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von Altmark, in rare case of not throwing fish publishes what is now known as the von Altremarks:

The Government is bad, von Altmark is good. Therefore von Altmark should run the government.
von Altmark, in rare case of not throwing fish publishes what is now known as the von Altremarks:

The Government is bad, von Altmark is good. Therefore von Altmark should run the government.

Meningen throws a stuffed model of an Archaeopteryx at von Altmark
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The Veto and Ministerial Legislation act:

Section 1
A. The Redundancy Act is hereby repealed.

Section 2
A. All legislation must be presented to the President.
B. Should the President approve the legislation, it must be presented to the Chancellor for signing within Forty Eight Hours.
C. Should the President not approve the legislation, he is then given the option to veto or hold the legislation.
D. If the President decides to hold the legislation, he will be again be given the option to veto it at the next Reichtag session.
E. The President may only hold the legislation twice consecutively.
F. If the President does not hold the legislation again, the legislation will become law.
G. If the President vetoes the legislation, an override may occur.
H. An override occurs when 2/3rds of the assembly votes to override the President's veto.
I. If the override occurs, the legislation becomes law.
J. The override may also call for the President's resignation, and may add that to the override's goals, however it is not necessary.
K. If the veto succeeds, the legislation may not be proposed again until the next election.

Section 3
A. The Chancellor may suspend or declare a minister unable/incapable of fulfilling their required assignment.
B. The plans of a minister who is suspended are declared null.
C. Instead, it is the Chancellor who will draw the plans previously assigned to the minister.
D. The Chancellor may not replace the suspended minister with another official.
E. A simple majority vote by the Reichstag is required to override a ministerial suspension.
F. Should a minister be declarer unable/incapable of fulfilling their required assignment, the Chancellor may cal for a Vote of No Confidence.
G. Unlike a Vote of No Confidence proposed in the Reichstag, a Vote of No Confidence proposed by the Chancellor may be done either by the Cabinet or the Reichstag.
H. A simple majority is required by either the Reichstag or the Cabinet to remove the minister from office.
I. A 2/3rds majority in the Reichstag is required to override a Chancellors Vote if No Confidence.
J. The President may veto a Ministerial suspension, but not a Vote of No Confidence.

Section 4
A. In the case of a hung Reichstag, a coalition will be formed, to be negotiated by the varying Parties of the Reichstag.
B. Should a coalition fail to form, or fail to reach the 50% majority required, a minority government will form.
C. A minority government will be made of the largest coalition, or if there is no coalition, of the largest Party.
D. If a Party is larger than a coalition, the Party takes power.
E. A minority government may only govern for half the normal term.
F. During a minority Government, the Reichstag may vote to dissolve itself and call for new elections. This requires a simple majority.
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Herr Victor,

What happens if the Chancellor refuses to sign legislation? I also strongly dislike Section 4, which seems to give the Reichstag incentive to deliberately not make coalition agreements that incorporate multiple parties, so that the largest single party can claim to rule the government without the participation of other parties.

Fritz von Hohenzollern

((Drop the ten days requirement, please, or substitute it with 48 or 72 hours. There's no way we'll hold up the AAR for over a week if the President isn't paying attention.))
Herr Victor,

What happens if the Chancellor refuses to sign legislation? I also strongly dislike Section 4, which seems to give the Reichstag incentive to deliberately not make coalition agreements that incorporate multiple parties, so that the largest single party can claim to rule the government without the participation of other parties.

Fritz von Hohenzollern

((Drop the ten days requirement, please, or substitute it with 48 or 72 hours. There's no way we'll hold up the AAR for over a week if the President isn't paying attention.))
The Chancellor is to sign any law that is presented to him, whether or not he agrees with it. Should he refuse, then it is clear that he is unwilling to fulfill his duty, and as such a Vote of No Confidence should take place.
As to section 4, I realize that the section gives undue authority to a single party. I am willing to hear suggestion on that point.
~Herr Victor
((Will do. I mostly picked 10 days as a random set of time that means nothing IG.))
It is sad that this government has collapsed, but perhaps inevitable. It is, however, sadder still to see the continued remarks of Herr Liebknecht, even accusing us of being in league with the capitalists. This kind of hate speech has no place in the Reichstag, and disgusts me.
If your testing is showing that success rate is too low, what if we bumped up the table? That is, 19 or 20 means death, 18 wounded for a year, 17 innocent NPC killed (or, maybe, random player killed?) We would say that a natural 20 means that assassin completely evades detection, so that that particular assassin doesn't count against you for detection. Ex: You send five assassins, one gets a natural 20, so the target is killed and you only have to get > 3 to evade detection.

