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Hi everyone! I am Caligula, one of Stellaris’ Content Designers, which means that I do a variety of tasks based around narrative writing and scripting - “scripting” being our term for doing things that is somewhat similar to programming, but without changing the source code. In other words, I do what modders do (though I have the significant advantage of also being able to peek into the source code and change it around when needed). Every Content Designer has their niche, and mine is that when a particularly complicated system needs to be scripted in (or, more frequently, is giving some sort of trouble - the War in Heaven still gives me nightmares...), I step into the breach.

Now, we have a lot of exciting stuff to show off in the weeks and months to come, but for today, inspired by some questions that were asked after the last dev diary, I’m going to be writing about the technical side of scripting for modders and aspiring modders, specifically with an eye on what can cause performance problems and how to avoid making bad scripts.

The Stellaris scripting language is a very powerful tool, and a lot can be done with it, but first of all, a note of caution: just because something is possible, does not mean it should be done. I can’t really stress this enough, because (and I speak from experience here) this attitude will almost certainly end up causing both performance issues and unreadable scripts that you will not be able to disentangle six months later when you realise some part of it is broken. Though it should be borne in mind that doing something in code is, by definition, faster: in code, you can check a single function and be done with it, but if you want it to be accessible through script, there’s a fair few necessary functions it has to go through before you get to checking your function (turning the line of script into a code command, checking whether it’s used in the right scope, etc etc) - hence why some things are hardcoded, and also why hacky solutions to problems can end up being quite bad. So, the first question to consider is, should I really be doing this?

But who am I kidding, I’m speaking to modders here, so of course you will do it :D So without further ado...

What causes performance issues?

Every time you run a check or execute an effect, this will take a very tiny amount of your computer’s processing power. With a few exceptions that should be used sparingly (I’ll get to those later), this is totally fine and is needed to do anything at all. It is when the check is repeated often, over lots of objects, that problems happen. In practice, this usually means pops are the cause, though running something across all planets in the galaxy is also a pretty bad idea.

As a first step, when possible, it is a good idea to control when your script is run. The best way to do this is by setting where events are fired and using on_actions (or firing events from decisions and the like) wherever possible, instead of mean time to happen or, even worse, just setting an event to try and fire every day. If a degree of randomness is needed, one could also fire a hidden event via, say, a yearly pulse and then firing the actual event you want with a random delay (for an example, check out event action.220).

Of course, not everything is events, and unfortunately, in Stellaris, a lot of stuff is done with pops! Job weights and other triggers in the jobs files, in particular, have been shown to cause issues in the past. As a rule of thumb, even if you can do super cool stuff, it is a bad idea to do any too complicated script pyromania on jobs. For example, if you were to make a job weight dependent on there being no other pops on the planet that are unemployed (using planet = { any_owned_pop = { is_unemployed = yes } }), then you are doing a regular check on every pop on the planet that then checks every other pop on the planet, i.e. pops squared. Once you reach the late game, this is pretty much guaranteed to cause issues.

So what can be done?

Avoiding nested loops, making sure your events are fired appropriately and avoiding pops when possible will get you some way, but we can do better than that. Here is my list of advice for optimising scripts:

Always use the most appropriate scope

Say you want to check something on the leader of the current country’s federation. One could, theoretically, do it this way:
        any_country = {
            is_in_federation_with = root
            is_federation_leader = yes
            <my_triggers_here> = yes

This'll run through all countries in the game and see whether they are in the same federation as you, including the space amoeba country and the vile Pasharti (and who would want them in a federation?). That’s a bunch that are definitely irrelevant. So a better check would be to do it this way:
        any_federation_ally = {
            is_federation_leader = yes
            <my_triggers_here> = yes

In code terms, this means that the game going from the country to the federation and then grabbing a list of its members, excluding the current country, and checking the triggers against them. So, that’s obviously going to be fewer checks. However, the best version would be this:
        federation.leader = {
            <my_triggers_here> = yes

That version would go straight to the federation and from there straight to its leader in the code, with as little as possible script to code conversion needed and no need to check triggers against any countries to get there. It also happens to be the most readable (readability and better performance very often correlate…).

So in this case, the game would check around 50 countries first the first version, 5 for the second and 1 for the third - not bad for some optimisations! Using a similar logic, it is always better to use something that isn’t checking all objects in the galaxy (esp. all pops or all planets) if at all possible but rather a filtered list, e.g. any_planet_within_border instead of any_planet = { solar_system.owner = { is_same_value = prevprev } } (you laugh, but I’ve seen it). And, indeed, one can almost always check any_owned_fleet instead of any_owned_ship.

