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That is one intimidating looking HRE, and the Mediterranean is full of powerful realms. Best to exercise caution
Have popped in for a look following your Showcase award. :)
Chapter VIII - The Conquest of Belgrade (1325-1328)

Chapter VIII - The Conquest of Belgrade


When he finally got the opportunity, Károly called his vassals to Visegrád and declared to them, that he'll conquer Belgrade.



Seeing the opportunity two of his stronger vassal, Zsanett Kán of Erdélyország and Henrik Köszegi of Somogyország started their own conquest against Serbia too.


Károly wanted to be sure, so he requested bulgarian aid. His brother-in-law, Tsar Georgi II accepted his call of arms of course.


While the army started to assemble in the County of Temes, a warrior with the size of a mountain requested audience from the king. His name was Imre Döry and he wanted to join Károly's campaing against the serbs. The hungarian king was a little bit sceptical about Imre's motivation, but accepted his offering.


The unified hungaro-bulgarian army counted almost 12.000 men. Károly decided to lead the hungarians himself, just like Tsar Georgi lead the bulgarians.


The united army didn't find any resistance, when they penetrated into the serbian lands, because Károly's vassals already beat the royal army. They tried to chase them, but it was a hard task within the Balkan-mountains with this size of an army. But when the serbs reached the Adriatic coastline, the hungarians finally caught them and annihilated the whole hostile army.


After they broke every resistance, Károly halved his army. He went to Belgrade with the bulgarians, while the another half started the siege of the serbian capital.


But Károly received bad news from the hungarian heartland. Another peasant revolt broke out, just like years before, during the campaign against Ragusa. He left the siege in the hands of the bulgarians and withdrawed his army to crush the revolt.


The rebels were more in numbers, what Károly expected, but they didn't stand against the more disciplined royal army. Eventually, they were just peasants.


When the revolt ended, Károly's men captured the rebel leader and he was hanged in the courtyard of Ikervár like many traitor before.


After Károly left the siege of Belgrade, the bulgarians finished the capture of the city. With the capture of Belgrade and Skopje, the serbs didn't have much choice just to surrender.


Beside Károly, his two vassal's conquest also was succesful. So Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade), Szendrö (Branicevo) and Macsó (Macva) became part of the Hungarian Crown too.


When Károly arrived back to Visegrád, he decided to celebrate the big conquest against the serbs with a Grand Tournament. Of course, he joined the competition too and hoped, he'll be more successful, than last time.


During the tournament Károly spent a lot of time among his vassals. He spoke with them about various things, just like taxation for example. Maybe later he can use this newly acquired knowledge.


But the problems also found the king. Some lunatic women in Visegrád started to spread malicious rumors about him. Károly was really upset, but with the help of his friend, Péter Szentgyörgyi and with a little money, he could solve the problem.


But he wasn't the only one, who met with conflicts. Imre Guthkeled, the Várispán of Kevevár was attacked in his tent at night. He barely survived and his attackers just vanished. Maybe that was only some local feud, but Károly strenghtened the guards just in case.


During the tournament, Mária, the oldest daughter of Károly accompanied with her father. She showed really courage, when she cheered for her father in the first line. An she was really proud after she saw Károly in the joust.


The hungarian king was more succesfull, than last time. He beat his commander, Bertalan Czegey for the finals, but there he was defeated by Pribil Tezalovic, a bosnian knight-errant. For his win, Károly appointed him as one of his commander.


The Grand Tournament was a big success and the king was really pleased. But he got some really sad news from Bulgaria soon.​
An unfortunate end to the alliance with Bulgaria. Just when the bromance between Karoly and Geogri seemed everlasting :(
so bad...
That has to be one of the most eventful grand tournaments I’ve ever seen. Plenty of intrigue!
Chapter IX - The Future of the Dynasty (1328-1330)

Chapter IX - The Future of the Dynasty


Since Károlys sons became adult, it was the right time to secure the future of the hungarian Anjou branch with proper betrohals. His heir, Lajos was betrohed with Princess Stanislawa Piast, the only daughter of the old King Leszek of Poland. While his second son, Henrik was betrohed with Luciana della Torre, the sister of Duke Corrado of Milan. The purpose of these betrohals was to make counterweight against the Holy Roman Empire, because Károlys relation with Emperor Stefan was at least cold.



