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EUIV - Development Diary - 10th of March 2020

Hey! Today we’ll be covering Estates which have been getting a huge overhaul in the 1.30. The mechanic as a whole has gotten a rethink from the ground up on how we wanted the player to relate to the mechanic.

So here are some of the goals that we have been aiming for as we worked on the Estates the past year.
  • Estates are something you build, not something you exploit
  • Give and Take sort of relationship between Estate & Crown
  • Large benefit early, a dead weight when Absolutism comes
  • Better integration with other parts of the game
  • Better feedback loop for the player in using it and less red numbers.
So the last part is a bit abstract but we’ll get to what we mean when we say that. So let’s get to the actual changes that we’ve done.


There’s a lot going on here, the interface looks nothing like it did before. So let’s get started with the top part which concerns the ownership of land in your realm. Estates no longer own land on a province to province basis but instead have a share of the development of your country.


The land share that the estates have will affect their loyalty and their influence. This land share fluctuates up and down as the country gains development and from some new interactions that are now available. But first besides the estates, the crown also controls some of that development directly. Depending on this control there will be different benefits or penalties depending on if the crown is relatively weak or not to the Estates.

This control of land is mainly affected by these ways:
  • When gaining development like through conquering land each estate will gain land relative to their influence compared to the rest of the estates. The crown's influence is calculated as a base of 50% +absolutism.
  • Developing provinces gives a little bit of control to the crown
  • Events will change the ratio of land that estates share
  • Crown Land interactions will let you manipulate as well.
So why would you want to control a lot of land as the crown? Well for one you are keeping the estates in check, if one estate gets ahead their influence will also rise prompting them to potentially coup you. But there are also modifiers that are applied at different levels. The idea being that if the crown itself is weak, the estates will exploit that.

The bonuses/penalties applied depending on your crown land is done so in steps. You want to hold yourself at 20% or higher crown land as below these modifiers are applied with increasing strength. At 0% land you are in quite a pickle with these penalties:.
  • -50 Max Absolutism
  • +0.2 Global Autonomy
  • +1.5 LD from Subject Dev
  • -20% Tax Modifier
Though when you hit a really low amount of crown land, the estates will be willing to bail you out in exchange for you giving them a really harsh privilege. Which we’ll cover later in the diary.

At the other end, we have at 50% and higher you start to get benefits for being in tighter control over your country. At 100% you get
  • +15 Max Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Absolutism
  • +20% Tax Modifier
  • -0.05 Global Autonomy
I mentioned earlier that the land share could be manipulated by Crown Land Interactions. There’s three of them. Sales of Titles, Seize Land and Summon the Diet. The first two as you can guess will let you either sell off land to the estates or seize land forcefully from them. Sale of Titles besides giving away 10% of your land to the estates, it will also give you money relative to how rich the estates are and give them 10% Loyalty. Seize Land will of course lower your estate's loyalty by 20%, but take 5% back for yourself. If the estate is disloyal it will spawn rebels and every province the rebels siege down will take back land to the estate based on the province development.

Summon the Diet is a bit different. It’s a good tool to keep the Estates happy. Upon using this interaction you instantly get 5% Loyalty to all Estates but also give them 10% Influence. Then each estate will propose an Agenda for you to pick between, each asking for something from you.



Most of the time these will be very simple things but fitting for that estate. For instance the Burghers might ask you to increase production in a province, Clergy might want you to build a Church and so on. Upon finishing Agenda for a specific estate you will also gain more loyalty with specifically them.

This should all be very reminiscent of the old mission system, giving you small bonuses and rewards for simple tasks you can complete quite quickly. Though keep in mind, each time you summon the Diet the estates stack the 10% Influence. Though there is a privilege you can grant the nobles where you empower them to dictate the Agenda of the Crown themselves bypassing that issue. A lot of these agendas have been made, both Generic ones and more advanced Estate specific ones.

Next is the Estate Privileges. The old interactions system is removed as we are moving away from the purpose of Estates being something you squeeze every 20 year for money and mana. Privileges is something you grant to the Estates, to get something out of them, but it usually also means they take something away from you. All Privileges also reduces the max absolutism of the country.


Privileges after granted can only be removed if you have higher loyalty with the Estate than their influence is. When removed their loyalty will reset to 0. Some privileges will remove themselves after certain conditions are fulfilled.

All of the old interactions have in one way or form been translated into the new privilege system, but in a way that fits with something that are not one time bonuses but intended to be longer term. For instance instead of getting +50/100/150 monarch points of your choice, you can now get +1 to your monarch power generation by giving a privilege to the relevant estate. However in exchange they will take 10% of your Crown land. And with how the balance is at start, it means you might only be able to get that privilege for one of the estate, and not all three, unless you are willing to compromise on realm stability.

There’s also unique for nations, for instance Poland starts with the Golden Liberty which grants the Nobility unchecked power. This entire rework will be part of the base game and most of these privileges will be free. But there will also be some unique fun ones that are locked to the Emperor DLC,like various Monopolies on trade goods you can give to Estates which gives you the total production income of 8 years for that trade good in your nation up front.


