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Hello again folks! Stay a while, and listen. The highlights of today's third and last Sword of Islam developer diary are Muslim Casus Bellis, revised combat mechanics and cultural buildings. You know the drill by now; I'll talk about both some unique Sword of Islam features and some free stuff that comes with patch 1.06.


Our direction with the Sword of Islam expansion is that Muslims should have an easier time expanding, but have an additional layer of internal strife in the form of the Open Succession Law and the Decadence system.

Muslim Casus Bellis

Muslim rulers have three new options for conquest:
  • They can declare Holy Wars on anyone not of their own exact brand of Islam
  • They can use a form of the Invasion CB for the cost of 500 Piety
  • They can conquer any province bordering one of their own for 50 Piety (vassalizing the current count if possible)

Pious Muslim rulers can thus easily expand, although they lose 2 Piety per month while attacking a brother of the faith (same exact religion.) The councillor job to fabricate a claim is thus less useful for Muslims, but can still be handy versus islands or juicy coastal counties.


Revokation of Duchies

Duchies (emirates) are not considered to be intrinsically hereditary, so Muslims are allowed to revoke duchy titles at no opinion penalty from other vassals. This is also a good way of properly landing your sons to avoid gaining Decadence. (Incidentally, the Byzantine Empire is now allowed to do the same thing, though it does not have the Decadence mechanics.)

Dynastic Imprisonment and Execution

Another Muslim exception to the normal rules is that they are allowed to freely imprison and execute men of their own dynasty, except for their own sons. Brothers and uncles are the usual targets for these Decadence reducing purges...

Temple Holdings

In the Muslim world, there is no proper equivalent to Bishoprics, so Temple Holdings are treated exactly like Castles, except for their different set of buildings. You gain Piety for having a Temple Holding in your demesne, but they are slightly poorer and provide smaller levies than their Catholic equivalents (in order to balance them against the investiture mechanics.)

Passing Laws

Muslims do not need to bother with a voting process when passing laws; they just spend an amount of Piety. However, there is still a cooldown and Crown Laws can only be changed once per ruler. The vassals will also still get upset in the same way as Christians.

Jizya Tax

To represent the Jizya tax (a special tax that should, according to Sharia law, be levied on infidels), Muslims gain a 25% tax bonus from infidel counties and a 10% tax penalty in Muslim counties. This creates an interesting dynamic where it's not always obvious that you would want to convert an infidel province to Islam. However, there is a special event where this happens anyway, even if you don't send in your Court Imam to convert the populace.


That's pretty much it for the Sword of Islam expansion, although I'm sure to have forgotten about many minor little changes and tweaks.


Alright, so here are a few more freebies coming your way soon with the 1.06 patch...

Expanded Combat Tactics

We have added a bunch of more (and more decisive) combat tactics, to make combat less predictable and to tie in with the new Commander traits...

Commander Traits

We have added a special type of trait called Commander traits. These are only available to characters with a Martial education, and give more specific bonuses to the character's ability to lead various troop types, and the choice of combat tactics. Characters gain one or two Commander traits when they finish their education. The effects of the Commander traits directly scale with the Martial skill of the character.


More Culture Specific Buildings

One thing that many people have requested is a broader range of culture specific buildings, and who are we to argue? We have added loads of these to give more variety and flavor.

Destruction of Titles

You are now allowed to destroy ducal tier titles and above, at a hefty Prestige cost. This will greatly upset (-50 opinion) all vassals who are de jure part of the destroyed title. You cannot destroy your current primary title.


AI Improvements

Apart from some minor improvements, the AI is now better at jumping on rulers who are already embroiled in dangerous wars (though it's still not excessively aggressive about this.) I've also spent a bit of time on attrition avoidance for AI armies, and the AI will now assault besieged holdings when appropriate.

That's it for dev diaries for now. Next week, we'll post a short AAR by a member of the dev team!
Can't believe this hasn't been asked. Decadence is what causes a massive "Tribal" rebellion correct? Like a desert prince riding in to despose you? What happens if you are the Islamic ruler of say Ireland or Italy. Does it really make sense for some desert dynasty to ride in and despose your family? As far as I know there aren't many irish or Italian tribal princes.
Can't believe this hasn't been asked. Decadence is what causes a massive "Tribal" rebellion correct? Like a desert prince riding in to despose you? What happens if you are the Islamic ruler of say Ireland or Italy. Does it really make sense for some desert dynasty to ride in and despose your family? As far as I know there aren't many irish or Italian tribal princes.

its mainly that a lower ranked, unknown, house of nobles comes to defeat you. wether they decided to sail a few thousand miles for ireland to depose you or are just a bunch of rabble from ireland isnt really relevant.
I thought it was like some sort of Mongol invasion but with Islamic Tribesman. Didn't consider it could be some insanely powerful yet unknown local family.

they dont even have to be insanly powerfull. if they have charm and you are decadent, the locals will follow them. and if the LOCALS rise up en masse its like a peasant rebellion 2.0 in half the realm.
One thing that many people have requested is a broader range of culture specific buildings, and who are we to argue? We have added loads of these to give more variety and flavor.

Hmmm will you guys be getting rid of the "destruction" of said cultural buildings when a Ruler changes culture?

