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Toio said:
Will it have a bearing on other planned future events??
There were several leagues between France/Spain and Italian states I would like to include...
the league of Venice 1495 already made
the treaty of Granada 1500 (SPA and FRA bad relations to Italian states)
the league of Cambrai 1508 (only PAP, MAN and PAM will have good relations to FRA, SPA, HAB)
the holy league 1510 (FRA bad relations to Italian states)
the league of Cognac 1526 (SPA bad relations to Italian states)

EDIT: What about assigning relations as maximum +50 (also as the final sum ot both of the events in which the same countries are involved!) when alliances are made?
Norrefeldt said:
My only remaining comment is to remove exclamation marks when there are more than one option, otherwise the log will read:
"France went with Independence denied! in The Independence of Savoy." Much nicer without the "!".

Yes, already amended the texts...

Last thought before the final version of the sequence, is it a good idea to add in FRA12037 action_a also the command for seceding the Franche Comté to Spain as it was historically agreed with in Cateau-Cambrésis?

But in that case the event FRA12037 (treaty of Cateau Cambrésis) should be slept if BUR3597 action A (the marriage of Mary of Burgundy) is not chosen... and if BUR20047 happens instead ->it means France doesn't exist and has no cores on Low Countries...

EDIT: I would like also to remove the trigger condition about innovation >=5 since i think the wars of religions happen the same, and innovation has not reason to be put as condition to stipulate the treaty...

That is what I have thought about:

# (1559) The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis 
event = {
	id = 12037
	trigger = {
		NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } } #lombardia 
		NOT = { owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } } #napoli
		NOT = { event = 20047 } #BUR The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy (if ENG won the HYW)
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12037"
	desc = "EVENTHIST12037"

	date = { day = 3 month = October year = 1558 } 
	offset = 60
	deathdate = { day = 3 month = April year = 1559 } 

	action_a = {#Sign the Treaty
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A"
		command = { type = stability value = 1}
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 300}
		command = { type = dynastic which = SPA}
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #Lombardia
		command = { type = removecore which = 393 } #Napoli
		command = { type = removecore which = 394 } #Apulia
	action_b = {#Refuse to sign it
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037B"
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100}
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170021 }#FRA Independence of Savoy
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285078 }#SPA Independence of Savoy
to be simply copied and pasted over the same event in post n. 154.

Please, give any comments to it since I would like to submit the events concerning the independence of savoy. :)
Last edited:
Here are the events concerning the 1st French invasion of Milan in 1499 and its effects: (some events were already posted in this thread in #3 and #155 but they have been modified a little...)

#Pope Alexander VI and Louis XII
event = {
id = 170207
random = no
country = FRA

trigger = {
event = 170206 #Duchess Anne of Brittany Surrenders ->FRA
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1498 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1499 }

name = "EVENTNAME170207" #Pope Alexander VI and Louis XII
desc = "EVENTHIST170207"

action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME170207A" #Brittany is well worth this small county
command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = 1 }
command = { type = treasury value = -25 }
command = { type = desertion which = -2 value = 5000 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 407 value = -2 }
command = { type = provincetax which = 407 value = -2 }
command = { type = independence which = BRI }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME170207B" #Perhaps this would be too costly...
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = independence which = BRI }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 134011 } #The Marriage of Anne and Louis XII ->BRI
command = { type = sleepevent which = 170208 } #The recovery of Valentinois ->FRA
[COLOR=Yellow]command = { type = sleepevent which = 17386 } #The Rise of il Valentino ->PAP[/COLOR]


# (1499) The Orléanais inheritance of Milan
# (previously, Louis XII's Invasion of Milan)
# modified by Bordic
event = {  
	id = 12024
	trigger = { exists = MLO }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12024" The Orléanais inheritance of Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST12024"

	date = { day = 10 month = April year = 1499 }
	offset = 30					
	deathdate = { day = 10 month = April year = 1504 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12024A" #Let us claim that which is rightfully ours
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 120 }
		command = { type = relation  which = MLO value = -200 }   
		command = { type = relation  which = BUR value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation  which = HAB value = 25 }  
		command = { type = relation  which = SPA value = 25 } 
		command = { type = relation  which = ARG value = 25 } 
		command = { type = alliance which = SAV } 
		command = { type = trigger  which = 17386 }  #PAP: The Rise of il Valentino
		command = { type = trigger  which = 326036 } #VEN: The treaty of Blois
		command = { type = trigger  which = 228027 } #MLO: Louis XII presses claims on Milan
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12024B" #We are busy elsewhere
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 } #from 200
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170042 } #FRA: The destiny of Ludovico Sforza  
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170043 } #FRA: The Treaty of Granada

# (1499) The Rise of il Valentino
#(previously, Louis XII invasion of Italy)
# modified by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12024 A
	id = 17386		
	trigger = { event = 170207 } #FRA Pope Alexander VI and Louis XII (inheritance of Brittany)
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME17386" #The Rise of il Valentino
	desc = "EVENTHIST12024"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME17386A" #Do ut des -> I give you and you give me
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PAM value = 24 } #Cesare Borgia attacks Romagna
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAM value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = -2 value = 2 } #Duchy of Valentinois
		command = { type = provincetax which = -2 value = 2 }
		command = { type = dynastic which = NAV } #Charlotte d'Albret
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 36 }

# (1499) The Treaty of Blois
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12024 A
	id = 326036 
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME326036" #The treaty of Blois
	desc = "EVENTHIST12024"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A" #Sign the Treaty
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = -50 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 36 }

# (1499) Louis XII presses claims on Milan
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12024 A
	id = 228027
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228027" #Louis XII presses claims on Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST12024"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME228027A" #Hire some mercenaries and defend the duchy
		command = { type = treasury value = -75 }
		command = { type = provincetax  which = -2 value = -1 } #reduced taxes
		command = { type = casusbelli which = FRA value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = 25 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 24 value = 6 }
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 8000 } #Sforza's Swiss mercenaries
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME228027B" #Leave the duchy and flee to Innsbruck (End Game)
		command = { type = revolt which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = revolt which = 402 } #emilia
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = VEN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = HEL }
		command = { type = independence which = SAV }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		command = { type = independence which = TOS }
		command = { type = independence which = PAP }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SAV value = 404 } #piemonte
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HAB value = 371 } #tyrol
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 1612} #schwyz
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 388 } #bern
		command = { type = trigger which = 170041 } #FRA: The French King in Milan
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170042 } #FRA: The destiny of Ludovico Sforza

# (1499) The French King in Milan
# by Bordic 
event = {		#triggered by MLO_228027 B
	id = 170041 
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170041" #The French King in Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST170041"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12024A" #Bien
		command = { type = inherit which = MLO }
		command = { type = relation  which = PAM value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation  which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation  which = NAP value = -25 }

EVENTNAME12024;The Orléanais inheritance of Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME17386;The Rise of il Valentino;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME326036;The Treaty of Blois;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228027;Louis XII presses claims on Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME170041;The French King in Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST12024;On 7 April 1498, upon Charles VIII's death at Amboise (he knocked his head while passing through a doorway in his going to see a game of real tennis), the throne passed to his cousin Louis of Orléans, who reigned as Louis XII of France. On his accession, he took the titles of Duke of Milan and King of Sicily, sending a shrounding chill through Italy, specially to Ludovico Sforza, who had seized Milan from his nephew Gian Galeazzo, and that upon his death, had seen his claim legitimized by Maximilian king of the Romans. Louis XII came to throne in France with the clear idea of avenging his previous defeat by Ludovico and make good his claim to Milan from his Visconti grandmother. Milan and her dependency, Genoa, were seen as the key to Italy. So Louis XII, preparing to make good his claim on Milan, wanted to enlist the help of the main Italian powers, to avoid the mistakes of his cousin Charles VIII. In the meanwhile the anti-Venetian sentiment had been running high, attempts were made by Italian ambassadors to poison the relationships between Venice and the Ottoman Empire and try to induce the latter to declare war to the former. It was clear that Venice could very well side with the French and that occurred with the stipulation of the treaty of Blois, where Venice would recognize French claims to Milan and in exchange for military support and money would receive the Milanese territories east of the Adda river. Louis then stipulated a peace treaty with Ferdinand of Spain and enforced the truce with Maximilian of Hapsburg. He made also a pact with Pope Alexander VI: in exchange for a papal bull to annul his marriage to the crippled sister of late Charles VIII and marry Charles' widow, Anne of Brittany, the Pope's son, Cesare Borgia, received the duchy of Valentinois with the hand of Charlotte d'Albret, sister to the king of Navarra and a promise of French military support to form his own duchy in Romagna. After having secured his friendship with Philibert II of Savoy Louis XII crossed the Alps and assembled his powerful army in Asti, a small county in Piedmont that belonged to the House of Orléans as marriage dowry of Valentina Visconti, his grandmother. In the summer of 1499, the French army led by Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, a Milanese noble, invaded the duchy of Milan from West, in the meanwhile, a Venetian army attacked from East. Town after town surrendered and the Milanese armies disappeared. As soon as a revolt broke out in Milan, Ludovico left the city together with his family and his treasure. By September 1499 the French troops made their entrance in Milan, warmly welcomed by the population.;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST170041;In the summer of 1499, the French army led by Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, a Milanese noble, invaded the duchy of Milan from West, in the meanwhile, a Venetian army attacked from East. Town after town surrendered and the Milanese armies disappeared. As soon as a revolt broke out in Milan, Ludovico left the city together with his family and his treasure. By September 1499 the French troops made their entrance in Milan, warmly welcomed by the population.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME17386A;Do ut des;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228027B;Leave the duchy and flee to Innsbruck (End Game);;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228027A;Hire some mercenaries and defend the duchy;;;;;;;;;;


# (1500) The destiny of Ludovico Sforza 
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170042
	trigger = { war = { country = MLO country = FRA } }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170042" #The destiny of Ludovico Sforza 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228028"

	date = { day = 5 month = February year = 1500 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 5 month = December year = 1507 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170042A" #Bribe the Sforza's mercenaries
		command = { type = treasury value = -25 } #for corruption
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 }
		command = { type = trigger  which = 228028 } #MLO: Il Moro captured
		command = { type = trigger  which = 184066 } #HEL: The Betrayal at Novara
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170042B" #Face the Sforza's mercenaries
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = -25}

# (1500) Il Moro captured
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_170042 A
	id = 228028
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228028" #Il Moro captured
	desc = "EVENTHIST228028"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME4982A" #Treason!
		command = { type = stability value = -3}
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = -25 }

# (1500) The Betrayal at Novara 
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_170042 A
	id = 184066
	random = no
	country = HEL
	name = "EVENTNAME184066" #The Betrayal at Novara 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228028"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME184066A" #We can't fight against our brothers!
		command = { type = stability value = -1}
		command = { type = treasury value = 75 } #money for the betrayal
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 12 }

EVENTNAME170042;The destiny of Ludovico Sforza;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228028;Il Moro captured;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME184066;The Betrayal at Novara;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST228028;When in 1499 the French troops invaded Milan, Lodovico il Moro escaped to Innsbruck in Austria at the court of Maximilian I to ask his protection. Louis XII remained in Milan only a couple of months, then he made return to France and left Trivulzio there as his viceroy. But Trivulzio's way to administrate provoked deep Milanese resentments as much as to long for a Sforza's return and in January 1500, hearing that Sforza was assemblying troops to conquer Milan, an Anti-French revolt broke out in the city, the french troops were forced to abandon Milan except the garrison in Castello Sforzesco. In facts, with the gold he brought with, il Moro could hire mercenary troops and by February 1500 he made his entrance in Milan. After Milan, Sforza retook all the cities in the duchy and beyond Ticino River, where in Novara he had to face a French counterattack led by La Trémouille, also hiring Swiss mercenaries. The Swiss troops hired by il Moro, probably lured by the French gold and incited by their fellow-countrymen in the opposite camp refused to fight. 'The Duke's forces were composed of different races: German 'landsknechte', Burgundians who were commanded by the same Claude de Vauldray who had fought with the Good Knight in his first tournament, and Swiss mercenaries. There were bands of Swiss fighting on the side of the French, and those within the city declared that they would not fight against their fellow-countrymen in the other camp. They laid down their arms, and neither threat nor promise availed. Soon it was discovered that one of the gates of Novara had been opened by treachery, and that the French were entering the city. Then, as a last hope, Lodovico and his companions put on the dress of common soldiers and mixed with them in the ranks. But the unfortunate Duke was betrayed by one of the Swiss captains, who was put to death later by his own countrymen as a traitor.'(Bayard: The Good Knight Without Fear And Without Reproach, e-book by Christopher Hare) Lodovico Sforza was recognised and captured, then sent as prisoner to France where he miserably died, some years later, in the Castle of Loches, in Turenne. On 15 April 1500 The French troops made their second entrance in Milan.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170042B;Face the Sforza's mercenaries;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170042A;Bribe the Sforza's mercenaries;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME184066A;We can't fight against our brothers!;;;;;;;;;;

# (1500) The French King in Milan 
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 174030
	trigger = { 	owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } #Lombardia
			NOT = { exists = MLO } 	
			NOT = { vassal = { country = GEN country = FRA } }
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME170041" #The French King in Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST174030"

	date = { day = 15 month = january year = 1500 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1512 }

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME174030A" #Submit to France
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 15 } # GEN vassal to France
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME174030B" #Support France
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 40 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 170046 } #FRA: Genoa supports Louis XII
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170047 } #FRA: Genoa submits to Louis XII

# (1500) Genoa supports Louis XII 
# by Bordic
event = {		 #triggered by GEN_174030
	id = 170046 
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170046" #Genoa supports Louis XII 
	desc = "EVENTHIST174030"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3743A" #Great!# 
		command = { type = alliance which = GEN }
		command = { type = vp value = 5 }

# (1500) Genoa submits to Louis XII 
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170047 
	trigger = { 	
			event = 174030 #GEN: The French King of Milan
			owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } #Lombardia
			NOT = { vassal = { country = GEN country = FRA } }
			NOT = {exists = MLO }	
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170047" #Genoa submits to Louis XII 
	desc = "EVENTHIST174030"

	date = { day = 25 month = january year = 1500 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1512 }

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME10019A" #Accept their submission
		command = { type = vassal which = GEN }
		command = { type = vp value = 10 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 24 }

EVENTNAME170046;Genoa supports Louis XII;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME170047;Genoa submits to Louis XII;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST174030;In 1499 Louis XII invaded the Duchy of Milan asserting to be the legitimate heir and successor to Visconti according to his descent from Valentina Visconti, the daughter of Gian Galeazzo, first Duke of Milan and wife to his grand-father Louis I d'Orléans. As soon as a combined attack in order to surround the duchy was driven by French and Venetian troops contemporarily, town after town surrendered while the Milanese troops preferred to compromise with the enemy instead of fighting. The Milanese population, already adversed to Sforza because of his harsh taxation policy, rebelled forcing il Moro to escape with his family and treasure to Innsbruck at the court of his liege Maximilian, King of the Romans and Archduke of Austria. The French troops led by Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, entered the city of Milan without any resistance receiving a unexpected welcome by the population which Sforza had harshly taxed. Even the castle's garrison surrendered without any fight to the French invaders. Following the example of Milan and of other Lombard cities, also the Republic of Genoa, which Sforza had being ruling since 1488, swore allegiance to the new masters.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME10019A;Accept their submission;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174030B;Support France;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174030A;Submit to France;;;;;;;;;;

# (1504) The Fall of il Valentino
# modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251044
	trigger = { 	event = 17386	 #PAP: The Rise of Duke Valentino
			event = 170208 } #FRA: The recovery of Valentinois (inheritance of Brittany)
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251044"
	desc = "EVENTHIST251044"

	date = { day = 15 month = January year = 1504 }
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = December year = 1506 }
	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251044A" #The Borgias saga has come to an end
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = -2 value = -2 } #Duchy of Valentinois
		command = { type = provincetax which = -2 value = -2 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 24 }

EVENTNAME251044;The Fall of il Valentino;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST251044;As soon as Louis XII conquered Milan, he respected the pacts with Alexander VI and helped Cesare Borgia to carve himself a principality in Romagna and Marche. In November 1499 Cesare Borgia, also known as 'il Valentino' because of his ducal title, started his adventure in Romagna and Marche, territories belonging to the Papal States only nominally where the fiefs of Rimini, Pesaro, Imola, Faenza, Forli, Urbino and Camerino were declared forfeited with Papal bulls for the reason that they didn't pay the census to the Church. Imola and Faenza were his first conquests then he took Cesena but he had to suspend the military operations because of il Moro's restauration in Milan. He used the ceasefire to pay a visit in Rome for the Holy Year and to be appointed Gonfaloniere of the Curch by his father. By the end of the year, Borgia resumed his military campaign and the following year, with the conquests of Pesaro, Rimini and Faenza, took control of Romagna, for which he obtained the ducal investiture by Pope Alexander VI. Cesare Borgia's greed wasn't yet satisfied, he also wanted to submit the cities of Bologna and Firenze, but since those cities asked Louis XII's military protection, he diverted to Marche principalities where he managed to easily submit the duchies of Urbino and Camerino. But in August 1503, both Cesare and Alexander fell very ill simultaneously, wether from an epidemy or poison it is unclear. Alexander died, and two days later the Orsini family raised against Cesare in Rome. Venice saw the opportunity to send troops to reinstate the petty tyrants in Romagna under condition that they should accept her suzerainity. They took direct control of Faenza, since the Manfredi were extinct, and of Rimini, which Malatesta surrendered to Venice. When Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, a sworn enemy of the Borgias, was elected Pope with the name of Julius II, with the Venetian cardinals's support because he was favorable in principle to the Venetian interests, he saw that what Cesare Borgia had been doing was what was needed to bring the Papal States under effective control. But despite the arrangement with Cesare that gained his support in the Papal election, il Valentino was an obstacle, so breaking his word, Julius II got rid of him having the king of Aragon order his imprisonment in Spain. Cesare would escape two years later only to die helping his brother-in-law the king of Navarra quell a rebellion in 1507.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251044A;The saga of the Borgias ends;;;;;;;;;;

And here is the current agceep event to be modified in text: (yellow modifications, red removals)

#Cesare Borgia# to be changed into "The Meeting at Senigallia"
event = {
	id = 17403
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME17403" [COLOR=Yellow]#The Meeting at Senigallia[/COLOR]
	desc = "EVENTHIST17403"

	date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1502 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17403A" #Strangle the Captains
		command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = -1 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 12 value = -3 }
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17403B" #Keep Our Word
		command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = 1 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 12 value = 3 }
EVENTNAME17403;The Meeting at Senigallia;;;;;;;;;;6328
EVENTHIST17403;Cesare Borgia, Duke of Valentinois, also known as 'il Valentino', has been betrayed by some of his captains. They formed a conspiracy to foment rebellions which Borgia countered by hiring French mercenaries. Following negotiation, the captains, Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, the Duke of Gravina, and Paolo Orsini have agreed to serve the Borgias again and will meet Cesare at Senigallia.;;;;;;;;;;8561
Last edited:

# (1500) The Treaty of Granada  
# by Bordic from an event of Toio
event = {
	id = 170043
	trigger = {
		exists = NAP
		event = 12022  #NAP: Charles VIII presses claims on Naples
		event = 228027 #MLO: Louis XII presses claims on Milan	
		NOT = {	war  = { country = ARG country = FRA } }
		NOT = {	war  = { country = SPA country = FRA } }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170043" #The Treaty of Granada
	desc = "EVENTHIST170043"

	date = { day = 11 month = November year = 1500 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 11 month = November year = 1505 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170043A" #Let's draw that border
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -200 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 285103 } #SPA: The Treaty of Granada
		command = { type = trigger which = 111016 } #ARG: The Treaty of Granada
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170043B" #Naples must be French only
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -200 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 285103 } #SPA: The Treaty of Granada
		command = { type = trigger which = 111016 } #ARG: The Treaty of Granada
	action_c = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170043C" #Renounce our claims to Naples
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239018 } #NAP: Naples encircled I (no ARG)
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239019 } #NAP: Naples encircled II

