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I think we should have a systematic list of all the user sub-mods. I was really frustrated skimming for all the information and noticed that there is no place to view it cumulatively. So, without further ado, here goes the


Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones User Modification Index

Disclaimer: This list is a work in progress that will gradually be updated. Its purpose is to help determine and present in an clear way the compatibility of individual CKII:AGOT sub-mods (and, hopefully, raise interest in some of the mods including perhaps resurrect some of the outdated ones). It disregards beta versions and will list the sub-mods in a chronological order from the latest version of the AGOT mod, as well as contain some basic information on the individual sub-mods and whether incompatibility or major buggyness has been reported or not. This list will grow and be rearranged as new mods are checked and the idea is to also split it into subgroups pertinent to the sub-mod's corresponding individual type, scope and magnitude, based on Korbah's complete list of CK2 mods. The current list split among officially confirmed versions (by the sub-mod respected devs) is in alphabetical order. It is planned that this thread ultimately includes a list based on the sub-mods' popularity (to be determined through polls and possibly the number of downloads), as well as information on compatibility with other AGOT sub-mods (or other CKII mods in general) and if there are any DLC (optional or mandatory) requirements. The list contains credits to sub-mod developers. If there are threads about certain mods or their developers are registered users on this forum, relevant links have been included. The colours signify whether the mod is not stable or with issues. Only the latest released versions of sub-mods are listed and obsolete mods are not shown. It is naturally assumed that the corresponding CKII versions (the latest version being 2.4.5) is used along with the corresponding AGOT main mod version, regardless of the sub-mods eventual individual compatibility. It is naturally assumed that new games are started with mods and the list will pay no heed to savegame compatibility. This list will not include freshly-released, untested mods. The titles of the (sub-)mods are specifically as they have been released, character to character, including (or not, dependant on the title) such information as a precise version number. Please note that there are mods haven't been fully turned into .mod and require a bit of work in that direction, dramatically reducing the possibility of compatibility with other mods (except, naturally, the required base AGOT mod).

  • AGOT Roleplay 1.0: A massive overhaul mod that introduces a lot of graphics, gameplay, etc. changes, that also removes Essos reverting back to Westeros. Designed primarily for multiplayer. — Vystas and ZeroFighterR
  • Bloodlines v5: Introduces a trait-orientated bloodline system into the game for major dynasties. Comes also with a no limit version that allows the trait to be inherited always, indefinitely. — blackninja9939
  • Challenge to Duel: Introduces the ability to challenge other characters to a duel through a personal interaction. — blackninja9939
  • Duel Recorder: a submod for the Challenge to duel mod that allows you to keep track of your character's duels. — blackninja9939
  • Colonise Valyria: Turns Valyria into ruins so that they could be colonized; Valyrians get to restore the ancient kingdom. — blackninja9939
  • Congenital Overhaul v1.0.0: Hairstyles, clothing and valyrian blades improvement along with a minor trait overhaul; comes also with a version limited to the visual improvements for those who do not want the gameplay changes. — LancelotLoire
  • Dynastic nicknames for all 2.6: All dynasties get custom nicknames. — Bertxav
  • Dynastic stability: prevents dynasties from dying out so easily. — knuckey
  • Free Realms: break up the map for a more fragmented world (higher-tier titles) and configure your game. — Cabezaestufa and blackninja9939
  • More Bookmarks v1: Introduces loads of new start dates to choose from. — blackninja9939
  • More Decisions v6.2: Introduces a myriod of new decisions for the player, signficiantly increasing gameplay options. — blackninja9939
  • Rainbow Weddings: A WIP mod that brings forth horrific events that can transpire during wedding ceremonies. — Wilsonator, blackninja9939 and SinStar87
  • R+L=J: Introduction of a popular theory among ASoIaF fans. Not recommended to those who are not aware of it (especially the TV show fans). — knuckey
  • Spoiler Remover: Inclusion eliminates certain A Dance with Dragons spoilers in the scenarios prior to the "A Feast for Crows" start date.AGOT Development Team
  • Westeros Only+: Removes all characters and titles from Essos (save the coastal few across the Narrow Sea), making the game play more like the pre-0.5v which introduced the eastern continent. — knuckey, ZeroFighterR and Vystas

Earlier builds:


      • Armour and Weapons v0.5.0.1: introduces a ton of flavor, including weapons and armour for characters, with unique graphics (a fixed up version exists to be used compatible with the Congenital Overhaul mod). — kuczaja and Renly's Ghost
Version 0.9.3

