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Hi everyone and welcome back to regular weekly dev diaries (if you don't count the april fools one last week). I know you are all super excited to hear what we have been up to since Battle for the Bosporus. The answers to that are going to take a few dev diaries to cover, so I figured I would start with a timeline for you:
  • We recently released 1.10.4 to fix various multiplayer exploits going on, but seems an important case was not detected at the time so we are working on a 1.10.5 to address that soon.
  • Pdxcon is coming up in May so expect to hear some more details there.
  • The yearly anniversary is coming in June so expect some cool stuff and a patch.
  • We are however spending most of our time on the 1.11 Barbarossa update as well as the unannounced expansion that will be released together with it. That's what we will spend most of our diaries on, as well as today!

‘Barbarossa’ and the unannounced DLC will focus on the Eastern Front and the core of Hearts of Iron, which is warfare - particularly land warfare. Historically the Eastern Front was without doubt the most important front for World War II. It was the largest confrontation in history and
is where Hitler’s expansion was first stopped and pushed back signaling the eventual doom of the axis powers. There are several areas we want to improve here. Weather does not feel impactful enough, while historically it had a massive impact. Logistics currently doesn’t have much player interaction and is mostly something you have to deal with only when problems appear, and finally the combat and division meta has been stable (with an emphasis on large divisions) for a long time - something we hope we can shake up. As you can imagine, these are all things that affect the game on a deeper level and take a lot of work to get right.

Today, I’ll give you guys a bit of an overview on the supply aspect, but fair warning: it’s early days and stuff may still change here before we’re done. I’ll probably spend 3+ diaries on supply over the course of the development to cover everything, but I figured it would be nice to hear about the overarching ideas.

The old system worked by having discrete supply areas pathing back to the players capital and keeping track of the bottlenecks. To simplify a bit ;) - those bottlenecks then decided how many units could fit into areas near the front without penalties. The areas themselves were unintuitive to players and required you to check multiple mapmodes to see if you stepped over an edge etc. I do like bottleneck systems though, because feedback is usually immediate, but it suffered from not having much scaling cost as distances increased, so it was hard to use it to limit snowballing. As I mentioned it was also a system you didn't care too much about until you had problems, while historically, logistics was a vital part of planning a campaign. This led to combining the issue with another gripe of ours - that the way fronts moved in WW2 often followed important railroads, but don't really in HOI4. We came to the conclusion that we should try and make a system focused on railways and with a truck based component as a way to get more out of it when away from the rails.


In our new system, supply flows from the capital (the total amount available depends on your total industrial base) through railways, where the level of the railway acts as a bottleneck. To transport more, you need a higher level railway (or a bigger port if it goes over water) so the railways are the current bottlenecks in a way. Depending on how much supply is transported you need a certain amount of trains for the rails to perform. Trains are a new equipment type that we will dig into in a future diary (well actually, several types ;P)

An important part of railways is that they are capturable, so as you push into enemy territory you will want to make sure to hold vital railways and capture railway hubs to supply your troops. There is a conversion time here to model the fact that there was usually some repair or re-gauging that needed to happen for attackers.



Mapmodes are still quite WIP ;)

Rivers also had a huge importance on the eastern front for transport and supply so they will work essentially like basic railroads now, where you need to control both sides of their banks to use them to ship supplies around.


Supply is drawn from what we call Supply Hubs now, which are either cities, naval bases, or manually constructed stations along the rails, which have to be linked into the network. Air supply works a bit differently but we will talk about this in the future along with some other supply additions...

The flow of supply from a Hub to a division depends on the terrain/weather etc, and ideally you want to have available trucks here (which is to say, motorized equipment) to increase the amount of supply you get as well as range. Cost of trucks and trains and losses to attrition and bad weather will be a limiting factor on your logistics.


Overall, this creates a system where it's strategically sound to fight over railways, prepare for large offensives, to try and bleed each other's logistics capability and to force care when advancing in bad terrain and weather. The result is a much more fun, historical and immersive Eastern Front as well as adding a new layer of invasion planning in the rest of the world.

See you all next week for the next diary!
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Wooooo! This is basically going to address every major complaint about the game right now (except the Italy FT).
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I fear the naval war particularly in the Baltic Sea will never get properly represented in HoI4. You'd need proper representation of archipelagos, coastal waters, coastal batteries, gunboats, torpedo boats, proper minefields, a giant anti-submarine net, key islands like Suursaari, more seazones and honestly a bigger map... But hopefully we'll at least get some improvements to the region, as well as representation of convoys going from Liinahamari and Narvik to Germany via coastal routes.