# (1500) The Treaty of Granada 
# by Bordic from an event of Toio
event = {		#triggered by FRA_170043
	id = 285103
	trigger = { NOT = { exists = ARG } }
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME170043" #The Treaty of Granada 
	desc = "EVENTHIST170043"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3421A" #Accept the Treaty
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 }#napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 }#apulia
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -200 }

# (1500) The Treaty of Granada 
# by Bordic from an event of Toio
event = {		#triggered by FRA_170043
	id = 111016
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME170043" #The Treaty of Granada 
	desc = "EVENTHIST170043"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3421A" #Accept the Treaty
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 }#napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 }#apulia
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -200 }
EVENTNAME170043;The Treaty of Granada;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST170043;Louis XII of Orléans and King of France, as well as his predecessor Charles VIII did, descended Italy in order to press claims both to the Visconti inheritance of Milan and to the Angevin inheritance of Naples. This time before starting a new military campaign in Italy he provided allies as to avoid being isolate once there. So, on the 11 November 1500, in Granada, Louis XII and Ferdinand II of Aragon stipulated a treaty by which they agreed on an equal partition of Neapolitan territories: the Northern part of the Kingdom including Terra del Lavoro and Abruzzi was assigned to France whist the Southern part of the Kingdom including Calabria and Apulia was assigned to Spain.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170043C;Renounce our claims to Naples;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170043B;Naples must be French only;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170043A;Let's draw that border;;;;;;;;;;

# (1501) Naples encircled - I -
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 239018
	trigger = { 
		event = 12022  #NAP: Charles VIII presses claims on Naples
		NOT = { exists = ARG }
		event = 170043 #FRA: The Treaty of Granada
		war = { country = NAP country = FRA }
		owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #napoli
		owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } #lombardia
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239018" #Naples encircled 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239018"

	date = { day = 11 month = November year = 1500 } 
	offset = 60
	deathdate = { day = 11 month = November year = 1515 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239018A" #Cede the Kigdom to Louis XII (End Game)
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		command = { type = independence which = TOS }
		command = { type = independence which = PAP }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = MLO value = 402 } #emilia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 394 } #apulia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 395 } #messina
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 396 } #sicily
		command = { type = trigger which = 170044 } #FRA: The conquest of Naples
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239019 } #NAP Naples encircled - II -
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239018B" #Let's fight until the end
		command = { type = relation  which = SPA value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation  which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239019 } #NAP Naples encircled - II -

# (1501) Naples encircled - II -
# by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 239019
	trigger = { 
		event = 12022  #NAP: Charles VIII presses claims on Naples
		exists = ARG
		event = 170043 #FRA: The Treaty of Granada
		war = { country = NAP country = FRA }
		owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #napoli
		owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } #lombardia
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239018" #Naples encircled 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239018"

	date = { day = 11 month = November year = 1500 } 
	offset = 60
	deathdate = { day = 11 month = November year = 1515 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239018A" #Cede the Kigdom to Louis XII (End Game)
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		command = { type = independence which = TOS }
		command = { type = independence which = PAP }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = MLO value = 402 } #emilia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = ARG value = 394 } #apulia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 395 } #messina
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 396 } #sicily
		command = { type = trigger which = 170044 } #FRA The conquest of Naples
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239018 } #NAP Naples encircled - I -
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239018B" #Let's fight until the end
		command = { type = relation  which = ARG value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation  which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239018 } #NAP Naples encircled - I -

# (1501) The conquest of Naples
# by Bordic 
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239018 A or NAP_239019 A
	id = 170044
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170044" #The conquest of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239018"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME170044A" #The Italian campaign was successful
		command = { type = inherit which = NAP}
		command = { type = relation  which = SPA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation  which = ARG value = -25 }
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 393 value = 5 } #napoli
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 394 value = 5 } #apulia

# (1501) The border's dispute in Naples
# by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 285104 
 	trigger = { 	
			event = 170044 	#FRA The conquest of Naples
			NOT = { exists = ARG }
			owned = { province = 394 data = -1 } #apulia
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285104" #The border's dispute in Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239018"

	date = { day = 11 month = November year = 1500 } 
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 11 month = November year = 1515 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285104A" #Naples is part of our Kingdom
		command = { type = INF which = 394 value = 8000 } #apulia
		command = { type = relation  which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 111017 } #ARG: The border's dispute in Naples

# (1501) The border's dispute in Naples
# by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 111017
 	trigger = { 	
			event = 170044 	#FRA The conquest of Naples
			owned = { province = 394 data = -1 } #apulia
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME285104" #The border's dispute in Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239018"

	date = { day = 11 month = November year = 1500 } 
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 11 month = November year = 1515 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285104A" #Naples is part of our Kingdom
		command = { type = INF which = 394 value = 8000 } #apulia
		command = { type = relation  which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285104 } #SPA: The border's dispute in Naples

EVENTNAME239018;Naples encircled;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME170044;The conquest of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME285104;The border's dispute in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST239018;King Federico III of Naples was unable to oppose much resistance, and the French entered Naples in August 1501. Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba met more resistance in the siege of Taranto, defended by Federigo's son Ferrandino. Ferrandino surrendered Taranto to Spain on March 1502, and Fernando of Aragon did not keep Cordoba's promise of personal freedom to him, and asked him to send Ferrandino to Spain. His father King Federico III had already ceded the Kigdom to Louis XII King of France, who in exchange for it, appointed him Duke of Anjou. Federico III will die in 1504 in France. In 1550 with the death of his son Ferdinando, who was taken captive in Spain, the line of the House of Trastamara Naples will be definitely extinct. But the kings had neglected to properly divided the regions of the kingdom, leaving the Principati, the Basilicata and the Capitanata between both parts unassigned. The French denied that Capitanata (a land on which both Apulia and Abruzzi depended for food and flock wintering) was part of Apulia arguing recent administrative usage, and refused to allow the commissaries of Spain to collect the tolls on migrating flocks as the treaty stipulated. Soon incidents were taking place and open war broke out in July 1502. But the lack of decision by the French to attack when they had the advantage, the skill of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba and the delays of Louis in bringing reinforcements will see the French expelled from Naples in one year. Completely defeated in Naples by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, Louis XII of France agreed at Blois in October of 1505 to cede his rights over Naples to his relative Germaine de Foix on her marriage to Fernando of Aragon. After the battle of Cerignola on 28 April 1503 Gonzalo Fernández will be remembered as el Gran Capitán. He introduced many of the reforms that would change the way battles were fought for centuries, and lead to the creation of the Spanish Tercios, and also trained most of the next generation of Spanish commanders.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239018B;Let's fight until the end;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239018A;Cede the Kigdom to Louis XII (End Game);;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170044A;The Italian campaign was successful;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285104A;Naples must be part of our Kingdom;;;;;;;;;;


the following event is necessary (it fires only if the treaty of Granada isn't stipulated...) to give Spain the cores of Napoli (393) and Apulia (394) since Aragon has them removed in the new Fodoron's AI:
in this case
in event CAS142013 "# Isabel and Fernando kings of Aragon #" the commands addcore 393, 394 ARE to be removed too.

# The Trastamara inheritance of Naples
# by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 285105
	trigger = { 	
			NOT = { event = 285103 } #SPA: The Treaty of Granada
			NOT = { event = 111016 } #ARG: The Treaty of Granada
			NOT = { exists = ARG }
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285105" 
	desc = "EVENTHIST285105"

	date = { day = 26 month = November year = 1504 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 13 month = September year = 1598 } #Felipe II's death

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285104A" #Naples is part of our Kingdom
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 }#napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 }#apulia
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -200 }

EVENTNAME285105;The Trastamara inheritance of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST285105;When Isabel of Castile died, Ferdinand found himself in the position of being both King of Aragon and Sicily and regent of Castile, so that he could focus more on Aragonese ambitions in the Mediterranean and claims to Southern Italian territories as legacy of the Trastamara King Alfons V. The Pope who traditionally considered himself suzerain of all the Italian territories south of the HRE boundaries, islands of Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily included, has always reserved for himself the right to appoint Kings and Dukes whoever he decided as being trustful and deign of Papal investiture. He would have opposed any external interference in his 'sacred' decisions. After Ferdinand's death in 1516, Charles, King of Spain would continue his grand father's expansionistic policy in Italy.;;;;;;;;;;
Last edited:
As for now I am not going to change/modify the current events concerning the league of cambrai and the 1510 holy league sequence, but just this PAP17024 for fine tuning purpose :

#Holy League of 1510 Papal Version
event = {
	id = 17024
	trigger = {
		exists = FRA #The alliance was against France
		NOT = { #shouldn't happen if no-one supported the League of Cambrai
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
			OR = {
				event = 17023 #FRA: The League of Cambrai (if HAB doesn't exist)
				event = 3182 #HAB: The League of Cambrai (if FRA doesn't exist or FRA event doesn't fire)
				event = 3107 # FRA: The League of Cambrai (if HAB exists)
			NOT = { event = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger (happens if League of Cambrai comes off)
		OR = {  #shouldn't happen if France hasn't intervened in Italy (alliance was formed to drive French from Milan)
			event = 228027 #MLO: Louis XII presses claims on Milan
			event = 12022 #NAP: Charles VIII presses claims on Naples
		OR = { 	owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } #lombardia
			owned = { province = 391 data = FRA } #romagna 
			owned = { province = 402 data = FRA } #emilia 
	random = no
	country = PAP 
	name = "EVENTNAME17024" #The Holy League
	desc = "EVENTHIST17024"

	date = { day = 1 month = July year = 1510 } #-> 9 aug 1510 (papal interdict on Modena/Ferrara)
	offset = 30					
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1512 }
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17024A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = FRA value = 36 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = TOS value = 24 } #added
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PAM value = 48 } #added
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -100 } #added
		command = { type = relation which = PAM value = -100 } #added
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 402 } #Emilia 
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17024B" #Stay neutral
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17025 } #HAB: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17026 } #ARG: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17027 } #SPA: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17028 } #VEN: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17029 } #ENG: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17030 } #HEL: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12025 } #FRA French troops abandon Milan #added
	action_c = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17024C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17025 } #HAB: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17026 } #ARG: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17027 } #SPA: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17028 } #VEN: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17029 } #ENG: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17030 } #HEL: The Holy League
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12025 } #FRA: French troops abandon Milan #added

# (1512) French troops abandon Milan 
# (previously, French Withdrawal from Milan)
# modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 12025
	trigger = {
		owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } #lombardia
		NOT = { exists = MLO }
		event = 228027 # MLO: Louis XII presses claims on Milan
		event = 17024  # PAP: the Holy League of 1510
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12025" #French troops abandon Milan 
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025"

	date = { day = 6 month = April year = 1512 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 6 month = April year = 1513 } #from june 1512
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12025A" #Commence tactical retreat
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 402 } #emilia
		command = { type = trigger which = 228029 } #MLO: Sforza restored in Milan
		command = { type = trigger which = 174031 } #GEN: French troops abandon Genoa
		command = { type = trigger which = 251046 } #PAP: French troops abandon Italy
		command = { type = trigger which = 326037 } #VEN: Another treaty at Blois
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12025B" #Never Surrender
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 389 value = 15 } #lombardia
		command = { type = treasury value = -150 } #high costs for troops
		command = { type = desertion which = 389 value = 10000 } #disbanding armies
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation which = SAV value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 4 } #for keeping Milan
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 326037 } #VEN: The treaty at Blois

# (1512) Sforza restored in Milan 
# by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 228029	#triggered by FRA_12025 A
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228029" #Sforza restored in Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025" 

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228029A" #Ercole Massimiliano is appointed Duke
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = stability value = 2 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 }
		command = { type = cash value = -80 } #for hiring troops
		command = { type = population which = -2 value = -2000 } #the Swiss acquiring territories
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 10000 } #the Swiss garrisoning the city
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 5 } #Swiss protectorate

#(1512) French troops abandon Genoa
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12025 A
	id = 174031	
	trigger = { vassal = { country = FRA country = GEN } }		
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME174031" #French troops abandon Genoa
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025" 

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME174031A" #Reject French rule
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = stability value = 2 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }

#(1512) French troops abandon Italy
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251046 	#triggered by FRA_12025 A		
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251045" #French troops abandon Italy
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025" 

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3855A" #Splendid!
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 12 }

# (1512) Milan under Swiss protectorate
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 184068
	trigger = { event = 228029 }  #MLO: Sforza restored in Milan
	random = no
	country = HEL
	name = "EVENTNAME184068" #Milan under Swiss protectorate
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025" 

	date = { day = 1 month = January year = 1513 }
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = January year = 1514 }

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME184068A" #Let's protect the Duke of Milan
		command = { type = vassal which = MLO } # Milan was under strong Swiss and Papal influence
		command = { type = cash value = 100 } #for hiring troops
		command = { type = population which = -2 value = 2000 }    #
		command = { type = provincetax which = -2 value = 1 }      #Ticino and Valtellina
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = -2 value = 1 } #
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }

#(1513) Another treaty at Blois
# by Bordic
event = {			
	id = 326037 	
	trigger = { event = 12025 }  #FRA: French troops abandon Milan		
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME326037" Another treaty at Blois
	desc = "EVENTHIST12025" 

	date = { day = 1 month = March year = 1513 }
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 6 month = June year = 1513 } #the battle at Novara

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME326037A" #Reject Pope's offer
		command = { type = stability value = -1 } 
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 12 } #the French released B. d'Alviano
		command = { type = alliance which = FRA }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
	action_b ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME326037B" #Submit to Pope's will
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 12 } 
		command = { type = population which = -2 value = -2000 } #the Emperor acquiring territories
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }

EVENTNAME12025;French troops abandon Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228029;Sforza restored in Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME174031;French troops abandon Genoa;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251046;French troops abandon Italy;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME184068;Milan under Swiss protectorate;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME326037;Another treaty at Blois;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST12025;In spite of their victories in Northern Italy, the French troops were forced to abandon the battlefield both because of financial reasons and because after the successful battle of Ravenna the Emperor was withdrawing troops and would have joined the holy league formed by Papal States, Spain, England and Venice with the help of Swiss troops hired by Pope Julius II himself and led into war by the Bishop of Sion, Mathias Schiner. Thence the decision to withdraw from Milan. Julius II recovered Ravenna, Bologna and the rest of the Romagna, while his commander, the Duke of Urbino, easily occupied Reggio and Modena, though Alfonso d'Este refused any settlement that would deprive him of Ferrara. After having chased out the French from Italy, the congress of allies which met at Mantua in August made over to the Pope Parma and Piacenza, to which he had at best a shadowy claim. The Emperor and Fernando would have been glad to give Milan to their grandson Charles but the Swiss were in possession and, supported by the Pope, made their will good. The duchy was given to Ercole Massimiliano Sforza, the elder son of Ludovico. The Venetian claims were left unsettled with Brescia still held out and the Swiss claiming Cremona and the Ghiara d'Adda for the duchy. And more, the Emperor demanded Vicenza and Verona. Florence, who in 1509 had ended her long war by the recovery of Pisa, was punished for her support of France by the restoration of the Medici. Entering Milan, Ercole Massimiliano Sforza received the keys to the city from the Swiss soldiers, who promised to protect the duchy of Milan and to help the Duke in sending to him all the troops he would need. The Duke granted them the acquisition of the ducal territories Ticino and Valtellina, the most important accesses to the Alpine passes. Genoa draw back its allegiance to the French King, who in 1506 harshly repressed a local rebellion that broke out owing to the decision taken by the French governor to grant privileges to the nobilty. But Julius II made also a treaty with his late ally, Maximilian, against Venice. The emperor was to support the Lateran council to oppose that one proclaimed by Louis XII in Pisa and to hand over Modena to the Pope, while Julius II was to join in compelling Venice to give up the fiefs which the Emperor claimed since Cambrai and to use on behalf of his new ally also the always convincing 'spiritual weapons'. When this treaty was made public, it had only the effect to drive Venice to side with France.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228029A;Ercole Massimiliano is appointed Duke;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME184068A;Let's protect the Duke of Milan;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326037B;Submit to Pope's will;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326037A;Reject Pope's offer;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174031A;Reject French rule;;;;;;;;;;

# (1515) François Ier in Italy
event = {  
	id = 170045
	trigger = { 
		NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } } #lombardia
		exists = MLO
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170045" #François Ier in Italy
	desc = "EVENTHIST170045"

	date = { day = 15 month = January year = 1515 }
	offset = 30					
	deathdate = { day = 15 month = January year = 1520 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME170045A" #Lead the army to the conquest of Milan
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 }
		command = { type = alliance which = VEN }
		command = { type = alliance which = GEN }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -100 }  
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = -50 }
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170045B" #Let's forget Milan
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 25 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 60 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 184067 } #HEL: Battle of Marignano

EVENTNAME170045;François Ier in Italy;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST170045;The French military campaign in Italy was at its low in 1513, Louis XII's attempt to recover Milan from the Swiss occupation turned to be a complete defeat with the routing French troops pursued by the Swiss into French territory. In order to recover international prestige, Louis XII had to recognize the Pope as the only chief of the Church and to abandon the schismatic council he established at Pisa and managed to make peace with England, with which he was at war, just before his death occurred early in 1515. His successor and nephew, François Ier of Valois Angoulême, selfproclaiming 'duke of Milan' once on the throne of France, made clear to be intentioned to pursue what his uncle Louis XII had miserably failed, the conquest of Milan. Eager to seek revenge on the Swiss troops who routed the French army at Novara and profaned the Gaston de Foix's burial place in the Milanese Duomo, he assembled a big army and quickly moved to Italy through the unknown Col de l'Argentière so to avoid the practical Alpine passes already held by Swiss troops. The unexpected arrival of the French troops on an alternative road surprised the Swiss troops who preferred to fall back to Milan and wait for reinforcements. The way to Milan was clear but in order to avoid the necessity of besieging Milan itself, François Ier offered the Swiss a large sum to retire into their own country. Not having received their subsidies from the Pope and the king of Spain, the Swiss were about to accept his offer when a fresh corps of mercenaries descended into Italy. The French took position at Marignano (today's Melegnano) to face the attacking Swiss and there, in the evening of 13 and in the morning ot 14 September 1515, a fierce battle, also known as the Battle of the Giants, was fought. In that battle, paused only at late night of the first day (during which the two armies stand facing each other awaiting the coming day and even François Ier and his gendarmes, forming the advanced line of the French army, remained all night mounted with lance in hand and helmet on head) and then resumed at sunrise of the day after, the French army supported also by Venetian troops managed to defeat the most celebrated Swiss pikemen, who until then were always victorious on the battlefield. When all was over, François Ier, who had fought throughout with gallant spirit and valour, requested the honour of knighthood from the noble Bayard. The city of Milan, abandoned by its Swiss protectors, easily fell under the French troops.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170045A;Let's forget Milan;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170045A;Lead the army to the conquest of Milan;;;;;;;;;;

#1515 battle of marignano. troops of berne and cntrl HEl take diff sides - leads to neutral stance
event = {
	id = 184067
	trigger = { 
	OR = {	war  = { country = HEL country = FRA }
		war  = { country = MLO country = FRA }
	event = 170045  #FRA: François Ier in Italy
	random = no
	country = HEL
	name = "EVENTNAME184067" #Battle of Marignano
	desc = "EVENTHIST184067"

	date = { day = 10 month = September year = 1515 }
	offset = 5
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = January year = 1520 } # from 1516

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME184067A" #Curses!
		command = { type = vp value = -10 }
		command = { type = land value = -100 }
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = 388 value = -2 } #Bern
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = 1612 value = -1 } #Schwyz
		command = { type = provincetax which = 388 value = -2 } #Bern
		command = { type = provincetax which = 1612 value = -1 } #Schwyz
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = -1 value = 50 }