Another important improvement we added in 2.6 was any_owned_species, which can replace many any_owned_pop checks (specifically the ones that check for traits and so on of the pop) and mean that way, way fewer objects have to be checked (in a xenophobic empire, it could be single figures for any_owned_species and thousands for any_owned_pop).

Sometimes you can avoid scopes completely

On a similar note, if you can check something without doing things with scopes, that’s always going to be better. So, if one wants to check whether a planet has more than two pops working as miners, one could do this two ways:
        count_owned_pop = {
            count > 2
            limit = {
                has_job = miner
        num_assigned_jobs = {
            job = miner
            value >= 2

The former will check each pop on the planet and see whether it has the miner job, and then see whether the number that do is higher than 2. The latter will check a cached number that the game has already calculated and see if it is more than 2, which is much quicker to do.

Some things are just expensive

Not every check or effect is equal. Checking a flag or a value is generally pretty simple, and changing it is usually not much more complicated. If, however, the game has to recalculate stuff, then it will take longer, because it’s not just looking up a number it already knows. Creating new stuff is also more expensive, both because it’s doing something somewhat complicated (the create_species effect is, I kid you not, more than 600 lines of C++ code...), and because it’ll probably have to recalculate all sorts of values once this is done. It can be a bit tricky to know which triggers and effects are going to be bad, but as a rule, these cases are what you should look out for:
  • Anything where you are creating a new scope e.g. create_country, create_species, modify_species
  • Anything that needs you to calculate or recalculate pathfinding (e.g. can_access_system trigger, creating new hyperlanes, especially creating new systems)
  • Anything that calculates pops (changing around pop jobs on a planet, for instance)

If it must be done...

Sometimes, bad things must be done. In these cases, it is best to still use the not so great things with precision. When the game is checking triggers e.g. for an event, it’ll generally stop checking them at the first point something returns false (I’m told this is called “short-circuit evaluation”), so you’ll want to do something like this:
    trigger = {
        has_country_flag = flag_that_narrows_things_down_loads
        <something really horrible here>

I recently did something like this to the refugee pop effect. It was previously a little bit insane (see 01_scripted_triggers_refugees.txt for the full horror). In total, it would check a variation of the following up to eight times:
        any_relation = {
            is_country_type = default
            has_communications = prev #relations include countries that have made first contact but not established comms
            NOT = { has_policy_flag = refugees_not_allowed }
            prevprev = { #this ensures Pop scope, as root will not always be pop scope
                OR = { 
                    has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_full country = prev }
                    has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_caste_system country = prev }
                    AND = {
                        has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_limited country = prev }
                        has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_caste_system_limited country = prev }
                        prev = { has_policy_flag = refugees_allowed }
            any_owned_planet = {
                is_under_colonization = no
                is_controlled_by = owner
                has_orbital_bombardment = no

Where it varied was simply the last any_owned_planet: It would try and find a relation with a really good planet for the pop to live on, then a pretty good, then a pretty decent, and then finally settle for just any old planet. Which is, obviously, pretty inefficient, since the list of countries that welcome refugees does not change between each of the 8 times you check it. My way of avoiding this - and making the script way more readable, whilst I was at it - was to set a flag before any of the checks, like this:
        every_relation = {
            limit = {
                has_any_habitability = yes #bare minimum for being a refugee destination
            set_country_flag = valid_refugee_destination_for_@event_target:refugee_pop

The checks then simply had to be “does the country have the flag, if yes, does it have a good enough planet”:
has_good_habitability_and_housing = {
    has_country_flag = valid_refugee_destination_for_@event_target:refugee_pop
    any_owned_planet = {
        habitability = { who = event_target:refugee_pop value >= 0.7 }
        free_housing >= 1
        is_under_colonization = no
        is_controlled_by = owner
        has_orbital_bombardment = no                                