Aye - to do littoral naval warfare right is far too much for HoI4 - it's another of those situations where naval "strategic = tactical" (ie, MTB torpedoes a coastal battleship clearing the way for an invasion fleet) making modelling of naval mechanics in a game that's primarily strategic/operational all sorts of complex.

On that giant net at the head of the Gulf of Finland, maybe if there was a way to have "temporary" straights (so once a faction controls both sides, they have a decision where they can do a project to create the net, then if they lose one side it disappears again).

But for things like coastal batteries actually engaging/damaging (possibly sinking) ships, archipeligos and MTBs, I think that'd need a rethink of how things worked, at least coastally, from the ground up. Sadly, I suspect coastal convoys will need that as well, but we can always hope :)

Tell you what, I'd love a game dedicated to the naval war in the Baltic between 1941 and 1945 (maybe with a 1939 scenario for Poland to do the best it can in the circumstances).
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Will industry be considered alongside this ?
Will steel be required for construction and / or repair of railways ?
Is the way that factories begetting more factories and the snowballing of industry being looked at as part of this ?
Will maintenance of railways and rail capacity require industry, e.g. x of your factories are building rail cars ?
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Now that there have been several posts about railroad guns, how could they be modeled at a grand strategic level? I know they would look good on the map and should make BOOM like no other, but how do they fight in the combat system? Would they strictly be used for actions before combat, like reducing a fort? Would it take them a month or more to set up, like in real life?
I’ve been thinking about the same questions. I doubt railroad guns will be an equipment type, because it doesn’t really fit the combat model very well. As far as I know, railroad guns were used in sieges in WW2, and sieges aren’t modelled well in the game either. So this is an area where we might see some development - for example, by introducing a non-combat bombardment of defenders used to reduce land forts. Perhaps by way of using command points, or something to that effect.
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Now that there have been several posts about railroad guns, how could they be modeled at a grand strategic level? I know they would look good on the map and should make BOOM like no other, but how do they fight in the combat system? Would they strictly be used for actions before combat, like reducing a fort? Would it take them a month or more to set up, like in real life?
If they introduce support troops as a general concept (so independant artillery, AA, AT, engineer etc battalions) Having a super heavy artillery support battalion could fit in there. Maybe only allowing it to support troops in combat directly on a railway province.
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While I really like where this is going, my concern is how will the AI be able to handle it when they can't use the current system. I continually find massed armies of my allies crammed into one small area to attack and starving themselves to death. I can't get into the area because they are sucking up all of the supply and I can't get them to leave.

Is this system going to be easier for the AI to use? Doesn't sound that way.
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I'd like to see horse and motorized logistics systems. When the Germans invaded the soviet union they used a lot of horses, which would die from starvation and exhaustion. This would eventually mean that the deeper into russia they went, the more they relied upon railways. On the other hand, when the soviets counter attacked the Germans they had a significant quantity of lend lease trucks and fuel to use them. This meant that they weren't totally reliant upon railway lines and could resupply more evenly across the broad front, and once they were in Germany they didn't have the same severity of logistical problems that the Germans had.

I'd like maybe horse pops and a sort of convoy system for horses and trucks, where they can be attacked and require supplies.

also please rework italy and russia focus trees. I love the work you all do and greatly appreciate it!
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Extremely hype, but as someone working on a large conversion mod, I must ask with fear: which of the new map features (railways, supply hubs) will be in the /history/states files like other buildings, and which ones might be in their own file somewhere, like something in /maps maybe?

On that note, can railways be drawn with the Nudge tool?
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When it comes to logistics and supply , the biggest problem I encounter is the way allied troops are deployed onto player frontlines and ruin supply. Its the number one reason I avoid joining factions or call allies to war. I haven't seen any question related to this....

Are you going to address ai controlled troops ruining player supply?
I sort-of alluded to this in my third point about AI capability. I agree that the lack of AI awareness and/or lack of a facility to set monopoly command focus in one area is a big issue currently. The ability to assign command of strategic regions to alliance members might be a potential resolution, here - or just AI reluctance to send units where supply is already stretched.
Now that there have been several posts about railroad guns, how could they be modeled at a grand strategic level? I know they would look good on the map and should make BOOM like no other, but how do they fight in the combat system? Would they strictly be used for actions before combat, like reducing a fort? Would it take them a month or more to set up, like in real life?
If you are going to include "big guns" then I would suggest that coastal guns are even more important than "siege artillery". In several cases they were actually very similar guns, and the capability to have "safe lanes" for navies would add a naval element that feeds into some of what @Axe99 and @Fulmen were talking about, above.
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Really nice. Love the new train idea. Puts my two favorites in one game (war and trains).