### Concordat of Bologna ###
event = {
	id = 12031
	trigger = {
		owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } #lombardia
		NOT = { exists = MLO }
		NOT = { war = { country = FRA country = PAP } }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12031" #Concordat of Bologna
	desc = "EVENTHIST12031"

	date = { day = 1 month = January year = 1516 }
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = January year = 1520 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12031A" #Sign It
		command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 1}
		command = { type = domestic which = aristocracy value = 1}
		command = { type = stability value = 1}
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12031B" #Allow the church to continue to make appointments
		command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1}
		command = { type = stability value = -1}
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 200}
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12059 } #FRA: Cardinal's Appointment
Last edited:
And here is the 1st round of "Hapsburg Valois wars"

# ITALIAN WARS 1521-1530

#(1519) The Imperial Election 
#by Bordic
event = {	
	id = 179026	
	trigger = { 	
			owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } #lombardia
			NOT = { exists = MLO }
	random = no
	country = HAB
	name = "EVENTNAME179026" #The Imperial Election  
	desc = "EVENTHIST12026" 

	date = { day = 27 month = June year = 1519 } 
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 27 month = October year = 1519 }
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME179026A" #Milan is an imperial fief
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 } 

#(1519) The allegiance to the Emperor
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 228030
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228030" #The allegiance to the Emperor
	desc = "EVENTHIST12026" 

	date = { day = 27 month = June year = 1519 } 
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 27 month = October year = 1519 }
	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228030A" #Swear allegiance to the newly elected Emperor
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HAB }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HEL }
		command = { type = stability value = 2 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 }

#(1519) The Question of Milan
#by Bordic
# (previously, French Meddling in Italy)
event = {
	id = 12026
	trigger = { 	NOT = { exists = ITA }
			NOT = { vassal = { country = MLO country = SPA } }
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME12026" #The Question of Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST12026"

	date = { day = 22 month = October year = 1519 } #Carlos King of the Romans
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 21 month = February year = 1530 } #Carlos King of Italy
	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME179026A" #Milan is an imperial fief	
		command = { type = vassal which = MLO } 
		command = { type = addcore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PAM value = 48 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = 25 }

#(1521) French Encirclement by the Habsburgs
#by Bordic
event = {		
	id = 170048		
	trigger = { 
		NOT = { exists = ITA }
		event = 285100  #SPA: The empire where the sun never sets	
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12062" #French Encirclement by the Habsburgs
	desc = "EVENTHIST12026"

	date = { day = 21 month = March year = 1521 } #DoW
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 26 month = April year = 1522 } #Bicocca
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME170048A" #Milan is our gate to Italy
		command = { type = addcore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SPA value = 96 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170048B" #Abandon the claims to Milan
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12027 } #FRA: François Ier against the Empire
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17406 } #PAP: The sack of Rome
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12028 } #FRA: The Peace of Cambrai
EVENTNAME179026;The Imperial Election;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228030;The allegiance to the Emperor;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME12026;The Question of Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST12026;After the death of Charles I's grand-father, the Emperor Maximilian I of Hapsburg, Charles I, also King of Spain and Duke of Burgundy, became Holy Roman Emperor on 28 June 1519 thanks to the money of his bankers, Fuggers and Welsers mainly, in a very expensive struggle with Francis I King of France who also wanted to be elected Emperor because he proclaimed himself as the legitimate heir of Charlemagne, the first Emperor of Frankish Dynasty. All the electors were heavily bribed in order to obtain the much desired vote. That was standard practice at those times. Charles 'bought' the Imperial title paying 850,000 golden florins (equal to a value of Kg 2,100 of gold) to the Great Electors and their emissaries, that money came mainly from the Castilian rents as the New World still didn't provide with much income. Charles's election was also supported by the Army of the Svevian league that denied the last remote chance for François to win the election, chasing out of his duchy the Duke of Wirtemberg, chief of the pro-French party. Together with the title, the new Emperor Charles V obtained also the rights of suzerainity over all the Imperial lands and, amongst them, over one of the richest and most industrialized lands in Europe at those times, the Duchy of Milan that with its signoria over Genoa, represented the
continuity in the Hapsburgs imperial possessions. As a result of this France found herself dangerously surrounded by the Hapsburgs might starting from Spain, through the central European imperial lands up to the northernmost territories of the Low Countries;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228030A;Swear allegiance to the newly elected Emperor;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME179026A;Milan is an imperial fief;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170048A;Milan is our gate to Italy;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170048B;Abandon the claims to Milan;;;;;;;;;;

#(1525) François Ier against the Empire
#by Bordic
#(previously, Francis I captured) 
event = {
	id = 12027
	trigger = {
		event = 170048 #FRA: French Encirclement by the Habsburgs 
		OR = { NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } } #lombardia
		       war = { country = FRA country = SPA } 
		NOT = { war = { country = FRA country = PAP } } 
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12027" #François Ier against the Empire
	desc = "EVENTHIST12027"

	date = { day = 23 month = January year = 1525 } 
	offset = 30 
	deathdate = { day = 23 month = July year = 1529 } #just before the Peace of Cambrai

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12027A" #Let us form a League at Cognac
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = cash value = -200 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = alliance which = PAP }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251047 } #PAP: The League of Cognac
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12027B" #We shall respect the treaty of Madrid
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = cash value = -50 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
		command = { type = badboy value = -5 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = 406  value = -2 } #Provence ceded to Charles de Bourbon 
		command = { type = population which = 406 value = -5000 } 
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = 406 value = -1 } 
		command = { type = independence which = GEN }
		command = { type = independence which = SAV }
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = removecore which = 380 } #Flanders
		command = { type = removecore which = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 398 } #Corsica
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 380 } #Flanders
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17406 } #PAP: The sack of Rome
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12028 } #FRA: The Peace of Cambrai
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 12029 } #FRA: Peace in Milan

#(1526) The League of Cognac 
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251047		#triggered by FRA_12027
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251047" #The League of Cognac 
	desc = "EVENTHIST12027"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME251047A" #Italy cannot be submitted to Spain
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SPA value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = HEL value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }

EVENTNAME12027;François Ier against the Empire;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251047;The League of Cognac;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST12027;On the 24 of February 1525, in the battle of Pavia, the imperial armies led by Ferdinando Francesco d'Avalos, Marquis of Pescara (also winner at Bicocca in 1522), decimated the French troops led by king François Ier. Many French leaders died on the battlefield, such as De la Tremoille, La Palice and Bonnivet. King François Ier, instead, fell from his horse shot out under him, and taken captive. Since 24 february was Charles V's 25th birthday, the Valois was the biggest gift he could ever receive. François was carted off to Madrid, where he was held six months in prison for ransom, and pressed to renounce his claims in Italy and Flanders, to give Bourgogne back to the Empire and to concede the county of Provence to Charles Conestable de Bourbon, now leader of the imperial troops. The Emperor believed that the peace with France had finally been achieved after François Ier, agreeing to renounce his claims in Italy, was freed and retaken to France, leaving his sons there as hostages and guarantees for the respect of the treaty. But within two months of his release and in spite of his sons taken as hostages in Spain, François Ier got the Parliament of Paris to void all the terms of the Treaty of Madrid because accepted under duress and in 1526 at Cognac he stipulated a holy league bringing into it Pope Clement VII together with Florence, Venice, Henry VIII of England and also the Duke of Milan, who even if previously restored to the throne by Charles V himself, volunteerly joined the alliance made to stop the Spanish hegemony over Italy.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME12027B;We shall respect the treaty of Madrid;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME12027A;Let us form a League at Cognac;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251047A;Italy cannot be submitted to Spain;;;;;;;;;;

### Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome (Papal States Event) ###
# event from ******69.  Needed for 'Establishment of Republic' in Florence.
# modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 17406
	trigger = { event = 170048 } #FRA: French Encirclement by the Habsburgs 
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME17406" Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome
	desc = "EVENTHIST17406"

	date = { day = 5 month = May year = 1527 }
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17406A"
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -100 }
		command = { type = population which = 399 value = -50000 } #Roma
		command = { type = provincetax   which = -2 value = -1 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 17407 } #SPA: Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome
		command = { type = trigger which = 17408 } #HAB: Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome
And new descriptions for PAP17406 and HAB17408 (SPA17407 has the same EVENTHIST17408!)

EVENTHIST17406;The 14,000 lansquenets, hired by Charles V in the war against the League of Cognac under the command of Georg von Frundsberg, were animated by a violent spirit of crusade against the Pope (Frundsberg was bringing a goldened rope with which he insanely meant to hang the Pope and his cardinals!) but also, and most of all, angry for lack of pay. Abandoned by their captains they begun to plunder villages in search of loots. Soon they were joined by 6,000 Spanish soldiers lead by Charles, Conestable of Bourbon, and by any sort of ruffians of any condition (mercenaries at the Emperor's service, diserting or disbanded troops of the League and common criminals), all of them with the common aim to make the way to Rome, the city of sin, and 'sack' it. On the morning of 6 May 1527, from his headquarters set up on the Gianicolo hill, Captain General Bourbon with his 40,000 soldiers launched a series of attacks on Rome. During one of them, at the Torrione Gate, while leading the assault of the walls, he himself was mortally wounded (Benvenuto Cellini, who took part in the defense of the walls, would boast about having shot the deadly bullet). Instead of being let down, the Spanish troops' confidence was boosted by their commander's sudden death and at the expenses of big losses, managed to break through the city walls and enter the Borgo, while the imperial lansquenets broke rushed towards the Holy See. Pope Clement VII and his followers were able to escape into safety, thanks to the 'Passetto', a secret corridor which Pope Alexander VI had built along the top of the wall connecting the Vatican with Castel Sant’Angelo. Across the Sisto bridge the bewildered soldiers fell on the unarmed city and for eight days committed every sort of violence, theft, sacrilege and massacre. The streets were a mixture of drunken soldiers, corpses and heaps of every sort of luxury goods taken from churches, monasteries and palaces. No league army dared to enter the city to drive out the ravaging troops and rescue the Pope, who accepted to pay a huge ransom only six months later.;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST17408;The 14,000 lansquenets, hired by Charles V in the war against the League of Cognac under the command of Georg von Frundsberg, were animated by a violent spirit of crusade against the Pope (Frundsberg was bringing a goldened rope with which he insanely meant to hang the Pope and his cardinals!) but also, and most of all, angry for lack of pay. Abandoned by their captains they begun to plunder villages in search of loots. Soon they were joined by 6,000 Spanish soldiers lead by Charles, Conestable of Bourbon, and by any sort of ruffians of any condition (mercenaries at the Emperor's service, diserting or disbanded troops of the League and common criminals), all of them with the common aim to make the way to Rome, the city of sin, and 'sack' it. On the morning of 6 May 1527, from his headquarters set up on the Gianicolo hill, Captain General Bourbon with his 40,000 soldiers launched a series of attacks on Rome. During one of them, at the Torrione Gate, while leading the assault of the walls, he himself was mortally wounded (Benvenuto Cellini, who took part in the defense of the walls, would boast about having shot the deadly bullet). Instead of being let down, the Spanish troops' confidence was boosted by their commander's sudden death and at the expenses of big losses, managed to break through the city walls and enter the Borgo, while the imperial lansquenets broke rushed towards the Holy See. Pope Clement VII and his followers were able to escape into safety, thanks to the 'Passetto', a secret corridor which Pope Alexander VI had built along the top of the wall connecting the Vatican with Castel Sant’Angelo. Across the Sisto bridge the bewildered soldiers fell on the unarmed city and for eight days committed every sort of violence, theft, sacrilege and massacre. The streets were a mixture of drunken soldiers, corpses and heaps of every sort of luxury goods taken from churches, monasteries and palaces. No league army dared to enter the city to drive out the ravaging troops and rescue the Pope, who accepted to pay a huge ransom only six months later.Although the exact role of the emperor in this act is unclear, it hurt his standing internationally, and caused something of a domestic crisis. It was one of the motivations for the alliance between England and France in 1527, and for the war with those countries that followed.;;;;;;;;;;

# The Treaty of Barcelona
# by Malatesta and Fodoron with the help of the Spanish forum
event = { 			
	id = 285075
	trigger = {
		event = 17407 #SPA: Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome
		exists = PAP
	random = no     
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285075" #The Treaty of Barcelona between the Emperor and the Pope
	desc = "EVENTHIST285075"

	date = { day = 29 month = June year = 1529 }
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285075A" #Sign 
		command = { type = treasury value = 150 } 
		command = { type = dynastic which = PAP }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = TOS value = 60 } # Pope gives it
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251048 } #PAP: the Treaty of Barcelona
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285075B" #Reject 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285107 } #SPA:  The coronation of Charles V

#(1529) The Treaty of Barcelona
#by Bordic based on the Spanish event
event = { 			
	id = 251048	#triggered by SPA_285075
	random = no     
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME285075" #The Treaty of Barcelona between the Emperor and the Pope 
	desc = "EVENTHIST285075"
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME285075A" #Sign 
		command = { type = DIP   which = 2 value = 24 } 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -50 }

# (1529) The Peace of Cambrai 
#modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 12028
	trigger = {
		event = 170048 #FRA: French Encirclement by the Habsburgs 
		OR = { 	NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } } #lombardia
			NOT = { owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } } #napoli
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12028" #The Peace of Cambrai 
	desc = "EVENTHIST3108"

	date = { day = 5 month = August year = 1529 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3108A" #No one seem to acknowledge our claims
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 200 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 200 }
		command = { type = independence which = GEN }
		command = { type = independence which = SAV }
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = TOS }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		command = { type = independence which = PAP }
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 402 } #Emilia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 392 } #Marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 398 } #Corsica
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 380 } #Flanders
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 379 } #Artois
		command = { type = trigger which = 285106 } #SPA: The Peace of Cambrai 
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3108B" #We will never drop our claims on what is ours
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -100 }	
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SPA value = 24 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = HAB value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation  which = SPA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation  which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation  which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = 300 } #starting secret relations
		command = { type = badboy value = 5 } #for continuing wars

# (1529) The Peace of Cambrai 
#modified by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12028_A	
	id = 285106			
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME12028" #The Peace of Cambrai 
	desc = "EVENTHIST3108"

	action_a ={ 				
		name = "ACTIONNAME285106A" #Accept the Ladies' Peace
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 100 }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = FRA value = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 402 } #Emilia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #Marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = GEN value = 398 } #Corsica

EVENTHIST12028;The Peace of Cambrai;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST3108;The league of Cognac didn't prove to be a valid match against the imperial troops. The Pope, taken captive by the lansquenets sacking Rome, abandoned the league. Genoa, important for military supply to the French troops fighting in southern Italy, had turned to Spain thanks to Andrea Doria who dissatisfied by François Ier's misbehaviour to the Republic joined the service of the Emperor. Since the military campaign in Italy was becoming too expensive for both sides while the political instability in the Empire due to religious conflicts was worsening, Louise of Savoy, regent of France and François Ier's mother, and Marguerite of Hapsburg, Charles V's aunt stipulated a peace treaty at Cambrai on 5 august 1529. The so called Ladies' Peace was successful because the signatories were the only ones to have a certain influence in the two kings's decisions inducing them to make peace for their respective countries' sake. With that treaty France renounced to press its claims to Milan, Asti, Flanders and Artois, while Spain renounced his inheritance rights to the Duchy of Bourgogne. Also François Ier had to recall all its troops from Italy and marry Eleanor, Charles's sister, in exchange for the liberation of his two sons, who had been hostages at the court of Madrid for three years. With this treaty France abandoned his plans in Italy and all its Italian allies which were now subject to the Spanish rule. The Republic of Florence would have experienced it...;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285106A;Accept the Ladies' Peace;;;;;;;;;;

#(1530) The coronation of Charles V
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 285107
	trigger = { 
		event = 251048 #PAP: The Treaty of Barcelona between the Emperor and the Pope 	
		NOT = { war = { country = PAP country = HAB } 
			war = { country = PAP country = SPA }
		OR = { 	event = 285106 #SPA: The Peace of Cambrai 
			OR = { 	NOT = { owned = { province = 393 data = FRA } } #napoli
				NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = FRA } } #lombardia	
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285107" #The coronation of Charles V
	desc = "EVENTHIST285107"

	date = { day = 23 month = January year = 1530 } #Charles crowned Emperor
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 23 month = October year = 1535 } 
	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME285107A" #Now we are Emperor by God's will
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 12 } 
		command = { type = ADM which = 2 value = 12 } 
		command = { type = independence which = MLO }
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		[COLOR=Yellow]command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 402 } #Emilia
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #Marche[/COLOR]
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 401 } #firenze
		command = { type = trigger which = 251049 } #PAP: The coronation of Charles V

#(1530) The coronation of Charles V
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251049	#triggered by SPA_285107	
        random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME285107" #The coronation of Charles V
	desc = "EVENTHIST285107"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME251049A" #Let's legitimate the Emperor
		command = { type = addcore which = 402 } #emilia, independently from 1510 holy league
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 12 } 
		command = { type = ADM which = 2 value = 12 } 
		command = { type = independence which = TOS } #Medici are to be restored there!
		command = { type = independence which = PAM } #Modena

EVENTHIST285107;The coronation of Charles V;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST285107;In late 1529, according to the treaty stipulated in Barcelona a few months before, Charles V came to Bologna to meet the Pope. Princes and ambassadors of all Italian states came to this encounter with the intention to confirm their allegiance to the Empire. Charles V used his strengthened political influence to definitely settle the Italian balance of powers and the conflicts between the Italian minors that deceitfully used to switch sides between France and the Empire. According to Mercurino da Gattinara's advices Charles V granted independence to all the imperial fiefs and, with the mediation of Pope Clemens VII, even to Francesco Sforza who was reinstated in his duchy in spite of his joining the league of Cognac. Pope Clemens VII instead, receiving the territory of Parma was to renounce his claims to Modena and Ferrara and to promise to arrange for a Concile in the next future to discuss about the Reform of the Church. Settled the political affairs in the peninsula, Charles was crowned by Pope Clement VII King of Italy on 22 february 1530 and Holy Roman Emperor two day later, in two solemn ceremonies arranged in Bologna. The imperial crown was a really big gift for his 30th birthday: Charles V resulted, in facts, the last Holy Roman Emperor in history to be personally crowned by the Pope.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285107A;Now we are Emperor by God's will;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251049A;Let's legitimate the Emperor;;;;;;;;;;
Last edited:
And the 2nd round of "Hapsburg-Valois wars"
(N.B.: for monarchs and leader I am going to post separately if consensus is given to the imperial governors and to the Orléanist monarchs in event MLO228031_A and _B!)

