Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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Many apologies for the extended absence everyone! :eek:o :eek:o

I'll be back tomorrow with my special feature and nomination of next week's Weekly Showcase.
Uhm.. bump?
Well it looks like TheHyphenated1 is online right now . i sent him a PM to remind him to name someone ; I also just contacted trekaddict and I think he's prepared to name someone else if TH1 can't do it if we want to do it that way .
canonized said:
Well it looks like TheHyphenated1 is online right now . i sent him a PM to remind him to name someone ; I also just contacted trekaddict and I think he's prepared to name someone else if TH1 can't do it if we want to do it that way .

Yup, I'd do that. I'd have one by tonight I think.
trekaddict said:
Yup, I'd do that. I'd have one by tonight I think.
Sounds like a plan, guys. Let's give TheHyphenated1 until the end of the day to choose a new AAR. If he has not by tomorrow, trekaddict can chose the next one. Thanks for keeping this moving along, folks. :)
:eek:o :eek:o :eek:o

Weltkriegschaft Special Feature (as promised, even if terribly tardy)

From Savegame to Post: Writing an Installment of Weltkriegschaft

The process for creation of an update begins with reference to my source material -- the savefiles and notes that I took while playing the game.

I try to keep close track of both the immediate game situation and the events that may be still brewing and will occur in several months or a year. The latter concern is particularly important to me in Weltkriegschaft because it contributes so significantly to the sense of realism in the world of the story.

Think of this: although the HoI2 engine might only recognize D-Day as beginning when the invasion divisions are loaded on the transport flotillas in the Channel, it would be silly if a narrative account didn’t take into account the years of planning and preliminary work that went into the operation.

For this reason, I try to introduce elements into my story long before they become large enough to be recognized by the game engine. Even though France’s declaration of war in April came completely out of the blue as far as the game engine is concerned, I built into the narrative the long period of “rumbling” that would have occurred in real life. Likewise with the story of Ernst Trommler, which is still building to far-off events.

This way, when I post an update, it is almost never out of the blue. Almost always there is a thread in an earlier update, perhaps from a different narrative character, that it picks up. Rather, then, than seeming like an idea that I as the author simply dreamed up since posting the last update (which hurts the story’s believability) -- the post has roots that readers can find in earlier chapters and enjoy the “aha moment” of recognizing a connection between the two. Case in point -- II:VIII shows Hjalmar Schacht giving an economic presentation to the Reich’s leaders. In passing he mentions one Dr. Harold Krause as the new head of the Office of Fuel Production. In II:XIV, we learn of the French invasion through the eyes of a twelve-year-old girl who turns out to be Krause’s daughter -- a character who may well ultimately see more “screen time” than Schacht himself!

At any rate, I afford myself the ability to think in these terms by constantly staying many steps ahead of the story as readers see it posted on the Forum. Looking at my notes, I’ll decide upon the threads that need to be advanced, and the character through which this should be done. Then I’ll look for a brief description to sum up the update. “Johann Mahler defends Herseaux,” for example.

I have a master outline and usually have these descriptions about ten updates in advance. This helps me to build a coherent progression of action and avoid updates feeling “samey”.

Once I have the single-sentence description, I make a list of the important points to hit -- narrative elements to include, points from the game that need to be covered or mentioned, and any points that need research.

For research I rely upon my various historical reference books, the internet and GoogleEarth. Additionally, I’m fortunate to have access to an excellent university library nearby and on several occasions where I was really stuck have emailed people in the know -- history professors, authors and a very gracious Swiss hotel executive. I try to be very careful about the small details as well. It’s great to give your readers an exacting floor plan of the Reichschancellery, but much is lost if in your zeal for research you overlook the fact that as of the current year in the story it, er, hasn’t been built yet. Confession: I very nearly did.

Armed with relevant research, I’m usually able to write an update pretty quickly. As time goes on and readers gain more and more tolerance for lengthier updates, I’ve been slowly increasing average length, though, which slows things down a bit.

As it happens, my next update is due out any time now, and I must attend to it out of consideration to the loyal readers long-deprived by my recent absence. So here I’ll end: with another hearty thank-you to trekaddict and all those who’ve offered their congratulations. I will post this week’s showcase winner momentarily!
A big congratulations to the winner of this week's Weekly Showcase: the excellent Furor Normannicus , and its author The_Guiscard.

May I be the first to congratulate you on your fine work, The_Guiscard!
Great speech and insight there , TH1 ! And congratulations the_guiscard !! Very well deserved !
Congratulations, this AAR is getting quite a lot of awards lately, might have to take a peak soon :)
OK..that settles it...I'm going to finally read Furor Normannicus! Congratulations The_Guiscard!
Many congratulations! It's on my 'to read' list, but unfortunately exams are on my 'to pass' list, which overrides.
Congratulations! Certainly well deserved!
Congratulations the_Guiscard! Furor Normanicus is at the top of my "to read" list. :)