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EU4 - Development Diary - 20th of November 2018

Yarr Harr m' mateys n' scallywags! O, are you a pirate m' johnnies? For I'm a young sailor boy, hungry for the free life unbound by tyrants, and where am I to go? You're bound away to Kingston town, that's where you're bound to go. As you might be able to guess today's dev diary is about pirates! Let’s get right to it.


Blackbeard sacks Charleston

Owners of the upcoming Immersion Pack will have the option to play as a Pirate Republic, a new kind of government with a few interesting and unique features. Pirates may freely use the Raid Coast mechanic regardless of religion, and all pirate rulers are automatically converted into Admirals. On the subject of coastal raiding, this feature as well as Privateering will be enabled for owners of the Immersion Pack.

Pirates can enter the game in 3 different ways: as a custom nation, via a dynamic historical event, or by using a decision available to small island nations. 9 pirate nations can emerge during the course of a campaign, and all are playable through an option in the events named ‘A pirate’s life for me!’ Here’s a quick overview:

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Spanish weren’t the only ones undergoing a Golden Age during our time period; this is also the Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean. Three pirate nations can spawn in the region following an event triggered by conflict and privateering by colonial powers. The most notable is the Republic of Pirates itself, based on New Providence in the Bahamas. Ruling the town of Nassau, these pirates (among them the dreaded Blackbeard) existed independently of sovereign rule for over a decade. Representing the home ports of the Brethren of the Coast are the pirate nations of Tortuga and Port Royal. The Brethren were an organization of pirates and privateers of many nationalities that agreed to abide by a code of rules similar to the Articles of Agreement that governed each crew.

Pirates of the Barbary Coast: The coast of North Africa was another hotbed of piracy. The Republic of Salé was founded by disenfranchised and disgruntled refugees from Spain who fled the Spanish Inquisition. Among their leaders was the Dutch pirate and convert Jan Janszoon, known in the Republic as Murat Reis. Ruled by the Pirate Queen Sayyida al Hurra, the Kingdom of Tétouan was feared throughout the Western Mediterranean. Sayyida is a fascinating figure; a refugee from the fall of Granada, she took power in Tétouan and conducted the affairs of the local Barbary Pirates, eventually marrying the Moroccan Sultan though refusing to give up her title. Completing a Tunisian mission can spawn Algiers as a pirate nation; Admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa can be made governor of Algiers, the port from which his corsairs dominated the Eastern Mediterranean.


The Republic of Salé is founded

Pirates of the East Indies: Far to the East is a new playable nation in 1444: Palembang. While an overhaul of maritime south-east Asia was not in the scope for this patch, Palembang is particularly notable as the former capital of the Srivijaya empire which was the hegemon of the region prior to the ascendance of Majapahit. Palembang has fallen into decline, and only recently Admiral Zheng He expelled the Chinese pirates who were governing the city. With Zheng He dead and China now seemingly disinterested in Palembang’s politics, the pirates have begun to return to the city. Pattani, on the Malay Peninsula, can be visited by the renowned Lin Daoqian Band later in the game. Daoqian enters the city seeking a haven for his piratical endeavors, but his true ambitions may be greater than he lets on.

Pirates of Madagascar: Despite having a shaky basis in history, I couldn’t help but include the fabled Republic of Libertatia, on Madagascar, as one of the new pirate nations. Libertatia was, allegedly, founded by the pirate Captain Tew and a Dominican priest as a utopian proto-anarchist commune where every man, regardless of race or creed, is entitled to a life of liberty and equality.

The decision to Hoist the Black Flag is available to monarchies and republics with less than 7 owned province, with all owned provinces being coastal and either on an island or in the Maghreb region. The country must also have 2 stability, no subjects, 10 privateer power in their home node, and not be bankrupt or at war.

Script triggers:

