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Hi all,

more like bugs, but:

- "Invest in resources" event for minors is now(1.03 beta9) OP. It seems to fire whenever enough resources are present as payment, even several times/year for same resource.
IMO this should be reworked ASAP so that somewhat randomly a minor gets its 2-nd research slot by early 1937 if very lucky and if very unlucky not later than early 1941.
Playing without being gamey I got my second research slot early 1935(had one industrialization event also). Minors are no longer so interesting to play without having to heavily and consequently prioritize and economize.
BTW, event name should be "Invest resources in ......"

- industrialization events where you get +2 IC should not fire if you can`t pay or put you in debt.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Hi all,

active combats tag can now be accessed (ARMA IC 1.03 beta9) only when there actually is a combat going on. Earlier one could keep active combat tag open constantly and combats showed up whenever initiated. That was REALLY convenient and hassle reducing.

PLEASE reintroduce this feature.

Rgds, Oldtimer
How long can we add our ideas to 1.03? I would write some events, but I don't have time for that in this week.
Hi all,

My 2 cents :

There is a tiny mistake in the map. Lille and Valenciennes provinces have been inversed.


However, Valenciennes is still a plain + forest area + coal production.

While I am at it, the Douai province was historically a strong coal production center, but I fail to see in the game any trace of it.


Général Gaston Billotte died in may 1940 while commanding the 1st army group. The picture is correct, but the starting year is 1943 ...

However, his son, Pierre Billotte, was also general and appointed to this rank in 1944.

pierre billotte.jpg Pierre Billotte

Ps :There were also some significant mistakes about the planes and ships pics, but this could be placed in some other post. I may plan to make it if someone requests it. ^^


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Hey Remonat, what about taking a deep breath out of this place instead frantically spamming ? :glare:
We need a hammer of the spammers..
Pierre Billotte
Hi all,

it would be really nice if coastal forts had a sea attack value against surface units in their zone and used it.

Rgds, Oldtimer
No way, that would render many sea provinces impassable - may be a 10% chance that you get a 1/100 - 5/100 strenght hit?

Hi Conan,

actually that`s how I see it. Sea provs should be passable, but at a risk of dam from coastal forts present. Slightly higher than your suggestion though.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Hi all,

it would be really nice if coastal forts had a sea attack value against surface units in their zone and used it.

Rgds, Oldtimer

I think it wouldn't work, because sea provinces are not as small, as the land ones. If there would be small, coastal sea provinces, it could work, but there are big ones, so it has no sense. I'm sending a german fleet thorugh the La Manche and the english coastal guns kill my units? Nonsense. But if coastal provinces would sligthly reduce the effeciency of coastal bombardment, it would represent, something like that.
I think it wouldn't work, because sea provinces are not as small, as the land ones. If there would be small, coastal sea provinces, it could work, but there are big ones, so it has no sense. I'm sending a german fleet thorugh the La Manche and the english coastal guns kill my units? Nonsense. But if coastal provinces would sligthly reduce the effeciency of coastal bombardment, it would represent, something like that.

Hi Turul,

I don`t know how big your german fleet is but if historically smallish then English coastal arty WOULD massacre it if you tried to pass through their "killing zones".
Remember KMS "Bluecher"...
A small risk of strength/org hit when passing through zones with coastal forts is completely realistic.

Rgds, Oldtimer
suggestions for nationalist china in the finale 1.3 IC:
52145;Chief of Staff;Pang Bingxun;35;PA;School of Defence;High;L50250;x
52146;Chief of Army;Pang Bingxun;39;PA;Elastic Defence Doctrine;High;L50250;x
tech teams
1040;Bai Chongxi;T_CHI_Bai-Chongxi;3;1941;1962;centralized_execution;large_unit_focus;infantry_focus;management;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
1041;Black ops;T_CHI_sp-ops;3;1959;1980;small_unit_tactics;individual_courage;infantry_focus;centralized_execution;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;x

I have suggestion for research.
I think it will be better if you state what required for a tech to be available in a tooltip. This is because sometime it is hard to find the required tech especially if the required tech is in different tab. For example, material is needed for improve many area, but it takes a lot of time for me to find what material is.
Why researching economic decrease research mod? May be just to prevent somebody to have very large research mod, but I just can't see the logic. It is same with researching military too. Why researching those area increase research mod?
I'm sorry to write if someone wrote it...
I think some settings of provinces are wrong.
So I think it should be fixed.
For example, Moderate cities province like Saitama, Nagasaki, have no ic point, no manpower,no resource.

Oh, sorry for my wrong English.

Yes, manpower, IC, and many other properties are unrealistic in the game in the entire game map.
I think you can't expect fix for this. It's quite irritating.

You can alter them manually in the game map file.
Hoi has always been a do it yourself project.
Hi all,

more of a bug but anyway:

- German AI should not build Atlantic Wall if they have lost all or most of the French, Belgian and Dutch Atlantic shore provs.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Hi Turul,

I don`t know how big your german fleet is but if historically smallish then English coastal arty WOULD massacre it if you tried to pass through their "killing zones".
Remember KMS "Bluecher"...
A small risk of strength/org hit when passing through zones with coastal forts is completely realistic.

Rgds, Oldtimer

I agree with coastal guns being able to fire at ships....BUT..only if they doing anphibous landing. Also a fleet should be able to engage in Port Strikes with subs ( vrs ships in port only) and ships (can engage ships in port and also damage port), then again coastal guns (if added) would be able to be used against the attacking fleet.

Of the top of my head I cant think of any situations durring WW2 where coastal guns took out ships that were "just passing by". Oslo and Wake Island would be good examples where coastal guns were used against attacking fleets.
I agree with coastal guns being able to fire at ships....BUT..only if they doing anphibous landing. Also a fleet should be able to engage in Port Strikes with subs ( vrs ships in port only) and ships (can engage ships in port and also damage port), then again coastal guns (if added) would be able to be used against the attacking fleet.

Of the top of my head I cant think of any situations durring WW2 where coastal guns took out ships that were "just passing by". Oslo and Wake Island would be good examples where coastal guns were used against attacking fleets.

Hi Jeep,

not took out perhaps but IIRC english Dover batteries fired on "passers by" and German Atlantic Wall batteries engaged Allied surface units on multiple occasions.

So a small risk of dam to by-passers is quite realistic IMO.

Rgds, Oldtimer
Hi all,

if possible make IC LAA(Large Address Aware), if not already done... LAA can work on both 32 and 64 bit systems. On 32 bits a Win .ini tweak is also needed.

I suspect this could solve a lot of late game crashes.

Rgds, Oldtimer