One can also similarly use if-limits and elses (and, even better, switches when possible - those are the best for performance) in triggers to narrow down the checks down and make things far more readable whilst you are at it. I recently went through the species rights files and redid the allow triggers for sanity’s sake:

        custom_tooltip = {
            fail_text = MACHINE_SPECIES_NOT_MACHINE
            OR = {
                has_trait = trait_mechanical
                has_trait = trait_machine_unit
                from = { has_valid_civic = civic_machine_assimilator }
        custom_tooltip = {
            fail_text = ASSIMILATOR_SPECIES_NOT_CYBORG
            OR = {
                NOT = { from = { has_valid_civic = civic_machine_assimilator } }
                AND = {
                    OR = {
                        has_trait = trait_cybernetic
                        has_trait = trait_machine_unit
                        has_trait = trait_mechanical
                    from = { has_valid_civic = civic_machine_assimilator }

        if = {
            limit = {
                from = { NOT = { has_valid_civic = civic_machine_assimilator } }
            custom_tooltip = {
                fail_text = MACHINE_SPECIES_NOT_MACHINE
                OR = {
                    has_trait = trait_mechanical
                    has_trait = trait_machine_unit
        else = {
            custom_tooltip = {
                fail_text = ASSIMILATOR_SPECIES_NOT_CYBORG
                OR = {
                    has_trait = trait_cybernetic
                    has_trait = trait_machine_unit
                    has_trait = trait_mechanical

The second version will be more efficient, since it is only checking e.g. whether the species has the mechanical trait or whether the country has the assimilator civic once instead of twice, and also, the triggers in the second custom tooltip aren’t obscenely weird anymore. (I also removed all the NANDs, because they broke my brain).

Happy New Year

I can’t write this dev diary without telling you about the “Happy New Year” bug. Basically, we were playing dev MP on a reasonably large galaxy and reached reasonably late into the game, and since we were all working remotely on wildly varying computers and internet connection speeds, the performance was perhaps a tad sluggish, but still acceptable for the most part. Then, suddenly, we noticed huge lag spikes - 20 seconds and more - on the 1st of January. So noticeable were these spikes that we began wishing each other a Happy New Year each time the game froze!

It just so happened that the onset of this lag coincided with several large empires deciding to become synthetic and starting to assimilating their empires. Now, assimilation falls into the category of things that are done in script that maybe, in hindsight, should probably not have been done that way… and works by firing an event for each assimilating country every 1st of January. This event in turn fired an event for each of their planets that selected a bunch of pops on the planet and used modify_species on each of them at least once, but sometimes up to four times. This added up to a fairly significant performance hog!

After trying various solutions, it turned out the best way to fix this was to first go through every_owned_species from the country scope, check whether this species should be assimilated, and if so use modify_species to create the species it would assimilate to, setting a species flag that pointed to the species it was being assimilated from. Then, instead of creating a new species for every pop that was assimilated, the scripts were rewritten to find the already-created species that the pop should become, and simply use change_species on it. The result is still unreadable script (I will spare your eyes and not post it here), but in my tests it reduced the yearly tick by over 50%, thanks to the complicated effect (modify_species) being run as seldom as possible.


That’s it for me, for now! I’m guessing this was a bit of a drier dev diary than usual for most of you, but hopefully it was interesting nonetheless :) As a final note, I suspect that the more intrepid among you could call me out on bits of script in the base game that don’t quite live up to these guidelines. Please, feel free to do so, because there are few things more satisfying in this profession than taking something really horrible and making something less horrible out of it!
Static and dynamic analysis can go a long way (think better debugging and profiling tools). It's just ... when you're the only one using a particular scripting system you tend to muddle along with whatever you use to profile the engine itself. Just making it so scripters know when they've done something boneheaded goes a long way, tbh that goes for all programmers.
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"The Perils of Scripting and How to Avoid Them"

Sentence like these, usually show that there is an issue. A underlying asumption that is a dead end: "It works fine, as long as nobody ever makes a mistake."

The asumption that nobody makes a mistake, does not survive success. The easier to use something is or the more popular, the more programmers you get. And the more likely someone will make a mistake. Another rule of programming takes over: Everything that can happen, will happen if something is just used often enough.

"Nobody makes a mistake" is what killed Cooperative Multitasking. It made programmer easier/more accessible, meaning more people made a mistake.
"Nobody makes a mistake" is what killed handling Naked Pointers. And ended up with us having to invent Memory Protection and workarounds to handling Naked Pointers.
I do not think it is going to work here either.

