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Jun 21, 2001
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First of all,

EU is an extraordinary game, so complex that no game is like the other. This short AAR will show that easy come can easy go!

The AAR will reflect Burgundy from 1419 to 1584 and some short notes from the surroundings will also come.

So, stay playing!!
Everything starts in 1419 with a war together with England versus France and her vassals. The war is successful and by 1424 Orleanais is annexed, Provence give Maine for peace and Ile De France falls and both Champagne and Picardie are added to the mighty Burgundy.

We immediatly end up in a war together with England versus Eire and capture both Munster and Leinster in the peace agreement. England on the other hand looses Wales and Meath to the Irish (they captured 5 provinces during the campaign). Luxembourg is diplo annexed in 1432. Brabant ask to be annexed a couple of years later and we ofcourse accept.

England went bankrupt and as soon as they reached over -2, they started a war with Scotland (allied with France, Lorraine, Navarre and Castille). We go for Lorraine and annexes her. We then go for France and in the peace agreement received both Nivernais and Lyonnais. It's now 1443. France has now annexed her neighbours except Provence who breaks loose and join our alliance. Provence gain Dauphiné from France.

On the international arena big things has happened. Austria is just 1 province, Venice, Milan, Savoy and Wurttemberg (!!!) have captured everything. The last province is taken by Moldova a few years later. Twer (alone) starts a war with Portugal and their ally Cyprus, 3 years pass with no action (surprise!!).
In 1451 the war between England and Scotland is still going. We accepted a white peace with the Scots after 1 year with only a naval battle. England has probably suffered another bankruptcy because their stability is still at -1 and their inflation is over 100% (according to the archive). Scotland holds all of northern England. Rebels hold Cornwall, Calais, Normandie and Wessex. Gascogne has been ceded to Navarra and Poitou and Caux are held by France. In the middle of all this, Bretagne breaks the vassalage and DoW England. We leave this alliance.

We join the alliance with Cologne, Kleve, The Palatinate, Hessen and Friesland. We end up in a war with Geldre (now the provinces of Geldre, Oldenburg and Munster) and their alliance, Poland and Denmark, aren't joining in. Burgundy takes Munster and leaves Friesland to grab Oldenburg. Geldre is again a 1 province country.

In 1458 Friesland become our Vassal. The war between England and Scotland has ended and England looses only Northumberland and Yorkshire to Scotland, Normandie to Bretagne and Poitou to France. England only gets a few Moths to rest before Eire (in alliance with Bretagne and Portugal) DoW. Provence has joined our alliance

Milan has annexed Switzerland (Diplo I think) and Baden. Wurttemberg has taken Bavaria and parts of Bohemia, making it the most powerful country within the HRE. Turkey expands in the east, but looses in the west. Bysantium has taken Smyrna, Rumelia and Bulgaria (and Kosovo from Serbia). Athens has taken Macedonia, Albania, Ragusa and Dalmatia. Cyprus has annexed the Knights and taken Crete. In Scandinavia there are no major changes.

In 1469, Portugal has received Caux from England and Eire receives Midlands and Bristol. Provence becomes our vassal state. France DoW the Palatinate (for some reason) and we are supportive enough to kick some French b***. 3 years later, France hands over Languedoc to Provence. Berri and Vandée joins our realm in the peace agreement.

In 1475 Friesland is annexed. Portugal expands and recieves Istria from Venice, Catalonia from Aragon and Sinai from the Mamelucks. Here comes a 22 year long peace. Provence is annexed in 1491 and a Mediterranean fleet is built. In 1497 England has lost yet more land to Eire, Lincoln now celebrates St.Patrick's Day. We DoW England and quickly grab Calais, the only remaining English province in France. Troops are sent to Anglia and after a year the city falls. England agrees to leave Calais to us. Castille and Aragon Merge to become Spain

Bretagne joins our alliance after dishonouring their old ally Portugal in their war with Spain. A Conquistador arrives in Munster and is sent west. In 1512 we establish a colony in Chesapeake and makes a town out of it. 4 events with 3 new settlers happen within a few years. Roanoke is colonised and a TP is built in Catawba. Bretagne becomes a vassal.
In 1528 Portugal DoW and the only real action in the 4 year long war is a few naval battale where the Port drinkers lost every single one. We now learned of Africa, India and southeast Asia. Portugal pays $6 for peace. The year after 25000 troops is sent over the Atlantic and we attack the Lenape Indians and receive Manhattan in the peace. 1539 we again DoW Lenape and annex them. Burgundy is now one of the leading countries in Europe and leading the VP league.

