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May 16, 2002
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  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
Yes, by the title you can hopefully guess that I plan on continuing the tradition of drunken AAR's begun by MrT and so ably taken up by Paranoid Tsar when he took the coat off the floor for Mother Russia.

Initially, I had hoped to play Texas but I have found their starting position rather untenable for this effort. My inspiration was a line from the movie Dazed and Confused. One of the characters says to another when they are about to fight, "I came here to do two things - kick some ass and drink some beer...and we're almost out of beer." It's a fine movie made in Texas but alas, that game is not yet to be - though if this comes off well, it may yet. ;)

I figured, as I spent the better part of most Saturdays in and amongst the drink, why not include it into an AAR. Plus, I have found myself slightly snookered with my Into the West at the moment and just wanted to try something fun that would not require several days of playing, planning, and writing.

I'm sure you are all wondering, "well isn't that what The Holy Trinity is about?" And the answer is, not quite. It was intended as such while I was working on the Persia tale, but it has become something I wish to continue and have a hard time finding time to play and then update. Playing it takes up a good chunk of time, and then the writing adds another 30 minutes to an hour. This idea, however, can be completed within a day.

So, the idea is to spend the better part of a day treating you good folks to my spiral into inebriation. Who knows how it will work? However, MrT's and Paranoid's Tsar's came off so well, not to mention the MP drinking sessions, I thought it was a fine time to introduce that same spirit (no pun intended) here in good old fashioned Victoria. Perhaps shake things up a bit, eh?

The game will begin this coming Saturday at 10am EST and will continue as long as I am able to keep playing and posting, the latter being key. If (and when) I pass out at the keyboard, consider it done. Further, if there is a noticable lack of responses after some time, I reserve the right to discontinue the effort. It's no fun drinking alone, and I would hope that I might have some drunken cohorts to join me in my effort. :D

I plan on playing Mexico in the GC. And I'm not planning on anything fancy - especially no tequila shots, so forget about it. My stomach is made of something other than iron, and hard liquor and I do not mix on a regular basis. My liver, however, seems to be able to deal just fine with beer (and in large quantities at that), thus this will be the drink of choice. The idea is to see a.) how long I can last, b.) how poorly does my gameplay suffer from the drink, and 3.) how much does my posting suffer from that very same. This last, I assume, will be the most enjoyable to you. :rolleyes:

Goals for Mexico: the only plans I have at the moment are, win the war against Texas, try not to get pasted by the US, try to play around in Central America and generally just have fun.

I will play for 30 minutes, and then post a status report. Don't look for anything fancy, because I will most likely need the rest of the hour to use the bathroom, change the music, and eat. I will return to play sometime before the hour is up and then rinse and repeat. I doubt I will get anywhere near the end of the time frame, but hopefully, it will provide all of you something interesting to do on your Saturday afternoon and give me a tall tale to tell later, as well as a nice hangover on Sunday morning. :wacko:

There are a few more days before this begins, so feel free to offer any advice on what I might try with Mexico, and if you have special requests for drinking choices, beer wise, I might try it. I will go ahead and tell you, I normally drink the King of Beers, Bud. Yes, all you beer-snobs are all pinching your noses right now, but you know what I have to say to that? :p I do have an open mind though, so I might consider your suggestions. :D

Anyway, let's hope this goes well. For all I know, I will crash and burn, both with the country and the alcohol. But if it works, this could be the beginning of a long line of drunken AARs for Vickie. And Lord knows she needs to loosen up! ;)

The stopwatch now starts ticking towards Saturday....

You will notice some commentary written in this color throughout. This was done about one month later as I went back through and tried to make some sense out of what was written, or explained myself a bit better. Hope you enjoy.
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  • 1Love
Saturday, huh? Hmm.. well I don't think I will be able to take part, but rest assured I support your effort wholeheartedly. ;)

Make sure you shriek out "DIAS DE LOS MUERTES! AIYAYAYAYA" every once in a while. It adds to the atmosphere. :D
coz1 said:
if you have special requests for drinking choices, beer wise, I might try it. I will go ahead and tell you, I normally drink the King of Beers, Bud. Yes, all you beer-snobs are all pinching your noses right now, but you know what I have to say to that? I do have an open mind though, so I might consider your suggestions.

Since you´re going to play Mexico, the only possible choice of course is Tequila! :D
I seem to recall a Golden Horde AAR in which the author also was in varying states of drunkeness, though he wasn't always drunk, and sometimes didn't even have any alcoholic refreshments.I'll be watching this with interest. :)
Meltdown - tequila is right out - no way my stomach would live through a day like that - hard liquor kills it, ulcer-wise. Luckily, it sounds as though Flavius will be hoisting them for me.

And Alikchi - I will be sure to yell that and many other things as the game progresses. Too bad you won't be able to follow, but I will try to yell loud enough for you to hear it anyway. ;) And Ardryn - I will have to look for that one.

