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I'm very excited about this, I can't wait to see some dev diaries, I've pretty been holding off on playing ERE characters or Orthodox characters in general in anticipation of this kind of expansion.
Also, it's been said (in fact right above my post) but I hope to see the faction system carry over beyond just the Byzantine Empire though. How and to what extent I don't know but God knows I'd throw money at you all day long for some fun and functional improvements to the way plots work and how characters band together and factions sound like just the thing.
Also, it's been said (in fact right above my post) but I hope to see the faction system carry over beyond just the Byzantine Empire though. How and to what extent I don't know but God knows I'd throw money at you all day long for some fun and functional improvements to the way plots work and how characters band together and factions sound like just the thing.
As it seems to take up the entire Intrigue screen, I assume it is global.

I loled! :D
I am really liking the choice for the expansion. This is an empire that defied so many odds for so long that they even got a term named after themselves and come one, that's pretty badass in my book. :)

Sounds like great fun to be had.
So nice to hear y'all are looking forward to this! Makes us wanna work even harder with all the cool upcoming stuff : D
Your hype is much appreciated : )
I hope there are some tweaks to the claimants feature for the ERE. Formal primogeniture was never established and attempted coups weren't necessarily linked to descent. It would be nice to see weak claims linked to council positions (reflecting the political significance of the bureaucratic elite). Then, of course, there's the old favorite of marrying a widowed Empress. That would lend the factions system a real Byzantine feeling!

I agree, Byzantine succession was anything but rigidly structured, and one could speculate that this was a major cause of the continual civil wars which weakened the Empire; making it so susceptible to outside influence and leading to it's eventual decline. Hopefully the new faction system ties into the succession "laws" and both gives the Empire a more unique "Byzantine" experience as a player and also a more historical trajectory when played by the AI. It would be interesting to see how this is integrated into the "dynasty" mechanic that both Muslim and Christian monarchies have in the current game. Potentially, this makes losing the game (or at least, control of the Empire) a big threat as in elective succession, or perhaps there will be a new mechanic for the Byzantines altogether. Anyway, I'm glad Paradox is making the ERE more unique and in such short order at that. Once again, I'm pleased with how CKII continues to develop.
I really hope that when you get control of the empire, you automaticly get constantiople as well, i don't like running the empire from anywhere else.
I agree, Byzantine succession was anything but rigidly structured, and one could speculate that this was a major cause of the continual civil wars which weakened the Empire; making it so susceptible to outside influence and leading to it's eventual decline. Hopefully the new faction system ties into the succession "laws" and both gives the Empire a more unique "Byzantine" experience as a player and also a more historical trajectory when played by the AI. It would be interesting to see how this is integrated into the "dynasty" mechanic that both Muslim and Christian monarchies have in the current game. Potentially, this makes losing the game (or at least, control of the Empire) a big threat as in elective succession, or perhaps there will be a new mechanic for the Byzantines altogether. Anyway, I'm glad Paradox is making the ERE more unique and in such short order at that. Once again, I'm pleased with how CKII continues to develop.

I been reading alot up legitamcy of Byzantine Emperor, it really strange. On paper need to approve by senate of Constanitnople, the Army and final Crown or depend the crown given to them by the Patrach. Normal if take the city with army rest normal comes together, or give realy good at castle coup. The Macedonian dynasty, came up with idea being born in the purple that gave bit more legitmacy to pretender claim if lost there throne. I would love to see use the honary title system in the game. titles emperor gave you prestige and normal came with tax break and penesion, not including offices possible title holder maybe holding.
Honestly, I'm fine with them being nerfed in a new fashion, as long as they're boosted to realistic levels in other fashions. For example, factions should make playing as Emperor much more difficult than currently, but, on the other hand, Constantinople (and other holdings) should be made much more valuable than currently. And so on and so forth.

The city of Constantinople quite simply needs to be unique. It was that different from any other in this game, both in scope and in importance. The province itself used to feature 5 Castles, making it an absolute powerhouse when it came to raising troops, but 4 of those castles became towns, so it really isn't as effective there as it once was.
I agree.

I hope it will get widespread attention from modders, since I assume the faction system is only enabled after getting the DLC?
I would be very surprised if factions aren't enabled by the patch itself, as it is a rather big change. Limiting it to DLC owners would either break multiplayer compatibility, or introduce imbalances between owners and non-owners.
As it seems to take up the entire Intrigue screen, I assume it is global.

There's a "Back" button there, so factions are just a submenu in the intrigue screen.

The city of Constantinople quite simply needs to be unique. It was that different from any other in this game, both in scope and in importance. The province itself used to feature 5 Castles, making it an absolute powerhouse when it came to raising troops, but 4 of those castles became towns, so it really isn't as effective there as it once was.

But with all those cities it's considerably richier.
There's a "Back" button there, so factions are just a submenu in the intrigue screen.
Hmm, that's a point.
Still, it'd be silly to restrict factions to Byzantium only, especially as they all seem to be using the vanilla plots (and might as such be a replacement, or at least a big expansion, for the plot system?).
There's a "Back" button there, so factions are just a submenu in the intrigue screen.

I was wondering when i did'nt appear to be the only one who noticed this, it sems its obviously going to be an extension of the intrique system.....

heres hoping anyway....
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"Watch your steps... Haha, brilliant!

I hope they give the historically blind characters the blind trait even if there is a slight difference of being born blind and become blinded. Actually they should have a blind trait as well... perhaps they have? :D
Double check the Count's traits in the last picture. Unless it's just one I haven't seen before, I think the face in a heart icon is the Blind trait.