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120 Badges
Sep 4, 2009
  • Victoria 2
  • Stellaris: Nemesis
  • Surviving Mars: First Colony Edition
  • Surviving Mars: First Colony Edition
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Stellaris Sign-up
  • Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
  • Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
  • Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
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  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century
  • Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn
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  • Stellaris: Ancient Relics
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Tyranny: Archon Edition
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Field Marshal
  • Stellaris: Megacorp
  • BATTLETECH: Season pass
  • Prison Architect
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
  • Europa Universalis IV: Dharma
  • BATTLETECH - Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Stellaris: Digital Anniversary Edition
  • Imperator: Rome
  • BATTLETECH: Flashpoint

Mankind has reached the stars. In the unending hunt for land and resources settlers from Earth have colonized the Solar System giant space colonies, housing millions upon millions of souls float above worlds as far as Neptune. Ground based colonies thrive, either under massive domes or upon terraformed lands on Mars, and the moons of Saturn and Jupiter. All is not well though. Tensions have brewed for years between the far flung colonies and Earth. Not to mention among eachother. These tensions finally come to a head as a coalition of colonies declare independence from Earth, war is but days away.



Mechanized Glory is as you can probably tell from the image above, a game based heavily in series like Gundam (though with designs also taking from sources like Heavy Gear and the like.) More specifically it's my attempt to do to the Gihren's Greed games what World in Revolution has done for the likes of EU and HOI. For anyone who hasn't played Gihren's Greed (which most likely you haven't as it's never been given an English release) it's about the closest thing to a Paradox style Grand Strategy Game you'll likely ever see out of Japan.

One of the big differences between that game, and this game in comparison to nation style games, is that there will be much more limited factions. Instead of dozens of nations, here there are at the moment, two. The United Earth Government (UEG) and the Independent Colonial League (ICL.) Each faction has specific advantages and disadvantages, along with slots for players at various teirs.

The game will take place in stages, each one representing an 'era' of the setting. The first era as it were is currently going to be known as the 'Colonial War.' Each update will represent 2 weeks ingame. With Mini updates representing one to two days for battles. Each Era will have a time limit, at which point depending on how the war has gone, it will influence the next Era as events happen and old factions break and new ones form. This gives you the opportunity to make new characters, or to keep your characters continuity as they side with other groups.

Each Faction will comprise of one Leader, whose job is to well, run the faction. They control the majority of the budget and research and the general weight of the countries mook armies. Meanwhile other players will play as heroic individuals of their respective sides. People of influence that come with their own smaller forces and budgets, and are force multipliers for their respective factions in battle. Your relative power and amount of orders is tied to you rank inside the faction. They have 3 orders per turn and 1 order per mini.

Rank 3 players are notable pilots and aces, but lack the backing to do much other then intervene in fights, they may have singular regimental sized forces behind them to represent specialist units. They get 1 order per MINI turn, and can elect to join any one battle occurring during a mini regardless of their location last turn.

Rank 2 players are middle of the road, individual admirals and generals, or very dangerous aces. They have more troops to command and may be able to afford one or two independent research projects. They get 1 order per turn and 2 orders per Mini, can be involved in any number of battles occurring at their force's current location.

Rank 1 players are major members of their factions, grand admirals and generals, major politicians, or nobility. They can contribute significant forces to whatever the leaders plans are, and can act as sort of 'mini' leaders in that they have the budget to greatly help their faction, or drastically harm it if a Rank 1 player decides he might want to try forming his own faction... They get 2 Orders per Turn, and 2 orders per Mini, can be involved in any number of battles occurring in a mini.


United Earth Government:
Strengths: Super Prototype: To make up for their lack of reserach in the last few years, the UEG scientists are quite eager to produce the best of the best, despite the costs. More likely to produce 'super prototype' models when doing research.
Earthian Manpower: The UEG has significant manpower reserves due to controlling the homeworld, and rarely has to worry about running out.
Weaknesses: Behind the Times: The UEG has been neglecting it's armed forces for years, as such while large, it starts with drastically out of date equipment and a near complete lack of Walking Armour models.

