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This mod is absolutely going somewhere. Right now I'm in the extremely time-consuming and difficult task of making the map.
Most African nations will be a part of the mod this time around, so leaders, ministers, country skins etc all will be valuable to us. Just start contributing guys. If you are looking for permanent membership in the team, leave us a note.
(But we do demand a certain activity on the forum...team members we are only able to contact twice a year are no use to us)
Divisions, eh? Hmmm. Do you have the finnish OOB? I've got it but it's in brigades and regiments. How are you handling reserves?

Anyway, if you want I could post an example of the skins I've been doing for the CORE for HoI 2 mod if you want. But they're big pictures so PM might be handier.

I could help with the techs too I suppose. Our defence forces have kindly released a forecast of military development up to 2020 as a PDF... ;)

What about country tags? I suppose the african countries will eat a lot of them but I suppose you have stuff like Chechenya (not sure if it is in the plain HoI II. :eek:o ).
We reuse the oobs from MDS 1, as we think they will be sufficient.
As to skins, we would gladly accept any help. Graphics is the one thing I have no clue how to do, and is the most time-consuming part of a paradox mod.
Tech help is always appreciated ;)
As to tags, we will have several revolters such as chechnya.
Some suggestions for division types:

Infantry (divisions without transport/with lightly armored transports)
Mechanized infantry (divisions with IFV's)
Reserve (from militias to reserve divisions)
Airmobile (paras)
Marines (...)
LSP ("Land Special Forces", mountain infatry and such...)

But what about motorized, light armor and cavalry? Have you got any ideas regarding them?

As for skins, what kind of look you want for your mod?
we still have light armor today, like assault vehicles.
motorized I'm not sure...but we don't have to use all slots ;)
cavalry....not sure here either...

as for sprites, we never managed to make any for the previous mod, so anything would be good. I guess most of you know what kind of military models we have today, so just experiment...we need EVERYTHING.

skins.....well....we could inspire from Allenby's skin for MDS 1, a kind of metallic, modern look ;)
how about you turn paras into airborne cavalry since very few para divisions today actually parachute, only special forces will parachute while para divisions now at least in america use chinhooks, black hawks and apaches for ground cover. you could make motorized into just standard infantry since the us army employs a lot of motorized not mechanized vehicles. then for mechanized that could be heavy infantry with afv support, you could make infantry just be standard plain old infantry since many countries in the world are too poor to have mech or motorized infantry maybe you could even have them resemble something like "technicals" from command and conquer? light armor could be basically the same as heavy infantry except it would be a lot faster and have a lower defence. then heavy infantry could be your t-72s and abrams tanks.
Maggern2k said:
we still have light armor today, like assault vehicles.
motorized I'm not sure...but we don't have to use all slots ;)
cavalry....not sure here either...

as for sprites, we never managed to make any for the previous mod, so anything would be good. I guess most of you know what kind of military models we have today, so just experiment...we need EVERYTHING.

skins.....well....we could inspire from Allenby's skin for MDS 1, a kind of metallic, modern look ;)

