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Well, it's Friday and high time to spill the beans on the new expansion for Crusader Kings II; the Sword of Islam. Judging by the forum, playable Muslims is the most requested feature for CKII, and who are we to disagree? We always wanted to do it, provided we could do the Muslim world justice. That time is now (or, well, soon :) ). As with the Ruler Designer DLC, the Sword of Islam will be released together with a major content patch. What you get with the Sword of Islam is simply the ability to play as the Muslim rulers, but all the new mechanics will be there and running for the AI (or other players in multiplayer) even if you don't have the expansion.

I'll be doing three dev diaries on the Sword of Islam, each one dealing with some unique features for the Muslims as well as some free features that everyone will have access to simply by patching to 1.06.


One of the major hassles with making Muslims playable was the prevalence of text with obviously Christian or Western terminology. Therefore, we had to go through all text to make it fit the setting if you are playing a Muslim. Often, this required writing whole new events and decisions. For example, Muslims don't hold tournaments, they have the Furusiyya instead, which is an exhibition of martial arts and horsemanship. They don't hold Grand Feasts, they observe the Ramadan, etc. We also added some completely new decisions, like going on the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca), which will initiate a cool little event driven story of what happens on the way to and from the holy city. Of course, there is also a whole slew of events dealing with various new gameplay features (more on that in later dev diaries.)

Another issue we needed to solve was the Gothic looking graphical interface of Crusader Kings II, which we felt did not really work when playing as a Muslim ruler. So we did a complete reskin with sand tones and green symbols and patterns instead of the church window graphics of Christian rulers. Yet another problem was that many event pictures looked distinctly Western/Christian, so we've added about 25 new ones to serve as Muslim equivalents. Then there are all the little things, like trait icons with crosses, the Crusade banner, etc. All of that has been changed to provide the right atmosphere. We've even changed the five councillor models for Muslims when they're out in the provinces performing jobs. It's all been a lot of work, but I think it turned out really well.

Muslims get a slightly different set of character traits; they don't get the Kinslayer, Crusader, Celibate and Chaste Traits. Instead, they get the Mujahid, Hajjaj, Faqih (Islamic law expert), Hafiz (has memorized the Koran), Sayyid (agnatic descendent of Fatima or one of Muhammad's uncles) and Mirza (child of a Sayyida mother) traits.

Lastly, Muslims get another set of honorary titles to hand out to their vassals. They all get a few special flavour events - especially the Chief Qadi - a position requiring an ecclesiastical education.


That's it for the Sword of Islam in this dev diary; next time I will go into the core dynamics of playing as a Muslim ruler.


Now then, here's some of the free stuff we're giving ya'll in the 1.06 patch...

First off, we thought the southwest corner of the map looked a bit dull, so we added a bunch of new provinces down there, representing the flourishing civilizations of the Manden people; Ghana, Mali and Songhay. The area comes with historical rulers (of course) and a new West African culture group. The region is rich but hard to reach.


For flavour, we have also made it so that duchy tier and above titles held by rulers of Iranian, Arabic and Turkish cultures are named after the ruling dynasty. For example, the Kingdom of Egypt automatically becomes the Fatimid Sultanate while the Fatimids are in power (though the original name is also used where appropriate.) In case the same dynasty holds several high rank titles, only the highest is named after the dynasty. Thus, we can have both a Seljuk Sultanate and a Sultanate of Rum, both ruled by the Seljuk dynasty. Randomly generated characters of these cultures automatically get a dynasty name suitable to name states after (ending with -id or -n, etc).


Lastly (for this dev diary), there are seven new creatable empires (the Arabian Empire, the Empire of Persia, Britannia, Scandinavia, Francia, Spain and Russia) and a whole slew of new de jure kingdoms, mostly to break up the old kingdom of Khazaria. Now, I know the addition of the new empires is controversial, but the creation conditions are designed to be fairly difficult to achieve, so the AI will very rarely do it. We want players to have the imperial option to strive for if they so desire - the Unions turned out to be a popular feature in Europa Universalis III.


Oh, and before anyone asks, patch 1.06 will be semi-compatible with old save games: you will be able to keep playing, but we're making no guarantees that the balance will not be completely upset, or that any added new provinces will be active and working.

