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Dear George.

Watch out behind you.

Your Friend,

P.S. Next Time I get a cookie, leave it as it is.
Dear George,

Tell Canaris he's sending the wrong maid... er... man... er... the wrong thing, whatever and ask him to send Helga or, even better, Yvette. That would be quite good.
Ask George

"Good evening Chaps and welcome to Ask George. I am your charming host George and today we have a special guest..."

"You listen too much American radioshows George, those things will rot your mind."

Dear George,

Ze Germans seem to be rather complacant, even though surely the Colonel has plans for them. What are his plans for after the inevitable German defeat?

"Asking the Colonel about Germany is a bit touchy. He usually starts yelling that we should give their lands to the syndies and let their upperclass rot among the natives of Mittelafrika and fat Hermann for a few years."

"I am afraid George is telling the truth. The Colonel can be quite vengeful."

Dear George;

If you ever suspect that the colonel's staff is infiltrated by a false French maid, the only way to combat it is to dress as a French maid yourself.

"Sigh, just when George finally understands that dressing up as a French maid is not acceptable, you put these strange ideas back in his head..."

"Captain, can you help me with my corset?"

"I need a drink..."

Dear George.

The Carthaginians are coming!


"No, not the Carthaginians!!! Send in the dragoons..."

Dear George.

Watch out behind you.

Your Friend,

P.S. Next Time I get a cookie, leave it as it is.

"George, that is what you get for messing with other peoples pastry. And put that skirt away!!!"

Dear George,

Tell Canaris he's sending the wrong maid... er... man... er... the wrong thing, whatever and ask him to send Helga or, even better, Yvette. That would be quite good.

"Vell, Herr Steiner. Giving away secret Abwehr information are ve? Zis insolence vill not be tolerated. Helga, bring me my powerful Abwehr mallet..."
Brilliant so far !!!

Like the way you have used old tv shows on World War II with endless comedy to make your own AAR. That gives me some ideas!! Nevertheless, keep it up George!

Ask George:

George, what is your favorite drink?

Dear Capt. Mainwaring

You have my utmost respect trying to keep someone like George on a leash. I honestly don't know how you get any sleep with having to deal with such an...enthusiastic individual.
That being said...

Dear George, its always good to try new foods, so try out some that fancy japanese sushi, especially the fugu.


p.s. I'll bet you two shillings he actually survives it Mainwaring.
Ask George

Brilliant so far !!!

Like the way you have used old tv shows on World War II with endless comedy to make your own AAR. That gives me some ideas!! Nevertheless, keep it up George!

Ask George:

George, what is your favorite drink?


"Well, I am quite fond of a lemonade, with straw of course, in the afternoon. I also like most kinds of tea, unfortunately Assam lies in syndicalist Bengal, so I would call Earl Grey my favorite for the moment."

Dear George

what do you plan to do after your services in the military are no longer required?


"I always dreamt of entering politics, Captain Mainwaring says I have all the qualifications."

"Indeed you have George, I would even call you overqualified compared to most parliamentarians. At least you are not lazy..."
Dear Capt. Mainwaring

You have my utmost respect trying to keep someone like George on a leash. I honestly don't know how you get any sleep with having to deal with such an...enthusiastic individual.
That being said...

Dear George, its always good to try new foods, so try out some that fancy japanese sushi, especially the fugu.


p.s. I'll bet you two shillings he actually survives it Mainwaring.

"George. GEORGE, do not try to eat random Japanese food. That stuff might kill you..."

"I was just curious about this Fugu stuff, sir. Tasted really fine, I must say. Seems it simply is pufferfish. I have saved some you sir..."

"Leave that for someone with a deathwish George."

Dear George,

When will we hear of your next wacky adventure?

Dennis the Menace.

"As soon as that lazy writer finds some time again..."

"But I am writing a really important paper..."

"Excuses again, we will not tolerate this! George, you know what to do."

"Send in the dragoons?"

"No, well... Alright, go ahead and send them after that lazy writer."

"Eh, I am afraid I cannot do that captain. They ate some of that leftover Fugu. The results weren't pretty."

"Sigh, the I expect an update this friday or something like that. George, we need a chat about dangerous food and feeding it to strangers..."
Dear Captain Mainwaring

Let it not be said that I don't keep my word. Here's your two shillings.