Lajos, the heir of the hungarian throne was quite similar to his father. He was a tough and talented warrior, though didn't participate in a real battle before. His exemplar was the late Saint László, the Knight-king of Hungary. To prove himself, Károly appointed him as a commander of the Royal Army, and gave him the newly conquered Hercegség of Macsó. He was entrusted with the defense of the southern border.


Of the two brothers, Henrik was the cunning and the pragmatist one. Despite his disability, he learned to walk slowly with a walking stick. Though his appearance was not too pleasant, but he was blessed with a silver tongue, so he was well fitted for the court intrigues. Because of this, Károly kept him by his side as the Spymaster of Hungary.


Henrik proved himself useful, because he found out, somebody want to kill his mother. He started to do countermeasures qucikly, to prevent Queen Inge's tragical death.


After the marriages, Károly also decided about his daughers education.


Moreover, because the king found some opportunity to strenghten the dynastic ties with another countries, he decided about some betrohals too. His eldest daughter, Mária got betrohed with Prince Nikephoros Komnenos Doukas, the heir of Epirus. This step was important, because Károly needed another ally in the Balkan, after his sister died and the Hungaro-Bulgarian alliance was broken down. And to bind the hand of the Emperor, the hungarian king made an engagement between his second daughter, Beatrix, and the heir apparent of France, Prince Robert.




Thanks to the succesful campaign against Serbia, Károlys position strengthened again in Hungary and Wallachia. And luckily these years were peaceful in Croatia too.


One day a knight, called Napoleó appeared in the royal court of Visegrád. He insisted, that he is the real heir of the island of Sardinia and asked help from Károly, to take his rightful title back. The hungarian king didn't have any business before with the sardinians, so he wanted to be neutral. He allowed Napoleó to recruit in Hungary, until he don't do any trouble.


Mária, Károlys eldest daughter was also present during the audience. The king tried to involve her, but the princess wasn't so talkative. Károly decided, he'll speak with her about this in the future.


After Napoleó left the court, the Court Chaplain also requested an audience. He informed Károly, that the bogomils in Bosnia heavily resisting to every converting attempt. If they push them harder, a religious revolt'll be possible.


But at least the missionaries had more succes in Northern-Europe. The Court Chaplain informed Károly about the succesful conversion of the last Sami tribe too. The king didn't know, what to do with this information.


But soon a courier appeared rushing. He came with news from Nándorfehérvár. Károlys first grandchild just born a couple of days ago. And it was a healthy boy.

//Sadly I couldn't play too much with the game last weekend, so expect the next update in the first week of September. Until then, have a nice Holiday :cool: //​
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Huzzah! A healthy boy!
Seems like a web of alliances is set in place , lets hope they prove to be useful cause i can smell war looming :p
A solid period of consolidation. I always like the dynastic element of CK. Growing the family can be as rewarding as growing the realm.
a very healthy succession, that is of course, until brothers start fighting each other
Alliances across Europe, and a healthy amount of heirs (and spares). What more could a king want?
Those troublesome peasants. Can't do without them but they do like causing trouble.
Chapter X - The Imperial Intervention (1330-1335)

Chapter X - The Imperial Intervention


The Free City of Bribir. Originally it was a venetian founded trade post along the Adriatic Coast, but later it became a significant city with vibrant economy under the protection of the Venetian Doge. This city was the last piece for Károly's plan, who wanted to strengthen the hungarian dominance over the eastern Adriatic Coast. But the Doge, Francesco Dandolo sweared fealty to the Emperor a decade ago, thus the hungarian king didn't risk an open conflict with the Empire.


Howewer, the Empire wasn't in his best state during these years. Since Stefan von Wittelsbach died in 1322, three emperor sat on the throne already. Friedrich III only ruled 2 years, before he died in comatose and his successor, Emperor Amadeus was dethroned in 1328 by Stefan's son, Rudolf. Just like his father, Rudolf II also had a dubious reputation. That's why wasn't surprise, when a rebellion started 2 years later.


