The Grand "How Do I Get Immigration" Megathread (was : 1001th Immigration Thread)

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Like everbody knows the USA gets a big immigration bonus.

I came up with the idea why not to kick out the usa. I mean i want the usa to be in my game just kick the stupid hardcoded bonus out, in my opinion its just cheating.

Why not delete all of the usa files and change the tag from "tag = USA" to perhaps "tag = U50" ? Give the U50 the same files like the "normal" usa, the same events, flags etc. that it looks like the real usa, but the game shouldnt give the "unreal" U50 USA the hardcoded bonus anymore.

I hope you understand what i mean. For us it would look like the usa, but the game whouldnt be able to identify it as usa and will not give it the hardcoded bonus.

Is this possible?
I hope you understand what i mean. For us it would look like the usa, but the game whouldnt be able to identify it as usa and will not give it the hardcoded bonus.

Is this possible?
Yes. If you want to, you can even switch the USA tag with another country's tag so that the other country receives the hard-coded immigration bonus. People have successfully modified their games both ways.
Well i was playing with Brazil and i didnt got imigration dooing what you guys said maybe i didnt raised taxes until the right number can someone give me the percent of taxes that i have to raise?
And can i invest in education and crime fighting as like social spending?
Education and crime-fighting are distinct from social spending. Social spending is for your social reforms, such as healthcare, minimum wage, safety regulations, and pensions. These will certainly help attract immigrants but are very expensive for a non-industrialized country.
Yes. If you want to, you can even switch the USA tag with another country's tag so that the other country receives the hard-coded immigration bonus. People have successfully modified their games both ways.

Does there happen to be a simple mod (for those of use who are untalented in regards to digging into the text files) that leaves the USA the same except for its tag, which is not used at all?
Does there happen to be a simple mod (for those of use who are untalented in regards to digging into the text files) that leaves the USA the same except for its tag, which is not used at all?
Not that I know of.
Does there happen to be a simple mod (for those of use who are untalented in regards to digging into the text files) that leaves the USA the same except for its tag, which is not used at all?
The easiest way to do this is probably by editing the victoria.exe rather than the many text files involved. Just swap USA with an unused Uxx country tag. Then the Uxx tag would have the bonuses instead of USA. You would use a 'hex editor' such as HEdit. Do a search for 'U01' in the .exe and you should find a list of all country tags.
I'm playing VIP Brazil, and i have gotten 50% more people in 10 years, when i changed the Junta to Democracy, first i just had Good Health care, and noticed i was getting immigrants, then i enacted more reforms and fiddled with the people to get the liberal republicans to power, then just put tariffs to full and 0% taxes to all. Immigrants started pouring to Bahia(or is it Marãnha state?) São Pãolo and that state with the gold mine. I've expanded the RGO:s for 10 years straight now, because they never stop coming :D, and have started to industrialize with huge speed. Brazil makes most of the world's automobiles. i have 0,9% capitalists after the event which changed 50% aristos to capis. Though earlier i had made some 50k capis in different states.
Just wait untill there are no more jobs left, and they'll go to the other states.

This, pretty much. You can either fill all of the factories and convert people into craftsman (meaning they'll then go to a state with an open factory slot), or fill all of the RGO's so the immigrants will choose another state - although their preference is always a state with a Precious Metal RGO, so you'll end up having the same "irritating problem" with other states (Alaska, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado and a few others) - the former solution tends to be better to distribute people around, although you might still get an odd distribution if you're getting too much immigrants - or if they're assimilating too fast (since Yankee culture is short ranged and you'd only be able to move them around in the West).
Originally Posted by TheMantis View Post
Does there happen to be a simple mod (for those of use who are untalented in regards to digging into the text files) that leaves the USA the same except for its tag, which is not used at all?
The easiest way to do this is probably by editing the victoria.exe rather than the many text files involved. Just swap USA with an unused Uxx country tag. Then the Uxx tag would have the bonuses instead of USA. You would use a 'hex editor' such as HEdit. Do a search for 'U01' in the .exe and you should find a list of all country tags.
Wouldn't be simpler just to edit plurality for the USA to a low or even negative value?

The USA does assimilate faster than other nations as a fact of life, but the authors should have made this a modable feature.

One unfortunate thing is that religion gets changed to the state religion and that doesn't happen in the US. There should be a feature to NOT change religion on assimilation.

How does one migrate or get rid of Capitalists?

Try to Avoid 'limited-citizenship' if you can, it stops you from changing professions for non nationals.

Once USA goes populist it's impossible to change even with an election every year.
I don't know if anyone's asked this before, but how do I get the Portuguese to move to colonies like Angola and Mocambique? I need a Portuguese majority in at least one province, but all I got is tiny little minority Portuguese heavily outnumbered by Africans. Any ideas? I'm playing Victoria Revolutions no mod
Wouldn't be simpler just to edit plurality for the USA to a low or even negative value?
jdrou pointed out before:
The easiest way to do this is probably by editing the victoria.exe rather than the many text files involved. Just swap USA with an unused Uxx country tag. Then the Uxx tag would have the bonuses instead of USA. You would use a 'hex editor' such as HEdit. Do a search for 'U01' in the .exe and you should find a list of all country tags.
The USA does assimilate faster than other nations as a fact of life, but the authors should have made this a modable feature.
How does one migrate or get rid of Capitalists?
Tax at 100%
Try to Avoid 'limited-citizenship' if you can, it stops you from changing professions for non nationals.
Anything other than 'full-citizenship' will be like this.
I don't know if anyone's asked this before, but how do I get the Portuguese to move to colonies like Angola and Mocambique? I need a Portuguese majority in at least one province, but all I got is tiny little minority Portuguese heavily outnumbered by Africans. Any ideas? I'm playing Victoria Revolutions no mod
Research techs like Malthusian thought which increase colonial migration rate. Alternatively, ensure that your home RGO's are overflowing with POPs, so the Portuguese POPs want to go to your colonies to work (hopefully your colonies will have empty slots for them??).
If you folks out there get too annoyed with the USA getting too many immigrants and want a simple solution, do this: press "f12" and type "event 23102 USA". This will trigger a Reactionary revolution and place a party with Residence into power in the US, which will greatly reduce immigrant influx (although they'll still get a fair amount of Chinese ones, they'll get close to none European ones).
Thanks I got Angola as a state but not Mocambique yet.

And V the King you mind if I steal your sigg-style:p
I want a colony to become a state.
What about this tactic:
Converting all the POPs of ONE province in the colony to craftsman. I hope they will emigrate, so the total amount of people living in this provice is low (do people emigrate from colonies at all?).
Splitting POPs in other provinces of that state, to have as few as possible free slots in the other provinces and immigrants will settle in the special province.
Capturing some 9-million-chinese cities, not expanding the RGOs so those people will emigrate.
Let the people vote for a Full-Citicenship-government (of course, people don't know what is best for their country-> using the "set as ruling party" button, ah btw, does this raise militancy or only conciousness??)
Chinese labourors will assimilate as the emigrate.
Having fun with the new state.

I copied this tactic basically from the great new Belgian-Arfican-Company-AAR...

What do you mean, can this work?