(( The issue isn't so much that success rate is too low (I'd say it's about right as-is), but the getting-killed-off-yourself rate is a bit too high. Personally, what I'd suggest is:

1 (w/o modifiers) -- Critical failure. Flip a coin.
Heads - The assassin turns on his target, handing full details of the plot to the Gendarmerie. The person who ordered the hit is instantly revealed, and no further dice rolls are made.
Tails - The assassin turns on his target and kills him. (This may result in both parties dying as a result, as other assassins could find and kill the original target.)

I, too, have grave concerns regarding the Veto And Ministerial Legislation Act. As far as I can see, it allows for a single party with 35% of the vote to command supreme power over the entire legislature.

Step 1. Have a party member elected President or Chancellor. Or ideally, have your party occupy both positions, either by forming a minority government, by making coalition promises or just through general popular support. (The NLPD have already achieved this on several occasions, so this stage is not unrealistic.)

Step 2. If President, make it clear that one will veto any and all proposed legislation except that which you (or the Chancellor) personally provide. The rest of the Reichstag can only command 65% of the vote, so any override or Vote Of No Confidence fails.

Step 3. If Chancellor, suspend all ministerial positions, and gradually set oneself up as absolute dictator. This stage may require finesse or persuasion, as one will need an extra 15% of the Reichstag to agree to not override the suspensions. Theoretically, one should begin with the Commander of the Gendarmerie and the Minister of the Interior while the Reichstag is not unduly suspicious, and then threats of arrest or military force can be used to gain the continued support of the 15%. Once all ministerial positions reside in one body, the 15% is no longer required, as all Votes Of No Confidence will fail to reach the 66% threshold.

Step 4. Repeal elections, declare oneself Dictators For Life. Enjoy your newfound supreme authority, and beware the Ides of March.

But even if we were to amend the Act to remove specific means of exploitation, the general principle of the thing - handing more power to the President and Chancellor, at the expense of the Ministers and the Reichstag - is one that I must unconditionally oppose. And I am extremely surprised to see it proposed by a liberal federalist party; I thought you fellows were in favour of decentralisation of governmental power?
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(( The issue isn't so much that success rate is too low (I'd say it's about right as-is), but the getting-killed-off-yourself rate is a bit too high. Personally, what I'd suggest is:

1 (w/o modifiers) -- Critical failure. Flip a coin.
Heads - The assassin turns on his target, handing full details of the plot to the Gendarmerie. The person who ordered the hit is instantly revealed, and no further dice rolls are made.
Tails - The assassin turns on his target and kills him. (This may result in both parties dying as a result, as other assassins could find and kill the original target.)

I, too, have grave concerns regarding the Veto And Ministerial Legislation Act. As far as I can see, it allows for a single party with 35% of the vote to command supreme power over the entire legislature.

Step 1. Have a party member elected President or Chancellor. Or ideally, have your party occupy both positions, either by forming a minority government, by making coalition promises or just through general popular support. (The NLPD have already achieved this on several occasions, so this stage is not unrealistic.)

Step 2. If President, make it clear that one will veto any and all proposed legislation except that which you (or the Chancellor) personally provide. The rest of the Reichstag can only command 65% of the vote, so any override or Vote Of No Confidence fails.

Step 3. If Chancellor, suspend all ministerial positions, and gradually set oneself up as absolute dictator. This stage may require finesse or persuasion, as one will need an extra 15% of the Reichstag to agree to not override the suspensions. Theoretically, one should begin with the Commander of the Gendarmerie and the Minister of the Interior while the Reichstag is not unduly suspicious, and then threats of arrest or military force can be used to gain the continued support of the 15%. Once all ministerial positions reside in one body, the 15% is no longer required, as all Votes Of No Confidence will fail to reach the 66% threshold.

Step 4. Repeal elections, declare oneself Dictators For Life. Enjoy your newfound supreme authority, and beware the Ides of March.