The leader of the rebels, Engelbert von Berg, Prince of Lower-Saxony knew, if he want to defeat the Emperor, he must divide the Imperial Army. Therefore he sent envoys to Visegád to negotiate with the hungarian king. Károly saw the opportunity, so he made an agreement with the rebels. The Kingdom of Hungary declares war against the Emperor, in exchange Engelbert acknowledge the hungarian claim for Bribir and Merania. To seal the deal they arranged a betrohal between Adalbert, son of Engelbert and Károly's daughter, Gizella.


To honor the agreement, Károly ordered more then 11.000 soldier to occupy the Adriatic Coastline. Of course he led the army himself, but that was the first time, when his son, Lajos also joined to him.


When the venetian doge learned about the hungarian mobilization, he sent a small forces to the help of the city, but one of Károly's croatian vassal, Juraj Subic destroyed them, when they tried to pass over Lika.


Therefore the hungarian army could arrive under Bribir without any hindrance and with the help of the croatians, they occupied the city within a month.


Károly spared the rest of the city, he only took with him their leader, Count Ratimir as a "guest".


After the victory, the king decided about the next target of the campaign: Venice. He led his army to Merania and successfully besieged Mitterburg.


During the siege, the hungarians captured the Duke of Merania himself, when he tried to sneak from the besieged castle in disguise.



When the Royal Army captured an another city, Tüberg, some soldiers started to rob and harass the locals. Károly never tolerated this behavior, but after some public hanging, these accidents ended.


During the campaign an envoy arrived from Milano to the hungarian camp. The envoy was a really arrogant man, who always criticized everything. The soldiers, the foods, the smells. Károly was really annoyed, so he sent a formal complaint to the Duke of Milano about this.


Of course the Duke's answer wasn't too happy neither, but before he could answer back, Károly changed his mind. Maybe he'll need the help of the milanese in the future. It'd be a shame to mess up their relationship.


Before the hungarians arrived under Venice, a messenger came from Engelbert. Kaiser Rudolf surrendered, so the war was over. Engelbert became the Emperor, Károly finally ruled the whole Eastern Adriatic Coast and their children'll be married soon. Both side were pleased.


When Károly arrived back to Visegrád, two interesting happening waited there. While he was in Italy, his already pregnant wife gave birth to a healthy boy. That's quite an achievement, because Queen Inge was already in her forties. Károly named him István, after the first hungarian king. But another things also happened. Heinrich of Bohemia, father of Inge died. He had several sons, but all of them were bastards from various womens. He only had daughters as legitimate childs and Inge was the oldest. Because the Meinhardiner's male branch died out, the lords of Bohemia decided to elect from an another dynasty. The winner was the Prince of Moravia, Mikulás Opawsky. The newly elected king started to negotiate with Inge and Károly. Inge can keep her family's titles and holdings, if they promise, if one of Károly's son inherit the bohemian lands, he'll remain the vassal of the bohemian crown. The hungarian King accepted the deal and when Inge left the country to manage his holdings in Bohemia, she took the newborn István with herself too, because Károly wanted to make him to his queen's heir. And that'd the better, if he grow up there, where he once will rule.


After King Károly and the bulgarians defeated the mongols, the eastern border was quite peaceful. But in the last couple of years the byzantines started to send missionaries in to this region. Thanks to the Emperor's effort, one of the mongol tribes, the Jurchedeis converted to orthodox and decided to settle down in Moldavia. But their independence weren't last too long, because Tsar Georgi II made them to his vassals.


Károly's late brother-in-law started to grow more ambitious. To stop his expansion to the east, the king arrenged a betrohal between Roman, the second son of Knyaz Andrei II of Galich-Volyn and Anjou Alíz, his youngest daughter.


Later a messenger arrived from Nikopolis. The Despotes of Epeiros died and his son, Nikephoros II invited Károly to his coronation. Because he was one of his son-in-law, and he saw his daughter years ago, the king accepted the invitation.


The coronation went smoothly, but there weren't too much reason to celebrate. Queen Mária gave birth to a little boy a week ago, but the child was very weak and died one day before the ceremony. But there was something else, which gave headache to the present lords and kings.


A messenger came from Constantinople. The Ilkhanate destroyed the byzantine army, and now the Empire is on the brink of collapse.​
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Deftly done. Hungary is well positioned with the HRE standing by as a friend.
a whole map of Europe pleaaaase!