make cavalry into air cav horses for helecopters
AFG	Afghanistan			1 - 500
ALB	Albania		          	501 - 1000
ALG	Algerie		         	1001 - 1500
ANG	Angola		         	1501 - 2000
SCO	Antigua&Barbuda	         	2001 - 2500
ARG	Argentina			2501 - 3000
ARM	Armenia		         	3001 - 3500
AST	Australia			3501 - 4000
AUS	Austria		         	4501 - 5000
AZB	Azerbaijan			5001 - 5500
BRU	Bahamas		         	5501 - 6000
CAL	Bangladesh			6001 - 6500
DFR	Barbados			6501 - 7000
BLR	Belarus		         	7001 - 7500
BEL	Belgium		         	7501 - 8000
CSA	Belize                          8001 - 8500
BEN	Benin		         	8501 - 9000
BHU	Bhutan		         	9001 - 9500
BOL	Bolivia		         	9501 - 10000
BOS	Bosnia & Herzegovina      	10001 - 10500
U07	Botswana			10501 - 11000
BRA	Brazil		                 11001 - 11500
BUL	Bulgaria			11501 - 12000
U08	Burkina Faso			12001 - 12500
BUR	Burma		         	12501 - 13000
CMB	Cambodia			13001 - 13500
CAM	Cameroon			13501 - 14000
CAN	Canada		         	14001 - 14500
AXI	Cap Verde			14501 - 15000
U10	Centralafrican Republic    	15001 - 15500
OTT	Chad		         	15501 - 16000
CHI	Chechnya			16001 - 16500
CHL	Chile		         	16501 - 17000
CHC	China		         	17001 - 17500
COL	Colombia			17501 - 18000
COS	Costa Rica			18001 - 18500
CRO	Croatia		         	18501 - 19000
CUB	Cuba		         	19001 - 19500
CYP	Cyprus		         	19501 - 20000
CZE	Czech Republic	         	20001 - 20500
U11	Democratc Republic of Congo	20501 - 21000
DEN	Denmark		         	21001 - 21500
DDR	Djibouti			21501 - 22000
DOM	Dominican Republic		22001 - 22500
REB	East Timor			22501 - 23000
ECU	Ecuador		         	23001 - 23500
EGY	Egypt		         	23501 - 24000
SAL	El Salvador			24001 - 24500
EQA	Equatorial Guinea		24501 - 25000
U13	Eritrea		         	25001 - 25500
EST	Estonia		         	25501 - 26000
ETH	Ethiopia			26001 - 26500
U06	FARC			        26501 - 27000
TEX	Federation of Micronesia	27001 - 27500
FLA	Fiji			        27501 - 28000
FIN	Finland		         	28001 - 28500
FRA	France		         	28501 - 29000
SCA	FYROM		         	29001 - 29500
GAB	Gabon		         	29501 - 30000
CGX	Gambia		         	30001 - 30500
GEO	Georgia		         	30501 - 31000
GER	Germany		         	31001 - 31500
GLD	Ghana		         	31501 - 32000
GRE	Greece		         	32001 - 32500
ALS	Grenada		         	32501 - 33000
GUA	Guatemala			33001 - 33500
GUI	Guinea		         	33501 - 34000
IDC	Guinea-Bissau	         	34001 - 34500
GUY	Guyana		         	34501 - 35000
HAI	Haiti		         	35001 - 35500
HON	Honduras			35501 - 36000
HUN	Hungary		         	36001 - 36500
ICL	Iceland		         	36501 - 37000
IND	India		         	37001 - 37500
INO	Indonesia			37501 - 38000
PER	Iran		         	38001 - 38500
IRQ	Iraq		         	38501 - 39000
IRE	Ireland		         	39001 - 39500
ISR	Israel		         	39501 - 40000
ITA	Italy		         	40001 - 40500
U12	Ivory Coast			40501 - 41000
CSX	Jamaica		         	41001 - 41500
JAP	Japan		         	41501 - 42000
JOR	Jordan		         	42001 - 42500
KAZ	Kazakhstan			42501 - 43000
U15	Kenya		         	43001 - 43500
EAF	Kiribati			43501 - 44000
KUR	Kurdistan			44001 - 44500
U16	Kuwait		         	44501 - 45000
KYG	Kyrgyzstan			45001 - 45500
LAO	Laos		         	45501 - 46000
EUS	Lappland			46001 - 46500
LAT	Latvia		         	46501 - 47000
LEB	Lebanon		         	47001 - 47500
LIB	Liberia		         	47501 - 48000
LBY	Libya		         	48001 - 48500
LIT	Lithuania			48501 - 49000
LUX	Luxembourg			49001 - 49500
MAD	Madagascar			49501 - 50000
U05	Malawi		         	50001 - 50500
MLY	Malaysia			50501 - 51000
MAL	Mali		         	51001 - 51500
MAN	Malta		         	51501 - 52000
PRI	Marshall Islands		52001 - 52500
MEN	Mauritania			52501 - 53000
U02	Mauritius			53001 - 53500
MEX	Mexico		         	53501 - 54000
U17	Moldova		         	54001 - 54500
MON	Mongolia			54501 - 55000
MTN	Montenegro			55001 - 55500
MOR	Morocco		         	55501 - 56000
MOZ	Mozambique			56001 - 56500
NAM	Namibia		         	56501 - 57000
YUG	Nauru		         	57001 - 57500
NEP	Nepal		         	57501 - 58000
HOL	Netherlands			58001 - 58500
NZL	New Zealand	         	58501 - 59000
NIC	Nicaragua			59001 - 59500
VIC	Niger		         	59501 - 60000
NIG	Nigeria		         	60001 - 60500
U09	North Korea			60501 - 61000
NOR	Norway		         	61001 - 61500
SOV	Novaya Rossiya	         	61501 - 62000
OMN	Oman		         	62001 - 62500
PAK	Pakistan			62501 - 63000
U03	Palau		         	63001 - 63500
PAL	Palestine			63501 - 64000
PAN	Panama		         	64001 - 64500
PRK	Papua-New Guinea		64501 - 65000
PAR	Paraguay			65001 - 65500
PRU	Peru		         	65501 - 66000
PHI	Philippines			66001 - 66500
POL	Poland		         	66501 - 67000
POR	Portugal			67001 - 67500
QUE	Qatar		         	67501 - 68000
CON	Republic of Congo		68001 - 68500
ROM	Romania		         	68501 - 69000
RUS	Russia		         	69001 - 69500
RSI	Rwanda		          	69501 - 70000
SAU	Saudi-Arabia	         	70001 - 70500
SIB	Senegal		         	70501 - 71000
SER	Serbia & Montenegro      	71001 - 71500
U01	Seychelles			71501 - 72000
SIE	Sierra Leone			72001 - 72500
SIK	Singapore			72501 - 73000
SLO	Slovakia			73001 - 73500
SLV	Slovenia			73501 - 74000
ARA	Solomon Islands	         	74001 - 74500
SOM	Somalia		         	74501 - 75000
SAF	South Africa			75001 - 75500
KOR	South Korea			75501 - 76000
SPA	Spain		         	76001 - 76500
SAR	Sri Lanka			76501 - 77000
CYN	St. Lucia			77001 - 77500
SUD	Sudan		         	77501 - 78000
SPR	Suriname			78001 - 78500
U00	Swaziland			78501 - 79000
SWE	Sweden		         	79001 - 79500
SCH	Switzerland			79501 - 80000
SYR	Syria		         	80001 - 80500
TRA	Taiwan		         	80501 - 81000
TAJ	Tajikistan			81001 - 81500
TAN	Tanzania			81501 - 82000
SIA	Thailand			82001 - 82500
TIB	Tibet		         	82501 - 83000
RHO	Togo		         	83001 - 83500
CXB	Trinidad & Tobago		83501 - 84000
TUN	Tunisia		         	84001 - 84500
TUR	Turkey		         	84501 - 85000
TRK	Turkmenistan	         	85001 - 85500
U18	Uganda		         	85501 - 86000
UKR	Ukraine		         	86001 - 86500
U14	United Arab Emirates      	86501 - 87000
ENG	United Kingdom	         	87001 - 87500
USA	United States	         	87501 - 88000
URU	Uruguay		         	88001 - 88500
UZB	Uzbekistan			88501 - 89000
VIE	Vanuatu		         	89001 - 89500
VEN	Venezuela			89501 - 90000
WLL	Vietnam		         	90001 - 90500
U04	West-Samoa	         	90501 - 91000
YEM	Yemen		         	91001 - 91500
U19	Zambia		         	91501 - 92000
ALI	Zimbabwe			92001 - 92500
Random Events			98001 - 99000

