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as for discoveries: just europe and the next province over in 1699 - in 1559 two provinces over from the capital.

manufacturies: i don't like it if only for the fact that the human player will want to remove the fine arts manufactures and replace them. since you can't raze them yourself you'd have to change the save game file.

New release

Updates in Independent Europe v 1.55:
- Added a 1699 scenario!
- Added an option where all European provinces are discovered
- Starting manpower of 0 is now default option
- Adjusted population in provinces near CoTs in 1559-scenario
- Fixed initial religious tolerance setup in all scenarios
- Corrected tech-levels in the 1559 scenario
- All nations has Centralization 6 (instead of 5) in the 1559 scenario
- Added text to nation-descriptions in both scenarios, as well as tactics (nothing advanced)
- Increased overall manpower
- Obsolote files: 0manpower.inc, 1000d.inc and 5dip.inc, all in Scenarios folder

Ok, so it isn't the 1.6, but I want the 1.6 to be the final version so this is a test version with a 1699 with manufactories and one without...
This will also patch the monarchs of the Tahiti-inhabitants...
Discoveries has not yet been edited/fixed in any scenario... but there's an option...

248 kB
How do I play as Tahiti? :)

...but I bet it's pretty boring... :(

Originally posted by Hajji Giray I
How do I play as Tahiti? :)
You're not suposed to playing Tahiti, they are just there to occupy the PAP-tag and keep the HRE-title, and that's why the monarchs have been changed. (they needed to change monarchs in 1699 to activate the HRE)
Or you could activate them and play them in hands-off games...
I actually played a hands off game once, as a playable (in the IES) country...



...rebel scum!! :D It was pretty fun watching them all kill each other, but I wish I could have provoked revolts and built a Rebel Empire! There oughta be a Rebel Scum Scenario where you control revolts and such. It would be really fun.
Originally posted by Hajji Giray I
I actually played a hands off game once, as a playable (in the IES) country...
...rebel scum!! :D It was pretty fun watching them all kill each other, but I wish I could have provoked revolts and built a Rebel Empire! There oughta be a Rebel Scum Scenario where you control revolts and such. It would be really fun.
Rebels rules! ;)
Yeah, that's probably why I included them as playables...
btw, will we see your IES AAR this month or later?
Originally posted by TheLoneTaco
manufacturies: i don't like it if only for the fact that the human player will want to remove the fine arts manufactures and replace them. since you can't raze them yourself you'd have to change the save game file.
I wonder if this is a problem...
- as you can't afford a manufactory early anyway...
- a lot of manufactories will be raised...
Probably later...

On the other hand, some filthy scumbag imitator started the very first IES AAR without my permission...and he had the rudeness not to tell you! j/k, I am not mad at him at all.

Go to the AAR forum, scroll down till you see "Swiss Cheese: A Schwyz AAR". That's it. Give him your support! ...even though I am kinda ticked that I will look like the imitator now.

EDIT: This is my 333rd post. Halfway to Hell :D
How do I play as rebels? Or do you like them for the hands-off perspective?
Originally posted by civman2000
I once tried to play as rebels but nothing happened (the AI was inactive)

I have 1.53 right now. To get to 1.55 do i need both 1.54 and the 1.55 patch?
You'll nedd both...

Originally posted by civman2000
Well, I downloaded both and tried to play, but it had an error and CtD loading the 5 diplomat option! Also, there are no country descriptions at the beginning even though that was supposed to be in the patch!
Did you make sure that you installed 1.55 AFTER 1.54?
Originally posted by civman2000
EDIT: It works! But strangely, as soon as I started my game as Andalucia I was elected HRE! Sure I have the HAB tag, but I'm Sunni!
Whoops... I thought I changed it to the better... but obviously not...
If anyone want to change this (until I release something new) you just have to open each of the scenario-files.
Search for emperor = MIN
and replace with emperor = PAP
Save... (as .eug and not .txt)

The title will (hopefully) become "normal" when the first Andalucian monarch dies...
Has someone tried both 1699 scenarios yet...
I would like to know if I should keep Fine Art Academies or not...
And everyone who has the guts can "vote"...
(it's a guiding-election so I'm not bound to follow the majority :D)

I've also posted a 9 kB fix that fixes the HRE thing in the beginning of all scenarios... link
Updates in Independent Europe v 1.56:
- Fixed Lombardian tax and statecultures
- Fixed a minor mistype among the Piemonte monarchs
- Added Alun's Reformation Mod, which allows a more varied Reformation

File size: 330 kB

You should download the fix too (6 kB)