Keep up the good work!
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The game still needs other major updates, such as diplomacy/warscore overhaul (to make ahistorical fun), air warfare overhaul, research overhaul, and possibly even an economic overhaul later on after the major issues have been tackled with.
As for country packs, I think most likely they will do Scandinavia next, then followed either by South America, or middle-east countries.
Also internal politics and diplomacy need a very important rework

I also think Southeast Asia is obvious, which was also a vital area in that conflict and all the countries of those countries need something of their own flavor
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I’m very disappointed that Italy is still not getting reworked, but on the positive side this makes it more likely that Austria will be included in the Italy rework (also hoping for a Belgium rework as the other “lost” European country without a focus tree).
I rather see Belgium is a dlc or country pack of neutral countries jointly Switzerland and Ireland rather than come with the Italian rework
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like it is not possible that an L3/33 has the same stats of a panzer 2 : Thats the biggest problem for me , but I think this will be adressed in a Research overhaul
Well the case of L3 / 33 with the panzer II is not the most scandalous case regarding the issue of armor that I have always defended that that there has to be an armor designer who better implements the case of armor as well as one of airplanes
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Doesn't infrastructure already include railways. If railways are going to be separate then will infrastructure, which seems to include oil refining, steel and aluminium production, be modified ?
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Well the case of L3 / 33 with the panzer II is not the most scandalous case regarding the issue of armor that I have always defended that that there has to be an armor designer who better implements the case of armor as well as one of airplanes
The 3D models and images are just for flavour anyway, a Light Tank 1 is a Light Tank 1, so I don't care too much, tbh.
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The 3D models and images are just for flavour anyway, a Light Tank 1 is a Light Tank 1, so I don't care too much, tbh.
That is why I am a defender of an armor designer would have to be implemented since it is unlikely that a Soviet T26 with cannons has the same values as the German Panzer I with machine guns
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That is why I am a defender of an armor designer would have to be implemented since it is unlikely that a Soviet T26 with cannons has the same values as the German Panzer I with machine guns
If you want realistic tanks, I think a better solution would be to just start with some historical variants unlocked, rather than just basic tank designs.
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If you want realistic tanks, I think a better solution would be to just start with some historical variants unlocked, rather than just basic tank designs.
I have proposed something similar as suggestions regarding that for naval designer to rescue historical classes that could be unlocked as a decision after having investigated a certain hull something could also be implemented in a future air or armored designer
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I feel like I spoiled enough stuff for today feature wise ;D look forward to future diaries for more stuff
I know this is probably asking too much, but PLEASE can we have some new division battalion type(s) to make these new supply constructions tie into the game in a more meaningful and engaging/fun way?

Specifically, just like there are multiple battalion types that also serve as support companies, I think it is time to give engineers their due in reverse :

Let us create Engineer Divisions (to have exp. gained from construction along with supply levels affecting efficiency) - which have a construction buff attribute and potentially other juicy supply/construction mechanics TBD!

This could improve upon the rather restrictive and arbitrarily linear handicap of needing to use 0>15 factories on any single province build.

For example, perhaps the construction options for building out various slots in any given province is nerfed to make it VERY in-efficient to try and build anything without having an engineer unit present in that province and/or state to work on it. There would be lots of interesting ways to balance it out, maybe a scaling S curve of efficiency within given state & supply zones?

Engineers on same provinces could also be useful in buffing up entrenchment/speed for reg. military units... repairing damaged buildings etc.

Would be cool to have different division designs depending on whether the ENG. divisions are being deployed near front lines, or as civil units to boost construction/defenses in home territories.

Being so powerful maybe there could be a hard cap based on a ratio like with Spec. Forces multipliers, or short of having a new production equipment for ENG/ you could do something simple just based on available factories/raw materials etc...

Finally let me please state the obvious that supply depots or hubs have LEVELS just like the other bases. For some you could consider it heavy micro that ISNT fun, but guaranteed there are loads of us who would enjoy getting into the weeds of mechanics like this on pause, or slow playing in between the lulls of campaign action.

please, please, pretty please with cherries on top! o_O
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