It should not be possible to make a mistake, or at least you should have to go out of your way:
- Taking a worst case scenario like itterating over all empires, every pop: You may want to simply disallow those two to be in the same event. It forces the programmer to fire off a seperate event for each country, wich should allow decent multitasking. Or get's the user not to try that in the first place and look for something more efficient
- You could enforce that flags have to be checked before any other condition in every scope, to allow the more efficient short-circuiting to hit first
- you could disallow the "has_job" limit for count pops scope
- stuff that uses a loop could be capped to 10k itterations or something like that

It may feel a bit restrictive at first. But in the end, 90% of all programming language is there to prevent the programmer (both current and any future one) from making a mistake.

I dunno, that was a title I pulled out of... thin air
Arbitrary restrictions don't feel great, and much as I'd like to pretend pops don't exist, they are such an integral part of the game's scripts and code I can't see them going anywhere soon. So I'm not sure how one could practically disallow doing things that are bad for performance, especially since doing anything once is almost never an issue, it's doing something way too much that's a problem... That said, making there be better error logging for anyone working with Stellaris scripts is something close to my heart and something I work on improving whenever I get the chance
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I dunno, that was a title I pulled out of... thin air
Arbitrary restrictions don't feel great, and much as I'd like to pretend pops don't exist, they are such an integral part of the game's scripts and code I can't see them going anywhere soon. So I'm not sure how one could practically disallow doing things that are bad for performance, especially since doing anything once is almost never an issue, it's doing something way too much that's a problem... That said, making there be better error logging for anyone working with Stellaris scripts is something close to my heart and something I work on improving whenever I get the chance

A performance or profiler tool that would dump some statistics and/or warnings like "warning: script xyz was called 10000 times last game day" would be invaluable.
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I dunno, that was a title I pulled out of... thin air
Arbitrary restrictions don't feel great, and much as I'd like to pretend pops don't exist, they are such an integral part of the game's scripts and code I can't see them going anywhere soon. So I'm not sure how one could practically disallow doing things that are bad for performance, especially since doing anything once is almost never an issue, it's doing something way too much that's a problem... That said, making there be better error logging for anyone working with Stellaris scripts is something close to my heart and something I work on improving whenever I get the chance
"Arbitrary restrictions don't feel great"
Arbitrary rules such as:
- variable scope
- acessors like private
- strong typisation
- garbage collection memory management
Because they used to be arbitrary and "did not feel great" when introduced, but you are hard press to find a modern language without them. Those languages are around 90% those limitations.
Each of those rules have one thing in common: They prevent the programmer from doing *bleep* with the code he was not supposed to do.

"as I'd like to pretend pops don't exist, they are such an integral part of the game's scripts and code I can't see them going anywhere soon"
I never said anything about removing pops, so I am not sure what you are arguing against here?
I talked about forcefully seperating "all country" and "all pop" calls. Because combining them is a mistake that is entirely to impactfull - and way to easy to do.

"That said, making there be better error logging for anyone working with Stellaris scripts is something close to my heart and something I work on improving whenever I get the chance"
I would say: Less logging, more crashing. Expecting every modder to look in the error log after every update is a classical example for "expecting nobody to ever make a mistake". It will not happen. Bad code will continue.
Exceptions are for things that should not be ignored. Do not hide them, but slap them in the modders face. If the game stops working when it hits faulty code, that is pretty hard to ignore.
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Weird. I set my start date to 1 and have since 1.9 without ill effect.

Consider yourself lucky! I still have nightmares from launching the game 10x times in a row, trying in vain to find out why I'm not allowed to share this mod online, or the Day All My Factions Went Away or the day when the mod just stopped working at all and only changing the relevant text file directly would work...

Eventually, I just gave up. Nowadays, if I want a game with custom start dates, I pull out Space Empires V again.
Another weird thing that is connected to the game date is the autosave deletion function. Usually the oldest autosave files get deleted, but when you set the game date to year 1 for example, they all clog up and stop you from saving your game.
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Weird. I set my start date to 1 and have since 1.9 without ill effect.
Consider yourself lucky! I still have nightmares from launching the game 10x times in a row, trying in vain to find out why I'm not allowed to share this mod online, or the Day All My Factions Went Away or the day when the mod just stopped working at all and only changing the relevant text file directly would work...

Eventually, I just gave up. Nowadays, if I want a game with custom start dates, I pull out Space Empires V again.
Another weird thing that is connected to the game date is the autosave deletion function. Usually the oldest autosave files get deleted, but when you set the game date to year 1 for example, they all clog up and stop you from saving your game.
I think I saw specific dates ages ago in the files. But nowadays everything is "years since game start" or something else more reliable.