potential = {
            is_subject = no
            has_dlc = "we definitely haven't named this yet"
            NOT = { has_reform = pirate_republic_reform }
            NOT = { has_reform = merchant_republic }
            NOT = { has_reform = dutch_republic }
            NOT = { has_reform = colonial_government }
            NOT = { has_reform = shogunate }
            NOT = { has_reform = elective_monarchy }
            NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire }
            NOT = { has_reform = daimyo }
            NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_republic_reform }
            NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_empire_reform }
            NOT = { has_reform = american_republic }
            NOT = { has_reform = trading_city }
            NOT = { has_reform = free_city }
            NOT = { has_reform = federal_republic }
            NOT = { has_reform = veche_republic }
            NOT = { has_reform = merchants_reform }
            NOT = { has_reform = venice_merchants_reform }
            NOT = { tag = PAP } # just no
            is_emperor = no
            OR = {
                government = monarchy
                government = republic
            NOT = { num_of_cities = 7 }
            NOT = {
                any_owned_province = {
                    NOT = {
                        AND = {
                            has_port = yes
                            OR = {
                                region = maghreb_region
                                province_is_on_an_island = yes
        allow = {
            stability = 2
            navy_size_percentage = 0.9
            NOT = { num_of_subjects = 1 }
            home_trade_node = {
                privateer_power = {
                    country = ROOT
                    share = 10
            is_bankrupt = no
            is_at_war = no


Rum, treasure, and a set of pistols are all a pirate needs

In a pirate election, the usual 3 candidates you expect as a Republic are available, each having 4 in their primary stat and 1 in the rest. They are each tied to a faction that will gain influence when they are elected. When cerrtain historical conditions are met however, namely being in the region at the right time, certain famous historical pirates will be available as additional option in the election event. These pirates include Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Ching Shih, Laurens de Graaf, and Michel de Grammont, and several come with their own ships such as the Queen Anne's Revenge when elected. Historical pirates can be re-elected for no extra Republican Tradition.

Pirate Republics will not have access to any Estates. Instead, they will have Pirate Factions. As with other Faction systems in the game the Buccaneers, Smugglers, and Captains are tied to ADM, DIP, and MIL power respectively.

The Buccaneers gain influence from coastal raiding, as well as their government reforms which we'll cover later. When in power, your nations gains +1 Republican Tradition, 20% Sailor Recovery Speed, and -5% National Tax. You'll want to keep the Buccaneers in power occasionally as Pirate Republics otherwise do not gain base Republican Tradition.

The Smugglers gain influence from peacetime, and again from their government reforms. When the Smugglers are in power your nations gets 10% Global Trade Power, 10% Trade Efficiency, and -0.5 Yearly Prestige. You'll benefit most from the Smugglers while peacefully developing your illicit mercantile interests.

The Captains gain influence from Privateering, whether at peace or war. While in power they grant +1 Naval Leader Fire, +10% Naval Morale, and +10% Stability Cost. Certainly the faction to take the lead when you need to rule the seas by force.

Pirate Republics can customize their nations further through government reforms (or through decisions for non-Dharma owners) thematically and mechanically tied to the three factions.


War Against the World!

Tier 2 Reforms:

Articles of Agreement:
  • Buccaneers Influence gain
  • +0.5 Republican Tradition
  • 10% Global Sailors
Smuggler's Haven:
  • Smugglers Influence gain
  • 30% Foreign Trade Power
Council of Captains:
  • Captains Influence gain
  • 33% Privateering Efficiency

Tier 5 Reforms:

War Against the World Doctrine:
  • Buccaneers Influence gain
  • -5 Years of Nationalism
  • -15% Shipbuilding Time
  • Abolishes Slavery
  • (cosmetic) Imperialism CB replaced by War Against the World CB
Black Market Consortium:
  • Smugglers Influence gain
  • Enables Trade Posts as per Merchant Republic
  • Enables Goods Produced bonuses as per Merchant Republic
  • Limited to 20 core state provinces as per Merchant Republic
Pirate King:
  • Rulers rule for life
  • On ruler death, your most skilled Admiral becomes the new ruler
  • -20% Harsh Treatment Reduction
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
  • (cosmetic) Government name and ruler title change to Pirate Kingdom, Pirate Queen, etc.
Tier 10 Reform:

Lower the Black Flag:
  • Abolish the Pirate Republic reform and all reforms dependent on it.
  • Cowardly abandon the life of freedom and plunder. Shame on you!

pirate missions.jpg

Zack is clearly wasted as a programmer

The pirates have their own mission tree, written and designed by Zack @sidestep Threepwood in his free time. As you might expect as a result, they are crammed full of references to a certain beloved adventure game series. These missions will be available to nations that become pirate republics through events and to pirate custom nations, and Caribbean pirates will receive 5 additional missions.