"Well, I am quite fond of a lemonade, with straw of course, in the afternoon. I also like most kinds of tea, unfortunately Assam lies in syndicalist Bengal, so I would call Earl Grey my favorite for the moment."

A good reason to free Bengal at once.
When will Chamberlain come up in the story again (Aka has he already been cured from his head banging...:D) ??? He is so brilliant in his anti Syndie rhetoric, will he eventually get a command in the Glorious George's erm Canadian Army?

Dear George
How do you feel about taking up a career in medecine? I think you would be a wonderful doctor!
Note from the lazy author, I will have a brand new Colonel Blimp episode this evening...

Ask George
Dear George
How do you feel about taking up a career in medecine? I think you would be a wonderful doctor!

"Well, I do my best."

"Hitting Sir Neville on the head with a club during one of his fits is definetly NOT medicine, George"

"Very true Captain, I suppose its psychiatry."

When will Chamberlain come up in the story again (Aka has he already been cured from his head banging...:D) ??? He is so brilliant in his anti Syndie rhetoric, will he eventually get a command in the Glorious George's erm Canadian Army?


"Sir Neville? He is still in Canada, probably blaming syndicalist spies for misplacing his newspaper again."

"I always thought that paperboy looked suspicious."

A good reason to free Bengal at once.

"Indeed sir, Britain must secure its monopoly on vital recources such as oil and tea! Without them we are doomed!!!"

Dear Captain Mainwaring

Let it not be said that I don't keep my word. Here's your two shillings.



"I thank you, Sir Gideon. Like a true British gentleman you kept your word."
The Emperor and I


Tokyo, Empire of Japan

“By George, this pagan castle is confusing. Why don’t they just built them like they are meant to be built!”

The Colonel was quite agitated. Not only did the negotiations with the Japanese government go poorly, we also was lost in the poorly designed castle the banquet with the Emperor was being held. The caste in itself was ridiculous indeed. The walls where made of paper and bamboo! How did you stop French from plundering your beer and wenches this way? He just hoped Mainwaring and George didn’t have the same problems…

“Well Captain, the dining room must be left…”

“That’s what you said the last ten corridors George!”

“I have a hunch we will be right this time”

“Sigh, or we just ask one of these Japs walking around. Wait for me here George. I will find a servant to tell us the way."

Fortunately, Captain Mainwaring didn't have to look far before finding some Japanese man in a military uniform. Judging by the look of his ridiculously gaudy uniform, the man was a palace-guard.


The man Mainwaring stumbled into while looking for directions.

"Excuse me sir…”

“You wish to adress me, gaijin?"

“Yes, can you tell us the way to the dining room?”

“You wish me to give you directions, like one would ask from a beggar in the streets. You wish ME to give a lowranking gaijin directions!”

“If it is not too much trouble, good sir”

“I would have ordered one of my own subjects to commit seppuku for such a breach of protocol, foreigner. Afterwards I would have ordered his head to be carried around the palace GLORIOUSLY on a stick!!! I AM Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, the Great Dragon of the East, Scourge of the Chinese, Fear of the Russians. Do you, Gaijin, still wish to ask me for directions?”




“It is the third hall from the left, by the way. See you at dinner, and a GLORIOUS day to you gaijin.”

Rather white and trembling did Captain Mainwaring walk back towards George.

“And Captain, what did the chap say?”

“third hall from the left George.”

“By golly, I knew I was right. Now, if I could only find that Emperor-chap to hand over this scroll…”

“I assure you George, you do not wish to meet that Emperor…”


Next time in Colonel Blimp:
- Will George finally give the scroll to the Emperor?
- Will Captain Mainwarings heart survive another meeting with the Emperor?
- Will Colonel Blimp find his way to dinner?
- Will Sir Neville become more understanding towards the SyNDieZ?
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Only a gaijin could make such a GLORIUS breach of protocol as above :D

The Emperor will become even more GLORIOUS than this:D. Every (attempt at) comedy AAR needs its resident sociopathic, bloodmad leader.

Lol, Hirohito vs the Limeys 1-0 :rofl:


The game is not finished yet...

The next update will be monday. When the chaps will attend dinner with the Emperor...
Dear George,

does the Colonel have sources that could tell us a tale of the dreadful and dreary life in the Union?