What you want to do is change the Start Date offset (START_YEAR in defines). With that one you got some hope of it not breaking everything.
And if it still breaks, that sounds like a case for a bug report. Because clearly some code is not working as it should :)
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Anything that needs you to calculate or recalculate pathfinding (e.g. can_access_system trigger, creating new hyperlanes, especially creating new systems)

Its funny you use both can_access_system and pathfinding as examples.

I have a sad tale to tell about these.

I was working on a mod awhile ago that tried to use both of these, but I ended up giving up in frustration and never publishing the mod, because it did not appear to be possible to use Paradox's scopes/conditions to do what I wanted.

Here's what I was trying to do:
- Allow you to break up a large empire into smaller ones by seizing chokepoints and cutting a section of it off from its capital.
- To do that, for each country, identify all systems that are NOT reachable by the empire's ships starting from its capital.
- This has to account for all forms of travel, including hyperlanes, wormholes, gateways, L-gates, and even jump drives.

Here's what I found:
-"can_access_system" is utterly useless, as it always returns TRUE for systems in your borders. Yes, even tiny disconnected 1-system enclaves surrounded by your rivals.
-"has_hyperlane_to" is very limited as well, as it only considers hyperlanes, it doesn't consider any other method of travel.

Here's what I ended up doing:
- If empire has jumpdrive tech, or any gateway within their borders, then calculating what is in fact reachable is impossible via scopes/conditions, so just give up and treat everything as reachable for them. This was the big limitation which made me end up killing the idea of publishing the mod.
- Otherwise:
-- Set a flag on the empire's home system.
-- Loop through all of the empire's systems. If they are connected to any system with a flag (via hyperlane), they also gain the flag.
-- Repeat the above loop until a loop completes with no new systems gaining the flag. Yes, this can mean for a big empire you're potentially looping over every system they own (and every hyperlane that system has), hundreds of times. No, there truly wasn't any other way to do this that I was able to find.
-- For every system owned by the empire which does NOT have the flag, it joins the "split off" new empire.

Obviously, this solution was a performance nightmare. Even breaking it up into separate events meant that an evaluation of reachable space could take a long time to complete, for large empires. Which meant that changes to what is reachable (say, taking a system) might create waves of recalculation that were also time-consuming.

Anyway, I ended up giving up on the mod, because of the limitations specifically of "can_access_system" and "has_hyperlane_to".

Basically, what I needed was a scope like:

empires_systems_not_reachable_from_capital {}

but given that nothing in the base game (as far as I know) uses a scope/condition/etc that affects unreachable systems in your empire... and given how much of a pain pathfinding is, I figured Paradox would never add it.
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Its funny you use both can_access_system and pathfinding as examples.

I have a sad tale to tell about these.

I was working on a mod awhile ago that tried to use both of these, but I ended up giving up in frustration and never publishing the mod, because it did not appear to be possible to use Paradox's scopes/conditions to do what I wanted.

Here's what I was trying to do:
- Allow you to break up a large empire into smaller ones by seizing chokepoints and cutting a section of it off from its capital.
- To do that, for each country, identify all systems that are NOT reachable by the empire's ships starting from its capital.
- This has to account for all forms of travel, including hyperlanes, wormholes, gateways, L-gates, and even jump drives.

Here's what I found:
-"can_access_system" is utterly useless, as it always returns TRUE for systems in your borders. Yes, even tiny disconnected 1-system enclaves surrounded by your rivals.
-"has_hyperlane_to" is very limited as well, as it only considers hyperlanes, it doesn't consider any other method of travel.

Here's what I ended up doing:
- If empire has jumpdrive tech, or any gateway within their borders, then calculating what is in fact reachable is impossible via scopes/conditions, so just give up and treat everything as reachable for them. This was the big limitation which made me end up killing the idea of publishing the mod.
- Otherwise:
-- Set a flag on the empire's home system.
-- Loop through all of the empire's systems. If they are connected to any system with a flag (via hyperlane), they also gain the flag.
-- Repeat the above loop until a loop completes with no new systems gaining the flag. Yes, this can mean for a big empire you're potentially looping over every system they own (and every hyperlane that system has), hundreds of times. No, there truly wasn't any other way to do this that I was able to find.
-- For every system owned by the empire which does NOT have the flag, it joins the "split off" new empire.