Version 0.9.2

      • AGOT - Buildings v.1.4/v2.1: Significantly enhances the game's building system, including lore buildins and locations. Also an expanded version with a few lore-based map changes. — Amortles
      • Blood of Valyria 0.2: Dragon-taming orientated, makes Valyrian blood (genetics) an important factor for the dragons. — Sarcastik
Version 0.9.1

      • Winds of Winter v0.1.1: a futuristic setting with all the theories on how the story would unveil resolved (major spoilers for everything). — Baelor Breakspear
Version 0.9

      • AGOT Tweaks V1.7: A plethora of minor improvements to the game. Two separate mods: A) Mechanics and improvements and B) History and scenarios. — nyarlathotep
      • CharID Tooltip: To avoid cheating, use this mod to use charinfo to discover exclusively the IDs (shorter and longer version). — bron
      • Rise of Valyria 0.12: Massive mod introducing the Old Valyria subcontinent and the Kingdom of Valyria — enoofu
      • Secret Targs!!!: A silly mod which makes random lords come out of the closet as Targaryans. — blackninja9939
Version 0.8

      • Cheap Ruins&Colonies v2: Adds a few more ruins and singificantly speeds up the process of colonizing. — Pageman
Version 0.7.2

      • A Clash of Kings 0.4.8: A sub-mod with emphasis on major tweaks and improvements of the ACoK start date. — kuczaja
      • A Dance of Crows Essential Tweaks a large overhaul of the A Feast for Crows start date. — Ser Bujeyne
      • Age Customizer: A cosmetic mod that gives a slightly different age customization through the Ruler Designer. — Stalkermit
      • Unique Buildings v1.1: Special buildings for specific locations and title-holders. — Micxzu
      • Valyrian Magic 0.7.1: Broadly expands the magic of Planetos. — pietrko
Version 0.7.1

      • Total Interface Conversion: A complete overhaul of the interface with custom graphics. — kerfank and Kaldolol (compatible also with v0.7.2; has several graphics issues)
Version 0.6.1

      • No crown authority: A simple mod that removes crown authority. — talias

      • AGOT improved performance 2.1.3v: supposedly improves performance. No information on compatibility, but probably incompatible due to being called 2.1.3, which is the vanilla version of the game for AGOT v0.6.1. — Lexo
      • Larger Council Tab: Tiny mod. No more scrolling; the council tab is now bigger to depict the extra councilor. — jakko (allegedly compatible with v0.7.2)
      • Pirates and merchants: an economic overhaul mod v0.0.1: Pirate flavour and complete overhaul of the game's economic system. — ngppgn
      • World of Violence v0.1.4: A dark mod that introduces a lot of new stuff, making the world a lot more gritty and dangerous. — SpottedPate (presumably compatible wih v0.5 or v.0.5.1)
P. S. If I've missed your mod, do tell and it'll be included; the same goes for any errors or other forms of injustice I may have made.

AGOT Submodification Compatibility Sheet

This is a WIP compatibility sheet, designed to better monitor the internal compatibility of all AGOT submods. Please help fill it out or correct any errors.

{work in progress}

The sheet contains only the mods which have been updated for the latest version of the base mod, and will be made only after a stable 1.0 is released.
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Just to note - the Westeros only submod for 0.9 has been fixed and there are no longer CTDs.
I believe he is referring to the fact that Knuckey already has created a Sub-Mod Index, which can be viewed on the sticked pages here.
True, but this one actually lists compatibility and seems to be updated frequently.
This list is lacking the AGOT MP submod(v0.6) made by Vystas (is on the citadel forums)
The list has been updated; thanks.

Could you confirm what was the latest AGOT version your Baelish Mockingbird mod had been compatible with, so that I can remove it from the uncertain list?
I cannot unfortunately, however I will try and get an update for it done
I cannot unfortunately, however I will try and get an update for it done

Considering that the feature will be incorporated into the forthcoming version of the mod, if I understood well, I am considering the mod as a separate feature and deleted it.

However, I have the same question for your Colonize Valyria mod.
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Would it be possible to link to the sub-mods? I can't find any of them.

I do not know if this forum allows direct links to the other relevant forum's thread. If you find out, do tell me.

I find it not very useful to just download a mod without first reading up on it somewhat, but in case it is really not allowed, I guess I'll create hyperlinks strait to the download files.
I do not know if this forum allows direct links to the other relevant forum's thread. If you find out, do tell me.

I find it not very useful to just download a mod without first reading up on it somewhat, but in case it is really not allowed, I guess I'll create hyperlinks strait to the download files.

Not being able to link to the mods makes this thread nigh pointless, unfortunately.
Not being able to link to the mods makes this thread nigh pointless, unfortunately.

Not really, it makes it apparent to those who are unaware that these submods exist ;)
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