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Oct 18, 2023
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Stellaris was becoming unstable for me with the last updates, but with the current version 3.9.3, it is unplayable, since I cannot start the game. Here is the stack trace:

Application: Stellaris
Version: 3.9.3
Date/Time: 2023-10-18 17:07:53

Caught signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

Original Stack Trace:
  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZNKSt7__cxx118time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE3getES4_S4_RSt8ios_baseRSt12_Ios_IostateP2tmPKcSD_+0xc7) [0x7f0cfe10ee67]
  ./stellaris(_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_St9_Get_timeIS3_E+0xae) [0x16f34ee]
  ./stellaris(_ZN18NAdditionalContent33CAdditionalContentMetadataVisitor11VisitObjectERNS_26SAdditionalContentMetadataEN12NJSONVisitor14CObjectEntriesE+0x346) [0x16e90f6]
  ./stellaris(_ZN12NJSONVisitor5ParseIN18NAdditionalContent26SAdditionalContentMetadataEEEvRT_RK7CStringRNS_8CVisitorIS3_EE+0x2e) [0x16e2eee]
  ./stellaris() [0x16dd7cf]
  ./stellaris(_ZN11CTaskThread3RunEv+0x138) [0x2f94288]
  ./stellaris(_ZN11CTaskThread3RunEPv+0x6) [0x2f94146]
  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0xe1943) [0x7f0cfe0e1943]
  /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x8c9eb) [0x7f0cfdeaa9eb]
  /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x11071c) [0x7f0cfdf2e71c]

Demangled Stack Trace:
  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6        ( std::__cxx11::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::get(std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >, std::ios_base&, std::_Ios_Iostate&, tm*, char const*, char const*) const  + 0xc7  )  [0x7f0cfe10ee67]
  ./stellaris                    ( std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator>><char, std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, std::_Get_time<char>)  + 0xae  )  [0x16f34ee]
  ./stellaris                    ( NAdditionalContent::CAdditionalContentMetadataVisitor::VisitObject(NAdditionalContent::SAdditionalContentMetadata&, NJSONVisitor::CObjectEntries)  + 0x346 )  [0x16e90f6]
  ./stellaris                    ( void NJSONVisitor::Parse<NAdditionalContent::SAdditionalContentMetadata>(NAdditionalContent::SAdditionalContentMetadata&, CString const&, NJSONVisitor::CVisitor<NAdditionalContent::SAdditionalContentMetadata>&)  + 0x2e  )  [0x16e2eee]
  ./stellaris                    (                                                   )  [0x16dd7cf]
  ./stellaris                    ( CTaskThread::Run()                        + 0x138 )  [0x2f94288]
  ./stellaris                    ( CTaskThread::Run(void*)                   + 0x6   )  [0x2f94146]
  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6        (                                           + 0xe1943)  [0x7f0cfe0e1943]
  /usr/lib/libc.so.6             (                                           + 0x8c9eb)  [0x7f0cfdeaa9eb]
  /usr/lib/libc.so.6             (                                           + 0x11071c)  [0x7f0cfdf2e71c]

Any idea whether I can fix that on my side? Tried to delete the former Paradox folder already, did not help. Thanks!
  • 3Like
  • 3
Same issue here, using openSUSE Tumbleweed
Have the same problem here. And my old saves from 1 or 2 Years ago also doesn't work anymore.

Also tried to rollback to 3.9.2, still have some crash. Which if I ignore I can keep playing.
But my old save from clould get like 15 crash dump, and I also can't send any of that crash to Paradox.

Application: Stellaris
Version: 3.9.2
Date/Time: 2023-10-21 13:50:24

Caught signal 7 (SIGBUS)

Original Stack Trace:
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x27752) [0x7f8fa1ef4752]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x19dd5) [0x7f8fa1ee6dd5]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x23994) [0x7f8fa1ef0994]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x24152) [0x7f8fa1ef1152]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x25a6b) [0x7f8fa1ef2a6b]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(glXSwapBuffers+0x55) [0x7f8fa1ee3115]
  ./stellaris() [0x2b352f3]
  ./stellaris(_Z16GfxPresentOpenGLP19GfxMasterContextGFX+0xd) [0x311ae6d]
  ./stellaris(_ZN9CGraphics12PresentSceneEv+0x69) [0x29536a9]
  ./stellaris(_ZN13CGameGraphics17ShowBasicLoadTextERK7CStringbbP7TWindow+0x44c) [0x1fe95ac]
  ./stellaris(_Z16RenderLoadScreenR13CGameGraphicsRK7CStringibb+0x3e6) [0x13f55b6]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication14InitLoadScreenEv+0x30e) [0x11f04ce]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication8InitBaseEv+0xb54) [0x11eb784]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication4InitEv+0x17f) [0x11ea84f]
  ./stellaris(_Z7RunGameiPPc+0x21de) [0x11859be]
  ./stellaris(main+0x3c) [0x117f84c]
  /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x281b0) [0x7f8f9fe281b0]
  /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x8b) [0x7f8f9fe28279]
  ./stellaris(_start+0x2e) [0x117f74e]