That's it for now. Next week I'll talk about polygamy, decadence, and strong and weak claims!
Extremely cool stuff, somewhat skeptical about the new empires and the kingdoms de jure map - the best for me was the one from 1.02 - which I understand had to be adjusted with the introduction of the kingdoms and empires level de jure CB, but still. I'd see the empires justified only if the HRE, the ERE and the Latin Empire were at a different level of prestige/relevance with respect to the new ones. Or for instance some "Translatio Imperii" mechanism were introduced, so that Francia could replace the Germanic HRE / restore the Frankish HRE or Russia would take the place of the ERE as leader of the Orthodox Christians ("third Rome"). How to do that I don't know, many ideas can be gathered though. Also I'd put Italy into the HRE, removing Bavaria and Pomerania making them potential titular titles (along with Saxony) and make some adjustments to avoid that the HRE eats up Genoa and Venice immediately.

I have no idea how to properly split khazaria and Rus - but the kingdom of Perm is quite weird to me, as well as Ruthenia - and I would have figured different solutions about the old Byzantium kingdom splitting. I still think it makes more sense to have a "Despot of Romania/Constantinopolis" below the rank of Basileus of the Romans, but a "Despot of Greece" or "Despot of Anatolia" frankly is quite weird.

Also the province borders in North Africa are a little bit ugly, but I can live with that - I'm not that interested in that area.

Anyways I hope this is seen as constructive criticism, I love the new stuff and buy the DLC anyways.
I think we could do with a Polonia and a Maygyar Empire option, as well. I like everything else, but give some of the Central European states a shot at an Imperial Title. People don't want to be the Russian Empire, just because they live East of the HRE.
As i remember my history, the reason for the unstability in Kalmar between Denmark and Sweden was disargeement on foreign affairs ... Denmark wanted to war with the northen HRE states under his 'Duke of holstein' hat, while Sweden wanted to sell their iron and the most logical trading partner would be the same northen HRE states

Well that and the fact that Denmark increased the tax burden to finance his German adventures. And the Danish King replacing Swedish people in important positions like Bailiffs with Germans.


Sort of relevant:D
Not every Kingdom tier title was historically a 'kingdom'. Not every Empire tier title was historically an 'empire'. The Khans didn't go around calling themselves Emperors, they were khans. But for game play mechanics they are at the same tier as the Kaiser, in order to allow them to more effectively control all those provinces in a game based on west european feudalism. The fact that we can, as players, eventually have a dynasty rule over half of europe before the the historical rise of centralized states necessitates a certain suspension of disbelief. As it currently stands a player has up to around 400 years of time to spend playing this game. The majority of these players spend that time expanding one way or the other. After a certain point it becomes necessary to delegate the relations between vassal and lords to a reasonable level, you can't effectively play the game with dozens of dukes all pestering you for this or that, it would take too long to achieve even the most minor of goals because of the need to constantly look after your vassals needs. It is much easier to simply have as many of the dukes as you can under kings, and you rule the kings. Is this historical? No, those who united Spain and Britain sat on multiple thrones. But game play mechanics make this unwieldy. Some of us do not like that all of these 'fictional' 'empires' are being added to the game, fortunately for you the developers seem to be trying to make it very difficult, impossible even, for the ai to form these 'empires' under normal circumstances. And if YOU do not want to form them? well then there is no where that says you must. If you want to play as a Spanish king sitting on the thrones of Castile and Aragon then you CAN. It would even be an interesting goal to try and achieve as close to historical borders as possible. But for those players who want to play a dynasty who conquers as much territory as you can reasonably hold, the inclusion of new empire TIER titles is a welcome inclusion and an interesting built in goal.
Glad to finally see a de-jure kingdom of Alania by default, guess I can stop modding that in every time, though not sure about having Azov in it personally. Not sure what to make of the Muslim material so I'll wait and see on that.

On the subject of de-jure empires beyond the HRE/ERE, I think the main problem ultimately lies in the emperor title itself. An Empire of Britannia is ahistorical, a King of All-Britain is not (Æthelstan, in theory). Ultimately, I'd feel a lot better about the new de-jure empires if these new 'emperors' were still called Kings, (and possibly their vassal kings re-tagged as sub-king if thats even possible) with an increased chance of indepedence wars from it's sub-kingdoms breaking out on succession with the goal of dissolving the 'empire', thus removing the title from the new 'emperor'. Of course I'm clueless so that is probably not even possible.