Finally, here are some Piratical National Ideas:

barbary_pirate_ideas = {
    start = {
        galley_power = 0.2
        privateer_efficiency = 0.2
    bonus = {
        republican_tradition = 0.5
        legitimacy = 1
    trigger = {
        has_reform = pirate_republic_reform
        OR = {
            culture_group = maghrebi
            tag = TET
    free = yes
    barbary_slave_trade = {
        trade_efficiency = 0.1
    galley_slaves = {
        global_sailors_modifier = 0.25
        galley_cost = -0.2
    vengeful_refugees = {
        own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    mazmorras = {
        diplomatic_reputation = 1
    barbary_fortified_strongholds = {
        defensiveness = 0.2
    heirs_of_al_andalus = {
        unjustified_demands = -0.25
    barbary_board_of_captains = {
        pr_captains_influence = 0.1
        possible_mil_policy = 1

pirate_ideas = {
    start = {
        navy_tradition = 1
        free_leader_pool = 1
    bonus = {
        unjustified_demands = -0.25
    trigger = {
        has_reform = pirate_republic_reform
    free = yes
    pirates_religious_apathy = {
        no_religion_penalty = yes
    pirates_plunder = {
        loot_amount = 0.25
    pirates_bucanneers_ideas = {
        infantry_cost = -0.1
    pirates_sail_in_consort = {
        global_naval_engagement_modifier = 0.2
    pirates_elected_quartermasters = {
        global_unrest = -2
        naval_morale = 0.1
    pirate_bays = {
        own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    pirate_life_of_liberty = {
        rebel_support_efficiency = 0.25
        sailors_recovery_speed = 0.1

galley_slaves:0 "Galley Slaves"
 galley_slaves_desc:0 "Not all of the slaves we capture are sold in the East; many are fated to serve on the galleys, ensuring a ready supply of seamen to row our ships."
 vengeful_refugees:0 "Vengeful Refugees"
 vengeful_refugees_desc:0 "As both Muslims and Moriscos are expelled by the Christians of Iberia, refugees flee to the Maghreb. These refugees are none too pleased about being displaced, and eagerly accept the opportunity to profit from their downfall."
 mazmorras:0 "Mazmorras"
 mazmorras_desc:0 "Christian princes tell grim tales about our dungeons, the dreaded Mazmorras. Here we keep our most valuable captives, those with wealthy family members with the money to pay for their safe return. The conditions typical in the Mazmorras ensure that ransoms are paid swiftly."
 barbary_slave_trade:0 "The Barbary Slave Trade"
 barbary_slave_trade_desc:0 "Raiding is an especially profitable occupation for the pirates of the Barbary Coast due to the high price that Christian slaves can fetch in Turkish and Arabian markets."
 barbary_fortified_strongholds:0 "Fortified Pirate Strongholds"
 barbary_fortified_strongholds_desc:0 "A pirate stronghold must be fortified against attack from both land and sea. We must constuct defenses for our cities to repel invaders."
 heirs_of_al_andalus:0 "Heirs of Al-Andalus"
 heirs_of_al_andalus_desc:0 "Among those fleeing the Reconquista in Spain are the former Princes and Princesses of Al-Andalus, the great Muslim empire that once spanned nearly the whole of Iberia. These nobles are eager to restore their lost realms by any means necessary."
 barbary_board_of_captains:0 "Board of Captains"
 barbary_board_of_captains_desc:0 "We must establish a council of our most skilled Captains to guide and regulate piracy and the slave trade in our nation."

pirates_plunder:0 "Plunder!"
 pirates_plunder_desc:0 "The Pirate Republic lives and dies by the amount of plunder we can haul back to our ports. Let's take everything that isn't nailed down! On second thought, let's take everything that is nailed down too. And the nails!"
 pirates_bucanneers_ideas:0 "Buccaneers"
 pirates_bucanneers_ideas_desc:0 "We take our recruits from the desperate and the outcast. Self-proclaimed 'civilized' nations routinely enslave those they consider their inferiors and forcibly press their own countrymen into military service. Those who escape the bonds of tyranny find a home in our Republic."
 pirates_sail_in_consort:0 "Sail in Consort"
 pirates_sail_in_consort_desc:0 "A single hunter is easily outmaneuvered or outgunned on the open ocean. When we sail in consort we can use our numbers to great tactical advantage."
 pirates_elected_quartermasters:0 "Elected Quartermasters"
 pirates_elected_quartermasters_desc:0 "Quartermasters on a pirate ship are elected representatives of the crew. They advocate the crew's needs to the captain and act as counterweight to his often arbitrary authority."
 pirate_bays:0 "Pirate Bays"
 pirate_bays_desc:0 "Our coastline is littered with hidden coves and defensible bays that we can use to lure would-be pirate hunters into a deadly ambush."
 pirate_life_of_liberty:0 "Life of Liberty"
 pirate_life_of_liberty_desc:0 "The liberties we enjoy as free men are the envy of the peasants, slaves, and conscripts who toil for the profit of their superiors. Our smugglers should begin to distribute propaganda to stoke their resentment in the hopes that they will rise up and join our cause."
 pirates_religious_apathy:0 "Religious Apathy"
 pirates_religious_apathy_desc:0 "What does it matter which god the pirates worship? Their souls are likely damned regardless."