# ITALIAN WARS 1535-1559

#(1535) The Reversion to the Empire
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 228031		
	trigger = {	exists = FRA
			exists = SPA
        random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228031" #The Reversion to the Empire
	desc = "EVENTHIST228031"

	date = { day = 1 month = November year = 1535 }
	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228031A" #We accept our Emperor's will
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HAB }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -100 }
		command = { type = wakeleader which = 09634 } #A d'Avalos (MLO)
		command = { type = sleepleader which = 09810 } #Marqués del Vasto (SPA)
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06568 } #Milan City Council
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089010 } #Antonio de Levya 1535-1536
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089011 } #Marino Caracciolo 1536-1538
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089012 } #Alfonso d'Avalos 1538-1546
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089013 } #Ferrante Gonzaga 1546-1555
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089014 } #Milan Imperial Council 1555-1820
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170050 } #FRA: The House of Orléans in Milan
	action_b ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228031B" #Establish the Orléans dynasty in Milan
		command = { type = flagname which = Orléans } #quartered Orléans/Milan
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HAB }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = SPA }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 100 }
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089015 } #Francesco III 1535-1540
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089016 } #Carlo I 1540-1545
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089017 } #Valois Regency 1545-1549
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089018 } #Luigi II 1549-1550
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089019 } #Carlo II Massimiliano 1550-1560
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089020 } #Enrico Alessandro 1560-1574
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089021 } #Valois Regency 1574-1589
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089022 } #Bourbon Regency 1589-1626
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089023 } #Gastone Giambattista 1626-1660
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089024 } #Filippo II 1660-1701	
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089025 } #Filippo III 1701-1723
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089026 } #Luigi III 1723-1752
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089027 } #Luigi Filippo I 1752-1785
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089028 } #Luigi Filippo II 1785-1793
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 089029 } #Luigi Filippo III, King of France in 1830
		command = { type = trigger which = 285109 } #SPA: Milan defies the Empire
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285108 } #SPA: The imperial rule in Milan
	action_c ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228031C" #We strongly refuse any external rule
		command = { type = flagname which = Milan } #Visconti's snake 
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HAB }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = SPA }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -100 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 285109 } #SPA Milan defies the Empire
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285108 } #SPA: The imperial rule in Milan
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170050 } #FRA: The House of Orléans in Milan

#(1535) The imperial rule in Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 285108
	trigger = { 	event = 228031  #MLO: The Reversion to the Empire
			NOT = { vassal = { country = MLO country = SPA } }		
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285108" #The imperial rule in Milan 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228031"

	date = { day = 2 month = November year = 1535}
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 17 month = September year = 1544}
	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME285108A" #Let's appoint imperial governors
		command = { type = vassal which = MLO }
		command = { type = alliance which = MLO }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 170049 } #FRA: The imperial inheritance of Milan

#(1535) Milan defies the Empire 
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 285109	#triggered by MLO_228031B and MLO_228031C			
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285109" #Milan defies the Empire 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228031"

	action_a ={ 				
		name = "ACTIONNAME285109A" #Milan must be under Imperial rule
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -100 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 170049 } #FRA: The imperial grip on Milan

#(1535) The imperial grip on Milan
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by SPA_285108 or SPA_285109	
	id = 170049
	trigger = { event = 285100 }  #SPA: The empire where the sun never sets	 			
        random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170049" #The imperial grip on Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST228031"

	action_a ={ 				
		name = "ACTIONNAME170049A" #Milan belongs to France
		command = { type = addcore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SAV value = 60 } 
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SPA value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = SAV value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
	action_b ={ 			
		name = "ACTIONNAME170048B" #Abandon the claims to Milan	
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #lombardia
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170051 } #FRA: The alliance with the Turk	

#(1535) The House of Orléans in Milan 
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170050
	trigger = { 	event = 228031  # MLO: The Reversion to the Empire
		    	NOT = { vassal = { country = MLO country = FRA } }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170050" #The House of Orléans in Milan 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228031"

	date = { day = 2 month = November year = 1535 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 17 month = September year = 1544 }
	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME170049A" #Milan belongs to France
		command = { type = vassal which = MLO }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -100 }

EVENTNAME228031;The Reversion to the Empire;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME285108;The imperial rule in Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME285109;Milan defies the Empire;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME170049;The imperial grip on Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME170050;The House of Orléans in Milan ;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST228031;In 1530 during the congress of Bologna Pope Clement VII consecrated Charles V Holy Roman Emperor and convinced him to forgive the behaviour of Francesco II Sforza who joined the League of Cognac, as the Pope himself did, confirming him still Duke of Milan. Charles V conceded the ducal title but with the firm condition that on Sforza's death the Duchy would have returned definitely to the Empire. A marriage was also agreed between Sforza and Charles V's niece Christine of Danmark. On 2 November 1535 Duke Francesco II Sforza died childless and according to the previous agreements of Bologna the Duchy reverted to Charles V, who as the emperor was also the suzerain of the Duchy and a descendant himself of another Visconti, Virida, daughter of Bernabò (Duke of Milan 1354-1385). assigned to appointed life-governors. His decisions strongly displeased François Ier of France, whose younger son Charles, Dukes of Orléans and thus with claims to the Milanese throne, had his candidature rejected, in spite of his assurances of allegiance to the Empire.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228031C;We strongly refuse any external rule;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228031B;Establish the Orléans dynasty in Milan;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228031A;We accept our Emperor's will;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285108A;Let's appoint imperial governors;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285109A;Milan must be under Imperial rule;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170049A;Milan belongs to France;;;;;;;;;;

#(1536) The alliance with the Turk
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170051
	trigger = { 	
			exists = TUR
			event = 170049 #FRA: The imperial grip on Milan 
			NOT = { war = { country = FRA country = TUR } }
        random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME170051" #The alliance with the Turk
	desc = "EVENTHIST170051"

	date = { day = 2 month = February year = 1536 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 17 month = September year = 1544}
	action_a ={ 			
		name = "ACTIONNAME170051A" #Ask the Turk's favour
		command = { type = alliance which = TUR }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = 300 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 301019 } #TUR: The alliance with the Infidels
	action_[COLOR=Yellow]b[/COLOR] ={ 		
		name = "ACTIONNAME170051B" #No relations with the Turk	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 50017 } #TUR: The Capitulations

#(1536) The alliance with the Infidels
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 301019	#triggered by FRA_170051				
        random = no
	country = TUR
	name = "EVENTNAME301019" #The alliance with the Infidels
	desc = "EVENTHIST170051"

	action_a ={ 				
		name = "ACTIONNAME301019A" #Support the Most Christian King!
		command = { type = casusbelli which = SPA value = 60 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = HAB value = 60 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = GEN value = 60 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }

and modifications to the following event:

# The Capitulations
event = { 
	id = 50017
	trigger = { 
		event = 170051 #FRA: The alliance with the Turk #added
		exists = FRA  
		domestic = { type = mercantilism value = 7 } 
		NOT = { war = { country = TUR country = FRA } } 
	random = no 
	country = TUR 
	name = "EVENTNAME50017" #The Capitulations
	desc = "EVENTHIST50017"

	date = { day = 19 month = September year = 1535 } 
	offset = 1000
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = January year = 1550 } 

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME50017A" #Reduce tariffs
		command = { type = domestic which = MERCANTILISM value = -1 }  
		command = { type = trade value = 500 } 
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 200 } 
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME50017B" #The French will pay as the others
		command = { type = trade value = -300 } 
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -100 } 
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 } 

EVENTNAME170051;The alliance with the Turk;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME301019;The alliance with the Infidels;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST170051;Since Genoa and Milan returned within the Spanish-Hapsburgs influence while Firenze, Venice and Papal States were too weak to withstand the Hapsburgs military power, in order to open a second front against Charles V, François Ier,'the most christian king', had no other choice but to seek the help of 'the Turk', Sultan Süleyman I, who was ruling a power on the rise, a a menace to both the Empire and Spain, the Ottoman Empire. The main purposes of this alliance, stipulated in disguise of a trade agreement, was the planned combined attack to the Empire from two opposite fronts and the use of the Turkish galleys led by Kair-ed-din Barbarossa to engage the enemy's fleet and to raid the coastal villages of Italy and Spain. The alliance, that had been under discussion since 1525, was preliminarily agreed in February 1535 and formalized in February 1536 between French ambassador Laforest and Grand Vizier Ibrahim. The treaty also granted the French commercial concessions in the Ottoman Empire replacing Venice, as well as conceded the so called capitulations which also allowed French consuls legal jurisdiction over French subjects in Ottoman domains and recognized the French king as protector of the Christian holy places in Palestine, concessions that would have long-term effects on Ottoman relations with other foreign powers as well as internal development. The pact was kept secret, though, because to the Christians, the impious alliance between the Most Christian King and the worst enemy of Christendom was a heinous act.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170051B;No relations with the Turk;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME170051A;Ask the Turk's favour;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME301019A;Support the Most Christian King!;;;;;;;;;;

#(1544) The Treaty of Crépy
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 285110
	trigger = { 	exists = FRA
			NOT = { war = { country = SPA country = FRA } }
			event = 301019  #TUR: The alliance with the Infidels 
			OR = { 	  owned = { province = 409 data = FRA } #Bourgogne
			        control = { province = 409 data = FRA } #Bourgogne
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285110" #The Treaty of Crépy
	desc = "EVENTHIST285110"

	date = { day = 18 month = February year = 1542 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 18 month = September year = 1544 } 
	action_a ={  				
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A" #Sign the Treaty
		command = { type = removecore which = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 200 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 170013 } #FRA: The Treaty of Crépy
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037B" #Refuse to sign it
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }

#(1544) The Treaty of Crépy
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170013	#triggered by SPA_285110		
        random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME285110" #The Treaty of Crépy
	desc = "EVENTHIST285110"

	action_a ={  				
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A" #Sign the Treaty
		command = { type = removecore which = 380 } #Flanders
		command = { type = removecore which = 379 } #Artois
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TUR value = -50 }

EVENTNAME285110;The Treaty of Crépy;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST285110;At Francesco II Sforza's death, the Duchy of Milan reverted to Emperor Charles V and since Charles V rejected again the Orléanist candidature to the Milanese throne, François Ier, King of France, planned a new military campaign in Italy against Charles V and this time with the help of the Turk. The French King attacked Savoy, because duke Charles III refused him the military access through his possessions, annexing it with the assertion he had a dynastical claim to it. Deeply annoyed by this behaviour, Charles V sent an expeditionary force to conquer Provence, once imperial land. The expedition unfortunately failed while the scary Ottoman menace over Italy led the Pope to warmly invite the two contenders to make peace and form a Christial league in order to face the Turks. In 1538 in Nice a decennial truce was concluded with Pope Paulus III's support. But that cease-fire couldn't last too long. In 1542 Milan had to face a new French attack which resulted in an imperial heavy defeat at Ceresole in Piemonte, but although northern Italy totally fell under French control, in then meanwhile English and Spanish/imperial troops were attacking France from both sides and even Paris was under menace. But the lack of supplies and the low troops reinforcements brought Charles V to eventually sign a peace treaty with François Ier at Crépy in late 1544. With that treaty France was recognized the possession of Piemonte, still under French control in spite of Savoyard legal claims to those lands, while the Emperor was confirmed suzerainty over the duchy of Milan. But that treaty also stated that François Ier had to renounce his claims to Naples, Flanders and Artois, while Charles V had to abandon any claim to the duchy of Bourgogne, ancestral Burgundian feud.;;;;;;;;;;

#(1549) The submission to Spain
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 208032 	
	trigger = { 
		exists = SPA	
		NOT = { war = { country = SPA country = MLO } }
		OR = {  NOT = { exists = FRA }
			event = 285108 #SPA: The imperial rule in Milan
		NOT = { event = 285109 } #SPA: Milan defies the Empire
		ai = yes	
        random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME208032" #The submission to Spain
	desc = "EVENTHIST208032"

	date = { day = 11 month = December year = 1549 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 13 month = September year = 1598 } #Felipe II's death

	action_a ={ 			
		name = "ACTIONNAME208032A" #Milan is now part of Spain (End Game)
		command = { type = independence which = MAN }
		command = { type = independence which = VEN }
		command = { type = independence which = PAM }
		command = { type = independence which = PAR }
		command = { type = independence which = HEL }
		command = { type = independence which = PIS }
		command = { type = independence which = TOS }
		command = { type = independence which = PAP }
		[COLOR=Yellow]command = { type = independence which = GEN }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 398 } #corsica[/COLOR]
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = PAP value = 392 } #marche
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HAB value = 371 } #tyrol
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 1612} #schwyz
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = HEL value = 388 } #bern
		command = { type = trigger which = 285111 } #SPA: The inheritance of Milan

#(1546) The inheritance of Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 285111		#triggered by MLO_208032
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME285111" #The inheritance of Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST208032"
	action_a ={ 			
		name = "ACTIONNAME285111A" #Milan is now part of Spain	
		command = { type = inherit which = MLO }
		[COLOR=Yellow]command = { type = vassal which = GEN }
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = GEN value = 398 } #corsica[/COLOR]
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
EVENTNAME208032;The submission to Spain;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME285111;The inheritance of Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST208032;On 17 September 1544 the treaty of Crépy, stipulated between France and Spain, stated that François Ier had to renounce his claims to Naples, Flanders and Artois, while Charles V had to abandon any claim to the duchy of Bourgogne. It was also agreed that a marriage had to be arranged between Charles, Duke of Orléans, the youngest of François's sons, and, by Emperor's choice, either with the Emperor's daughter (bringing Flanders and Franche-Comté as dowry) or the King of the Romans' daughter (bringing Milan as dowry). After two month's thoughts, Charles V eventually decided to concede his daughter as spouse together with Milan to Charles of Orléans. However in late 1545 the sudden death of Charles of Orléans liberated Charles V from the treaty's obligations and on 5 July 1546 he appointed his son Don Felipe as new duke of Milan. Even if Don Felipe received by his father Charles V the ducal investiture of Milan made public on 12 december 1549, the duchy continued to be administered by imperial governors by appointment. With this decision, the imperial fief of Milan, which had already reverted to the Empire after Francesco Sforza's death, was assigned to the Spanish line of the House of Hapsburg.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME285111A;Milan is now part of Spain;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME208032A;Milan is now part of Spain (End Game);;;;;;;;;;


current "fantasy" agceep event modified as follows:

#(1535) Peace in Milan
#modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 12029	
	trigger = {
		OR = { 	event = 170048 #FRA: French Encirclement by the Habsburgs 
			event = 12025  #FRA: French troops abandon Milan
		owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } #lombardia 
		NOT = { event = 12028 } #FRA: The Peace of Cambrai
		NOT = { exists = MLO }
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12029" #Peace in Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST12029"
	date = { day = 2 month = November year = 1535 } #changed from february 
	offset = 360
	deathdate = { day = 2 month = November year = 1545 } #added 

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12023A" #Bien
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 389 value = -15 } #lombardia
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 393 value = -15 } #napoli
		command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 394 value = -15 } #apulia
		command = { type = relation  which = SPA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation  which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation  which = PAP  value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation  which = VEN  value = 25 }


#(1559) The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
#modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 12037
	trigger = { 
		event = 285100   #SPA: The empire where the sun never sets 
		OR = { 	NOT = { owned = { province = 379 data = -1 } } #Artois
			NOT = { owned = { province = 380 data = -1 } } #Flanders
			NOT = { owned = { province = 387 data = -1 } } #Franche Comté
			NOT = { owned = { province = 389 data = -1 } } #Lombardia 
			NOT = { owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } } #Napoli
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME12037" #The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
	desc = "EVENTHIST12037"

	date = { day = 2 month = April year = 1559 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A" #Sign the Treaty
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #Lombardia	   
		command = { type = removecore which = 379 } #Artois        
		command = { type = removecore which = 380 } #Flanders	   
		command = { type = removecore which = 387 } #Franche Comté
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = SPA value = 387 } #Franche Comté 
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 60 value = -5 }
		command = { type = badboy value = -5 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 285112 } #SPA: Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis	
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037B" #Refuse to sign it
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = removecore which = 389 } #Lombardia	    #After Charles V's abdication in 1556 and the
		command = { type = removecore which = 379 } #Artois	    #splitting of Hapsburgs dominions there was 
		command = { type = removecore which = 380 } #Flanders	    #no risk for France to be encircled, so the    	
		command = { type = removecore which = 387 } #Franche Comté  #reason to get those provinces is now unjustified!
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -100 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 60 value = 5 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 5 }
		command = { type = cash value = -200 } #for continuing wars
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 60 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -2 value = 60 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 170021 } #FRA: Independence of Savoy
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 285078 } #SPA: Independence of Savoy

#(1559) The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by FRA_12037	
	id = 285112		
        random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME12037" #The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
	desc = "EVENTHIST12037"

	action_a ={  				
		name = "ACTIONNAME12037A" #Sign the Treaty
		command = { type = removecore which = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = FRA value = 409 } #Bourgogne
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 300 }
		command = { type = dynastic which = FRA }

EVENTNAME12037;The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis;;;;;;;;;;

And here are the:



FRA 12027-12028-12037 
SPA 12026-285075
TUR 50017
PAP 17406

						     NEW EVENTS:

HAB 179026
MLO 228030-228031-228032
FRA 170013-170048-170049-170050-170051
PAP 251047-251048-251049
SPA 285106-285107-285108-285109-285110-285111-285112
TUR 301019
Last edited:
Here is my revised sequence of the league of cambrai:


# Seeing a Chance in Romagna
# by Chanda "Phillip V" Choun modded by Isaac Brock  
event = {
	id = 17017
#	trigger = {
#		NOT = {
#			owned = { province = 391 data = VEN }
#		}
#	}
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME17017" #Seeing a Chance in Romagna
	desc = "EVENTHIST17017"
	date = { day = 17 month = August year = 1503 } #Pope Alexander VI's death 

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17017A" #Look West
		command = { type = addcore which = 391 } #Romagna
		command = { type = treasury value = -50 } 		#IB They ought to lose money.  
		command = { type = land value = 500 }		     	#Those magnates needed subsidies, and I don't see this as being  
		command = { type = trade value = -500 }		     	#the sort of thing that private merchants would have jumped on 
		command = { type = domestic which = land value = 1 } 	#the cities were taken for strategic not trade reasons.
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17017B" #Look East
		command = { type = domestic which = land value = -1 }	#IB restored I changed my mind
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }#IB I can't see why they get a stab penalty for maintining current priorities.
 		command = { type = naval value = 500 }	 #This way it's more (superficially) balanced
		command = { type = infra value = -500 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 251045 } #PAP: The Demand for Romagna 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3107 } #FRA: The League of Cambrai	 			
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3182 } #HAB: The League of Cambrai (if FRA doesn't exist)	
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3545 } #PAP: The League of Cambrai				
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3649 } #TOS: The League of Cambrai				
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 20094 } #ENG: The League of Cambrai				
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17020 } #SPA: The League of Cambrai				
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17019 } #ARG: The League of Cambrai				
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17023 } #FRA: The League of Cambrai (if HAB doesn't exist)	
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger 

# (1503) The Demand for Romagna 
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251045
	trigger = { 	
		event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
		[COLOR=Yellow]NOT = { control = { province = 391 data = -1 } } #romagna[/COLOR]	   
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251045" #The Demand for Romagna
	desc = "EVENTHIST17017"

	date = { day = 15 month = January year = 1504 } 
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME251045A" #Request what is yours by God's will
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = BUR value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
EVENTNAME17017;Seeing a Chance in Romagna;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251045;The Demand for Romagna;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST17017;Venice, shorn suddenly of her commercial hegemony, bereft of friends or allies, under continual and increasing threat from the Turks in the East and the princes of Europe in the West, it seemed to her that her only long-term hope of survival lay in building up a broad mainland bulwark. Thus, when the dispossessed lords of cities that had fallen to Cesare Borgia sought refuge in Venetian territory, she had immediately offered them sympathy and shelter. And when, seeing Cesare facing a crisis in his fortunes, these nobles made determined and more or less simultaneous bids to reinstate themselves, she gave them her active support - always provided that they would accept her as their overlord and govern in her name. By the end of 1503 the banner of St Mark was already floating over Russi and Forlimpopoli, Rimini, Cervia, and Faenza. - John Norwich, A History of Venice, New York, 1989. Taking possession of Rimini, Faenza, and a number of other cities, Venice strengthened her position below the Po River where the city of Ravenna worked as strategic outpost since 1431. But Julius II, having secured his own control of the Papal armies by arresting and imprisoning il Valentino, quickly moved to re-establish Papal control over the Romagna (since it was amongst the territories ceded to the Holy See by Pepin III in 752 in what constituted the original Papal States) by demanding that Venice return the cities she had seized. Venice refused to surrender the cities, although willing to acknowledge Papal sovereignty over them and pay an annual tribute to the Holy See. After having unsuccessfully induced Venice to abandon Romagna by means of a Papal bull, the resolute Julius II began to look for allies. Only in September 1504 at Blois where Louis XII of France stipulated a treaty with which he renounced his claims over Naples in favour of Spain for the investiture of the Duchy of Milan, at the presence of the Emperor and the Archduke of Burgundy Philippe le Beau, the Pope let them include a secret paragraph by which the signatories would have allied against Venice. In facts Julius II did not possess sufficient forces to fight Venice even if for the next two years he recovered a few small towns in Romagna and managed to bring under Papal rule, Bologna and Perugia, both only nominally subject to the church and also to re-establish the order in Rome by means of political marriages between his family, the Della Rovere, and the rival factions of Colonna and Orsini.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251045A;Request what is yours by God's will;;;;;;;;;;