Obviously, this solution was a performance nightmare. Even breaking it up into separate events meant that an evaluation of reachable space could take a long time to complete, for large empires. Which meant that changes to what is reachable (say, taking a system) might create waves of recalculation that were also time-consuming.

Anyway, I ended up giving up on the mod, because of the limitations specifically of "can_access_system" and "has_hyperlane_to".

Basically, what I needed was a scope like:

empires_systems_not_reachable_from_capital {}

but given that nothing in the base game (as far as I know) uses a scope/condition/etc that affects unreachable systems in your empire... and given how much of a pain pathfinding is, I figured Paradox would never add it.
There's only one system I'm aware of in Stellaris that would treat an isolated system as truly "cut off", and that's trade routes. For everything else, there's a way to get there. For example, you can upgrade the starbase, set it as the "home port" of a fleet, and then hit the "return home" button. It'll say "Hey, no hyperlane route, wanna go MIA for a bit and arrive there anyhow?" and you can just say "sure" and do that.

The new reinforcement mechanism *might* also care - the exact conditions under which it does and doesn't let the MIA ships arrive are unclear to me - but most other things don't. Ships forced into MIA by closed borders can reappear in cut-off systems. Science ships with speculative hyperlane breaching can use that. I'm not sure if there's any way to force construction or colony ships there without manipulating starbase positions in potentially-impractical ways - they don't get "home systems" and just go to a nearby starbase when you hit "return home" - but you can build those if you've got a starbase there (with a shipyard) and they're interchangeable. Finally, of course, if you have gateway construction then there's no way to force a system to stay cut off; worst case it needs to upgrade the outpost to a starbase, build a shipyard, build a construction ship, and then build the gateway there (and possibly you'd also need to build one somewhere else, if you no longer have access to any).
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As a simple player, not a coder or such, im absolutely sick and tired the crashes. Im no longer supporting people on patron, and removed all mods. I have yet to actually complete a game, due to late game lag/crashes and bugs. Sick of it all.
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As a simple player, not a coder or such, im absolutely sick and tired the crashes. Im no longer supporting people on patron, and removed all mods. I have yet to actually complete a game, due to late game lag/crashes and bugs. Sick of it all.
You're free to do as you like. Just let me tell you that there's no way for a modder to make a mod immune to crashes. You can do everything perfectly, with no mistakes, but if another mod overwrites a file/event/etc you're using - that's it, you're potentially screwed. This is the reason no one should overwrite vanilla content, if they don't have to, as it leads to conflicts.
Of course that does not excuse poor coding on our part as there's plenty of bugs in many mods. But as a modder we can't beta test as much as professional QA, so we're essentially hoping it works as we tried it, and that players report anything that didn't, so that we can fix it for everybody else.
That's never not going to lead to some people having a crash (or just the mod not doing exactly what it promised to), especially so for long mod lists. But it's the only way to get anywhere consistently.
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You're free to do as you like. Just let me tell you that there's no way for a modder to make a mod immune to crashes. You can do everything perfectly, with no mistakes, but if another mod overwrites a file/event/etc you're using - that's it, you're potentially screwed. This is the reason no one should overwrite vanilla content, if they don't have to, as it leads to conflicts.
Of course that does not excuse poor coding on our part as there's plenty of bugs in many mods. But as a modder we can't beta test as much as professional QA, so we're essentially hoping it works as we tried it, and that players report anything that didn't, so that we can fix it for everybody else.
That's never not going to lead to some people having a crash (or just the mod not doing exactly what it promised to), especially so for long mod lists. But it's the only way to get anywhere consistently.

While I agree with you, there's a balance to be had here. The engine doesn't produce a list of files that were modified to raise a warning and perhaps even an error when 2 mods attempt to overwrite the same built in files, it silently accepts everything, as if that is the right thing to do - it never is!
i don't know much about modding but a simple tool that checks all of the game's files and tells you what's being modified could be a massive help with mod compatability issues. i have no idea if such a thing is even possible though, and it definitely sounds like something that would take a while to run. perhaps a button that you can press in the launcher that compares the game's files with a copy stored on a server somewhere and notes any differences? that sounds like it could work
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Here's what I was trying to do:
- Allow you to break up a large empire into smaller ones by seizing chokepoints and cutting a section of it off from its capital.
- To do that, for each country, identify all systems that are NOT reachable by the empire's ships starting from its capital.
- This has to account for all forms of travel, including hyperlanes, wormholes, gateways, L-gates, and even jump drives.
Obviously, this solution was a performance nightmare. Even breaking it up into separate events meant that an evaluation of reachable space could take a long time to complete, for large empires. Which meant that changes to what is reachable (say, taking a system) might create waves of recalculation that were also time-consuming.
Your issue is that you try to include Jump Drives. Jump Drives are a pathfinding nightmare. They require a circular colission check. From every single reachable System in the Empire.
If you cut them out (as they are not a reliable or cost free form of travel), that problem would be easily solved. And efficiently.