Player Spots:
Leader (Full): Jobst Trunicht (@Cloud Strife )
Rank 1 (Full): Joshua Tomino (@aedan777 ), Benjamin Flanders (@BlackCrown )
Rank 2 (Full): Giorgio de Caravello (@Mikkel Glahder ), Jeffery Hawkins (@jeeshadow ), Stephen Riddle (@Terraferma )
Rank 3 (Unlimited): Cai Wingken (@DragonOfAtlantis )

Independent Colonial League:
Strengths: Advanced Military: The colonies have been preparing for this war in secret for some time, and as such have been preparing themselves. They start with up to date equipment and significant quantities of Walking Armour.
Designed for Everyone: The ICL scientists have their heads screwed on a bit firmer, and in general look to design equipment that can serve as a new baseline model and then upgrade off that. More likely to produce 'Grunt' models when doing research.
Weaknesses: Weak Industry: Being mostly space based, the ICL lacks the gigantic factory cities of the UEG. This means they need to make good choices on what they produce, as they won't be able to afford as many.

Player Spots:
Leader (Full): Bor Mallow (@Noco19 )
Rank 1 (Full): Friedrich I (@Arrowfiend ), Anton Cotte (@Corman50 )
Rank 2 (3 Max): Saymus Konolé (@sealy300 ), Jad Attlee (@oxfordroyale )
Rank 3 (Unlimited): Giancallo Actura (@Dadarian ), Kenny Blackwood (@Janha )


Combat in this game is done similar to World in Revolution but with more 'hard' numbers involved to represent the power of specific forces. Combat occurs during the mini stages when two sides have forces on or above the same planet. At this point each side's forces combat points are totaled and players are given the option to join in to help influence a battle.

For example, if during Turn 3, the ICL leader orders the 3 following regiments to attack the UEG controlled Moon, this would be how it would appear.

ICL Invasion of the Moon
Attackers (ICL)
2nd Walking Armour Regiment (Zapa MK Is) 2600 cbp
33rd Armoured (Jovian MBT) 1600 cbp
101st Infantry (Basic Equipment) 800 cbp
Total: 5000 cbp

Defenders (UEG):
3rd Armoured (MT-77) 1450 cbp
4th Armoured (MT-77) 1450 cbp
6th Infantry (Basic Equipment) 800 cbp
7th Infantry (Basic Equipment) 800 cbp
Total: 4500 cbp

If left to its own accord, the ICL likely will win this battle (not garunteed, but most likely will.) Players will have the option of putting their character and forces to this battle. For Rank 3 and 1 players, they can do this regardless of where they were last turn. For Rank 2 players, they must have spent their normal order to move their force to the same location as the battle. (So talk to your leaders or other Rank 2s!) These players will be able to influence the point totals and potentially change how the battle would go.

Equipment also has a major effect in a units fighting ability. As you can see above, the equipment of each regiment is tracked. An armoured regiment without tanks for example, is no better then basic infantry. While in some cases, a single super prototype could be worth as much as an entire regiment. This is why you want to always be conducting research to get better equipment for your regiments.

For now this serves as a mix of sign ups, an interest check, and a general questions and answers area. So feel free to ask if you want something clarified.

Research and Super Prototypes:

or each research order you have specific branches you can focus on.

The five branches of research are:
Space Ships
Walking Armour (a.k.a Mechs)

When you select a branch in your order you can then select what your looking for. For example, you want an upgrade on the current model (cheaper to produce and easier to a point to do, but less likely to be a major upgrade in terms of cbp) or a full new model (going to require more time and resources to work on, but more likely to be drastically improved.) Depending on what you ask for, I will then give you a response of potential options. For example.

Player 1 is a Rank 1 player and wants to produce an upgraded version of ICL's Zapa model Walking Armour. He more specifically wants an upgrade, not a new model. So I go to the research department and come back with these options for him. (Note, just cause you wanted an upgrade model or a new production type, does not mean all options will be that)

Zapa Model IB 2700 cbp, Cost Per Regiment: 100
Zapa Model II 2900 cbp, Cost Per Regiment: 300
'Super Prototype' Zardnic 4500 cbp, Cost Per One: 500

As you can see, the cost and cbp are not linear. Some lines are obviously going to be worse then others, sometimes worse models are indeed just worse, sometimes though they could lead to much stronger options later down the line. Other times you might get something listed as a 'Super Prototype.' These models tend to have extreme power and cost, like the Zardnic. These units are SINGULAR each time they are built. They are capable of doing significant damage, but Super Prototypes are tracked differently as they cost resources to maintain, can't capture and hold planets on their own, and similar to Rank 2 players, must actually be present at a battlefield to take action there. As you can see, the Zardnic costs as much as 5 Zapa Model IB regiments but at the same time, could take on by its own, 3 UEG armoured regiments. The way to get around a Super Prototypes location requirement, is to give it to a Rank 3 player, who will be able to use it wherever needed during a given turn, but at the same time whose to say they won't take it and run, or use it as part of a rebellion.