Ive had many games where i built all my cultural buildings only to find my ruler lives till 80 , i have no control over my Grand son or Great grand son , and he ends up becoming a different culture. As a result , all my cultural buildings mysteriously disappear. It makes the whole thing unappealing and i generally just don't build them any more.
Hmmm will you guys be getting rid of the "destruction" of said cultural buildings when a Ruler changes culture?

Ive had many games where i built all my cultural buildings only to find my ruler lives till 80 , i have no control over my Grand son or Great grand son , and he ends up becoming a different culture. As a result , all my cultural buildings mysteriously disappear. It makes the whole thing unappealing and i generally just don't build them any more.

This is a balance thing, probably WAD. But it's very moddable.
Like it!

Just regarding culture specific building: are these going to be linked to the culture of provinces rather than the culture of the holder? It is frustrating for all your cultural buildings to disappear just because one of your dynasty is of a different culture to the norm. Plus it seems odd that, for example, English longbowmen should be able to flurish so quickly after an English conquest even in far flung places of the world.

Second this destruction of titles thing: if an emperor destroys a kingdom title of a kingdom he rules over will he be able to expand his de jure kingdom (i.e. the de jure kingdom of byantium for the byzantine empire) over that kingdom or rather duchies in that kingdom?
Also how permanent is the destruction of titles? Will anyone be able to create them after? And if so is there some sort of time period where the destroyed title can not be recreated?
Like it!

Just regarding culture specific building: are these going to be linked to the culture of provinces rather than the culture of the holder? It is frustrating for all your cultural buildings to disappear just because one of your dynasty is of a different culture to the norm. Plus it seems odd that, for example, English longbowmen should be able to flurish so quickly after an English conquest even in far flung places of the world.

Second this destruction of titles thing: if an emperor destroys a kingdom title of a kingdom he rules over will he be able to expand his de jure kingdom (i.e. the de jure kingdom of byantium for the byzantine empire) over that kingdom or rather duchies in that kingdom?
Also how permanent is the destruction of titles? Will anyone be able to create them after? And if so is there some sort of time period where the destroyed title can not be recreated?

a) will still disapere based on holder it seems

b) anyone can recreate them if they meet the criteria, whether they get the same big presteige boost remains to be seen. No idea about time period but guess it will exist the same way as you can't usurp a newly created title. Destroying king title to allow de jure drift seems like it will be entirely possible.
If culture buildings weren't linked to characters, you'd basically almost never have any provinces with Altaic buildings. There are few Turkish provinces at the beginning of the game and no Mongol ones.
I haven't been stoked this much about an expansion for a long while. This is my favorite game to come out in years. Can't wait to see what you guys cook up in the future.

The one thing that I'm jealous of in this expansion is the unique interaction between the Muslim and non-Muslim counties. I hope in the future that you can figure out something like this for the Christian rulers as well. Perhaps they could have another crown law that deals with conversion of non-Christian counties. One law would allow for "peaceful" conversion, which would give a bonus to taxes and a reduction in revolt risk, and allow you to keep non-Christian counts happy in their positions, but carry a prestige hit, a negative modifier with the Church and "zealous" Christian rulers, and a bonus to instances of heresy. The second law would be less peaceful and would carry an increased revolt risk and a negative tax modifier while the culture is being converted, and almost guarantee that non-Christian counts and dukes would revolt or conspire with rulers of their own faith to win their independence. The second law would be the only option for "zealous" rulers.

A system like that would make the Iberian peninsula a more fun and difficult experience. Though I don't know if it would throw off the balance of power you have with the current SoI mechanics.
If culture buildings weren't linked to characters, you'd basically almost never have any provinces with Altaic buildings. There are few Turkish provinces at the beginning of the game and no Mongol ones.

Well ... Turkish seem to be one of the most willing to spead in my experience
Destruction of Titles

You are now allowed to destroy ducal tier titles and above, at a hefty Prestige cost. This will greatly upset (-50 opinion) all vassals who are de jure part of the destroyed title. You cannot destroy your current primary title.

Will this cause de jure drift to begin if you destroy a King title?

For example in my last game as Aquitaine I supported the Duke of Normandy's war to make the King of France Elective and then got myself elected. (Somehow not how I suspect the Normans planned it.)

I created the Kingdom of Aquitaine and switched it to my primary title, mostly because the Capetian shield is ugly and the gold lion is boss. :) But this means that half of my kingdom was going to stay de jure France with the resulting complications for the rest of the game.
I think it is the main aim of doing this.

That and getting rid of duchies so you can hold more counties in your personal demesne without people being upset.
Don't know if this is off-topic or not, but I like Vicky 2's ability to counter war-goal an aggressor in order to gain land if you won the defensive war. Is this a feature planned for CKII? For example, if I gain a claim on my agressor's land, I should be able to prevail in a defensive war and actually gain something. Not just my aggressor losing something.
Will this cause de jure drift to begin if you destroy a King title?

For example in my last game as Aquitaine I supported the Duke of Normandy's war to make the King of France Elective and then got myself elected. (Somehow not how I suspect the Normans planned it.)

I created the Kingdom of Aquitaine and switched it to my primary title, mostly because the Capetian shield is ugly and the gold lion is boss. :) But this means that half of my kingdom was going to stay de jure France with the resulting complications for the rest of the game.

Of course it will cause de jure drift, that's the point of "destroying" a king title. In 100 years that France will become titular.
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