#The League of Cambrai
# reworked by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 3107
	trigger = { 
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
			exists = VEN 
			exists = HAB
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME3107"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 150 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 174007 } #GEN: The League of Cambrai
		command = { type = trigger which = 17021 } #HAB: The League of Cambrai
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 17022 } #HAB: The League of Cambrai
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -150 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 17022 } #HAB: The League of Cambrai

# League of Cambrai (FRA accepts)
# reworked by Isaac Brock
event = {		#triggered by FRA_3107 A
	id = 17021	
	random = no
	country = HAB
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger

# League of Cambrai (FRA refuses)
# reworked by Isaac Brock
event = {		#triggered by FRA_3107 B
	id = 17022
	random = no
	country = HAB
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger


# The League of Cambrai
# adapted by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 3545
	trigger = { 
			exists = VEN
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 5
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }

# The League of Cambrai
# adapted by Isaac Brock
# added by Bordic
event = {

	id = 252009
	trigger = { 
			exists = VEN
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
	random = no
	country = PAM
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }

# The League of Cambrai
# adapted by Isaac Brock
# added by Bordic
event = {

	id = 220009
	trigger = { 
			exists = VEN
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
	random = no
	country = MAN
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 15
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }

#The League of Cambrai
# Modified by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 17019
	trigger = { 
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
			exists = VEN 
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }

#The League of Cambrai
# Modified by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 17020
	trigger = { 
		event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
		exists = VEN 
		NOT = { exists = ARG }
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }



#The League of Cambrai                     #
# Revised by Lambert Simnel and Isaac Brock#
event = {
	id = 20094
	trigger = {
		exists = VEN
		event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
		event = 1000062 #ENG: English Final Victory (in HYW)
		NOT = { event = 20007 } #FRA: The Glory of France is Reborn!
	random = no
	country = ENG
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 5
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -50 }
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 150 }

	action_c = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -150 }

### The League of Cambrai#
### By Joakim 'Greven' Bergqwist
### Modified by Isaac Brock
event = {
	id = 3649
	trigger = {
		event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
		exists = VEN
	random = no
	country = TOS
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } 
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
	action_c = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }

#The League of Cambrai, Genoa is a minor player
event = {
	id = 174007 #triggered by FRA_3107/17023
	trigger = {
		OR = {
			vassal = { country = FRA country = GEN }
			alliance = { country = FRA country = GEN }
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME3107" #The League of Cambrai
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 75 }
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
	action_c = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -75 }



# League of Cambrai (FRA doesn't exists or FRA3107 doesn't fire)
# reworked by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 3182
	trigger = { 
			exists = VEN 
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
			NOT = { event = 3107 } #earlier FRA Cambrai event
	random = no
	country = HAB
	name = "EVENTNAME3107"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } #must be after deathdate of 3107
	offset = 5
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018 } #VEN: Realizing Great Danger

# League of Cambrai (HAB doesn't exists)
# reworked by Isaac Brock
event = {

	id = 17023
	trigger = { 
			event = 17017 #VEN: Seeing a Chance in Romagna
			exists = VEN 
			NOT = { exists = HAB }
			NOT = {event = 3107} #earlier FRA Cambrai event
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME3107"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 9 month = December year = 1508 } #must be after deathdate of 3107
	offset = 5
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1509 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107A" #Express Support
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 72 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 150 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 174007 } #GEN: The League of Cambrai
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107B" #Ignore
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018} #VEN: Realizing Great Danger
	action_c ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3107C" #Express Hostility
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = -150 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 17018} #VEN: Realizing Great Danger



#Realizing Great Danger
# by Phillip V modified by Isaac Brock
#IB:  removed choice B, chose +50 relations, added ARG
# triggers now VEN Great chance and one  of the FRA-HAB Cambrai events.
event = {
	id = 17018
	trigger = {
		event = 17017 #IB changed trigger remove atwar
		OR = {
			event = 3107 #FRA League of Cambrai if HAB exists
			event = 3182 #HAB League of Cambrai if FRA doesn't exist
			event = 17023 #FRA League of Cambrai if HAB doesn't exist
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME17018" #Realizing Great Danger
	desc = "EVENTHIST3107"

	date = { day = 15 month = May year = 1509 }#Agnadello -> 24 october 1509 left siege of Padua
	offset = 30 
 	deathdate = { day = 24 month = February year = 1510 } #lifting of papal interdict

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME17018A" #Relinquish claims to Papal territory
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = removecore which = 391 } #romagna
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = HAB value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SPA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAM value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MAN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 50 }	
EVENTHIST3107;Since 1495 Venice held the main ports in Apulia against Aragonese claims. With the French invasion of Milan, she had acquired Milanese territories from the Adda River eastwards and with the fall of Cesare Borgia also occupied Rimini, Faenza and Ravenna against Pope Julius II's will. She also held Padua, Verona and Friuli on which Maximilian of Hapsburg had imperial rights. In late 1507 Maximilian announced his intention to descend Italy to receive the imperial investiture by the Pope himself and in early 1508 he assambled a big army to escort him to Rome and requested free passage through Venetian territories. He was told that he would be left to pass only without his army. Enraged at that answer, he attacked Venice but his attempt turned to be quickly a big failure: not only Venice routed the imperial army but seized Triest, Gorz and Fiume, imperial cities, forcing Maximilian to conclude a humiliating truce. With Pope Julius II's assent, Maximilian took the title of 'Emperor-elect', thus breaking the century-old custom that the Holy Roman Emperor had to be crowned by the Pope. When Venice provided a second pretext for an attack on itself by appointing her own candidate to the vacant bishopric of Vicenza. As answer to her misbehaviour, on 10 December 1508 at Cambrai the Emperor, the King of France and Ferdinand of Aragon signed a treaty seemingly concerning a defensive alliance together with the Pope against the Turk, but in reality they meant to form a league to attack Venice and deprive the Serenissima of her Terraferma territories. The Pope, after a renewed Venetian refusal to give Romagna back ratified the treaty, also Ferrara and Mantua, each of them with claims to territories held by Venice, joined the league. In April 1509 military operations started and a month later French troops decimated the Venetian army at the battle of Agnadello. In the meanwhile Pope Julius II excommunicated all the Venetian citizens. Even though Venice managed to break the league by concluding separate peaces with her opponents, in the meanwhile, she faced with the collapse of its strategic position and had to offer up the cities it had occupied in the Romagna to the Pope. However, the Pope was not satisfied and demanded that the war be prosecuted until Venice conceded control over their church to the Pope and compensate him for his expenses.;;;;;;;;;;



-PAP should join after the league was made, for that reason I have changed the eventhist accordingly.
-MAN (Mantua) and PAM (Modena) joined the league.
-Tuscany TOS3649 and Genova GEN174007 could be removed as they didn't take part in the league of Cambrai IRL. No ref in texts as for now!

Since the descriptions used in EVENTNAME3107 and EVENTHIST3107 are the same for every event I'd suggest to remove the following strings from text.csv:



and if not use by other events, of which I am not totally sure:

Last edited:
Here is my final draft of the sequence "The Neapolitan succession" (1419-1464) for submission in the agceep version after 1.40...

We need to tweak the 1419 startup scenario:

in 1419.inc modifications to:

   alliance = { 
        id = { type = 6000 id = 54 }
        type = vassalization 
        expirydate = { year = 1820 month = december day = 29 } 
        participant = { PAP NAP } 

in 1419_PAP_Papal states.inc diplomacy, changes to:

	relation = { tag = NAP value = 75 }
	relation = { tag = PIS value = 75 }

in 1419_PAP_Papal states.inc technology, changes to:

	stability = { level = -3 value = 0 }

in 1419_NAP_Naples.inc diplomacy, changes to:

	relation = { tag = PRO value = -25 }
	relation = { tag = ARG value = 100 }

in 1419_DAU_Dauphine.inc diplomacy, changes to:

  relation = { tag = PRO value = 100 access = yes }
	relation = { tag = SAV value = 100 }

in 1419_ARG_Aragon.inc , removals:

nationalprovinces = { 
        393 394

I am going now to post all my modifications to events currently in agceep and the new events made:
					EVENTS "IN" AND "OUT" in agceep v. 1.40 - 



ITALY 1419-1485								ITALY 1485-1516

					             NEW EVENTS:

NAP								   	NAP 239016-239018-239019-239020
PAP 251033-251034-251035-251036-251037-251038-251039-251040-251041 	PAP 251042-251043-251044-251045-251046
ARG 111003-111004-111013-111015						ARG 111016-111017
PRO 262011-262023 							
MLO 228019-228020-228021-228022-228023					MLO 228024-228025-228026-228027-228028-228029
GEN 174026-174027-174028-174029						GEN 174030-174031
TOS 297017 								TOS 297018
VEN 326034								VEN 326035-326036-326037
ALB 104006								

									PAM 252009
									MAN 220009
									FRA 170040-170041-170042-170043-170044-170045-170046-170047
									HAB 179025
									HEL 184066-184068
									SPA 285103-285104-285105


				(the texts to be replaced are only the strings suggested):

NAP 3660-7118-239006-239007-239008-239009-239010 			NAP 12022-239011-239012-239013
PAP 251020  								PAP 3545-17386-17403-17024
ARG 3555-7114-7115-111009-111011-111012-111014				ARG 17019-12144
PRO 262003-262004-262005-262006-262007-262008-262009-262010-262024 	

									VEN 17017-17018
									FRA 3107-17023-12021-12023-12024-12025-12031
									HAB 3182-17021-17022
									SAV 17409
									SPA 17020-12143
									CAS 142013
									HEL 184067
									ENG 20094
									TOS 3649
									GEN 174007



id 05414 in monarchs.nap
Id 06551 in monarchs.gen


id 06546 in monarchs.gen
id 06547 in monarchs.gen
id 06548 in monarchs.gen
Last edited:
Here is the complete sequence of "the wars for succession in Naples 1419-1464"

#(1419) Crisis in Rome
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251033
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251033" #Crisis in Rome
	desc = "EVENTHIST251033"

	date = { day = 10 month = February year = 1419 }
	offset = 25
	deathdate = { day = 10 month = March year = 1419 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME51015A" #Chaos reigns!
		command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = 1}
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = SAV value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MAN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAR value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 }
		command = { type = revolt which = 392 } #Marche	
		command = { type = revolt which = 399 } #Rome
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 12 value = 8 }


#(1419) Anarchy in the Legations
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251034
	trigger = { vassal = { country = PAP country = NAP } }
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251034" #Anarchy in the Legations
	desc = "EVENTHIST251034"

	date = { day = 15 month = July year = 1419 }
	offset = 25
	deathdate = { day = 15 month = August year = 1419 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251034A" #Ask Naples for troops
		command = { type = ADM   which = 1 value = 24 }
		command = { type = DIP   which = 1 value = 24 }
		command = { type = revolt which = 392 } #Marche
		command = { type = revolt which = 399 } #Rome	
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251034B" #No external interference
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239008 } #NAP: The Pope requests troops		

#(1419) The Pope requests troops
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 239008
	random = no
	trigger = { 	event = 251034 #PAP: Anarchy in the Legations
			NOT = { war = { country = PAP country = NAP } }
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239008" #The Pope requests troops
	desc = "EVENTHIST251034"

	date = { day = 25 month = September year = 1419 }
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 25 month = November year = 1419 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME239008A" #Help the Pope
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -20 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251035 } #PAP: The Neapolitan support
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME239008B" #Ignore the Papal call
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251036 } #PAP: The Betrayal of the Queen-Bee
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239010 } #NAP: The Pope requests more troops

#(1419) The Neapolitan support
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239008 A or by NAP_239010 B
	id = 251035	
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251035" #The Neapolitan support
	desc = "EVENTHIST251034"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251035A" #Giovanna is helping!
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 3000 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }


#(1419) The Pope requests more troops
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 239010
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239010" #The Pope requests more troops
	desc = "EVENTHIST239010"

	date = { day = 25 month = November year = 1419 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 25 month = December year = 1419 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME239008B" #Ignore the Papal call
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }
		command = { type = stability value = 2} 
		command = { type = trigger which = 251036 } #PAP: The Betrayal of the Queen-Bee
	action_b = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME239008A" #Help the Pope
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1}
		command = { type = treasury value = -20 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251035 } #PAP: Neapolitan support

#(1419) The Betrayal of the Queen-Bee
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239015 A or by NAP_239010 B
	id = 251036 	
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251036" #The Betrayal of the Queen-Bee
	desc = "EVENTHIST239010"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251036A" #Giovanna ignores us!
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = -1}	

EVENTNAME251033;Crisis in Rome;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST251033;The Council held in Constance from 1414 to 1418 brought an end to the Great Schism, declared its superiority over the Papacy, deposed two of the claimant popes (Gregorius XII elected in Rome and supported by Bayern, Naples, Hungary and Venice and Benedictus XIII elected in Avignon and supported by Castile, Aragon and Scotland) and pressed to abdicate the third (Johannes XXIII elected in the council of Pisa) and eventually chose a new pontiff, Martinus V. The new elected Pope left Constance at the close of the Council in May 1418 and travelled slowly through Italy, lingered at Florence and did not venture to enter Rome until September 1420. In fact, anarchy reigned in the Church held territories as no real government was ever established in there since 1309 when the Pope was first 'taken captive' in Avignon. Ladislao of Anjou-Durazzo, former King of Naples and vassal to the Pope, had occupied Rome and the whole Patrimonium Petri, whilst Braccio da Montone, former commander of Papal troops, was destabilizing the State of the Church from inside by looting villages and trying to establish his own Signoria in Umbria. Turmoil was everywhere...;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTNAME251034;Anarchy in the Legations;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME239008;The Pope requests troops;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251035;The Neapolitan support;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251036;The Betrayal of the Queen-Bee;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST251034;Entering his dominions, the Pope's first task was to restore the State of the Church to the prosperity and order to which it had become a stranger. In doing this he tried to gain external political support which he eventually obtained from Giovanna II of the House of Anjou-Durazzo and Queen of Naples, also known as Giovannetta or the 'Queen-Bee' for her dissolute life. In exchange for the repossession of the Papal territories, which her brother Ladislao formerly occupied when Rome had no ruler, Giovanna was legitimately enthroned Queen of Naples by the Pope in a solemn ceremony held in the city of Naples on 28 October 1419. But the Pope desperately needed troops to bring back the order over the territories of the Papal Legations in Umbria, Marche and Romagna, where the populations rebelled thanks to the abuses perpetrated by Braccio da Montone's mercenari, and asked Giovanna II for help. Promptly the Queen sent her best condottiero, Muzio Attendolo, 'lo Sforza', commander of Neapolitan troops to help the Pope in his fight for the reacquisition of the Church territories.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251034A;Ask Naples for troops;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251034B;No external interference;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239008A;Help the Pope;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239008B;Ignore the Papal call;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTNAME239010;The Pope requests more troops;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST239010;Although both Sforza and Braccio came from the Alberico da Barbiano's Compagnia di Ventura di San Giorgio, they had different approaches to strategic-tactical warfare, the 'Scuola Sforzesca' based mainly upon coordinated field manoeuvers and planned tactics and the 'Scuola Braccesca' based mainly upon energic assaults and the element of surprise. In their first battle against each other Fortebraccio prevailed. Informed of Sforza's defeat, having always been hostile to the celebrated condottiero, Gianni Caracciolo, Giovanna's favourite advisor and lover, managed to induce the queen to refuse the Pope's request of more troops in order to stop Braccio. In spite of her refusal and thanks to the mediation of Florence, Martinus V managed however to come to terms with Braccio promising him a title in exchange for his military services. Finally the Papal troops commanded by Braccio himself succeded in retaking the Church territories. As soon as the order in his States was reestablished and in order to punish Giovanna for her unexpected refusal to send troops, the Pope offered the crown of Naples to the junior House of the Angevins, always interested in the succession to the throne of Naples, proclaiming Louis III d'Anjou 'King of Naples' on 4 December 1419..;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251035A;Giovanna is helping!;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251036A;Giovanna ignores us!;;;;;;;;;;

#001 THE SITUATION IN NAPLES (1419-1420)

#(1420) Crisis in Naples 
#by Bordic
#(based on the work of Havard: EEP events for Aragon (Anjou sequence) and further modified by Isaac Brock)
event = {
	id = 239006
	trigger = { 	exists = PRO
			exists = ARG
			exists = PAP
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239006" #Crisis in Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	date = { day = 14 month = June year = 1420 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 14 month = April year = 1423 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239006A" #Make Alfons our heir
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 111012 } #ARG: The gift of Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 262004 } #PRO: Naples defies the Angevins
		command = { type = trigger which = 251020 } #PAP: Naples refuses Papal suzerainity
		command = { type = INF   which = 393 value = 2000 } #Napoli
		command = { type = CAV   which = 393 value = 4000 }
		command = { type = cash value = -50 } #to pay Montone's condotta 
		command = { type = leader which = 19610 } #Montone (NAP)
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239006B" #Accept Louis’ demand to be heir
		command = { type = stability value = -1 } #have to dismiss Caracciolo
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 111009 } #ARG: Naples defies the Aragonese
		command = { type = trigger which = 262003 } #PRO: The promise of Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 251037 } #PAP: Naples Papal fief
		command = { type = INF   which = 393 value = 2000 }
		command = { type = CAV   which = 393 value = 4000 }
		command = { type = leader which = 19611 }#M.Attendolo Sforza (NAP)
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239016 } #NAP: The Queen's choice
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3660 } #NAP: The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples


#(1420) The gift of Naples 

#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 A
	id = 111012 	
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111012" #The gift of Naples 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME111012A" #Giovanna adopted us
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 25 }

#(1420) Naples defies the Angevins
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 A
	id = 262004	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262004" #Naples defies the Angevins 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME262004A" #Giovanna adopted Alfons
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 24 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = ARG value = 24 }

#(1420) Naples refuses Papal suzerainty
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 A
	id = 251020	
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251020" #Naples refuses Papal suzerainty 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"
	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME262004A" #Giovanna adopted Alfons
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 24 }
		command = { type = alliance which = PRO }
		command = { type = INF which = 399 value = 4000 } #Roma
		command = { type = CAV which = 399 value = 6000 } #Roma
		command = { type = leader which = 16127 } #M.Attendolo Sforza (PAP) hopefully in Roma


#(1420) Naples defies the Aragonese
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 B
	id = 111009 	
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111009" #Naples defies the Aragonese 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME111009A" #Giovanna adopted Louis
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 24 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PRO value = 24 }
		command = { type = INF   which = 395 value = 4000 }#Messina
		command = { type = CAV   which = 395 value = 6000 }
		command = { type = leader which = 16131 }#Montone (ARG) hopefully in Messina

#(1420) The promise of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 B
	id = 262003 	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262003" #The promise of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME111012A" #Giovanna adopted us
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }	

#(1420) Naples Papal fief
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239006 B
	id = 251037
	trigger = { NOT = { vassal = { country = NAP country = PAP } } }
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251037" #Naples Papal fief
	desc = "EVENTHIST239006"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME251037A" #Giovanna followed our advice
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = vassal  which = NAP }	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 25 }

EVENTNAME239006;Crisis in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111012;The gift of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262004;Naples defies the Angevins;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251020;Naples refuses Papal suzerainty;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111009;Naples defies the Aragonese;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262003;The promise of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251037;Naples Papal fief;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST239006;Giovanna of Anjou-Durazzo was not destined to be queen, and when she found herself with the crown of Naples on her head after the death of her brother, she refused to give up her previous dissolute life. She soon started to yield the power to whoever happened to be her current paramour. The nobility was restless and conspirative. Pope Martinus V, as his predecessors, wanted to see Naples in the firm hands of a trusted man, but as a previous arranged marriage to Jean of Bourbon had failed, and Giovanna was now 50 years old, he decided to invest Louis III of Anjou, Count of Provence, of the junior branch of the House of Anjou, with claims to Naples. Martinus and Louis recruited the help of Neapolitan condottiero Muzio Attendolo, also known as 'lo Sforza'. When Sforza's army invaded Naples, Giovanna turned to Alfons V of Aragon, who had also distant claims to the crown of Naples, and in exchange for his help, adopted him as heir. Alfons arrived to Naples with his forces, and made Braccio da Montone, Sforza’s greatest rival, commander of the Neapolitan armies.;;;;;;;;;;