Just a bit under 48 hours to go. I have been thinking about a few other rules. As Flavius suggested, each won battle will require a drink (to celebrate of course.) Each annexed country will require to me to finish the current beer I am working on! I figure, this will work more like a college drinking game. Hopefully that will allow me to equal the previous hard liquor attempts. I generally drink a bit on Saturdays but I don't usually start so early and generally take it easy for most of the day. That will not be the case here. ;)
coz1 said:
There are a few more days before this begins, so feel free to offer any advice on what I might try with Mexico, and if you have special requests for drinking choices, beer wise, I might try it. I will go ahead and tell you, I normally drink the King of Beers, Bud. Yes, all you beer-snobs are all pinching your noses right now, but you know what I have to say to that? :p I do have an open mind though, so I might consider your suggestions. :D

With drinking beer, you have only one choice - to conquer the "beer country" in the heart of Europe. (Yes, I am speaking about Bohemia :) ). Especially the province Budejovice (Budweiss) MUST be yours! :)
Wolfhound, that might be tough to do seeing as how it is smack-dab in the middle of Europe - but if I get drunk enough, who knows what I may try? ;)

OK, a few more rules:
- If I complete RR over my entire country, down the rest of my beer
- Each completed factory, take 3 sips
- Each diplomat sent to another country for relations, trades, etc, take a sip
- When any new ships are completed, take a sip
- Any time I lose materials, through fires, spoilt stock, etc., take a sip
- Each won battle, take a sip (from above)
- Each time I annex a country, down my beer (from above)
- Each time a new President is elected, take a sip (if applicable)

What else?
coz1 said:
Wolfhound, that might be tough to do seeing as how it is smack-dab in the middle of Europe - but if I get drunk enough, who knows what I may try? ;)

No problem, you need only to crush Austria, as all these lands are part of Austro-hungarian empire ;)

OK, a few more rules:
- If I complete RR over my entire country, down the rest of my beer
- Each completed factory, take 3 sips
- Each diplomat sent to another country for relations, trades, etc, take a sip
- When any new ships are completed, take a sip
- Any time I lose materials, through fires, spoilt stock, etc., take a sip
- Each won battle, take a sip (from above)
- Each time I annex a country, down my beer (from above)
- Each time a new President is elected, take a sip (if applicable)

What else?

- If you develop new technology, take a sip
- If you claim colony, take a sip
- If you lose battle, take 3 sips (for courage in the 1st stage, as a punishment later ;) )
Nice idea, Coz, but I want an update for Into the West! :)
Each time an issue is hotly debated take a sip...

oh wait...you'll be drunk by 1837 :)

Each time you issue a DoW: 3 sips

Each time you are DoWd" Down your beer

Each time you get a Machine Part: Take a sip
Flavius Aetius said:
Each time you get a Machine Part: Take a sip

Machine Parts factory could be quite dangerous ;)
Each time an issue is hotly debated take a sip...

oh wait...you'll be drunk by 1837

Each time you issue a DoW: 3 sips

Each time you are DoWd" Down your beer

Each time you get a Machine Part: Take a sip

Are you trying to kill me Flavius?

The DoW rules sound good, though frightening. :(

As for machine parts - your nuts! I see where you are going though, so how about each time I start receiving something I could not before, I take a sip?

And Into the West must wait, Wamo. I need a little breather to clear my head...some might suggest pickle me brain, however. ;)
As I told you on ICQ, I only hope you steamroll over Texas, USA and the rest of North America. Leave the ROTW alone! :D

Good luck!
coz1 said:
Are you trying to kill me Flavius?

The DoW rules sound good, though frightening. :(

As for machine parts - your nuts! I see where you are going though, so how about each time I start receiving something I could not before, I take a sip?

And Into the West must wait, Wamo. I need a little breather to clear my head...some might suggest pickle me brain, however. ;)

comeon, you cant get many MPs before you pass out, it'll be fun... :)
but sure, you can do it your way ;)
OK, updated rules:

- Each time a new President is elected, take a sip (if applicable)
- Each hotly debated issue, take a sip
- Each claimed colony, take a sip
- If I complete RR over my entire country, down my beer
- Each completed factory, take 3 sips
- Each new technology discovery, take a sip
- Each time I start gaining materials that were tough to get before, take a sip
- Any time I lose materials, through fires, spoilt stock, etc., take a sip

- Each diplomat sent to another country for relations, trades, etc, take a sip
- Each won battle, take a sip
- Each lost battle, take 3 sips (for courage in the 1st stage, as a punishment later ;) )
- Each time I annex a country, down my beer
- Each time I issue a DoW, take a sip
- Each time I am DoW'd, take 3 sips (now this is for the full alliance, you understand? ;) )
- Each time the US DoWs me, down my beer
- When any new ships are completed, take a sip (for the dedication of the ship, right?)
- Any time a General dies, take a sip

Edited - changed the DoW rules (I actually think they are tougher, and it spurs me in to take the US out if I can - that's for you Anibal :D )

Any more?

I am definitely going to have to watch my drinking outside of these rules! :wacko:
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coz1 said:
OK, updated rules:

- Each time a new President is elected, take a sip (if applicable)
- Each hotly debated issue, take a sip
- Each claimed colony, take a sip
- If I complete RR over my entire country, down my beer
- Each completed factory, take 3 sips
- Each new technology discovery, take a sip
- Each time I start gaining materials that were tough to get before, take a sip
- Any time I lose materials, through fires, spoilt stock, etc., take a sip

- Each diplomat sent to another country for relations, trades, etc, take a sip
- Each won battle, take a sip
- Each lost battle, take 3 sips (for courage in the 1st stage, as a punishment later ;) )
- Each time I annex a country, down my beer
- Each time I issue a DoW, take a sip
- Each time I am DoW'd, take 3 sips (now this is for the full alliance, you understand? ;) )
- Each time the US DoWs me, down my beer
- When any new ships are completed, take a sip (for the dedication of the ship, right?)
- Any time a General dies, take a sip

Edited - changed the DoW rules (I actually think they are tougher, and it spurs me in to take the US out if I can - that's for you Anibal :D )

Any more?

I am definitely going to have to watch my drinking outside of these rules! :wacko:

Most expensive AAR ever...
I think you should hammer on Brazil, just for fun...:)

Oh, and maybe Canada, just for grins...:)
Great initiative coz absolutely great. Your rules seem fine to me. What about opening a window and shout Caramba everytime you annex an enemy? :D