Demangled Stack Trace:
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x27752)  [0x7f8fa1ef4752]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x19dd5)  [0x7f8fa1ee6dd5]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x23994)  [0x7f8fa1ef0994]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x24152)  [0x7f8fa1ef1152]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x25a6b)  [0x7f8fa1ef2a6b]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so ( glXSwapBuffers                            + 0x55  )  [0x7f8fa1ee3115]
  ./stellaris                    (                                                   )  [0x2b352f3]
  ./stellaris                    ( GfxPresentOpenGL(GfxMasterContextGFX*)    + 0xd   )  [0x311ae6d]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGraphics::PresentScene()                 + 0x69  )  [0x29536a9]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameGraphics::ShowBasicLoadText(CString const&, bool, bool, TWindow*)  + 0x44c )  [0x1fe95ac]
  ./stellaris                    ( RenderLoadScreen(CGameGraphics&, CString const&, int, bool, bool)  + 0x3e6 )  [0x13f55b6]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::InitLoadScreen()        + 0x30e )  [0x11f04ce]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::InitBase()              + 0xb54 )  [0x11eb784]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::Init()                  + 0x17f )  [0x11ea84f]
  ./stellaris                    ( RunGame(int, char**)                      + 0x21de)  [0x11859be]
  ./stellaris                    ( main                                      + 0x3c  )  [0x117f84c]
  /lib64/libc.so.6               (                                           + 0x281b0)  [0x7f8f9fe281b0]
  /lib64/libc.so.6               ( __libc_start_main                         + 0x8b  )  [0x7f8f9fe28279]
  ./stellaris                    ( _start                                    + 0x2e  )  [0x117f74e]
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  • 1
Have the same problem here. And my old saves from 1 or 2 Years ago also doesn't work anymore.

Also tried to rollback to 3.9.2, still have some crash. Which if I ignore I can keep playing.
But my old save from clould get like 15 crash dump, and I also can't send any of that crash to Paradox.

Application: Stellaris
Version: 3.9.2
Date/Time: 2023-10-21 13:50:24

Caught signal 7 (SIGBUS)

Original Stack Trace:
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x27752) [0x7f8fa1ef4752]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x19dd5) [0x7f8fa1ee6dd5]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x23994) [0x7f8fa1ef0994]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x24152) [0x7f8fa1ef1152]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(+0x25a6b) [0x7f8fa1ef2a6b]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so(glXSwapBuffers+0x55) [0x7f8fa1ee3115]
  ./stellaris() [0x2b352f3]
  ./stellaris(_Z16GfxPresentOpenGLP19GfxMasterContextGFX+0xd) [0x311ae6d]
  ./stellaris(_ZN9CGraphics12PresentSceneEv+0x69) [0x29536a9]
  ./stellaris(_ZN13CGameGraphics17ShowBasicLoadTextERK7CStringbbP7TWindow+0x44c) [0x1fe95ac]
  ./stellaris(_Z16RenderLoadScreenR13CGameGraphicsRK7CStringibb+0x3e6) [0x13f55b6]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication14InitLoadScreenEv+0x30e) [0x11f04ce]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication8InitBaseEv+0xb54) [0x11eb784]
  ./stellaris(_ZN16CGameApplication4InitEv+0x17f) [0x11ea84f]
  ./stellaris(_Z7RunGameiPPc+0x21de) [0x11859be]
  ./stellaris(main+0x3c) [0x117f84c]
  /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x281b0) [0x7f8f9fe281b0]
  /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x8b) [0x7f8f9fe28279]
  ./stellaris(_start+0x2e) [0x117f74e]

Demangled Stack Trace:
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x27752)  [0x7f8fa1ef4752]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x19dd5)  [0x7f8fa1ee6dd5]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x23994)  [0x7f8fa1ef0994]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x24152)  [0x7f8fa1ef1152]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so (                                           + 0x25a6b)  [0x7f8fa1ef2a6b]
  /home/t/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so ( glXSwapBuffers                            + 0x55  )  [0x7f8fa1ee3115]
  ./stellaris                    (                                                   )  [0x2b352f3]
  ./stellaris                    ( GfxPresentOpenGL(GfxMasterContextGFX*)    + 0xd   )  [0x311ae6d]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGraphics::PresentScene()                 + 0x69  )  [0x29536a9]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameGraphics::ShowBasicLoadText(CString const&, bool, bool, TWindow*)  + 0x44c )  [0x1fe95ac]
  ./stellaris                    ( RenderLoadScreen(CGameGraphics&, CString const&, int, bool, bool)  + 0x3e6 )  [0x13f55b6]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::InitLoadScreen()        + 0x30e )  [0x11f04ce]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::InitBase()              + 0xb54 )  [0x11eb784]
  ./stellaris                    ( CGameApplication::Init()                  + 0x17f )  [0x11ea84f]
  ./stellaris                    ( RunGame(int, char**)                      + 0x21de)  [0x11859be]
  ./stellaris                    ( main                                      + 0x3c  )  [0x117f84c]
  /lib64/libc.so.6               (                                           + 0x281b0)  [0x7f8f9fe281b0]
  /lib64/libc.so.6               ( __libc_start_main                         + 0x8b  )  [0x7f8f9fe28279]
  ./stellaris                    ( _start                                    + 0x2e  )  [0x117f74e]