In 1541 we go protestant. France, Spain and Wurttemberg DoW. In the middle of this, a lot of provinces start to revolt and the decision to deal with Spain and Wurttemberg first, then France and finally the rebels. Luxembourg declares their independence and DoW. Portugal and Eire DoW. The Irish are bought off with Leinster. An event gave us 25% inflation followed by a drop back to -2 in stability (after succeeding to get back up to 0).

France now controls Flandres, Calais and Artois and siegeing Bourgogne. Spain controls Langudoc and Lyonnais. Portugal first took Orleanais, but rebels then captured the province, marched east and captured Ile De France. All the colonies start to revolt (the troops have been sent back to Europe. Portugal is finally paid of with $175 (the 5th loan). 100% of the income goes right into the state treasury, but just enables us to keep our noses over the water surface.

Another random event occurs, costing $100, money we do not have. Burgundy goes bankrupt. France is not accepting Flandres, Calais and Artois for peace. Orleanais declares their independence and DoW. After 15 years of nightmare, Lenape declares their independence and DoW. The revolts are starting in the Netherlands and when we finally are back up on +1 in stability (5 years after the bankruptcy), an event takes it back to -2 again! Lenape is bought off with Roanoke and Catawba.

Provence declares their independence, take Dauphiné with them and DoW. Spain are finally bought off with Langudoc and Lyonnais and $200 (the 5th loan again). Wurttemberg DoWs and quickly take all our western provinces. In 1562 Wurttemberg get Alcase, Lorraine and Franche-Compte for peace. The French are finally bought off with Calais, Nivernais and Champagne. The Netherlands declares their independence. As do Friesland and Oldenburg.

Peace at last. Only Bourgogne, Berri, Vendée, Munster (Ireland), Munster (Germany) and Chesapeake are left. The inflation is now 82%. We have 5500 men left as an army and disbands more than half our fleet to save money. Berri is revolting constantly.
France (Portugal, Milan) DoW in 1568. Wurttemberg, (Oldenburg) follow within months. We still have no army (only 15000 men) against 70000 French troops in one of their armies. The French ally Portugal captures Vendée. France takes Berri. Wurttemberg captures Munster. Bourgogne fall to the French and they lay siege to Munster (Ireland). Wurttemberg is bought off with Munster and France with Vendée. Auvergne declares their independance and Dow. For $25 Auvergne accept peace.

In 1582 Eire (France) DoW. Eire quickly captures Munster and surprisingly also Chesapeake. The Irish are now (together with France) sieging Bourgogne. They are bought off with Munster and Cheasapeake. Another bankruptcy follows. The inflation reaches 161%. 3 new settlers in our harbours, what harbours?

At this time, Portugal is the strongest country in south west (has conquered 6 provinces from Spain, and most of northern Africa). Eire has annexed Scotland and taken most of England. Wurttemberg controlls central Europe (with a few exceptions) including Poland!! Bysantium and Athens have the southern Balkans and most of the Black Sea area. Turkey controls most of Persia and has reached all the way to India. In Scandinavia nothing has happened. There are almost no changes during these 165 years.

In 1584 France DoW, lay siege to Bourgogne and I give up. That's all! Thanks for listening. Bedtime!!!!!

Scary story!!

edit: Thats what happens when you are the baddest boy around.
What settings were you playing at? Very hard/ Normal? We all have had this happen to us and lived to fight another day.:D Good luck next time.

Yeah. And look how well Eire and Wurttemberg did! Yowza!
What settings were you playing at? Very hard/ Normal?

I think I’m playing Normal with highest aggressiveness (Furious or violent). I'll see if I can fix any nasty screenshots.

The strange thing in this game (my first attempt to play EU II without giving up before 1430) is that the alliance leaders did usually not get peace until the others had got their parts of the bargain. Never seen this happen before (in a big scale).