But even if we were to amend the Redundancy Act to remove specific means of exploitation, the general principle of the thing - handing more power to the President and Chancellor, at the expense of the Ministers and the Reichstag - is one that I must unconditionally oppose. And I am extremely surprised to see it proposed by a liberal federalist party; I thought you fellows were in favour of decentralisation of governmental power?
Again, I am well aware of the problems associated with section four, and plan to rectify it as soon as possible.

As to why I am proposing increased Governmental power? In truth, I am trying to clarify and in some cases decrease its power. What does my act establish, what does it give the central government?
1. The Redundancy act is removed.
2. It clarifies the role of Veto, when it can be used, and when it can be overridden. You will notice that the Chancellor loses his power to veto under this legislation, only the President can therefore veto.
3. It gives the Chancellor the power to suspend a minister from office. The minister is still allowed to vote, draw legislation, etc., but is unable to carry out ministerial plans. The Chancellor is also able to call for a Vote of No Confidence for said minister. You will notice that it is this very issue that led to the downfall of the previous government. You will also notice that for the one, it simply requires a Reichstag majority to repeal, while for the other, it requires a Reichstag super-majority to vote out.
4. Section four, while it does have clear problems, does attempt to establish a protocol in the case of a no-coalition situation.

In truth, the power of the Government is therefore as much as it was previously, if not less in certain circumstances.
~Herr Victor
If we are allowed to propose legislation, then I have this one:

The Reichstag Peace Bill

1. There will be no more throwing of anything in the Reichstag any further.

2. Violation can result in temporary removal from Reichstag, for a period no longer than 1 year.

3. Repeated violation can result in permanent expulsion from the Reichstag.
This is in response to a few members of our Reichstag throwing things such as stuffed Archaeopteryx, and fish at other members of our Reichstag. It is unbecoming of representative of our nation, and should be passed to allow greater standards for our nation's representatives.

~Johannes Carile

((Stop throwing stuff!))
If we are allowed to propose legislation, then I have this one:

This is in response to a few members of our Reichstag throwing things such as stuffed Archaeopteryx, and fish at other members of our Reichstag. It is unbecoming of representative of our nation, and should be passed to allow greater standards for our nation's representatives.

~Johannes Carile

((Stop throwing stuff!))


Throws a fish.
The liberal parties have come together and agreed to the following government:

Reichskanzler- Franz Meningen ((Andre Massena)) BP
Foreign Minister- Samuel von Dwyfor-Frauenkirche ((TheChalk)) BP
Minister of War- HF Gutfreund ((Jack L Eagle)) NLPD
Minister of the Interior- Johannes Carile ((alxeu)) NLPD
Minister of Finance- Frederick Thiessen ((Idhrendur)) UAI
Minister of Education- Walther Herwig ((Warlord Skorr)) UAI

Minority Commission- Friedrich von Livand ((Grimely)), Gerrit van Kloetinge ((DensleyBlair)), Karl Adimari ((PTSnoop))

Long live the Republic of Germany!
I denounce this disgusting cabal of sectionalists, and I demand that the Reichsprasident veto this sham of a government!

~ Friedrich von Hohenstaufen, Chief of the General Staff
A clear signal. I shall be selling my lands in germany and secure my family in the safer poland with a new castle.I shall be ready the day Germany collapses due to Herr oppressors madness...

Comrade Heinrich IV von Silesia -Glogau
A clear signal. I shall be selling my lands in germany and secure my family in the safer poland with a new castle.I shall be ready the day Germany collapses due to Herr oppressors madness...

Comrade Heinrich IV von Silesia -Glogau

Have no fear, we shall not pursue an overly-aggressive foreign policy.

I shall outline our plans and goals after the Reichsprasident approves the coalition and the other parties officially agree to the arrangement.

-Herr Liberator
Oh my, I weep for the German nation; for things are not going to go very well.
Did the earlier government not collapse because they were trying to get Herr Meningen out of office? Now the liberals are appointing him Chancellor? Seems as though we went through two collapsed governments for absolutely no reason at all. I'm surprised the people are still voting for the liberal parties with the sheer stupidity plaguing that end of the political spectrum.

- Eva von Vandenburg
The far-left and the far-right are the only groups capable of preserving Germany in the face of liberal failures.