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Congrats MattSR30. Another fine AGOT AAR.
Thanks to siempie78 for the nomination, and everyone else for the congratulations!

Looks like I've got a bit of catching up on some other AARs to do. :D
Congratulations, MattSR30.
Well done!
Congratulations MattSR30!
Looks like we've had quite the string of AGOT CK2 writAARs.
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Congratulations MattSR30!
Looks like we've had quite the string of AGOT CK2 writAARs.

I think there's a very good reason for that. When, after a while, one AGOT AAR is picked, it puts the awards, naturally, in the hands of an ASOIAF fan. No doubt then that they'll often be most interested in other AGOT AARs, and so it'll stay in that area until someone who enjoys reading other AARs picks a different one...

... Which brings me onto my nomination. Thanks again siempie78, and thanks to all who have congratulated me and/or read my AAR. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it is by no means anywhere close to being done, so if you're a fan, look forward to many more months of chapters. :)

As I mentioned above, AGOT fans tend to stick with AGOT AARs, and so I'd like to nominate JNOGaming for WritAAR of the Week, for his Dreams of the Sword of Morning AAR. I have a soft spot for it, because I too wrote my first AAR as Edric Dayne, and so it's nice to see another newcomer following that path. The POV style is one I enjoy, and the combination of an altruistic Edric Dayne, and a somewhat mischievous Arya Stark is quite entertaining.

Congratulations JNOGaming, I look forward to reading many more parts, and to whomever you pick next week! Thanks again everyone! :)

Edit: I also just noticed that you have now been nominated for WritAAR of the Week, and AAR Showcase on the very same day. Not bad for a newbie, not bad at all.
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Congratulation (again), JNOGaming!
I think there's a very good reason for that. When, after a while, one AGOT AAR is picked, it puts the awards, naturally, in the hands of an ASOIAF fan. No doubt then that they'll often be most interested in other AGOT AARs, and so it'll stay in that area until someone who enjoys reading other AARs picks a different one...
I'd say more it's because there's so many of them. It's very well the most played mod, so there are many users writing AARs about it, which increases the chances the best AAR in general will be an AGoT AAR rather than a vanilla one.
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Congrats JNOGaming! May the Daynes reach true glory once again!
Well, wow!! My laptop over heated and conked out on me for a bit so I get myself a new laptop fan for today and come back and I'm WritAAR of the Week of the week and Weekly AAR Showcase of the week. Blown away, I literally thought only two people had actually looked at my AAR. So I'm over the moon and looking forward to writing more.

Just as a newb, does this mean next sunday it's my job to nominate a WritAAR?