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Is it possible to spawn a random character of a given culture with a pre-defined hair colour?

I've seen probability breakdowns for blonde/brown/red hair in culture definitions, and I know a unique appearance would include hair colour, but for a random shmoe created by an event, is it possible to simply define you want the created character to be eg a ginger?
I can answer my own question, for anyone else who's curious, but I warn you it's not worth the faff.

The same probability breakdown as in the cultural definition files are in the save game data. Here's the surrounding section from the record for 185/"english", with the default values in the ethnicities line. If you're desperate for a redhead or a blonde before you search for knights, you can edit the probabilities here to make the preferred colour 100% and the others zero and it seems to work. I've got a lot of patience for wasting my time doing some tedious save scumming, and I like to have a control freak level input in my virtual eugenics, but honestly this works out about as slow as just editing the character's DNA string in the debug console's portrait editor... and you don't even need to re-edit / re-load to return to the default ethnicity values after...

            color=rgb { 204 51 51 }
            name_list=name_list_english            created=1070.1.1
            ethnicities={ 25=caucasian_blond 15=caucasian_ginger 35=caucasian_brown_hair 25=caucasian_dark_hair }
            building_gfx={ "western_building_gfx" }
            clothing_gfx={ "western_clothing_gfx" }
            unit_gfx={ "western_unit_gfx" }
            coa_gfx={ "english_coa_gfx" "western_coa_gfx" }
  • 1
I'm trying to add a doctrine that would give a character a monthly piety malus if any of their spouses were from outside their faith. Is there any way to do that with a doctrine? Thanks.
Hi there.
I want to make decision that allows character going for walk if park was build. Building is okay, but I have trouble with giving requirments. I have this:

locosacredgrov_decision = {
    picture = "gfx/interface/illustrations/decisions/decision_locosacredgrov.dds"
    desc = invite_knights_decision_desc
    ai_check_interval = 0
    cooldown = { years = 1 }

    is_shown = {
        has_building = locosacredgrov_01
    is_valid_showing_failures_only = {
        is_imprisoned = no
        is_commanding_army = no

But even if I didn't build that it's still visible in Decisions menu.

In common/buildings I have file with this building starting with:

locosacredgrov_01 = {

And it's work as building, I can build that. But I have problem with Decision. Someone can help me? :)
Hi there.
I want to make decision that allows character going for walk if park was build. Building is okay, but I have trouble with giving requirments. I have this:

locosacredgrov_decision = {
    picture = "gfx/interface/illustrations/decisions/decision_locosacredgrov.dds"
    desc = invite_knights_decision_desc
    ai_check_interval = 0
    cooldown = { years = 1 }

    is_shown = {
        has_building = locosacredgrov_01
    is_valid_showing_failures_only = {
        is_imprisoned = no
        is_commanding_army = no

But even if I didn't build that it's still visible in Decisions menu.

In common/buildings I have file with this building starting with:

locosacredgrov_01 = {

And it's work as building, I can build that. But I have problem with Decision. Someone can help me? :)

Solved. Before, you need to put
Location {
I created a separate topic but it's possible, I could some answers here.
I want to increase the game difficulty to make it close to EU4. Currently I use Hard Mode as a base structure. So, I added some buffs to AI and some debuffs to the player. But I need to add the buffs only to non-player dynastic characters. So, I need to exclude the player's dynasty. How to do it, what's the code?
dynasty ?=
ai_hard_difficulty = {
men_at_arms_recruitment_cost = -0.35
men_at_arms_maintenance = -0.4

player_hard_difficulty = {
Also I need to significantly decrease player's allies call to arms. I found these files need to be changed:

But they are huge, can I change only the inner parameters? Looks like I need to change
ai_accept = {
base = 20
multiple times (I did same in Defensive only alliances mod before). Is it possible to change LUA this way?

Also I want to decrease marriage_acceptance for the player but looks like it doesn't present by a number - how to do it?
I have a problem with my custom christian faith. My priest should have unique title. Instead of "bishop" it should be "sister". But when I start the game it still is "bishop"! Why? I changed localization files.