Most privileges besides their big effects will also usually manipulate the Loyalty, Influence, Crown Land or Absolutism of the country.

Part of moving towards this Privilege system and away from the one time benefit interactions from before, is that we want you to build with the Estates. For instance there are privileges that increase your Governing Capacity. You will as well have it easier to play around with Estate Loyalty as how that is calculated have been redone as part of adding the Privilege system.

There are now proper modifiers for Estate Loyalty and Influence, which might not tell you much if you don’t mod the game. What we have done is that we have separated out so that as a player you can manipulate the equilibrium that the Loyalty is moving towards. In one time effects like the Seize Land/Sale of Titles it still instant change of the Loyalty value of the estate. But this change where you manipulate the equilibrium have been integrated into a lot more mechanics, not only the Privileges, giving you a better opportunity to keep estates happy over a longer time than “just long enough to press this button”.


So in summary what have we changed. Well for one loyalty is not a currency in the way it was before, now you interact with estates when you want to tweak something. Loyalty and Influence of estates is an ever present value that you can see being affected in a lot of different interfaces now. Loyalty will be a lot clearer now on where it will end up if you let time pass, and you can build your country in such a way that an estate will naturally be happy with you. What this means is that it can be less of an exploitative relationship with the Estates and more a mutual one which gives a way better feedback loop to the player that he is not doing something bad.

But even so the Estates are still a double edged sword if you do not take care. Several of the players for the Dev Clash as they were testing things out accidentally ended up creating a state where the King was but a puppet of the Estates.


As usual we’ll be in the thread and answer any questions you might have. Next week we will be talking about Papal and Italian content that is coming with Emperor.
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Does anything actually scale with influence now? I assume the passive benefits of tax from the clergy etc still do, but what about the privileges?
They work like any estate, however they have some unique privileges relating to Steppe land and their unique units.

How Cossack Disaster would be triggered then and what would happen?

In particular, how would it happen with PLC where they are a minor estate compared to the rest?
Do you think you can add an internal loan system for estates especially Burghers? Historically most king took a lot of loans from the nobility and burghers.

If the government failed to pay the loans they might face a penalty of inflation, and estates could use this opportunity to demand for land control.

What did you think?
So as I understood we have something like the old mission system for the estates? That sounds great and a perfect and fresh compromiss for all the people that had a lack of flavor feeling/things to do with the changed mission system.

I don't really get how the missions/request by the estates will be available? "The summon the diet"
Is there always a request by the estates what I can see with an alert where I can click on and the choices will pop up? Or will it pop out like an event as the picture suggest, when certain conditions are made - and then I have to decide for which estate I want to work?

Does it have a cooldown after I finished the request - or can I chose the next one (as it was with the old mission system) after i finished the one

can I ditch/delete one?

Is "conquer" and get a claim request/mission from the old missionsystem still included?

You summon the diet by pressing a button in the estate interface. That will prompt that event giving you 3 random options from 3 random estates weighted by influence (if you have more than 3). There is also a privilege that makes estates super happy that gives them the power to do this.
Will Factions mechanic also get an overhaul, or do we have to pray that there is another DLC after Emperor which improves on them. I don't think Factions should be turned into Estates as some people do, but I do think they are long due for an improvement.

We're not improving Factions for Emperor but it's something me and Johan are aware of and keen to make better
Does anything actually scale with influence now? I assume the passive benefits of tax from the clergy etc still do, but what about the privileges?

There are privileges like getting more manpower from the nobility that scales with the land that the nobility own
Can you also move the capital of Armagnac (Auch) south to be in line with Toulouse?



It is currently located around Agen. Which would potentially make a nice new province to reduce the huge shapes around the south of France.

Here are some maps for Agenais.




Also nice to see the addition of 3 new provinces in Iberia. Are there any more changes across Europe you have made since December?

For instance the Burghers might ask you to increase production in a province
Are the demands that ask you to spend mana rather rare or can we expect them quite regularly? And when they happen will they at least consider the dev cost modifiers and trade good so you wont get asked to spend mana on the province with fish when there is a gold province just nearby?
Do you think you can add an internal loan system for estates especially Burghers? Historically most king took a lot of loans from the nobility and burghers.

If the government failed to pay the loans they might face a penalty of inflation, and estates could use this opportunity to demand for land control.

What did you think?

There is a privilege besides the monopoly one that gives you really good loans with the burgher estates. It is automatically removed when you paid back those loans.
Since estates are now part of the base game, will these chnages be included in the free patch ? It will be great because the system is a bit fucked up right now.

All of this except some content is free.
Will revoking land from the clergy as a catholic nation make the pope hate you?

No, but it will have a different effect we will talk about in a later dev diary.
Pretty important question: Could you theoretically take all the land from the estates in a few clicks and just fight #PersianArmyAccordingToHerodotus rebels, or is there a cooldown so you have to gradually transition if you want to avail of absolutism?
@Groogy Will Sweden finally get a Peasants estate?