This is the current country list guys. The map is complete. If you have any requests on changes, please post your opinions. Island nations can be axed in order to add more rebels, but they should be realistic ones.
Last edited:






(I'm aware that the province to the left of Guyana is blank, it has been fixed)
St. Lucia? trinidad and tobago? we dont have release a definitive list of countries and rebels? We had a great list of coutries...
Micronesia Fiji,Marshall islands,seychelles, solomon islands,vanautu?? :confused: what is FARC? and FYROM?
Feyd said:
St. Lucia? trinidad and tobago? we dont have release a definitive list of countries and rebels? We had a great list of coutries...
Micronesia Fiji,Marshall islands,seychelles, solomon islands,vanautu?? :confused: what is FARC? and FYROM?

FARC - Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia the people who the colombians are fighting against int their civil war at the moment

FYROM - Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia

(lol when ever i hear that i think of The Eurovision Song Contest...Former Yugoslavian Republic of macedonia ....Formel Yugoslavian République de Macedonia) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: has me in stiches everytime they say it lol
I am also back to help, Maggern.

Send me the old event files and I'll start updating them to HoI2 style :)

Or we can work on our plot first?

BTW its my fault that Bush is elected either way, I edited the files for that a while ago, but it should of worked correctly.
Heh, I'm having a real fight with myself over the plot. On the one side, it would be easier to keep the plot, as we have most events already. On the other side, new and interesting paths have come into the light in the years since our first plot was worked out.
Basically what I'm trying to think of right now is that I really don't like the Russian civil war.
First of all, Russia is waaaay too big to fight a civil war and still make the result a catalyst in the later progress of the plot. The civil war may last for years, but plotwise the Russians only have a year or less to battle it out. This occured to me as dumb. We need a more reliable catalyst.
Is it perhaps possible to change the civil war into just a coup?
(Also, the civil war was built upon the princible of Putin's popularity, but in the later months, his populartity has dropped considerably)
What are your thoughts?
I think we could try to make a new plot, using the new tools that have been given to us in HoI2 that makes some interesting twists possible. Although I want to keep the basic red string: US and China battle for Taiwan, Russia fights Europe. (And South America collapse into a lot of battles)

Thanks for any help though, masternick. I'll have to formally create a team soon so that we can split tasks.
I can try to come up with some ministers in and around Southern Africa.

A few short notes here, Slovenia should be somewhat advanced, as they have an economy on par with Portugal (both $18K per capita GDP.)

Maybe Cyprus should probably start with some dissent to represent the Turkish Cyproits.

That's all that's coming to mind now.

And nobody better be a wise guy and make the USA a puppet of Israel. :D
I was hoping for an alien invasion since there allready is a nation called "alien invaders" (or something like that) :rolleyes:
But i saw you used the tag for Zimbabwe. :D