ACTIONNAME239006B;Accept Louis’ demand to be heir;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239006A;Make Alfons our heir;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME111012A;Giovanna adopted us;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME262004A;Giovanna adopted Alfons;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME111009A;Giovanna adopted Louis;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251037A;Giovanna followed our advice;;;;;;;;;;

#(1423) The Queen's choice
#by Bordic
#(this event could be slept by NAP239006_B Louis chosen as heir in 1420)
event = {
	id = 239011
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239011" #The Queen's choice
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	date = { day = 10 month = May year = 1423 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 10 month = June year = 1423 } 
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239011A" #Louis should be the new heir
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = ARG } 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = revolt which = 393 } #Napoli->Montone besieging Aquila
		command = { type = revolt which = 393 }
		command = { type = galleys   which = -1 value = 3 } 
		command = { type = INF which = -1 value = 3000 }		
		command = { type = trigger which = 111003 } #ARG: Naples adopted the Angevin Duke
		command = { type = trigger which = 262011 } #PRO: Naples to the House of Anjou
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 3660 } #ARG: The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples 
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME239011B" #Forgive Alfons and keep him as heir
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 111004 } #ARG: Naples to the House of Trastamara
		command = { type = trigger which = 262023 } #PRO: Naples adopted the Aragonese King
		command = { type = trigger which = 251038 } #PAP: The Queen of Naples is out of control
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239007 } #PRO: The Angevin Inheritance of Naples


#(1423) Naples adopted the Angevin Duke
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239011 A
	id = 111003 	
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111003" #Naples adopted the Angevin Duke
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME111003A" #Louis appointed Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 120 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PRO value = 120 }

#(1423) Naples to the House of Anjou
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239011 A
	id = 262011 	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262011" #Naples to the House of Anjou
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME262011A" #We are Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }


#(1423) Naples to the House of Trastamara
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239011 B
	id = 111004	 
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111004" #Naples to the House of Trastamara
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME262011A" #We are Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -50 }

#(1423) Naples adopted the Aragonese King
#by Bordic  
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_239011 B
	id = 262023 	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262023" #Naples adopted the Aragonese King
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME262023A" #Alfons appointed Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 120 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = ARG value = 120 }

#(1423) The Queen of Naples is out of control
#by Bordic 
event = { 		#Triggered by NAP_239011 B
	id = 251038	
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251038" #The Queen of Naples is out of control
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME262023A" #Alfons appointed Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 50 } 
		command = { type = alliance which = PRO } 
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 24 }	


#(1423) Aragon threatens the balance
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 228019 	
	trigger = { 
			event = 239011 NAP: The Queen's choice
			vassal = { country = MLO country = GEN } 
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228019"  #Aragon threatens the balance 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	date = { day = 29 month = May year = 1423 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 29 month = December year = 1424 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME228019A" #Support the Angevins in Naples	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -30 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 174026 } #GEN: Aragon threatens the sea trade
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3116B" #Stay neutral	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }

#(1423) Aragon threatens the sea trade
#by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by MLO_228019 A
	id = 174026 	
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME174026" #Aragon threatens the sea trade 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239011"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME228019A" #Support the Angevins in Naples	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -30 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3116B" #Stay neutral
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }

EVENTNAME239011;The Queen's choice;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111003;Naples adopted the Angevin Duke;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262011;Naples remains Angevin;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111004;Naples to the House of Trastamara;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262023;Naples adopted the Aragonese King;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251038;The Queen of Naples is out of control;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228019;Aragon threatens the balance;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME174026;Aragon threatens the sea trade;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST239011;Alfons of Aragon, after being adopted by Giovanna of Anjou-Durazzo, arrived to the kingdom of Naples with the intention of being recognised as its legitimate ruler, due mainly to his descent from the last Hohenstaufen King of Sicily, and not due to the will of a member of an usurpating dynasty, the House of Anjou. He wanted to take control of Naples immediately without waiting for the Queen's death. He soon imprisoned Caracciolo, Giovanna's lover, but he failed to capture the Queen. Muzio Attendolo Sforza, the Neapolitan condottiero at the service of the Pope, informed that Giovanna was in great danger, went hastily to Naples and rescued her. It was then easy for the Pope to convince the Queen to adopt Louis III of Anjou, Count of Provence, instead of Alfons of Aragon. Taking advantage of the absence of Alfons due to his problems in Aragon, and with the military help of Visconti, Duke of Milan and Signore of Genoa, the Aragonese were expelled from Naples, and Giovanna appointed Louis as Duke of Calabria, the heir title. Louis moved his court to Cosenza to arrange his stay in Italy.;;;;;;;;;;

ACTIONNAME239011A;Louis should be the new heir;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239011B;Forgive Alfons and keep him as heir;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME111003A;Louis appointed Duke of Calabria;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME262011A;We are Duke of Calabria;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME262023A;Alfons appointed Duke of Calabria;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228019A;Support the Angevins in Naples;;;;;;;;;;


#(1435) The Angevin Inheritance of Naples (historical path)
# previously, The death of the Queen/Anjou (1435)
event = {
        id = 239007
        random = no
        country = NAP
        name = "EVENTNAME239007" #The Angevin Inheritance of Naples
        desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

        date = { day = 1 month = February year = 1435 }

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME239007A" #Welcome to Renato, our new King! 
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = ARG } 
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }		
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
                command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 251039 } #PAP: The Succession in Naples		
		command = { type = trigger which = 111011 } #ARG: The Angevins established in Naples

#(1435) The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples
#by Bordic 
#(from 'The Aragon Inheritance of Napoli' Modified for the EEP by Havard)
event = {
        id = 3660
        random = no
        country = NAP
        name = "EVENTNAME3660" #The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples 
        desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

        date = { day = 1 month = February year = 1435 }

        action_a ={ 
                name = "ACTIONNAME239007B" #Welcome to Alfonso, our new King! 
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }     
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05414 } #Alfonso d'Aragona (Alfonso I is 06732)
 		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06731 } #Renato d'Angiò (Renato I is 05413) 
                command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 50 }
                command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
                command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }
                command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 } 
		command = { type = trigger which = 251039 } #PAP: The Succession in Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 262007 } #PRO: The Aragonese established in Naples


#(1435) The Angevin Inheritance of Naples
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 262005 
	trigger = { 	NOT = { vassal = { country = NAP country = PRO } }
			exists = NAP
			event = 239007 } #NAP: The Angevin Inheritance of Naples
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262005" #The House of Anjou back to Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

	date = { day = 2 month = February year = 1435 }
	offset = 10
	deathdate = { day = 2 month = February year = 1442 }
	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3555A" #Rule it as an independent Kingdom
		command = { type = vassal  which = NAP } 	
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }

#(1435) The Angevins established in Naples
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 111011 	#Triggered by NAP_239007
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111011" #The Angevins established in Naples 
	desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3363A" #This means war!
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -250 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -100 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 85 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PRO value = 85 }


#(1435) The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples
# by Bordic
event = {
	id = 3555 
	trigger = { 	NOT = { vassal = { country = NAP country = ARG } }
			event = 3660 } #NAP: The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME3555" #The House of Trastamara in Naples 
	desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

	date = { day = 2 month = February year = 1435 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3555A" #Rule it as an independent Kingdom
		command = { type = vassal  which = NAP }   
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }

#(1435) The Aragonese established in Naples
# by Bordic
event = {		#Triggered by NAP_3660
	id = 262007 	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262007" #The Aragonese established in Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3363A" #This means war!	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -250 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -100 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 85 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = ARG value = 85 }


#(1435) The troublesome Neapolitan Succession
# by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_3660 and NAP_239007
	id = 251039 	
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251039" #The troublesome Neapolitan Succession
	desc = "EVENTHIST3660"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251039A" #Naples escapes our control
		command = { type = stability value = -1}
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }

EVENTNAME239007;The Angevin Inheritance of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME3660;The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262005;The House of Anjou back to Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111011;The Angevins established in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME3555;The House of Trastamara in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262007;The Aragonese established in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111011;The Angevins established in Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251039;The troublesome Neapolitan Succession;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST3660;Queen Giovanna of Naples is dead. Her last will was that the crown should be given to René of Anjou, brother of Louis III of Anjou, her adopted son who died just three months before she did. Pope Eugenius IV declared that as suzerain he had the right to invest the new king and as for now he would send a bishop as temporary regent. However the Neapolitan people, determined to respect the will of their former queen, ignored the Papal resolution and sent a delegation to Provence to urge René of Anjou to claim the throne in Naples. Since René of Anjou had been taken captive in Burgundy by Duke Philip the Fair, his wife Isabelle of Lorraine accepted the crown in his place. From his base in Sicily, Alfons of Aragon, who was designated heir by Giovanna betwen 1420 and 1423, and had a claim to Naples as King of Sicily, gained the support of the Neapolitan nobility hostile to the Anjou dynasty, and started making preparations to invade the Kingdom before the French Angevins could arrive in Naples and take the crown.;;;;;;;;;;

ACTIONNAME239007A;Welcome to Renato, our new King!;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239007B;Welcome to Alfonso, our new King!;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251039A;Naples escapes our control;;;;;;;;;;

to be remove following lines in text.csv:

EVENTHIST3555;Naples then became the capital of the kingdom, to which, however, Peter III of Aragon laid claim on account of his marriage to a daughter of Manfred. The people, who could not endure French rule, opened the way for him by the Sicilian Vespers, and Sicily remained under the power of the Aragonese.;;;;;;;;;;


Here is the new monarch if Naples acepts Alfons in 1535.
only id 05414 was still free until now:

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 05414 }
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = february 
		year = 1435 
	deathdate = {
		day = 3
		month = june
		year = 1442
	name = "Alfonso d'Aragona"
	DIP = 6
	MIL = 9
	ADM = 5
	remark = "can be deposed in 1442 by René of Anjou"
	dormant = yes


#(1435) The Visconti's about-face
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 228020
	trigger = {	
		OR = {	event = 262005  #PRO: The Angevin Inheritance of Naples 
			event = 3555   	#ARG: The Aragonese Inheritance of Naples
		vassal = { country = MLO country = GEN }
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228020" #The Visconti's about-face 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228020"

	date = { day = 27 month = November year = 1435 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 27 month = January year = 1436 }

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME228020A" #Support Alfonso
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 174027 } #GEN: The betrayal of Visconti
		command = { type = trigger which = 111013 } #ARG: Visconti supports the Aragonese cause

#(1435) Visconti supports the Aragonese cause
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by MLO_228020
	id = 111013 	 
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111013" #Visconti supports the Aragonese cause
	desc = "EVENTHIST228020"
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME3184A" #Magnificent!
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = GEN value = 36 }

#(1435) The Visconti's betrayal
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by MLO_228020
	id = 174027 	 
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME174027" #The Visconti's betrayal
	desc = "EVENTHIST228020"

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME174027A" #We'll never support the Aragonese
		command = { type = breakvassal which = MLO }
		command = { type = stability value = 2 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = ARG value = 60 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 }

#(1435) Genoa joins the Antivisconti League
#by Bordic
event = {		
	id = 326034
	trigger = { 	
		NOT = { war = { country = VEN country = GEN } 
			war = { country = VEN country = TOS }
		[COLOR=Yellow]event = 174027 #GEN: The Visconti's betrayal[/COLOR]
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME326034" #Genoa joins the Antivisconti League
	desc = "EVENTHIST228020"

	date = { day = 27 month = December year = 1435 } #rebellion in Genoa
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 20 month = November year = 1441 } #Peace at Cremona

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME326034A" #Milan threatens the balance
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = alliance which = GEN }
		command = { type = alliance which = TOS }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 36 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 297017 } #TOS: Genoa joins the Antivisconti League

#(1435) Genoa joins the Antivisconti League
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by VEN_326034
	id = 297017
	[COLOR=Yellow]trigger = { NOT = { war = { country = TOS country = GEN } }[/COLOR]
	random = no
	country = TOS
	name = "EVENTNAME326034" #Genoa joins the Antivisconti League 
	desc = "EVENTHIST228020"
	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME326034A" #Milan threatens the balance	
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 36 }

EVENTNAME228020;The Visconti's about-face;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111013;Visconti supports the Aragonese cause;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME174027;The Visconti's betrayal;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME326034;Genoa joins the Antivisconti League;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST228020;After the death of Giovanna of Anjou without natural heirs, a war of succession for the Kingdom of Naples broke out between the two claimants, René of Anjou and Alfons of Aragon, both designated heirs in two different times by Giovanna. Filippo Maria Visconti of Milan, also Signore of Genoa, preoccupied for the increasing Aragonese influence in the Mediterranean sea trade routes as much as in the Italian peninsula, decided to support the Angevins. Alfons of Aragon was defeated and captured by a Genovese fleet at the battle of Ponza in 1435. Transferred to Milan, Alfons succeeded in gaining Visconti's favour to his cause against the French Angevins. He convinced Filippo Maria that a French presence in Italy could be against the interests of Milan since the House of Orléans had never hidden its dynastic claims on the Duchy of Milan. Alfonso and Visconti secretly planned an hegemonic division of Italy in two zones of influence at the expenses of the other Italian States, with the Southern part for Alfonso, and the Northern part for Visconti. But Genoa, a bitter rival of Aragon during centuries of dispute over Sardinia, Corsica, and the control of the Western Mediterranean trade, was appalled by Visconti's sudden change of sides, and immediately joined the Venetian-Florentine league against her former suzerain.;;;;;;;;;;

ACTIONNAME228020A;Support Alfonso;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174027A;We'll never support the Aragonese;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326034A;Milan threatens the balance;;;;;;;;;;
Last edited:

#(1442) The Angevin claim to Naples
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 262009
	trigger = {
		owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #Napoli
		exists = ARG
		NOT = { exists = NAP }
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262009" #The Angevin claim to Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	date = { day = 24 month = April year = 1442 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 24 month = May year = 1442 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3105B" #Let us drop our claims for good!
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = independence which = NAP }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 } 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 262006 } #PRO: The Angevin Kingdom of Naples
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 262010 } #PRO: The Angevin chased out of Naples
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3250A" #We will defend our claims
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 } #Napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 } #Apulia	
		command = { type = revolt which = 393 } 	
		command = { type = revolt which = 394 } 
		command = { type = desertion which = 393 value = 5000 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 111015 } #ARG: The Angevins control Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 228022 } #MLO: Louis of Anjou took Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 251041 } #PAP: The Angevins control Naples	

#(1442) The Battle over Naples
#by Bordic 
event = {
	id = 239009
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239009" #The Battle over Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	date = { day = 1 month = June year = 1442 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME239009A" #Alfonso has overcome the Angevins
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PRO }
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }
		command = { type = trigger which = 262010 } #PRO: The Angevins chased out of Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 251040 } #PAP: The House of Anjou lost Naples
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 262006 } #PRO: The Angevin Kingdom of Naples
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME239009B" #Renato has recovered the Angevin throne
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = ARG }
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = PAP }
		command = { type = revolt which = 393 } #Napoli	
		command = { type = revolt which = 393 } 
		command = { type = revolt which = 394 } #Apulia
		command = { type = revolt which = 394 } 
		command = { type = desertion which = 393 value = 5000 }	 
		[COLOR=Yellow]command = { type = sleepleader which = 16128 } #Alfonso II (NAP)[/COLOR]
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06732 } #Alfonso I Aragonese Trastamara dinasty
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06733 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06734 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06735 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06736 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06737 } #Ferdinando III [COLOR=Yellow]*[/COLOR]
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06738 } #Carlo IV->SPA Carlos I Hapsburg dinasty
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06739 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06740 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06741 } #
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06742 } #last of Spanish Hapsburg dinasty
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06743 } #Filippo IV ->SPA Felipe V Bourbon
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06744 } #Giuseppe I->HAB Joseph I Hapsburg
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06745 } #Carlo VI->HAB Karl II Hapsburg
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06746 } #Carlo VII Bourbon Naples
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06747 } #Ferrante IV Bourbon Naples
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05413 } #Renato I
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05400 } #House of Lorraine-Vaudémont
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05401 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05402 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05403 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05404 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05405 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05406 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05407 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05408 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05409 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05410 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05411 } #
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 05412 } #
		command = { type = trigger which = 111015 } #ARG: The Angevins control Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 228022 } #MLO: Louis of Anjou took Naples
		command = { type = trigger which = 251041 } #PAP: The Angevins control Naples
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 111014 } #ARG: The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples 		


#(1442) The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		
	id = 111014
	trigger = { 
		NOT = { vassal = { country = NAP country = ARG } }
		exists = NAP 
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111014" #The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	date = { day = 3 month = June year = 1442 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3555A" #Rule it as an independent Kingdom	
		command = { type = vassal which = NAP }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 200 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }

#(1442) The Angevins chased out of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239009 A	
	id = 262010		
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262010" #The Angevins chased out of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME7133B" #We'll never give up
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -100 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 120 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3035B" #Accept it!
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 25 }

#(1442) The House of Anjou lost Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239009 A
	id = 251040		
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251040" #The House of Anjou lost Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME251040A" #Let us negotiate with Alfons
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 25 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME251040B" #No compromise with Alfons
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }

#(1442) Alfons of Aragon took Naples
#by Bordic  
event = {		
	id = 228021
	trigger = { 	event = 228020  #MLO: The Visconti's about-face
			event = 111014  #ARG: The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples
			NOT =  { war = { country = MLO country = NAP } }
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228021" #Alfons of Aragon took Naples 
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	date = { day = 12 month = August year = 1442 } 
 	offset = 30
 	deathdate = { day = 12 month = August year = 1447 } #Visconti's death
	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3844A" #Excellent!	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 50 }
		command = { type = alliance which = NAP } #ratification of the 1435 secret agreement 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }


#(1442) The Angevin Kingdom of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 262006
	trigger = { 
		NOT = { vassal = { country = NAP country = PRO } }
		exists = NAP 
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262006" #The Angevin Kingdom of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	date = { day = 3 month = June year = 1442 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3111A" #The Kingdom is ours!	
		command = { type = vassal which = NAP }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 } #Napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 } #Apulia	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 200 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }

#(1442) The Aragonese chased out of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239009 B
	id = 111015
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME111015" #The Aragonese chased out of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME7133B" #We'll never give up
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 120 }

#(1442) Louis of Anjou took Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239009 B
	id = 228022
	trigger = { event = 228020 } #MLO: The Visconti's about-face
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228022" #Louis of Anjou took Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3814A" #Curses!
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }	

#(1442) The Angevins control Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by NAP_239009 B
	id = 251041
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251041" #The Angevins control Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST239009"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3855A" #Splendid!	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 } #added
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }

EVENTNAME262009;The Angevin claim to Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME239009;The Battle over Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111014;The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262010;The Angevin chased out of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251040;The House of Anjou lost Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228021;Alfons of Aragon took Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262006;The Angevin Kingdom of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME111015;The Aragonese chased out of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME228022;Louis of Anjou took Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME251041;The Angevins control Naples;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST239009;After his release from Milan, Alfons returned to Naples, where his brother Pedro had conquered Gaeta. Naples was defended by Isabelle of Lorraine with the support of Pope Eugenius IV. For three years Alfonso conducted as much a diplomatic war as a military one, gaining allies to his cause from the Neapolitan nobles. In 1438, René of Anjou paid a huge ransom to Burgundy for his release, and arrived in the Kingdom, but since he had exhausted his funds his allies abandoned him and he had to retreat to Naples. A long siege was then established, during which the Infante Don Pedro was killed by a chance shot to the great grief of his brother. The support of the Genoese fleet allowed René to sustain the besieged capital, but finally on June 1, 1442, 300 well-armed men entered the town through an open drain accesible during the dry season, revealed to Alfons' son Ferrante by some prisoners. After several hours of fighting, Naples was conquered and René escaped to Florence. After conquering the rest of the Kingdom, Alfons entered the capital in triumph on February 23, 1443. Pope Eugenius refused to invest Alfons as King of Naples and threatened to declare him in unlawful possession of Naples, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia. Alfons threatened back with his support for an anti-Pope, Felix V, chosen at the Council of Basel, and Eugenius accepted to invest him in exchange for his support as the genuine Pope and help against the Turks that never materialized. Ferrante was named Prince of Calabria, and the Neapolitans were pleased that their Kingdom was not going to be incorporated to Aragon. Alfons, who as a Castilian had always felt a foreigner in Barcelona, never returned to Aragon, and his court in Naples was filled with the splendor of the Renaissance. Alfons soon gained the nickname of the Magnificent.;;;;;;;;;;

ACTIONNAME239009B;Renato has recovered the Angevin throne;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME239009A;Alfonso has overcome the Angevins;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251040A;Let us negotiate with Alfons;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251040B;No compromise with him and his friends;;;;;;;;;;

I suggest following modifications to original ARG7114-15 and NAP7118:

#(1458) The will of king Alfons by Havard and modified by Bordic
#(if Aragon owns Napoli, or has them as vassals) 
event = {
	id = 7114
	trigger = {
		OR = {	vassal =  { country = ARG country = NAP }
			owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #Napoli
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME7114" #The will of king Alfons
	desc = "EVENTHIST7114"

	date = { day = 27 month = June year = 1458 }

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME7114A" #Accept the king's last will
		command = { type = independence which = NAP } #If they are annexed#
		command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = 1 } 
		command = { type = trigger which = 7115 } #ARG: The execution of the will
		command = { type = trigger which = 7118 } #NAP: The will of king Alfons

#(1458) The execution of the will  
# by Havard and modified by Bordic  	
event = {		#triggered by ARG_7114
	id = 7115
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME7115" #The execution of the will
	desc = "EVENTHIST7115"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME7115A" #Naples will be our ally
		command = { type = secedeprovince which = NAP value = 394 } #If ARG has Apulia#
		command = { type = alliance which = NAP } 
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }

#(1458) The Naples Trastamara Dynasty
# by Havard and modified by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by ARG_7114
	id = 7118		
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME7118" #The Naples Trastamara Dynasty
	desc = "EVENTHIST7118"

	action_a = { 
		name = "ACTIONNAME7118A" #Independence from Aragon
		command = { type = breakvassal which = ARG }
		command = { type = stability value = 2 } 
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 6 }
		command = { type = revolt which = 394 } #Apulia
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }

I suggest also to change eventhist7115 and eventhist7118 with these ones:

EVENTNAME7118;The Naples Trastamara Dynasty;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST7115;In accordance with his father's will, Ferdinando succeeded Alfonso I on the throne of Naples. Ferdinando I, also called Don Ferrante, was the natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon and I of Sicily and Naples. In order to arrange a good future to his bastard son, King Alfonso had him married in 1444 to Isabella of Chiaramonte, a feudal heiress of remarkable feudal possessions in Southern Italy and granddaughter of Maria d'Enghien, queen consort of Ladislao, the last Angevin King of Naples. Establishing there the newly born Neapolitan branch of the Trastamara Dynasty, the Kingdom of Naples will be our most faithful ally;;;;;;;;;;

EVENTHIST7118;In 1458, in accordance with his father's will, Ferdinando succeeded Alfonso I on the throne of Naples. Ferdinando I, also called Don Ferrante, was the natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon and I of Sicily and Naples. In order to arrange a good future to his bastard son, King Alfonso had him married in 1444 to Isabella of Chiaramonte, a feudal heiress of remarkable feudal possessions in Southern Italy and granddaughter of Maria d'Enghien, queen consort of Ladislao, the last Angevin King of Naples. But after Alfonso died Pope Calixtus III didn't legitimate Ferdinando as new King of Naples, he declared instead that the line of Aragon was extinct and that the kingdom was to be considered a fief of the church. Although the Pope died before he could make good his claim and the new Pope Pius II on the contrary recognized Ferdinando, Jean d'Anjou, Duke of Lorraine and René's son, also known as 'Duke of Calabria', profiting by the discontent of the pro-Angevin Neapolitan barons, decided to attempt to regain the throne of his ancestors and invaded Naples. The war started well for the Anjou with the easy occupation of Apulia and the temporary control of Naples after the victorious battle of Sarno in 1460. Ferdinand was so severely defeated that his kingdom seemed to be completely lost in Angevin hands, but with the military help of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, through his brother Alessandro and of the Albanian leader Gjergj Kastrioti, known as'Skanderbeg', who came to the aid of the prince whose father had aided him, he triumphed over his enemies in the battle of Troja in 1462. By 1464 Ferdinando could re-establish his authority in the kingdom, Jean d'Anjou left Southern Italy while the barons agreed to recognize the Aragonese as their King.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME7118A;Independence from Aragon;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME7115A;Naples will be our ally;;;;;;;;;;

and to remove following:

ACTIONNAME7114B;Make Fernando swear vassalage to Juan;;;;;;;;;;


#(1458) The French suzerainty
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 174028
	trigger = { 
		exists = NAP	
		OR =  { event = 111014 	#ARG: The Aragonese Kingdom of Naples
			event = 7118 	#NAP: The Naples Trastamara Dynasty
		OR =  {	exists = FRA
			exists = PRO 
		NOT =  { war  = { country = GEN country = FRA } }
		NOT =  { war  = { country = GEN country = PRO } }		
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME174028" #The French suzerainty
	desc = "EVENTHIST174028"

	date = { day = 15 month = January year = 1458 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 15 month = January year = 1463 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME174028A" #Help the Duke of Calabria
		command = { type = treasury value = -30 }
		command = { type = alliance which = PRO }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = [COLOR=Yellow]-50[/COLOR] }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = 100 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 60 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 262008 } #PRO: The Expedition of Jean d'Anjou

#(1458) The Expedition of Jean d'Anjou
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by GEN_174028
	id = 262008 	
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262008" #The Expedition of Jean d'Anjou
	desc = "EVENTHIST7118"
	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3061A" #Accept Offer
		command = { type = alliance which = GEN }
		command = { type = galleys   which = -1 value = 5 } 
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 5000 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -100 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 60 }

#(1458) Rescuing the Crown of Naples
#by Bordic
event = {		
	id = 104006
	trigger = { 	monarch = 04741 #Gjergj Skanderbeg Kastrioti
			event = 262008 	#PRO: The Expedition of Jean d'Anjou
			NOT =  { war  = { country = ALB country = NAP } }
	random = no
	country = ALB
	name = "EVENTNAME104006" #Rescuing the Crown of Naples
	desc = "EVENTHIST7118"

	date = { day = 18 month = August year = 1458 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 18 month = August year = 1462 }

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME104006A" #Help King Ferdinando
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PRO value = -50 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = PRO value = 24 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = GEN value = 24 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -30 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME3116B" #Stay neutral
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }	
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -25 }

EVENTNAME174028;The French suzerainty;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME262008;The Expedition of Jean d'Anjou;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTNAME104006;Rescuing the Crown of Naples;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST174028;Although the Treaty of Lodi stipulated in 1454 guaranteed a certain balance of powers in Italy, it couldn't prevent Alfonso I King of Naples from pursuing his old interests on Genoese territories, notably Corsica, and West Mediterranean seatrade routes. Since the confederates of Lega Italica, amongst them Milan, wouldn't risk to break that fragile alliance, and some Genoese families, Adorno and Fieschi amongst them, had clearly in mind to support the Aragonese, King Alfonso represented a real threat for Genoa and the Fregoso family. In 1458, facing a new Aragonese aggression Genoa could only find help in France as it frequently occurred in the past. Charles VII, King of France, accepted the Genoese allegiance and sent Jean d'Anjou, Duke of Calabria and son of René d'Anjou to rule over Genoa. As soon as he established himself in the city as Governor, with the support of the Genoese fleet he arranged a military expedition to be lead against Naples with the aim of getting the crown, which his father René failed to succeed in. But this time the political situation in Naples played in his favour: the local barons were opposing Ferdinando, Alfonso's natural son, not recognising him as the new King of Naples. For Jean od Anjou it was an invite to become entangled in there...;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174028A;Help the Duke of Calabria;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME104006A;Help King Ferdinando;;;;;;;;;;

Consequences to the expedition of Jean d'Anjou

if Provence fails to get the Kingdom of Naples as it was historically-> GEN submits to Milan!

#(1464) The Milanese suzerainty
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 174029
	trigger = {
		[COLOR=Yellow]exists = MLO [/COLOR] 
		event = 174028 #GEN: The French suzerainty	
		NOT = { owned = { province = 393 data = PRO } } #Napoli
		NOT = { vassal = { country = GEN country = MLO } }
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME174029" #The Milanese suzerainty
	desc = "EVENTHIST174029" 

	date = { day = 1 month = April year = 1463 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1464 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME174005A" #Submit to Milan
		command = { type = breakvassal which = FRA }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = [COLOR=Yellow]-30[/COLOR] }
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 06551 } #Francesco Sforza
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 06547 } #Galeazzo Maria Sforza
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME174029B" #Reject Milanese rule
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = [COLOR=Yellow]-60[/COLOR] }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -25 }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 120 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -2 value = 120 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 228023 } #MLO: Genoa submits to Milan

#(1464) Genoa submits to Milan
#by Bordic
event = {		
	id = 228023
	trigger = { event = 174029 } #GEN: The Milanese suzerainty 
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228000" #Genoa submits to Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST174029"

	date = { day = 1 month = April year = 1463 } 
	offset = 20
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = April year = 1464 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME228000A" #Accept their submission
		command = { type = vassal which = GEN }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 25 }	

EVENTNAME174029;The Milanese suzerainty;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST174029;The French governors were imposing on the Republic so harsh tributes for continuing the war against Naples that they provoked big resentment in the Genoese population as much as to refuse a French suzerainty. Since the military expedition led by Jean d'Anjou to conquer the Kingdom of Naples failed and the rebelling Neapolitan barons eventually agreed to recognize Ferdinando as their King, Louis XI of France decide to abandon his plan to control the Genoese Republic granting his friend and ally Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, ownership's rights to the city of Genoa. Sforza soon sent an army led by Giacomo Vimercate to submit the city. As soon as Genoa fell under the Milanese troops and the despotic doge Paolo Fregoso fled with his fleet away, a delegation of the citizenship of Genoa went to Milan to swear allegiance to the new ruler.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME174029B;Gain independence;;;;;;;;;;

modifications to monarchs.gen:

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 06546 }
	startdate = {
		month = january
		year = 1463
	deathdate = {
		month = january #from april
		year = 1477 #from 1464
	name = "Paolo Fregoso"
	DIP = 5
	MIL = 7
	ADM = 6
historicalmonarch = { #if Genoa submits to Milan
	id = { type = 6 id = 06547 }
	startdate = {
		day = 8
		month = march #from april
		year = 1466 #from 1464
	deathdate = {
		month = january #from march
		year = 1477 
	name = "Galeazzo Maria Sforza"
	DIP = 4
	MIL = 6
	ADM = 8
	dormant = yes #added
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 06548 }
	startdate = {
		month = january #from march
		year = 1477
	deathdate = {
		day = 22
		month = november
		year = 1478
	name = "Prospero Adorno"
	DIP = 5
	MIL = 7
	ADM = 6

#and a NEW monarch:

historicalmonarch = { #if Genoa submits to Milan
	id = { type = 6 id = 06551 }
	startdate = {
		month = april 
		year = 1464 
	deathdate = {
		day = 8
		month = march 
		year = 1466 
	name = "Francesco Sforza"
	DIP = 8
	MIL = 8
	ADM = 8
	dormant = yes 

If Provence managed to get the Kingdom of Naples->PRO gets the cores!

I suggest following modifications to current agceep event:

event = {
	id = 262024
	trigger = {	owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #Napoli
			owned = { province = 394 data = -1 } #Apulia
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME262024" #Naples is secured!
	desc = "EVENTHIST262024"

	date = { day = 1 month = January year = 1472 }
	offset = 100
	deathdate = { day = 10 month = July year = 1480 } 

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME3304A" #Excellent!
		command = { type = addcore which = 393 } #Napoli
		command = { type = addcore which = 394 } #Apulia
		command = { type = addcore which = 395 } #Messina
		command = { type = addcore which = 396 } #Sicily
		command = { type = relation which = ARG value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }
EVENTNAME262024;Naples is secured!;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST262024;Following years of struggle with local nobles and with Aragon over Naples the resurgence seems to have calmed. Naples is finally ours and now we can attempt to press our claims to Sicily, ruled by usurpers of the House of Trastamara in spite of the treaty of Caltabellotta stipulated in 1302 between the Angevins and the Aragonese in order to put an end to the Sicilian Vespers war started in 1282. Signing that treaty Frederick III was recognized king of Trinacria for his lifetime, and was to marry Eleanor d'Anjou, the daughter of Charles II of Naples, but at his death the kingdom was to revert to the Angevins and his children would receive compensation elsewhere. In 1337 Frederick died and in spite of the peace of Caltabellotta his son Peter II of Sicily succeeded. Since then Sicily firmly remained in Aragonese hands. Now it is time to get back what was always ours...;;;;;;;;;;

That's all ! :)
Last edited:
About leaders, some modifications:

from leaders.mlo
historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 09634 }
	category = general
	name = "A d'Avalos" #prev. del Vasto
	startdate = {
		year=1536 #prev. 1535
	deathdate = {
	rank = 1
	movement = 3
	fire = 2
	shock = 3
	siege = 0
	dormant = yes #changed
	remark = "Governor of Milan, Marquis of Vasto and after his cousin's death (FF d'Avalos) also Marquis of Pescara" #added
from leaders.ita
historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 26006 }
	category = general
	name = "A d'Avalos" #prev. del Vasto
	startdate = {
		year=1536 #prev. 1535
	deathdate = {
	rank = 1
	movement = 3
	fire = 2
	shock = 3
	siege = 0
	dormant = yes #changed

from leaders.spa

historicalleader = {
	category = general
	id = { type = 6 id = 09807 }
	name = "Marqués de Pescara"
	startdate = {
	deathdate = {
	rank = 3
	movement = 3
	fire = 3
	shock = 3
	siege = 0
	remark = "Ferdinando Francesco d'Avalos, Pavia 1525" #to be added
historicalleader = {
	category = general
	id = { type = 6 id = 09810 }
	name = "Marqués del Vasto"
	startdate = {
		year=1536 #prev. 1535
	deathdate = {
	rank = 3
	movement = 3
	fire = 2
	shock = 2
	siege = 0
	remark = "Alfonso d'Avalos, governor of Milan" #to be added

Just to point out that Francesco II Sforza died on 2 november 1535 (not 24 or 23 october as in vanilla list!)

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 06567 }
	startdate = {
		day = 5
		month = october
		year = 1515
	deathdate = {
		day = 1
		month = november
		year = 1535
	name = "Francesco II"
	DIP = 5
	MIL = 4
	ADM = 7
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 06568 }
	startdate = {
		day = [COLOR=Yellow]2[/COLOR]
		month = november
		year = 1535
	deathdate = {
		year = 1820
	name = "Milan City Council"
	DIP = 7
	MIL = 4
	ADM = 5

And here is the list of MLO monarchs to be added:

##Imperial governors 1535-1556##

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089010 }
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = november
		year = 1535
	deathdate = {
		day = 15
		month = september
		year = 1536
	name = "Antonio de Levya"
	DIP = 5
	MIL = 7
	ADM = 5
	dormant = yes
	remark = "imperial governor of Milan, Imperial Army commander in Italy" 
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089011 }
	startdate = {
		day = 15
		month = september
		year = 1536
	deathdate = {
		day = 28
		month = january
		year = 1538
	name = "Marino Caracciolo"
	DIP = 6
	MIL = 4
	ADM = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "imperial governor of Milan, Cardinal Caracciolo" 
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089012 }
	startdate = {
		day = 28
		month = january
		year = 1538
	deathdate = {
		day = 1
		month = october
		year = 1546
	name = "Alfonso d'Avalos"
	DIP = 5
	MIL = 5
	ADM = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "imperial governor of Milan, Marquis of Vasto and after his cousin's death (FF d'Avalos) also Marquis of Pescara" 
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089013 }
	startdate = {
		day = 1
		month = october
		year = 1546
	deathdate = {
		day = 5
		month = march
		year = 1555
	name = "Ferrante Gonzaga"
	DIP = 4
	MIL = 6
	ADM = 4
	dormant = yes
	remark = "last imperial governor of Milan, son of Francesco III, Duke of Mantua" 
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089014 }
	startdate = {
		day = 5
		month = march
		year = 1555
	deathdate = {
		year = 1820
	name = "Milan Imperial Council"
	DIP = 7
	MIL = 4
	ADM = 5
	dormant = yes

##Dukes of Orléans (House of Valois-Angoulême)##

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089015 }
	name = "Francesco III *"
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = november
		year = 1535
	deathdate = {
		year = 1540
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "François Ier King of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089016 }
	name = "Carlo I *"
	startdate = {
		year = 1540
	deathdate = {
		day = 8
		month = september
		year = 1545
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Also Duke of Angoulême, Son of François Ier King of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089017 }
	name = "Valois Regency *"
	startdate = {
		day = 8
		month = september
		year = 1545
	deathdate = {
		year = 1549
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089018 }
	name = "Luigi II *"
	startdate = {
		year = 1549
	deathdate = {
		year = 1550
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "son of Henri II, King of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089019 }
	name = "Carlo II Massimiliano *"
	startdate = {
		year = 1550
	deathdate = {
		year = 1560
	DIP = 4
	ADM = 4
	MIL = 3
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Charles IX, King of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089020 }
	name = "Enrico Alessandro *"
	startdate = {
		year = 1560
	deathdate = {
		day = 29
		month = may
		year = 1574
	DIP = 4
	ADM = 8
	MIL = 4
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Henri III, King of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089021 }
	name = "Valois Regency *"
	startdate = {
		day = 30
		month = may
		year = 1574
	deathdate = {
		day = 2
		month = august
		year = 1589
	DIP = 7
	ADM = 4
	MIL = 5
	dormant = yes
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089022 }
	name = "Bourbon Regency *"
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = august
		year = 1589
	deathdate = {
		year = 1626
	DIP = 7
	ADM = 4
	MIL = 5
	dormant = yes

##Dukes of Orléans (House of Bourbon)##

historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089023 }
	name = "Gastone Giambattista *"
	startdate = {
		year = 1626
	deathdate = {
		day = 2
		month = february
		year = 1660
	DIP = 8
	ADM = 5
	MIL = 5
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Gaston Jean-Baptiste, son of King Henri IV of France"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089024 }
	name = "Filippo II *"
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = february
		year = 1660
	deathdate = {
		day = 6
		month = june
		year = 1701
	DIP = 3
	ADM = 5
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Philippe I of Orléans, Brother of Louis XIV. Transvestite."
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089025 }
	name = "Filippo III *"
	startdate = {
		day = 6
		month = june
		year = 1701
	deathdate = {
		day = 2
		month = december
		year = 1723
	DIP = 3
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 4
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Philippe II of Orlèans"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089026 }
	name = "Luigi III *"
	startdate = {
		day = 2
		month = december
		year = 1723
	deathdate = {
		day = 4
		month = february
		year = 1752
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 5
	MIL = 5
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Louis III of Orléans"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089027 }
	name = "Luigi Filippo I *"
	startdate = {
		day = 4
		month = february
		year = 1752
	deathdate = {
		day = 18
		month = november
		year = 1785
	DIP = 5
	ADM = 6
	MIL = 4
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Louis Philippe I of Orléans"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089028 }
	name = "Luigi Filippo II *"
	startdate = {
		day = 18
		month = november
		year = 1785
	deathdate = {
		day = 6
		month = november
		year = 1793
	DIP = 6
	ADM = 6
	MIL = 4
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Louis Philippe II of Orléans"
historicalmonarch = {
	id = { type = 6 id = 089029 }
	name = "Luigi Filippo III *"
	startdate = {
		day = 6
		month = november
		year = 1793
	deathdate = {
		year = 1848
	DIP = 7
	ADM = 7
	MIL = 6
	dormant = yes
	remark = "Louis Philippe III of Orléans, after 1830 King Louis Philippe of France."
Last edited:
OK, I have prepared (a long time ago effectively! ;) ) some more events concerning a sort of "prequel" to the Italian Wars happened for the possession of Milan.
Those two sequences concern:

1- the aftermath of Filippo Maria Visconti's death in 1447, when Venice attacked Milan where the republic was born, when the Duke of Orléans (or France if the corresponding province is owned by them!) the King of Naples and the Duke of Savoy, all claimed the Milanese throne...and Florence (Cosimo de' Medici) was the only prince allied to Sforza, when that latter took power in 1450;

2- the first serious attempt to the formation of a balance of powers in Italy between the Italian princes, the so-called Peace of Lodi, already unsuccessfully suggested in past threads (eg Italy thread...) but partly necessary as "red thread" to the future Italian wars...


