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Basque Portrait. Material: Western, Celtic, Iberian.

Could you include a mod for Empresses of the Arabic culture group (Bedouin, Levantine, Egyptian, Berber, Andalusian)? I don't like the veil they are wearing which obscurs all of their head, both the top piece and the front piece, because it is there regardless of religion.

An Empress who actually holds an Empire tier title can obviously not be Muslim, and as such the veil makes less sense and it is also less fun if the ruler you are playing hides her face.
Sultanas (Arabic queens) and below aren't wearing a veil either, but cool headgear.

It would be great if you could make a small submod for Arabic Empresses without veil and with some impressive ;) headgear, i.e. more impressive than Sultanas (maybe from Indian portraits/Turkish Portraits DLC/Persian Portraits DLC?). As I play Ironman only, Ironman compatibility would be greatly appreciated.
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Could you include a mod for Empresses of the Arabic culture group (Bedouin, Levantine, Egyptian, Berber, Andalusian)? I don't like the veil they are wearing which obscurs all of their head, both the top piece and the front piece, because it is there regardless of religion.

An Empress who actually holds an Empire tier title can obviously not be Muslim, and as such the veil makes less sense and it is also less fun if the ruler you are playing hides her face.
Sultanas (Arabic queens) and below aren't wearing a veil either, but cool headgear.

It would be great if you could make a small submod for Arabic Empresses without veil and with some impressive ;) headgear, i.e. more impressive than Sultanas (maybe from Persian Portraits DLC?). As I play Ironman only, Ironman compatibility would be greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, it's pretty much a no-go when you have to modify and release paid-for content. Modifying the skin color is one thing, because the issue is so contentious and the devs seem to not mind letting it slide, but modifying the clothing and headgear and releasing it would likely be a big breach.
Unfortunately, it's pretty much a no-go when you have to modify and release paid-for content. Modifying the skin color is one thing, because the issue is so contentious and the devs seem to not mind letting it slide, but modifying the clothing and headgear and releasing it would likely be a big breach.
I don't know what you're talking about, because I only asked for things he already did in his mod, that is modifying the display of graphics, not ripping graphics from the game and releasing them.
That's why I suggested grahics already inthe game/in DLCs. Obviously I meant that they are displayed on the character instead of the veil. It is not necessary to "rip" something from the game".
I don't know what you're talking about, because I only asked for things he already did in his mod, that is modifying the display of graphics, not ripping graphics from the game and releasing them.
That's why I suggested grahics already inthe game/in DLCs. Obviously I meant that they are displayed on the character instead of the veil. It is not necessary to "rip" something from the game".

If you're talking about removing a veil, those are not on some kind of separate layer. They are natively part of the headgear itself, which would require modification to remove. That's what I was getting at. The vanilla middle period muslimgfx could be modded this way, though, if that's what you're referencing.
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Hey resimonDE. I think what you desire is doable by manipulation of the portrait_properties.txt file. You could rig the headgear factors such that non-Muslim, Arab empresses don't use the veil and instead opt for another headgear in the existing graphics set. I could give them the "cool" queen headgear instead. All that should be doable without changing the checksum. Let me fiddle around with it and try to post some code later today. I probably won't incorporate it into PRP, though. You'll have to add it yourself.

Crackd's right in that a more elegant solution isn't really viable. Even if I could distribute graphics files, I'm not going to fiddle with making a veil-free version of the empress headgear. I'm also curious why this even bothers you in the first place. Veils weren't restricted to use by Muslims. I'm sure that Crackd could give you a long diatribe about it :).
Alright, try this. Open your portrait_properties.txt file in your prp_ironman/interface directory. Go down to around line 891 (search for 'p5'). Replace lines 891 through 931 with the following:

  # Imperial crown/Chaliph turban
   0 = {
     factor = 100
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       NOT = { real_tier = emperor }
       NOT = { spouse = { real_tier = emperor } }
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       is_feudal = no
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       OR = {
         trait = peasant_leader
         trait = heresiarch
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       is_female = yes
       culture_group = arabic
       NOT = { religion_group = muslim }