You could also somewhat speed it up, by making the tagging process a background one. Something that processes one System per day/game tick, rather then trying to do the entire network at once.

empires_systems_not_reachable_from_capital {}
And since it would have to check for Jump Drives on every already reachable System, it would be the kind of computational nightmare no programmer would be mad enough to add or make avalible for modders.

This is a prime example of a bad idea.

While I agree with you, there's a balance to be had here. The engine doesn't produce a list of files that were modified to raise a warning and perhaps even an error when 2 mods attempt to overwrite the same built in files, it silently accepts everything, as if that is the right thing to do - it never is!
i don't know much about modding but a simple tool that checks all of the game's files and tells you what's being modified could be a massive help with mod compatability issues. i have no idea if such a thing is even possible though, and it definitely sounds like something that would take a while to run. perhaps a button that you can press in the launcher that compares the game's files with a copy stored on a server somewhere and notes any differences? that sounds like it could work
IIRC, the Logfiles on start do contain warnings is something that was already defined, has been overwritten. It is the best time to check that, as it is literally the code that parses the base and mod files.

But there is the problem as I pointed it out before:
It says so in the logfile.
It should be the kind of message the user is given on starting the game (or that should even block the start of the game), on top of the logfile.

There is timidness in their willingness to raise errors in a way the user and mod designer can not ignore. This timidness must be removed. The only way to get good mods, is to not hide mistakes from the mod maker. Or user.
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Excellent tips for script optimization there, I know that I'll be coming back to this post for reference!

Basically, we were playing dev MP on a reasonably large galaxy and reached reasonably late into the game, and since we were all working remotely on wildly varying computers and internet connection speeds

So what do you all do while in the save game transfer phase? :D

It's insane how long that takes even on gigabit fiber over a long distance (i.e 40MB unzipped savegame with 150ms ping&no packet loss between host&client taking 5-10 minutes).

Does it like... transfer each variable in the session over a single TCP/IP connection?

Here is hoping that with the team working & testing remotely, some long standing issues in regards to multiplayer will start to be addressed.

Like the game automatically slowing down sim speed and notifying the host if a client can't keep up instead of just DCing when a heavy event triggers and in turn forcing everyone in the session to stop what they are doing wait 10 minutes for the potato client hot joining.
a button that you can press in the launcher that compares the game's files with a copy stored on a server somewhere and notes any differences? that sounds like it could work

The launcher team is separate from the Stellaris dev team. Shareable modlists (that include load order, activation & indication of missing/stale mods) are still a much needed, but missing feature for that launcher.
i thought about pops. would it be an option, at least from a performance side to have a maximum amount of "real" pops on a planet. lets say 50 and after that every new born pop would be a % modifier on planet production? pop 50+12 "fake" pops would be 50 plus 12% production or something like that.

and maybe habitats ould be a max of 4 for example or just a base production and % modifier etc.

that is just some brainstorming of course.. the slave market alone would make some problems with that or raiding for pops because that should not steal "fake" pops. and make them real... so more checks...

i just thought.. would that even help
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i thought about pops. would it be an option, at least from a performance side to have a maximum amount of "real" pops on a planet. lets say 50 and after that every new born pop would be a % modifier on planet production? pop 50+12 "fake" pops would be 50 plus 12% production or something like that.

and maybe habitats ould be a max of 4 for example or just a base production and % modifier etc.

that is just some brainstorming of course.. the slave market alone would make some problems with that or raiding for pops because that should not steal "fake" pops. and make them real... so more checks...

i just thought.. would that even help

At that point, you might as well make all pops an abstract concept and just have it be an increasing variable that determines everything else through just maths and percentages. If you're going to make some pops "fake", you might as well make all of them "fake" and use a system that doesn't track individuals beyond "X pops, of Y species with Z modifier" all as simple sets of numbers.