration rate by 1/8 or so

You also probably need to re-balance them entirely. The fundamental problem is that they are PD, but slow firing PD is neutralised by a single corvette firing a missile. If the fire rate is 4s, that means all you need is 1 missile firing every 4s to keep the strikecraft permanently neutralised.

There are two ways to handle this : Either change them to not PD (so they dont waste their time chasing after missiles like an idiot) or change them to be fast firing (0.5 seconds like regular PD). Tweaking the DPS to be balanced is an entirely different issue, especially considering that they are extremely accurate weapons and larger weapons are supposed to do more DPS in exchange for having lower tracking.

I have a question Strike Craft is that influenced by Shield Harmonics?​

I have a question Strike Craft is that influenced by Shield Harmonics?

It would be weak without Strike Craft
Unable to resist a ""P"" with a cyclic enhancement

But I couldn't test it in the game so it's good to be curious
Because I don't know how I can only add Shield Harmonics cyclic..
Can anyone observe this in code?or special manner test?

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At some point you would think Paradox would have gone through the mod workshop to see what well rated mods have fixed their game for them and just yoink the changes. Strikecraft is a perennial bystander in this regard. Long have they been bugged and awful, long have mods fixed them.

Paradox.. why?
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