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Yes. & the rank of the generals in neighboring provinces matter.

So (if I remember correctly):
Field Marshal attacking a province from a single province: max 12 units.
Field Marshal with a HQ attacking a province from a single province: max 24 units.
Two Field Marshals with an HQ (anywhere, just one) attacking a province from two provinces: max 48 units.
Two Field Marshals and a Lt. General with an HQ in the army attacking a province from three provinces: max 54 units.

P.S. As much as I love seeing those Italians squishified, I almost wish you'd waited for them to mobilize for attack one of your provinces before smashing them! Also, I'm kind of impressed you found the IC to upgrade all your infantry to 1936.

"Your Imperial Majesty, as our fast-moving units just take the last Italian Erytrean province, we are able to move most of our troops to the south front. We planned to leave a few militia units to secure the port, where we might expect Italian invasion, but when checking the possible strenght of the attack, we have left there an army of six INF units."

"It is all quiet on the south front."

"Your Imperial Majesty, this is most kind of You, that You decided to meet with American President. We have make a deal with them - as it seems like they are already copying every our move in domestic affairs and international relations, so we have agreed to gave them some of Your grand wisdom, to help develop their country."

I have only managed to develop the 1936 INF technology. Most of the INF are still 1926 or 1921. Thanks to the tech developed, they would get upgraded faster, just I had no IC for that.

In matter of fact the Italians attacked first. You could read the article about it in soviet "Правда" ("Truth") newspaper.
Only one more Italian front to crush and humiliate with Ethiopian fighting spirit!

"Your Imperial Majesty, it took over a month for our troops to walk all the way from the Eritrea to the Somali border. Now with all the units already on position we cannot risk attacking at once. We should let the soldiers to catch a second breath. Also some time might be useful to settle the popular unrest a little more. It seems like we have an outstanding advantage on our side. They shall not pass!!!"

"Your Imperial Majesty, I have used a little of the time that we have before starting attack again, and I want You to take a look at the intelligence report on current Italy situation. Now they seems to have around 38 INF units, and that would mostly stick to our initial expectations. Unforunately, they have not chosen to use any airforce agains us. Our AAcks would be put in a good use then."

"And now Your Highness, there is a report from our recent trip to Spain. It seems like both sides have been tought well by our example, as they are applying the encirclement method that our army have shown to the world."

"As our troops rested and all the people in the country cheers Your Highness name loudly, it is now the time to crush the Italian menace in the south."

"Our attack en masse with outnumbering their forces like 6:1 just was definetely above their expectations. After a mere five days of fight, they started to retreat. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot resupply our units to let them go faster into taken province."

Does anyone knows how the leader of the battle is chosen, or this is determined randomly?

Please note, that if I was allied to UK, this fight would be a walk in the park, with 11 units stashed in bordering province.
Does anyone knows how the leader of the battle is chosen, or this is determined randomly?

It depends on rank of the leader and number of divisions he commands. You can give the emperor more divisions to control, or replace the other field marshal with some general

"Your Imperial Majesty, Italians have tried to take back that part od the Somalia that we have won the battle, and started a few, completely unprepared, unaccurate, and underpowered counterattacks. All their forces were completely swayed back in a blink of the eye. Even their tanks and artillery were no match for the fierce attack of our warriors... ehem... soldiers."

"After three ineffective counterattacks, they have cummulated a little bit more of their force, and attacked in force. Where part "in force" could be easily questioned. After a battle in the night, they were overrunned and had to retreat. Even tanks did not helped them."

"I have to add at this point, that the Italian mastery when it comes to the retreat is unmatched in any other armies I have ever seen. If they would fight that ferociussly as they run, the whole world would be under Italian rule by now. I guess that the only thing that was left of the old Empire."

"In the time of our somalian offensive, the Italian forces, under protection of their navy started a mass assault for our port in Assab. General Graziani leading a strong army of 7 modern INF divisions, all packed with artillery of all sorts attempted to take step on our shore. After nine days of fighting, they have to stop the attack, with heavy casualties. They have lost over 400 pieces of artillery and almost 9000 horses. The whole shore of Red Sea is red with blood. If we would leave a garrison of militias, like planned earlier, they might have not prevailed."

"On the plus side, we have now a suprisingly large overproduction of canned horse meat."

"On 20th of November we have reached the port of Kismayo. We are still waiting for an army of militia to join our positions. The soldiers are a little bit tired, but I hope we would stand the incoming counterattack."

As for the trouble with finding pictures, it was a HELL of the trouble to find a picture of Italian forces attacking.

You can give the emperor more divisions to control, or replace the other field marshal with some general

Got that now. I would stay to the current deployement for now, anyway, it all stays in the family.
Modern infantry AND artillery? That's even worse than what I faced. Damn Mussolini...