That's all from me today! I'll now pass you over to @Groogy for a look at some new naval content.

Heya! Oh boy this dev diary is going to be another large one. So I'll be covering some more minor features in comparison to the new Pirate Nations.

First for anyone owning Rule Britannia we'll be adding two new Naval Doctrines just for the Iberian nations. We felt the Wooden Wall doctrine was looking a bit lonely so we thought to add some more. One for the Portuguese and one for the rest of the Iberians. Note this change is in the patch.


Grand Armada

For most of the various Iberian nations that can appear on the peninsula, including Granada and Andalusia, you can pick the Grand Armada doctrine. Thanks to the huge fleet available to the Spanish, the convoys carrying gold and other riches from the Americas numbered to 50 larger vessels at it's peak. Picking Grand Armada will give you +50% increased Treasure Fleet income and very fittingly now with more pirates wanting a piece out of your pie.

Portuguese Marines

For the Portuguese we have the Terço da Armada. The Portuguese Marines is one of the oldest military units still in service today and served besides as an elite unit but also the royal guard of the King. With a colonial empire dispersed all over the world the Portuguese was ahead of their time with their Naval Infantry. Picking the Portuguese Marines will give you a large discount to naval barrage and a bonus to sieges on fortresses at the coast being blockaded by your navy.

Next we've added some more flagship modifications since we last talked about them. Two more nation specific ones and 4 generic ones.

To continue on the Marines theme were adding a specific modification to the Portuguese called Corps of Fusiliers, this modification will let you load and unload onto your fleet 66% faster and ignore any landing penalty if you land into combat letting a Portuguese player rely on a whole different strategy to protect their colonial empire. To go with this there's a generic variant of Integrated Marines available for everyone but it only let you move 33% faster and no bonus to landing into combat.

Next is the Scandinavian Flag Officers. It will be available to Denmark, Norway or a formed Scandinavia. Denmark-Norway success on the sea was very much thanks to having a core of professional sailors the Kingdom had access to. This modification will give you 3% monthly chance while the fleet is on a mission or at end of a combat for the commanding admiral to gain a skill. There's a generic Flag Officer modification that gives you 1% chance.

Next are the two last generic modifications. A Spare Jolly Roger for when you feel like giving the pirates the blame as you are wrecking up your rivals trade node. Having one of those on your flagship will give you 25% privateering efficiency and will go quite well together with the Trade Route Map and the Standardized Signal Book modifications Then we have Captains Log which will give you 100% Prestige and 100% Naval Tradition from Battles.

Also I want to clarify the Vasa modification we referenced on the Flagship dev diary was meant as a joke and will not be in the game on release.

If you like numbers more than my flavor full writing here's the script for the modifications.
portuguese_corps_of_fusiliers = {
    trigger = {
        OR = {
            tag = POR
            tag = BRZ
    modifier = {
        movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = -0.66
        flagship_landing_penalty = -2
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

integrated_marines = {
    trigger = {
        NOT = {
            tag = POR
            tag = BRZ
    modifier = {
        movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = -0.33
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

scandinavian_flag_officers = {
    trigger = {
        OR = {
            tag = DAN
            tag = NOR
            tag = SCA
    modifier = {
        admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 0.03
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

flag_officers = {
    trigger = {
        NOT = {
            tag = DAN
            tag = NOR
            tag = SCA
    modifier = {
        admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 0.01
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

spare_jolly_roger = {
    trigger = {
    modifier = {
        privateering_efficiency_in_fleet_modifier = 0.25
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

captains_log = {
    trigger = {
    modifier = {
        naval_tradition_in_fleet_modifier = 1
        prestige_from_battles_in_fleet_modifier = 1
        naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5

Do you guys remember me vaguely promising in the Holy Order dev diary that we were going to try and get this feature for Andalusia? Well @Rufo managed to come up with some Sufi Orders that in a world where Andalusia becomes the colonial power of Iberia could take up a similar role. Orders that potentially could replace the missionary work of Spain. Besides giving similar bonuses as the Catholic ones, the Sufi Orders will also move the Muslim country closer towards mysticism by 2 for each province given to the order.