Either way I don't think anyone beyond the Holy Roman Emperor and the Byzantine Emperor should use an actual imperial title. Being Empire level as a representation of their power seems fine so long as they're not actually 'emperors' just very powerful kings (in places that are unlikely to truly submit to the two actual emperors in any case), with a very real danger of losing it all.
Glad to finally see a de-jure kingdom of Alania by default, guess I can stop modding that in every time, though not sure about having Azov in it personally. Not sure what to make of the Muslim material so I'll wait and see on that.

On the subject of de-jure empires beyond the HRE/ERE, I think the main problem ultimately lies in the emperor title itself. An Empire of Britannia is ahistorical, a King of All-Britain is not (Æthelstan, in theory). Ultimately, I'd feel a lot better about the new de-jure empires if these new 'emperors' were still called Kings, (and possibly their vassal kings re-tagged as sub-king if thats even possible) with an increased chance of indepedence wars from it's sub-kingdoms breaking out on succession with the goal of dissolving the 'empire', thus removing the title from the new 'emperor'. Of course I'm clueless so that is probably not even possible.

Either way I don't think anyone beyond the Holy Roman Emperor and the Byzantine Emperor should use an actual imperial title. Being Empire level as a representation of their power seems fine so long as they're not actually 'emperors' just very powerful kings (in places that are unlikely to truly submit to the two actual emperors in any case), with a very real danger of losing it all.

I'm liking the idea of calling the new "emperors" High Kings or something similar. Anyone have any nice flavor names for what you would call a British or Scandinavian "emperor"?

Or maybe, if you form an empire tier title, the old kingdoms would be renamed Grand Duchies while the "emperor" is called King? Or implementing the viceroys that were droped because of lakck of time.

The last one feels better since I am stumped trying to find a good High King title.
Four question are Sufi order join able yea for Islamic mysticism, two will be special requirement to become a Caliph, and three will have the political theory of sultan work into the game of how they are appoint by god, but lose appoint one somebody take there throne away, very similar to the mandate of heaven in china, other word legitimacy does not bloodline for sultan but how if hold it and how long. Four question since many of middle east is not great farmland people crowd into major cities, such as Baghdad, Caro Damascus, So everything was really focus into the city they century of Islamic world, when comes trade, thought etc. Will be properly representative in game through modifier or events?
I'm liking the idea of calling the new "emperors" High Kings or something similar. Anyone have any nice flavor names for what you would call a British or Scandinavian "emperor"?

Or maybe, if you form an empire tier title, the old kingdoms would be renamed Grand Duchies while the "emperor" is called King?

The last one feels better since I am stumped trying to find a good High King title.

Divine King/Queen or Absolute King/Queen.
make the new default name "High King/Queen" while German's are called Kaiser(in)s, Greeks are called Basilious(spelling ... and female ending?) and Russians are called Tsar(ina) would be a good compromise
make the new default name "High King/Queen" while German's are called Kaiser(in)s, Greeks are called Basilious(spelling ... and female ending?) and Russians are called Tsar(ina) would be a good compromise

Could be coupled with a lesser prestige gain and a lower dynasty score related to the new empires.
The title Æthelstan used to represent his (not entirely accurate) authority over the Scots/Welsh was Rex Totius Britanniae, King of All Britain/the Whole of Britain. The problem with giving it a special title beyond the normal king-level one that isn't imperial in nature is that, for example, the king of Ireland should technically be a High King already.
The title Æthelstan used to represent his (not entirely accurate) authority over the Scots/Welsh was Rex Totius Britanniae, King of All Britain/the Whole of Britain. The problem with giving it a special title beyond the normal king-level one that isn't imperial in nature is that, for example, the king of Ireland should technically be a High King already.

The Irish barons and mayors considered themselves Kings as well :p
I am pretty sure there never were Empires of Francia or Scandinavia and the other new Empires (except for Persia and Spain, but Spain was never recognized by any major powers anyway) came into existence only much later.
I am thinking that you would need high crown authority or higher in all of the kingdoms that make up the de Jure title. It would sort of explain why things like the Kalmar Union did not work out. If they also tweek the difficulty of centralizing a bit it would make for some challenge. Controlling multiple kingdoms with your dukes resenting your high crown authority and wanting the king title will at least be somewhat of a hurdle.