4x INF 1931 + ART DIV
3x INF 1931 + AA DIV

As this is only 1936, I say that 1931 is modern. My INF at the landing zone were only 1921. I guess that if they have better tech for naval landing, I would be pretty lost. I just hope that they would return to base (somewhere in the Italy) then join the Somali defence forces.

Thanks for the tip at the start, I wanted to place the 9xMIL unit there, and they would not stand.

"Your Imperial Highness. Apparently those barbaric dogs believe that we are some backward naive natives. They have painted their tanks to look like some angry aligatores, and only danger for our soldiers that it posed is that they might get rupture from laugh."

"Your Imperial Highness, we have managed to rest for a few days, and start the offensive again. While we have the advantage in soldiers like more than 7:1 we could do no other thing than to win. It seems like the Italians are putting every effort into building the additional brigades. Almost all the units we have spotted in combat had either tanks, artillery or engeneer brigade attached. We should take a closer look to this."

"Your Imperial Highness, we have finished, with Your great help another milestone on the road of developement of our hospitals. We should get soon to issuing clean towels and sheets. Also we would fire all warlocks we have currently employed for healthcare."

"Am I the only person that does not fears to come close to unexploded shells? All my officers looked terrified when I stepped on it. And my poor son almost fainted. Soon enough we should get him some cool cape and get rid of those short pants."

Sorry for lack of updates. RL.

Picture 3: the rest of the phrase is: advanced. I'll fix it if I would find time.

The picture with shells is similar to the one of the previously shown, yet it is another one, and it looks so good I decided to use it as well.

"Your Imperial Majesty, as our troops have moved forward, Italians took a several attempts to recover their position. Regardless the elite alpine troops and units packed with artillery and engeeneer brigades we have managed to push them back without any serious problems."

"As our main problem during this campaign is the transport capacity we were not coordinating the arrival of troops from different provinces. We just could not face the threat of loosing too many unit organisation levels. Therefore we are letting the troops arriving as the first one to be faced with possible enemy counterattack. This time our units that arrived first were faced with counterattack from two provinces. This is one that can turn ugly."

"Your Imperial Highness, this is most splendid idea that You have led an counterattack to counterattack. This would definetely help our troops to relieve the Italian pressure. Again, we face the Italian units densely packed with tanks and artillery. This is the first serious situation at this campaign. Finally they have started to do something called war."

"Your Imperial Highness, we have find out the new way to improve our troops even better. Now we just have to find enough resources to upgrade our units. Maybe we could find something around 1976."

Q: I was wondering if I am correct with the coordinating attacks. I guess that the troops that would arrive quicker, and are waiting for the slower troops are loosing org as well untill they would arrive?
Huh? You are winning an offensive battle with less and worse troops?

As for the question, if I'm not mistaken, that's what happens. You could let the troops in provinces with better infra arrive first and use support defense to take the rest faster and with less org loss, though.
Huh? You are winning an offensive battle with less and worse troops?

Attacking units that are flanked receive a 60% defense malus IIRC.

Also, this picture was taken when I started the attack, so the amount of troops You could see i.e. 9/9 is not correct.
It happens that only after the first day of battle the correct numbers of div kicks in.

This is offensive with 22 div, 9 MIL, 6 INF and 7 "Guards". I have more man, but the issue is with the army org.
Good luck overcoming your logistical hurdles and running the Italians back to the sea!

"Your Imperial Majesty, our counterattack to Italian counterattack proved to be a complete success. After getting some loses they have decided to fall back. Due to their units regrouping our attack to Magadishu stopped for a moment. We have get some loses, but all is progressing well."

"We have heard rumors about Italian finest cavalery units coming to help and to crush us. I was wondering if someone should not tell them that if a steed does have long ears and yells "I-AAA" it is not a horse."

"Aren't they doing some sausage from that?"

"We have moved forward to press Italian troops in Mogadishu, with 22 divisions led by Your Highness. As soon as all troops have arrived into Badoia province, they have provided some support for our attack. Now we were pressing with 38 div, resulting in more than 4:1 advantage. Regardless their fierce defence and use of artillery, we have easily won."

"This is how Spain looks at the moment. Any side is not winning at the moment, we should not worry that Italian engagement would stop any time soon."

"Italians are at the very bottom of their economy. All they wanted was a quick, victorius war, and up to now they are loosing badly. Now, they have decided that they should use any economical means: war bonds, war propaganda and investing into infrastructure. This would not help them."

"We shall prevail!"

As far as I remember the Italians get some boost to their army after Nationals win in Spain. Should I worry already?
They get some blueprints and 1 MOT division, IIRC the event giving them many INF divisions that also reduces their max strength requieres that they have your capital.