Important Setting Lore for Era 1:

Now in bullet point format for easier reading.
-There are no aliens.
-The Antarctic Treaty from Gundam is being carried over. This treaty states
  • The use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons is prohibited.
  • Dropping space colonies or large asteroids onto Major Planets is prohibited.
  • All prisoners of war must be treated humanely (although forced labor may be legal).
  • All neutral territories must be respected and combat operations in these regions are prohibited.
-The UEG is controlled by a democracy, though it has a militaristic bent and has emergency powers for the duration of the conflict. (See, Halo's United Nation Government for something similar.)
-ICL to start is something like the Confederacy from the ACW. Each colony is independent, but are united under an emergency federal government for the duration of the conflict at least. Whether they unify further or not is up to the players.



Sign Up:

Rank Preference:
Short Bio:
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Name: Major Stephen Riddle
Faction: U.E.G
Rank Preference: Rank 2
Age: 27
Bio: Born within one of the sprawling urban cities of earth, Stephen had a love for the sky. Always staring up at night, he dreamed of one day traveling into space. With the spread of humanity throughout the solar system, he would get his chance by the time he was 17, visiting some of humanity's colonies such as the one on Luna and going as far as Ganymede. Fortunate to be an only child of wealthy and even politically connected parents (the father's side), Riddle lived a life mostly of privilege, though the man was always humble of his background and rather modest. However, he did not want to follow the path already walked by his mother and father and decided to pursue a career in the military.

By age 20 he had completed his first year in the service, completing advanced training he was placed in the United Earth Government's Special Forces (U.E.G.S.F) by age 25 obtaining the rank of Captain. steadily rising among the elite given his marksmanship, overall tactical skill and leadership capabilities. A year before the war began he was promoted to Major and placed in charge of a newly created unit, officially designated the 13th Autonomous Corps. With the outbreak of war this unit would be affectionately known as "The Hellions" for their hit and run tactics as well as their heavy support role.​
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Fleet Admiral Benjamin Flanders

Faction: UEG
Rank Preference: 1/2
Short Bio: Born in the slums of the sprawling New York City metropolis, Flanders never had the privelage of a rich family lineage or treasury. The slums were infested with petty criminals and gangs alike, but rather then the city breaking him, it merely reinforced a vindictive sense of justice. Flanders would rise up to become chief of New York City's police forces, bringing the crime rating of the city to its lowest levels in the century/. This would spurn his political career, leading to a 5 year term as the governor of New England, and eventually his military career. His troops high morale, discipline, and his general lack of corruption has led to his promotion to Fleet Admiral. However, while he may currently be loyal to the UEG, his true loyalties lie with the civilians, and he will defend their livelihood at any cost.
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Name: Cai Wingken
Faction: UEG
Rank Preference: Rank 3
Short Bio: Cai is a native of Mars, born in a small town near the foot of Olympus Mons and a pilot. While he has a distinguished military career, he is unfortunately overly aggressive in battle and rather infamous for a history of high casualty rates among the men under his command. He very much is awaiting the fateful moment when the UEG finally declares war against the ICL and reunite the solar system. Despite serving under the UEG, his only true loyalty is to Mars.
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Name: Saymus Konolé
Faction: ICL
Rank Preference: 2
Short Bio: "Presadent-Guvanah" Saymus Konolé of Europa is a self appointed leader of the moon's new fledgling government. A trade union leader of the petroleum and oil shippers, when the ICL declared war he lead the three rebellious factions (The Vulkists, the Europans and the Confedralists) into the NatFrunntto storm the Earth-appointed Governor's residence and arrest him. He has pledged allegiance to the ICL for now, providing hydrocarbons, REEs, and ice for the war effort: although not pledging troops for outside action. His domain is presently the facilities of Europe and its resident spaceport, where the people yearn to live in the same way that their former Terran masters did.
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I've added a very basic map at the moment. Red is territory controlled by the Independent Colonial League, while Blue is controlled by the United Earth Government. White is neutral/unihabited.