#(1447) Another Lombard War
#by Toio, modified by Bordic
event = {
	id = 326024  	 
	trigger = { 	exists = MLO  
			event = 228003  #MLO: The Ambrosian Republic
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME326024" #Another Lombard War
	desc = "EVENTHIST326024"

	date = { day = 15 month = august year = 1447 } #changed to fit with the Republic, death of Visconti
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } #day of the peace of Lodi

	action_a = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME326024A" #Milan is the prize
		command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 5000 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -200 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -75 }	
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 12 }
	action_b = {
		name = "ACTIONNAME326024B" #Accept the Duke
		command = { type = desertion which = -2 value = 2000 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 3 }
		command = { type = population which = -2 value = 2000 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 326038 } #VEN: The Treaty of Lodi
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 297019 } #TOS: The Venetian Danger
EVENTNAME326024;Another Lombard War;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST326024;In 1447 Filippo Maria Visconti died without a male heir in the succession to the throne in the Duchy of Milan. The city of Milan soon proclaimed the Republic and gave the high military command to Francesco Sforza on the purpose to face Venices who, trying to profit from the new political situation in the Po valley, was menacing the duchy's existance suddenly attacking from the eastern border. After 2 years and half of life, isolated and surrounded by the unfaithful Sforza, who in the meanwhile and with the support of Venice turned against the city of Milan with the aim to claim the ducal throne, the Republic ceased to exist: brought to severe famine the population of Milan was forced to surrender to the condottiero and accept him as their new Duke. Once Sforza proclaimed himself the new master of Milan, a war of succession to the throne begun. Encouraged by the fact that Sforza hadn't any imperial investiture, Venice continued the war to conquest the whole duchy trying to renew the old alliance with Florence. But Florence was ruled by Cosimo de Medici, Sforza's friend, who resolved to support the condottiero in order to check Venice and her expansionist policy in Terraferma.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326024A;Milan is the prize;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326024B;Accept the Duke;;;;;;;;;;

#(1447) The Orléans claim to Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 250013
	trigger = { 	exists = MLO  
			event = 228003  #MLO: The Ambrosian Republic
	random = no
	country = ORL
	name = "EVENTNAME250013" #The Orléans claim to Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST250013"
	date = { day = 15 month = august year = 1447 } 
	offset = 40
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013A" #Let us claim our rights on Milan
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013B" #Milan is an imperial matter
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
EVENTNAME250013;The Orléans claim to Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST250013;In 1447 Filippo Maria Visconti died without a male heir in the succession to the throne in the Duchy of Milan. The city of Milan soon proclaimed the Republic and gave the high military command to Francesco Sforza on the purpose to face Venices who, trying to profit from the new political situation in the Po valley, was menacing the duchy's existance suddenly attacking from the eastern border. After 2 years and half of life, isolated and surrounded by the unfaithful Sforza, who in the meanwhile and with the support of Venice turned against the city of Milan with the aim to claim the ducal throne, the Republic ceased to exist: brought to severe famine the population of Milan was forced to surrender to the condottiero and accept him as their new Duke. Once Sforza proclaimed himself the new master of Milan, a war of succession to the throne begun. The Emperor Friedrich V didn't want to recognize him as legitimate Duke and Alfonso I of Naples, Louis I of Savoy and Charles I of Orléans, all of them legitimate claimants to the Milanese throne, took arms against him.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME250013A;Let us claim our rights on Milan;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME250013B;Milan is an imperial matter;;;;;;;;;;

#(1447) The Orléans claim to Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 170056
	trigger = { 	NOT = { event = 250013 #ORL: Succession in Milan
				exists = ORL 
			owned = { province = 411 data = -1 } # Orléannais
			exists = MLO 
			event = 228003  #MLO: The Ambrosian Republic
	random = no
	country = FRA
	name = "EVENTNAME250013" #The Orléans claim to Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST250013"
	date = { day = 15 month = august year = 1447 } 
	offset = 60
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013A" #Let us claim our rights on Milan
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -25 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013B" #Milan is an imperial matter
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }

#(1447) The Trastamara claim to Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 239021
	trigger = { 	exists = MLO  
			monarch = 06732 # Alfonso on the throne
			event = 228003  #MLO: The Ambrosian Republic
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME239021" #The Trastamara claim to Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST250013"

	date = { day = 15 month = august year = 1447 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013A" #Let us claim our rights on Milan
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 36 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SAV value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = alliance which = VEN }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013B" #Milan is an imperial matter
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 239022 } #NAP: The Treaty of Lodi 
EVENTNAME239021;The Trastamara claim to Milan;;;;;;;;;;

#(1447) The Savoyard claim to Milan
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 275016
	trigger = { 	exists = MLO 
			event = 228003  #MLO: The Ambrosian Republic
	random = no
	country = SAV
	name = "EVENTNAME275016" #The Savoyard claim to Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST250013"

	date = { day = 15 month = august year = 1447 } 
	offset = 35
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } 

	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013A" #Let us claim our rights on Milan
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME250013B" #Milan is an imperial matter
		command = { type = DIP which = 2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }

EVENTNAME275016;The Savoyard claim to Milan;;;;;;;;;;

#(1450) The Venetian Danger
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 297019
	trigger = {
		[COLOR=Yellow]exists = MLO 
		exists = VEN [/COLOR] 
		event = 326024 #VEN: Another Lombard war
		OR = {
			event = 228004 #MLO: The Sforza
			event = 228006 #MLO: Milan accepts Sforza
		NOT = { war = { country = TOS country = MLO } }
	random = no
	country = TOS
	name = "EVENTNAME297019" #The Venetian Danger
	desc = "EVENTHIST326024"

	date = { day = 25 month = march year = 1450 } 
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 7 month = april year = 1454 } 
	action_a ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME297019A" #Stop Venetian hegemony
		command = { type = breakvassal which = VEN }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = VEN value = 36 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = NAP value = 36 }
		command = { type = alliance which = MLO }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 150 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -150 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 75 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 228033 } #MLO: The Battle over Milan
	action_b ={
		name = "ACTIONNAME297019B" #Don't help Sforza
		command = { type = breakvassal which = VEN }
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 24 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 25 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 297020 } #TOS: The Peace of Lodi 
EVENTNAME297019;The Venetian Danger;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME297019A;Stop Venetian hegemony;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME297019B;No business with Sforza;;;;;;;;;;

#(1450) The Battle over Milan
#by Bordic
event = {		#triggered by TOS_297019
	id = 228033
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228033" #The Battle over Milan
	desc = "EVENTHIST228033"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228033A" #We will defend our legitimacy
		command = { type = stability value = -1 } 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = SAV value = 50 }
		command = { type = alliance which = TOS }
EVENTNAME228033;The Battle over Milan;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST228033;As soon as Sforza proclaimed himself successor of Filippo Maria Visconti to the throne of the duchy, the war of succession begun. The Emperor Friedrich V didn't want to recognize him as legitimate Duke and Alfonso I of Naples, Louis I of Savoy and Charles I of Orléans, all of them legitimate claimants to the Milanese throne, took arms against him. Encouraged by the fact that Sforza hadn't any imperial investiture, Venice continued the war to conquest the whole duchy trying to renew the old alliance with Florence. But Florence was ruled by a Sforza's friend, Cosimo de' Medici, who resolved to support Sforza in order to check Venice and her expansionist policy in Terraferma. Together with the help of Florence, traditionally in good relation with France, Sforza received also the support of Charles VII against their common enemy Alfonso I King of Naples. That good relation with France induced the duke of Savoy to make peace with Milan and legitimate the condottiero as the new master of Milan.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228033A;We will defend legitimacy;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) The Treaty of Lodi
#by Bordic based on a sequence made by Toio
event = {
	id = 326038
	trigger = {  
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS
		NOT = { 
			vassal = { country = FRA country = MLO }
			vassal = { country = FRA country = VEN }
			vassal = { country = HAB country = VEN }
			vassal = { country = FRA country = TOS }
		NOT = { war = { country = VEN country = MLO }
		  	war = { country = VEN country = TOS }
	random = no
	country = VEN
	name = "EVENTNAME326038" #The Treaty of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } #Sforza's death or 1 Aug 1464, Cosimo de' Medici's death

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME326038A" #Sign the Treaty and legitimate Sforza
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 100 } 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 100 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 5 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 3 }
		command = { type = trigger which = 228034 } #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		command = { type = trigger which = 297020 } #TOS: The Peace of Lodi	
	action_b ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME326038B" #Refuse the treaty
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -100 }	
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 12 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 } 
		command = { type = casusbelli which = TOS value = 60 }
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }

EVENTNAME326038;The Treaty of Lodi;;;;;;;;;;
EVENTHIST326038;During the war of succession in Milan, all the belligerent nations were brought to exhaustion of money and troops. Francesco Sforza, ruler of Milan and Venice, the chief state of the league confederates, who was more and more threatened by the advancing Ottomans in her eastern Mediterranean territories, convened a cease-fire while a bilateral treaty was hastily signed in Lodi on 7 April 1454. With that treaty Sforza was legitimated Duke of Milan. Without even being called for, Florence and the Pope had no choice then to endorse the treaty. The King of Naples, being a rightful claimant on the ducal throne reluctantly joined the alliance under the condition to keep Genoa out of it. Intended 'infra terminos italicos', that treaty showed the objective impossibility for all the Italian major powers (specifically Milan, Tuscany, Venice, Naples and Papal States) to prevail upon each other in the struggle for the hegemony in Italy and that the better solution was to come to terms with each other. That would have also avoided the practice of very expensive and pointless wars in the next future. Although the treaty actually played a minor part in Italian balance of powers and so won't be able to avoid future wars of aggression from inside as well from outside Italy, the post-Lodi era historically represented a period of relative peace in which the figurative arts definitively flourished in the whole Italian peninsula, as well as economy and trade and, last but not the least, the skills and tricks of the art of diplomaticy.;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326038A;Sign the Treaty and legitimate Sforza;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME326038B;Refuse the treaty;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {	#triggered by VEN_326038 A
	id = 228034
	random = no
	country = MLO
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME228034A" #We are now legitimate Duke of Milan
		command = { type = stability value = 2 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 5 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 4 }

EVENTNAME228034;The Peace of Lodi;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME228034A;We are now legitimate Duke of Milan;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {	#triggered by VEN_326038 A
	id = 297020
	random = no
	country = TOS
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME297020A" #Sign the treaty and let's have prosperity 
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 5 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 4 }
ACTIONNAME297020A;Sign the treaty and let's have prosperity;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) Peace and Prosperity
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 251050
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS 	
		event = 228034 #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		NOT = { war = { country = PAP country = MLO }
		  	war = { country = PAP country = TOS }
			war = { country = PAP country = VEN }
	random = no
	country = PAP
	name = "EVENTNAME251050" #Peace and Prosperity
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={ 
		name = "ACTIONNAME251050A" #Let's chant a Te Deum to God
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 3 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 2 }

EVENTNAME251050;Peace and Prosperity;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME251050A;Let's chant a Te Deum to God;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) The Treaty of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 239022
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS
		exists = PAP
		event = 228034 #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		monarch = 06732 # Alfonso I on the throne
		NOT = { war = { country = NAP country = MLO }
		  	war = { country = NAP country = TOS }
			war = { country = NAP country = VEN }
			war = { country = NAP country = PAP }
			vassal = { country = PRO country = NAP }  
	random = no
	country = NAP
	name = "EVENTNAME326038" #The Treaty of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME326038A" #Sign the Treaty and legitimate Sforza
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 3 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 2 }
	action_b ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME239022B" #Milan is ours
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = casusbelli which = GEN value = 24 } 
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 275017 } #SAV: The Peace of Lodi
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 257000 } #PIS: The Peace of Lodi 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 220010 } #MAN: The Peace of Lodi 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 252010 } #PAM: The Peace of Lodi 

ACTIONNAME239022B;Milan is ours;;;;;;;;;;

#(1454) The Treaty of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 111018
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS
		exists = PAP
		event = 228034 #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		NOT = { exists = NAP
			war = { country = ARG country = MLO }
		  	war = { country = ARG country = TOS }
			war = { country = ARG country = VEN }
		  	war = { country = ARG country = PAP }	
	     	owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #Napoli
	random = no
	country = ARG
	name = "EVENTNAME326038" #The Treaty of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 100 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 } 
	action_b ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018B" #Sforza is not a legitimate Duke
		command = { type = casusbelli which = GEN value = 24 } 
		command = { type = casusbelli which = MLO value = 60 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = -50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -50 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 275017 } #SAV: The Peace of Lodi 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 257000 } #PIS: The Peace of Lodi 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 220010 } #MAN: The Peace of Lodi 
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 252010 } #PAM: The Peace of Lodi  	

ACTIONNAME111018A;Yes, peace;;;;;;;;;;
ACTIONNAME111018B;Sforza is not a legitimate Duke;;;;;;;;;;

# the following events are about the other Italian minor states endorsing the treaty

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 174032
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS
		exists = PAP	
		NOT = { vassal = { country = MLO country = GEN } }
		event = 228034 #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		OR = { 	vassal = { country = PRO country = NAP }
			owned = { province = 393 data = PRO } #Napoli
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = GEN
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 3 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 2 }

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 262032
	trigger = {  
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS
		exists = PAP
		event = 228034 #MLO: The Peace of Lodi
		atwar = no
	     	owned = { province = 393 data = -1 } #Napoli
	random = no
	country = PRO
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 }  

#(1454) The Treaty of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 275017
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS 
		exists = PAP
		OR = { 	event = 239022 #NAP: The Peace of Lodi
			event = 111018 #ARG: The Peace of Lodi
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = SAV
	name = "EVENTNAME326038" #The Treaty of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 75 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 75 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 3 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 2 }

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 257000
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS 
		exists = PAP 
		OR = { 	event = 239022 #NAP: The Peace of Lodi
			event = 111018 #ARG: The Peace of Lodi
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = PIS
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }  
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 4 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 3 }

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 220010
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS 
		exists = PAP 
		OR = { 	event = 239022 #NAP: The Peace of Lodi
			event = 111018 #ARG: The Peace of Lodi
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = MAN
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }  
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 4 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 3 }

#(1454) The Peace of Lodi
#by Bordic
event = {
	id = 252010
	trigger = { 
		exists = VEN
		exists = MLO
		exists = TOS 
		exists = PAP  
		OR = { 	event = 239022 #NAP: The Peace of Lodi
			event = 111018 #ARG: The Peace of Lodi
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = PAM 
	name = "EVENTNAME228034" #The Peace of Lodi
	desc = "EVENTHIST326038"

	date = { day = 7 month = April year = 1454 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 9 month = March year = 1466 } 

	action_a ={  
		name = "ACTIONNAME111018A" #Yes, peace
		command = { type = relation which = VEN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 50 }  
		command = { type = relation which = TOS value = 50 } 
		command = { type = relation which = MLO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = NAP value = 50 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = diplomats value = 4 }
		command = { type = merchants value = 3 }

EDIT: fixed triggers in the "Peace of Lodi" sequence.
Last edited:
We discussed AI files for France during the Italian wars. While I don't think all opponents in wars should be on the hitlist, since there a risk they will lose provinces they never lost, some is needed. What about a 1494 Ai file for France with MLO in the hitlist (as a French takeover of Milan isn't a very unplausible variation from what happened), anything else. You said PAP, VEN and NAP too, but I'm reluctant to have them all in.
If FRA get MLO in hitlist, SPA should keep then it too.
Changiong AI files very often 1494/1499 often have very little effect IMO, and I think it's better to go for the broad developments, and try to maximise the chances for them , than hitting far and wide and get nothing. But I'd like to hear your opinion!
Norrefeldt said:
We discussed AI files for France during the Italian wars. While I don't think all opponents in wars should be on the hitlist, since there a risk they will lose provinces they never lost, some is needed. What about a 1494 Ai file for France with MLO in the hitlist (as a French takeover of Milan isn't a very unplausible variation from what happened), anything else. You said PAP, VEN and NAP too, but I'm reluctant to have them all in.
If FRA get MLO in hitlist, SPA should keep then it too.
Changiong AI files very often 1494/1499 often have very little effect IMO, and I think it's better to go for the broad developments, and try to maximise the chances for them , than hitting far and wide and get nothing. But I'd like to hear your opinion!

I agree with the :
FRA get MLO in hitlist, SPA should keep then it too.

and it is useless to have nations on combat lists for short periods , as sometimes it might take the AI 10 years to react to a changed AI file (ie combat list)
Toio said:
I agree with the :
FRA get MLO in hitlist, SPA should keep then it too.

and it is useless to have nations on combat lists for short periods , as sometimes it might take the AI 10 years to react to a changed AI file (ie combat list)

Yes, France shoudn't have PAP or VEN or TOS in its hitlist... but I am in favour of France getting NAP too in 1494 and until 1562.ai (Ribault) is activated (in the same way as it should for MLO, as the war ended in 1559!).

As for Spain, I think they shouldn't get MLO in 1494, neither NAP before 1499 (Ferdinando I), MLO should be in Spanish hitlist after 1530, as it is now. For that reason I have suggested to give a core on Milan to Spain in 1519.
Bordic said:
Yes, France shoudn't have PAP or VEN or TOS in its hitlist... but I am in favour of France getting NAP too in 1494 and until 1562.ai (Ribault) is activated (in the same way as it should for MLO, as the war ended in 1559!).

As for Spain, I think they shouldn't get MLO in 1494, neither NAP before 1499 (Ferdinando I), MLO should be in Spanish hitlist after 1530, as it is now. For that reason I have suggested to give a core on Milan to Spain in 1519.

Bordic said:
Yes, France shoudn't have PAP or VEN or TOS in its hitlist... but I am in favour of France getting NAP too in 1494 and until 1562.ai (Ribault) is activated (in the same way as it should for MLO, as the war ended in 1559!).

As for Spain, I think they shouldn't get MLO in 1494, neither NAP before 1499 (Ferdinando I), MLO should be in Spanish hitlist after 1530, as it is now. For that reason I have suggested to give a core on Milan to Spain in 1519.
OK, I'll update according to this.
After intense testing I have decided to rework the sequence "The Peace of Lodi" fixing the triggers in each event...

Now the sequence needs the existance of Mlan, Florence, Venice and Papal States in order to work and that those states aren't at war each other.

The Kingdom of Naples, whoever owns it, hasn't to be at war with the other major states and the minors need to be peaceful.
In 1540 the duke of MAN inherited the crown of Monferrat (peimonte) from his mothers side.

Should there not be a core for MAN on Piemonte?

this "inheritance/core" lasted to 1708 when MAN was annexed by Austria.