Rollback to 3.9.2, try playing a new game. If you are using mods you may need to disable them, some mods already updated to 3.9.3 and are no longer compatible with 3.9.2.
Rollback to 3.9.2, try playing a new game. If you are using mods you may need to disable them, some mods already updated to 3.9.3 and are no longer compatible with 3.9.2.
Thanks for your reply, but I don't use mod at all. My rollback to 3.9.2 as I said has some crash too, which if I ignore I can play, but its kind weird. I don't know if can come more crashs. Many people said the same on the comments above.
  • 1
Same issue, thought it was related to my WQHD (3440x1440) resolution, but reading this thread gets me the idea, they have broken their Linux built. No mods active, clean playlist, game crashes at ~11% with a 1sec black screen.

Garuda Linux (Arch), AMD GPU, WQHD display


I have started a ticket with the PDX support about the issue.

We have taken the following steps so far:

- deleted 'user_empire_designs.txt'
- uninstalled Stellaris
- deleted '~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Stellaris/'
- deleted '.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/'
- clean re-install of Stellaris

=> result: CTD as before - no mods active in initial playlist

Then I viewed the 'error.log' and found a load of mod issues reported, while no mod is active.
Probably there are some mods installed locally, while they are wiped from the Stellaris workshop.

- deleted the content of '~ steamfolder /steamapps/workshop/content/281990'
- unsubscribed all mods from workshop

=> result: CTD as before - no mods active, no mods installed

BUT, I got a disturbing note from my Cinnamon DE, about some parts do not work any longer, right when I started Stellaris.

So, actually my best guess is, that the latest patch is not only crashing the game due to old mod ghosts (possibly kept in the launcher?), but may also inflict our Linux desktop. Devs actually are investing that route.
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  • 1
News: after [terrible] outsourced launcher update yesterday, the game is no longer playable on linux.

- launcher starts
- Steam account logs in
- launcher checks for updated mods
- launcher collapses
  • 2Like
  • 2
It happens to me too, the problem reported by the launcher log is this

[31m2023-10-31 20:26:41 [main] [ERROR][0m Unable to send telemetry:
Telemetry request resulted in non 2xx HTTP status: 400

I don't know if that would help anything.
  • 1Like
It happens to me too, the problem reported by the launcher log is this

[31m2023-10-31 20:26:41 [main] [ERROR][0m Unable to send telemetry:
Telemetry request resulted in non 2xx HTTP status: 400

I don't know if that would help anything.

First idea: Is PDX trying to fish for telemetry data...not unlike Epic once did and lost a huge bunch of their Steam players?
News: after [terrible] outsourced launcher update yesterday, the game is no longer playable on linux.
If you mean the Paradox launcher this game uses, it is not at all outsourced, it is written by a Paradox employee.

31m2023-10-31 20:26:41 [main] [ERROR][0m Unable to send telemetry:
Telemetry request resulted in non 2xx HTTP status: 400
Everyone gets this, it is nothing to do with the problems reported in this thread.
I've just installed and successfully run Stellaris 3.9.3 on my Ubuntu 22.04.1 installation, even though it's a VM and so doesn't have a supported video system.

The two stack traces above are completely different - one in Libc, one in the Steam overlay apparently, so I suspect they have unrelated causes. Try disabling the Steam overlay as a start.

AND if you are using the flatpack Steam or any other such thing, try the properly Steam client instead:
"Install Steam Now"
I've just installed and successfully run Stellaris 3.9.3 on my Ubuntu 22.04.1 installation, even though it's a VM and so doesn't have a supported video system.

The two stack traces above are completely different - one in Libc, one in the Steam overlay apparently, so I suspect they have unrelated causes. Try disabling the Steam overlay as a start.

AND if you are using the flatpack Steam or any other such thing, try the properly Steam client instead:
"Install Steam Now"
Thanks for your time it is really appreciated!

I suspect using an older Ubuntu won't give you a crash. From what I gathered it seems this problem is with newer distros. A friend of mine has still Fedora 37 no issues and another user told me with also an older Ubuntu they have no problem. On the other hand, people who have the issue seem all to have more recent Distros (Fedora 38, Arch, Ubuntu 23.10 etc) so this reeks a little bit like a lib version thing. You mentioned libc in one of the stack traces so maybe that's the culprit. I could try to check if it works with an older version of glibc and tell you what I could find. Interestingly enough no issues with the Proton version as well, so maybe there is something to find there.

Btw. my Steam overlay is off.
  • 1
Ok after some digging it seems Electron is the culprit here as well.
Running the launcher in the shell gives:
[44933:1103/001603.583387:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
[44933:1103/001603.584578:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 2 times!

This seems to indicate an Electron issue:
  • 1
I can second that I'm having this problem on Garuda Linux (Arch). It's the same across all paradox games. Kind of frustrating to think that this wasn't caught during testing.
  • 1Like
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