His Royal Majesty the Grand Duke Friedrich I
Grand Duke of Titan, Count of New Hamburg, Pegnitz, and Eppelheim, Hero of the Battle of Deimos, Defender of Civilization, Savior of Humanity
Faction: ICL
Rank Preference: 1/2

Short Bio: Born Friedrich Schumann in the United European state of Germany, Grand Duke Friedrich is a former governor turned self-proclaimed ruler of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. A former pilot in the UEG navy, where he earned distinction for his actions against an early separatist movement in the Battle of Deimos, Friedrich was later promoted governor of Titan. Under his iron-fisted rule, the moon quickly grew in prominence as one of Earth's finest colonies, matching the likes of Mars and Luna. However, Friedrich, ever ambitious, desired more, and began conspiring with the Independent Colonial League, where he rose in prominence as one of the ICL's most powerful leaders. When the ICL declared independence from Earth, he in turn declared himself monarch of Titan, fancying himself as "Grand Duke" of the large moon. With his ambitions temporarily sated, he now seeks to establish his independence among the many other ICL colonies.
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At the moment I have no leaders, I am waiting to see if anyone applies for them, and if nobody does I may either assign players, or make NPC ones, I'm fine with either option should it come to that. As for research, you have specific branches, I'll put this in the opening post too.

The five branches of research are:
Space Ships
Walking Armour (a.k.a Mechs)

When you select a branch in your order you can then select what your looking for. For example, you want an upgrade on the current model (cheaper to produce and easier to a point to do, but less likely to be a major upgrade in terms of cbp) or a full new model (going to require more time and resources to work on, but more likely to be drastically improved.) Depending on what you ask for, I will then give you a response of potential options. For example.

Player 1 is a Rank 1 player and wants to produce an upgraded version of ICL's Zapa model Walking Armour. He more specifically wants an upgrade, not a new model. So I go to the research department and come back with these options for him. (Note, just cause you wanted an upgrade model or a new production type, does not mean all options will be that)

Zapa Model IB 2700 cbp, Cost Per Regiment: 100
Zapa Model II 2900 cbp, Cost Per Regiment: 300
'Super Prototype' Zardnic 4500 cbp, Cost Per One: 500

As you can see, the cost and cbp are not linear. Some lines are obviously going to be worse then others, sometimes worse models are indeed just worse, sometimes though they could lead to much stronger options later down the line. Other times you might get something listed as a 'Super Prototype.' These models tend to have extreme power and cost, like the Zardnic. These units are SINGULAR each time they are built. They are capable of doing significant damage, but Super Prototypes are tracked differently as they cost resources to maintain, can't capture and hold planets on their own, and similar to Rank 2 players, must actually be present at a battlefield to take action there. As you can see, the Zardnic costs as much as 5 Zapa Model IB regiments but at the same time, could take on by its own, 3 UEG armoured regiments. The way to get around a Super Prototypes location requirement, is to give it to a Rank 3 player or NPC, who will be able to use it wherever needed during a given turn, but at the same time whose to say they won't take it and run, or use it as part of a rebellion.

Edit: Also Arrow and Sealy's characters are accepted

Name: Joshua Tomino
Faction: United Earth Government
Rank Preference: Rank 1
Short Bio: Admiral-Commandant of the Martian sector, Joshua Tomino has kept the sector under control and outside the influence of the ICL through harsh, sometimes draconian, rule. Though oft criticized for his methods, the threat of further ICL expansion has been cited by himself and like minded officials as creating a necessity for iron handed measures, particularly in the all important Martian sector. Admiral-Commandant Tomino has also been a strong advocate for increased war preparation to resist any potential attacks by the ICL, though his critics claim he wants to strike first against the ICL and bring them back under Earth hegemony. Though preparations have been much less than he would wish, the many advanced science projects to create powerful prototype weapons can be at least partially attributed to Tomino's advocacy.