   # Royal crown/turban 1
   1 = {
     factor = 1
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       NOT = {
         OR = {
           real_tier = king
           AND = {
             is_female = yes
             culture_group = arabic
             NOT = { religion_group = muslim }
       NOT = {
         OR = {
           spouse = { real_tier = king }
           AND = {
             is_female = yes
             culture_group = arabic
             NOT = { religion_group = muslim }
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       is_feudal = no
     modifier = {
       factor = 0
       OR = {
         trait = peasant_leader
         trait = heresiarch

I was going to color the altered code so it was easier to distinguish, but the new forum seems to be preventing me from changing font colors within a code section. Sorry about that... In a nutshell, this code will use headgear 1 instead of headgear 0 for Arab empresses that aren't Muslim.
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I'm also curious why this even bothers you in the first place. Veils weren't restricted to use by Muslims. I'm sure that Crackd could give you a long diatribe about it :).
Well this particular full face veil looks very Muslim to me. However, what bothers me more is that the face of a character I play (or want to play) is so completely obscured. In this case I happily deviate from historical accuracy if necessary.

Thanks for the code. However, I don't use the full Ironman PRP. How can I remove everything else and just let the mod change the headgear of non-muslim arabic empresses?
Can I simply delete the gfx folder and the gfx files in the interfac folder?

And do you know any source for modding headgear? I'd like to experiment with it.
I'd love to be able to choose headgear from different cultures as well.
If you want this change and nothing else,
  1. Make a new mod with an interface directory.
  2. Copy the vanilla portrait_properties.txt into the mod directory.
  3. Incorporate the aforementioned code into the file.
  4. Profit.
Check the tutorials post for headgear modding, but I don't think any exist.
If you want this change and nothing else,
  1. Make a new mod with an interface directory.
  2. Copy the vanilla portrait_properties.txt into the mod directory.
  3. Incorporate the aforementioned code into the file.
  4. Profit.
Check the tutorials post for headgear modding, but I don't think any exist.
Thanks, it works nicely. :)

However, I really need to get more information about portrait modding. I don't really care about faces, I'm happy with mods like yours who are available.

But changing clothes and headgear, that's what I want to learn. For example some Arabic queens and empresses have these large necklaces (probably their "clothes") and I'd love to combine them with an Arabic queen headgear of my choice, or maybe even a Greek or Indian headgear.
Accordingly I want to learn how to create sets of gear.
Looking at your mod I probably need to learn to create portraits.gfx and sprites.gfx files for the particular culture (culture group).
Where can I get information about that? And how do I know if it's Ironman-compatible or not? Portrait modding tutorials don't reveal much.
At the moment it's all Bohemian villages (danger, severe denglish ;)) to me.
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Thanks, it works nicely. :)

However, I really need to get more information about portrait modding. I don't really care about faces, I'm happy with mods like yours who are available.

But changing clothes and headgear, that's what I want to learn. For example some Arabic queens and empresses have these large necklaces (probably their "clothes") and I'd love to combine them with an Arabic queen headgear of my choice, or maybe even a Greek or Indian headgear.
Accordingly I want to learn how to create sets of gear.
Looking at your mod I probably need to learn to create portraits.gfx and sprites.gfx files for the particular culture (culture group).
Where can I get information about that? And how do I know if it's Ironman-compatible or not? Portrait modding tutorials don't reveal much.
At the moment it's all Bohemian villages (danger, severe denglish ;)) to me.
You have two fundamental routes you can take: work with existing graphics assets or make alterations to dds files. PRP takes the former route because it's easier and avoids any DLC distribution issues. However, the approach is limiting because you can only mix and match existing sets. For example, it wouldn't be too difficult to have all Greek women use the Arabic female clothing set if you want that necklace. What will take more work is to take the Mediterranean clothing dds file and adding/replacing a set of clothes from the Arabic set to it. That requires Photoshop, some coding, and patience.

Yea the tutorials are lacking. I keep telling myself that I'll write a detailed one at some point, but I never find the time. If you have a little coding experience, it shouldn't be too difficult to pick things up on your own. You'll just have to experiment and see what you can cook up!
Mixing and matching is fine with me. I don't want to create new graphics files, I only want to change the mix of some clothes and headgear for some cultures, ranks and genders.