Shadhili Order

A sufi order known as the "seekers" with a dedication to intellectual pursuits and have been a major contributor to Islamic literature. Picking the Shadhili to administer your provinces will cost you 50 Administrative points and increase the development of the provinces with 1 Adm development. Each province also gets +1.5% Missionary Strength and 10% Institution Spread.

Qadiri Order

The Qadiri originally from Iran exists today in most of the world and as such has a more decentralized structure in it's hierarchy. Picking the Qadiri to administer your provinces will cost you 50 Diplomatic point and increase the development of the provinces with 1 Dip development. Each province also gets -10% Construction Cost and -30% Culture conversion cost.

Aissawa Order

The Aissawa's relationship with their faith is through spiritual musical pieces and complex ceremonies but have their background in the more orthodox teachings of North Africa. Picking the Aissawa to administer your provinces will cost you 50 Military points and increase the development of the provinces with 1 Mil development. Each province also gets -1 Unrest and -0.05 Monthly Devastation.

That's it! I also want to say that we've made the Portuguese specific mechanics like the flagship modifications and Naval Doctrine to also be available for anyone who becomes Brazilian. So taking the decision to move your court to Brazil will not have you lose all of the new cool features.

See you next week for another dev diary!
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I like the new Pirate mechanic to be honest.

However it feels like you're avoiding to change Portuguese ideas by just giving us more buttons to click. Faster deployment? Great. But how does that help when Kilwa can have 40k running around by 1480 since they steamrolled everyone around them? Or when the English navy comes knocking and sinks all your transports? Your armies/navies are still paper tigers.

EDIT: The examples are somewhat exaggerations, but I think the point gets across.
Holy orders are available by nation or by primary culture?

If I culture change to Castillian as France do i get holy orders?

Or if I change to Persian as Spain do I keep holy orders?
lol what?

well Pirates seem neat although I seriously wonder what they add to the game other than being a fun easter egg and minor pain in the side on the rare occasions they appear.

things like new Naval Doctrines for Spain and Portugal are super boring to hear about, more modifier buttons I can click and then forget about joy.
I wonder if some Australians influenced this decision?
While I won't deny it gave us valuable feedback on how to enjoy yourself as a pirate, most of the design (and implementation) was already at the time.
Though we did spent quite a good amount of time in Moszna regretting not being on 1.28 :D
Holy orders are available by nation or by primary culture?

If I culture change to Castillian as France do i get holy orders?

Or if I change to Persian as Spain do I keep holy orders?
Holy Orders are based on Culture and Religion yes.
It's largely the same. There will be decisions and legacy governments that are equivalent to Pirate King, Black Market Consortium, etc.
So if I understand correctly the base governement gets +50% naval limit, -1 republic tradition, HIDDEN. And some of the govern reform will be moved as decisions.
These look like a lot of fun to play as, but if anyone ever gets going with these in multiplayer they're going to be frustrating beyond belief to deal with. It's nigh impossible to defend your trade against naval focused nations with high privateering efficiency as it is.
Yes, finally Palembang is playable!
So, if I get it right, they start as Pirates Republic, right? Or will it happens through event?

Also, will it have its own National Ideas or will it use Sumatran idea?

Palembang gets an event after unpausing the game which will let you choose whether to become a Pirate Republic. Palembang gets Sumatran ideas. Besides custom nations, starting as Palembang is the fastest way to become a Pirate Republic.
Also I want to clarify the Vasa modification we referenced on the Flagship dev diary was meant as a joke and will not be in the game on release.
I find that somewhat hard to believe and suspect its due to backlash, but whatever. I appreciate the fact that you are experimenting with some more unique effects, though. Like Admiral rulers and marine infantry landings.
Spain might have the same special flagship modification, since the very first marine corps was the Compañías Viejas del Mar de Nápoles, created in 1537 just between 50 to 80 years prior the Portuguese ones.
These look like a lot of fun to play as, but if anyone ever gets going with these in multiplayer they're going to be frustrating beyond belief to deal with. It's nigh impossible to defend your trade against naval focused nations with high privateering efficiency as it is.
Pay the English/GB player to obliterate the pirates. Should also be in his interest. Unless of course he already made a deal with them in which case you're fucked.