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Are those stats for 1669 ? Dang.

For those who wonder why I do not appear in the technology screen it's because I'm in ninja mode. Seriously. :(
Are those stats for 1669 ? Dang.

For those who wonder why I do not appear in the technology screen it's because I'm in ninja mode. Seriously. :(

Your biggest problem there was the session the AI did nothing for you after your connection failed I think. Considering those twenty years of AI stupidity Normandy has recovered quite well.

As for the Western BBB staring at you Alteran France has made it clear that it intends no hostility towards its neighbors and I am in actuallity willing to help your expansion if wanted. Well that might not be entirely true as I would like to absorb Sicily back into the fold but they are a two province AI :p.

To show my good faith in this I was considering releasing the Dutch Lorraine so you could add it to the Netherlands where it belongs.

Edit: Realized Normandy wasn't on the Tech chart so added it to the bottom of the picture in the post on page 4.
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In case you don't know what I'm talking about, when I say "claims", I'm talking about territorial claims. I just don't know whether you 3 would rather RP the diplomacy and politics, or just do it much more staight forward in the other thread.
I'll do it in a few minutes then. I'm hooked up in a big WW thing right now. ;)

Keep in mind that while Kuipy and I check here I'm not sure Golden or Alteran do so for the first demands it might be worth mentioning in the other thread that they are here so they don't miss it. As Alteran has posted here before I'm pretty sure he will notice but just in case :).
Keep in mind that while Kuipy and I check here I'm not sure Golden or Alteran do so for the first demands it might be worth mentioning in the other thread that they are here so they don't miss it. As Alteran has posted here before I'm pretty sure he will notice but just in case :).

OOC: I'll post a link in the other thread just in case.

*A royal Greek diplomat walks in the room

"Ladies and Gentlemen!

"The King of Byzantium sends his best wishes to all the representatives here. He has also noticed a few territorial....disputes. He wishes to explain these your Highnesses.

"First, there is the matter of Prussia. The King would like you all to know that he has no intentions of holding on to Prussia. He wanted to damage the Russians as much as possible when he made peace, and that was the most he could get. He is open to selling these to the Netherlands if the price is right.

"Second, there is the matter of Africa. The King believes that these lands rightfully belong to the Byzantine Empire. Any attempt to usurp that control will be met with force.

"Third, there is India. Byzantium has no intentions of furthering its power in India.

"Thank you for your time. I will not ramble on as if I was an insane dictator, so I will conclude this speech here."
"Second, there is the matter of Africa. The King believes that these lands rightfully belong to the Byzantine Empire. Any attempt to usurp that control will be met with force.

The King of France does not see how the Byzantium Empire can make such a claim.

First: If not for French explorers the continent of Africa would still be mostly unkown.

Second: French colonies in South Africa have been established for hundreds of years, even before maps of the region were shared with other nations.

Third: The Byzantium Empire is a late comer to the continent, expanding into the east of Africa less than fifty years ago.

That being said France has no opinion on who holds the continent outside of French South Africa and should the Byzantium Empire wish to press these "claims" France is unlikely to become involved.
The King of France does not see how the Byzantium Empire can make such a claim.

First: If not for French explorers the continent of Africa would still be mostly unkown.

Second: French colonies in South Africa have been established for hundreds of years, even before maps of the region were shared with other nations.

Third: The Byzantium Empire is a late comer to the continent, expanding into the east of Africa less than fifty years ago.

That being said France has no opinion on who holds the continent outside of French South Africa and should the Byzantium Empire wish to press these "claims" France is unlikely to become involved.
"Your Highness,

"Your humble sevant wishes to apoligize for his idiocy in speech. He never meant to claim that all of Africa should belong to Byzantium. The King has no intention of expanding in that area. What he meant to say, was that the King claims all the land that belonged to the Empire under Justinian's reign. (OOC: Except for the land owned by Granada, but that is just because it is being saved for someone) More specifically, that land is North Africa. He has no interest in South Africa. He also does not plan to intervene in any South African matters.

"Thank you for your Highness' understanding."
The transplanted Dutch King, who really operates out of Brandenburg NOT Luxembourg...too close to the Frenchies, rightfully claims the province of Crimea unto itself.

How do the insane Imperator of the Byz Empire respond?

Signed a :mad: man.
The transplanted Dutch King, who really operates out of Brandenburg NOT Luxembourg...too close to the Frenchies, rightfully claims the province of Crimea unto itself.

How do the insane Imperator of the Byz Empire respond?

Signed a :mad: man.
"His Highness the King of Byzantium wishes to know where your "claim" comes from. Those lands belonged to Byzantium in its former prime, and they should rightfully belong to them in their new prime.

"So please, tell us where you get your claim to the land from. We would like to know."
His Royal Highness pulled it from his....erm, well the sun doesnt' shine where he pulled it from, but Nevertheless, the Dutch nation CAN never be complete without the integral province of Crimea owned by its newly rightful owners. Our Entire plan hinges on this one Very important territory.

In closing, though ashamed as I am to do this, I was also told to give you a personal message from my King.....It goes:

"Your Highness,

"Your humble sevant wishes to apoligize for his idiocy in speech. He never meant to claim that all of Africa should belong to Byzantium. The King has no intention of expanding in that area. What he meant to say, was that the King claims all the land that belonged to the Empire under Justinian's reign. (OOC: Except for the land owned by Granada, but that is just because it is being saved for someone) More specifically, that land is North Africa. He has no interest in South Africa. He also does not plan to intervene in any South African matters.

"Thank you for your Highness' understanding."

Thank you for the clarification. Recognize though that France will not be ceding territory in or around Jerusalem or the Italian peninsula to 1100 year old claims.

It is suggested that this attempted ressurection of the eastern empire remains to territories west of the province of Gaza and in Northern Africa. If it stays there we wish you the best of luck in your endeavours :).
His Royal Highness pulled it from his....erm, well the sun doesnt' shine where he pulled it from, but Nevertheless, the Dutch nation CAN never be complete without the integral province of Crimea owned by its newly rightful owners. Our Entire plan hinges on this one Very important territory.

In closing, though ashamed as I am to do this, I was also told to give you a personal message from my King.....It goes:


"Darkness is not becoming for the Dutch King. I would also recommend that he enter two-party talks over this Crimea matter."

Thank you for the clarification. Recognize though that France will not be ceding territory in or around Jerusalem or the Italian peninsula to 1100 year old claims.

"The Emperor has no intentions at this time of questioning the French authority in those regions."

It is suggested that this attempted ressurection of the eastern empire remains to territories west of the province of Gaza and in Northern Africa. If it stays there we wish you the best of luck in your endeavours :).

"Those are the initial areas that the Emperor wishes to focus on."