Do I need to make a new dds file if I want to have some ranks or genders or cultures to have other gear than the rest of their group, or is it enough if I change some code?
Any tips on which file has to be altered?
I looked at some of your mod files and also considered the code for the change of arabic empress headgear.
Both only change all gear of a certain type for one culture (group) or change gear for one title rank, but only within their culture's gear. How should I go about giving certain ranks gear from a different culture?

Btw, does a DLC need to be enabled in a game to use its features in a mod? Some gear of Sunset Invasion looks tempting, but I don't know if it will be visible or even work in a game with Sunset Invasion being disabled.


As for the code, how can I make sure that the headgear in your above example is only accessible to Arabic Empresses, and not to other Arabic women?
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Here is a quick primer:
  1. DDS files come in sets. For example, there's a single file that stores all the male headgear for western European headgear, a single file that stores all Mongol female eyes, etc.
  2. Cultures are assigned a DDS file for each body part in a gfx file. For example, PRP assigns the Norse cultures the Norse DLC clothes and headgear DDS files but the western European eyes, ears, nose, neck, etc DDS files.
  3. portrait_properties.txt controls the rules for when a particular graphics asset within a DDS file is used. By manipulating it, you can restrict who gets what. For example, the vanilla game gives the first headgear in the DDS file to emperors and empresses. If you want to amend that rule, you have to rewrite the code in there (like I did to fit your request).
So to answer your specific questions, yes, you can restrict "gear" to a particular class of character. But remember that you're limited to working with the content of the DDS file that culture has been assigned. You can never give an Indian shirt to an Italian unless you A) assign all Italians to use the Indian clothing DDS file or B) append an extra slot to the DDS file that Italians use and fiddle with portrait_properties to establish the desired effect. B) is much more time consuming to achieve, and it makes the game run slower.

Yes, you need the Sunset Invasion DLC active to access the DDS files it uses. You can avoid this for personal purposes if you open up the Sunset Invasion zip and copy the contents of the graphics directory to your vanilla game's graphics directory. This way, the DDS files will always be accessible without the DLC active.

With the code I provided, all Arab queens and non-Muslim Arab empresses will use the same headgear. What would you want Muslim Arab queens to wear instead? What about non-Muslims?
Thx iron0037. I already tried some stuff and also looked at the Arabic female headgear and clothing files.
I managed to give all Arabic empresses the same piece of royal clothing (category royal clothes 2) while making it inaccessible to Arabic queens and Arabic Muslim Empresses.
But now I want only Arabic Non-Muslim Empresses to wear a certain headgear (the headgear for Arabic queens with the side pieces, it belongs to category royal crown/turban 3). It should not be accessible to Arabic Muslim empresses or Arabic queens (muslim or not), but every Arabic Non-Muslim empress should wear it.

Is it posssible that one problem is the factor 100 that the Imperial headgear has? I tried giving it to royal crown/turban 3 as well, with a factor of 0.1 to everyone else, so that not every queen or king in the game wears only the headgear of this category.
But somehow my code always fails here.
Sorry for the delay; I've been out of town. Alright, I think I understand what you want.

First, you have to build an exception to
    modifier = {
       factor = 0
       NOT = { real_tier = king }
       NOT = { spouse = { real_tier = king } }
in the 3 = { } section of portrait properties. You'll need to tweak both of those NOT statements to say "NOT a queen (or wife of king) OR a non-Muslim Arab empress OR a non-Muslim, Arab wife of an emperor." You should be able to figure out how to do that through the sample code I provided. This should make the factor for headgear 3 to be 1 for the desired characters. But you're right in that you'll have to add separate 0 factors definitions to headgear 0. If you don't, then non-Muslim Arab queens will prefer headgear 0 by 100 times more than headgear 3. If it's not working for you, then you may have a syntax error...just going to have to fiddle with it.
Any chance this mod will get updated with the new patch?
Doesnt seem to work anymore I am afraid...
Wow, you guys want instant service, huh? :)

I'm having issues uploading files to the forum at the moment. So, I'll have to post my work here for now:


Note that this is an alpha. It has not been thoroughly reviewed. It doesn't have individual mods or the ironman version. That's the best I can do for today.
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We are used to the best service from you, haha... And it is a really valuable mod!
Seriously, thanks a lot for such fast response... I just noticed Norse and Ugric portraits had some problems with clothes.
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