Name: Jobst Trunicht
Age: 37
Birthplace: Hong Kong Federal Administrative Region, Earth
Faction: United Earth
Rank Preference: Leader

Bio: With a puffed up fleet service record common to all political dynasts and Earth's elite in general, Jobst could have remained a colorless backbencher if not for stumbling upon holodisks of Earth politicians of ages past.

Before coming to power he had aspirations of being a Traumatologist but his residency was cut short by having to take over his maternal uncle's political adherents; this was due to his early retirement after an expenses scandal. Unhappy at being forced to abandon his calling and even assume his uncle's surname, Jobst sought out the quickest exit from political life and researched ways to act plausibly ridiculous. Unfortunately he soon found the public was attracted to his "shoot from the hip, take no prisoners, never admit you're wrong" style that he molded after what he had thought were the most disagreeable leaders of humanity's past.

With the slogan of "Make Sol Great Again" his Terran Nationalist Party swept the legislature and they operate alongside the "Patriotic Knight Corps," which form the leader's and the party's ideological shock-troops; to be used against doves and other soft souls who would suggest diplomacy and compromise to bring the Outer Colonies back into Earth's loving embrace. Now Jobst leads the executive branch of Earth's government as its youngest President ever, having swept the general election in the largest electoral landslide in human history; though it should be said his margin of victory in most individual electoral regions was razor thin.

Personally, Jobst has no real strong views on any subject and holds deeply hidden thoughts that he has gotten in way over his head. He leaves in fear that his supporters will one day find out his "movement" was intended as a joke and a means to leave behind political life. How was he to expect the public would take him seriously? While he could have stepped aside years ago the impending war with the colonial rebels means the worried people of Earth are desperate to find strong leadership.

Thus new President of the United Earth Government, who campaigned on peacetime issues, now has to scramble to find firm footing in wartime.
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Admiral Giorgio de Caravello

Faction: UEG
Rank Preference: 2/1
Short Bio: Admiral and scientist Caravello, was born, raised and educated on Earth. Coming from a family of naval officers and aristocrats, he was enrolled into one of the most esteemed, and prestigious academies on Earth. While Giorgio cared more for science, and enhancing the human body via bioengineering and other field of science, he studied hard and in his free time he studied science. When he graduated the academy, he continued his studies in science while being a naval officer. After reaching his rank of colonel part of his scientific research became sanctioned by the UEG. When he reached the rank of admiral years later, his research became more sinister, and the UEG decided to hide it away by sending him off to Callisto with a fleet and his research.
He despises the ICL and thinks them only as rebels and traitors.
Yes to all. Characters can die in battle, old age, or from assassination and going up or down in ranks is quite possible if you do well, form factions, screw up, or just in general between eras.

Player characters from old eras may also reappear as NPCs in later eras
Everyone so far is accepted. So the current lists look like this.

Leader (Full): Jobst Trunicht (@Cloud Strife )
Rank 1 (Full): Joshua Tomino (@aedan777 ), Benjamin Flanders (@BlackCrown )
Rank 2 (3 Max): Giorgio de Caravello (@Mikkel Glahder )
Rank 3 (Unlimited): Cai Wingken (@DragonOfAtlantis )

Leader (1 Max):
Rank 1 (2 Max): Friedrich I (@Arrowfiend )
Rank 2 (3 Max): Saymus Konolé (@sealy300 )
Rank 3 (Unlimited):
Everyone so far is accepted. So the current lists look like this.

Leader (Full): Jobst Trunicht (@Cloud Strife )
Rank 1 (Full): Joshua Tomino (@aedan777 ), Benjamin Flanders (@BlackCrown )
Rank 2 (3 Max): Giorgio de Caravello (@Mikkel Glahder )
Rank 3 (Unlimited): Cai Wingken (@DragonOfAtlantis )

Leader (1 Max):
Rank 1 (2 Max): Friedrich I (@Arrowfiend )
Rank 2 (3 Max): Saymus Konolé (@sealy300 )
Rank 3 (Unlimited):

Is Luna under ICL or UEG control?
It's Blue, so it's under UEG control. All Blue planets are UEG, all Red ones are ICL
Konole is the governor of Europa, which is a moon of Jupiter, not Luna/the moon of Earth.