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Zalmoxian is done, but you introduced a localization miss:
--- Error 1 of 1 ---
At <mod>\common\landed_titles\landed_titles.txt [e_pannonia\k_dacia\d_transylvania\c_feher\b_kogajon] (Line 9125, column 5):
The string b_kogajon was not found in localization.
Also, you've been misspelling "Lvov" as "Lviv". (Zalmoxian and one prior map.)
Berber Religious Structure and Holy Sites

And here is another family that really benefits from the new map, even if all this area was already somewhat covered. A much more immersive and fun situation is made possible for Berber religions' Holy Sites. One of the benefits is that each Berber religion can get its own custom Holy Site.

Anyway, here is the map:

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Berber group done. It's "Zerhoun", not "Zerhun". Lviv is a vanilla localization of b_lvov, we don't have a localization of that holding.
Regarding "Hattushash":

Understandably, periodization of names is critical; else it wouldn't matter what we call anything. Hattushash is a good name for tying back to the Hittites, but the problem is the Hittites are dead, and the Romans don't speak Hittite. There isn't a "ʃ" sound in Latin, so Hattushash cannot work as a localization for the Romans. Tavium does, since that's the Latin name of the place the Galatians settled. However, it seems largely moot since the odds of Romans conquering Anatolia seems slim, or at least far off. For the greek culture (which is the owning culture at the start, and the claimed successors to the Luwian faith), I made the name the Greek equivalent of Hattushash, which is Χαττούσα (Chattousa).

The base name of the province, however, is now Hattushash, so at least unspecified cultures will still see the Hittite name. Also, where did "Hattushash" come from? According to the wiki, the Hittite name is Ḫattuša, "Hattushash" looks like a Romanized form of the Turkish name Hattuşaş. I've taken the liberty of correcting it to Ḫattuša.
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Thanks for refining the the prunciation of it.

On Hattushash being forgotten by the Greeks (in fact you are right that it is the Greeks not the Romans, this is a typo), don't forget the revivalist Luwian period under Leo III. Presumably, he unearthed and "restored" (a la antique way, rebuilt) bits of the old Hittite capital and particularly its temples, which should be in a better states than the site visible today. So the memory of the old Hittite capital and its temples has been kept alive throughout the centuries, unlike in our timeline...

Now I wonder what the Eosphorists made of the site itself. Either they destroyed it or recycled it. Even "destroyed", the site is huge and deeply integrated to the environment. The Lion Gate should have inspired them anyway... you can even imagine that they recycled whatever infrastructure Leo III left for their own worship. So in any case there must remain something for Greek Isaurians to conquer back, restore once more and worship...

At least that is my interpretation of that site :eek:o
Would a "Restore Hattushash" decision for Luwians/heresies thereof a la Restore Persepolis for the Zoroastrians be appropriate?
Yes - in fact it may be appropriate for several HS... that's a great idea.

Others could potentiall include (intentionally limiting the scope):
- Palmyran religions in Tyros ("Temple of Baal" - with the possibility of localizing it "Temple of [GOD]" if we want to give the possibility to others to re-invent tradition);
- Judaic religions in Jerusalem ("Beit HaMikdash");
- (some? again potential question on how much we leave LI rulers manipulate their own history :rofl:) Graeco-Roman religions in Roma (Temple of [GOD]); and
- Indo-Hellenic in Bagdad ("Seleukia on the Tigris").

All these are monumental enough to justify the decision.

Hubalis would like to apply for inclusion to the list of once-destroyed-monuments-to-be-reconquered-and-rebuilt, for Mekkah, but I have to put them on the waiting list as they seem a bit minor. ;) Still, they serve to illustrate how far we could expand the scope...

Maybe FG would have an idea in India, Ancient Egypt...?
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Some Graeco-Roman faiths might prefer to rebuild something in Greece (say, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia for Jupiterites) than in Rome. Though I assume there are some churches/former temples there that could be re-re-dedicated to the original god(s).
Valid point, and more immersive this way for many.

But Jupiterite... is maybe not the good example, Rome did have a Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, and the point of re-establishing it is as much about desecrating Christian sites (revange!) as it is to re-build (build again) the old one.
Rewrite of rebuild_persepolis decision: (not sure on titles, is e_byzantium really appropriate?)
decisions = {
#####Rebuild Hattshushash
	rebuild_chattousa = {
		is_high_prio = yes
		potential = {
			is_ruler = yes
			age = 16
			religion_group = luwian_group
			NOT = { has_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt }
			NOT = { has_global_flag = rebuilding_chattousa }
		allow = {
			wealth = 500
			has_landed_title = b_mikissos
			capital_scope = {
				province_id = 787
			OR = {
				has_landed_title = k_isauria
				has_landed_title = e_byzantine
			war = no
			prisoner = no		
		effect = {
			787 = {
				province_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.1 }
			set_global_flag = rebuilding_chattousa
		revoke_allowed = {
			always = no
		ai_will_do = {
			factor = 1
			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				NOT = {
					scaled_wealth = 5.0
			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				NOT = {
					learning = 8

Still have to do the associated events.

Edit: Here's the events, now for the province modifiers and flavor text. Tweaks welcome.
namespace = rebuild_chattousa
####Rebuild Persepolis
province_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.1
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.1"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.1"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_ruin"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.1" # Rebuild just the royal palace.
		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 730 }
			wealth = -100
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2 days = 730 }

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTBrebuild_chattousa.1" # Rebuild the entire city.
		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 1460 }
			wealth = -200
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2 days = 1460 }

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTCrebuild_chattousa.1" # Make it the greatest city there ever was!
		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 2920 }
			wealth = -300
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2 days = 2920 }

####Rebuild Persepolis 2
character_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.2
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.2"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.2"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_built"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.2" #Library
		prestige = 500
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "chattousa_library" duration = -1 }
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTBrebuild_chattousa" #Irrigation system
		prestige = 500
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "chattousa_irrigation" duration = -1 }
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTCrebuild_chattousa" #Lion Gate
		prestige = 500
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "lion_gate" duration = -1 }
Event modifiers:
rebuilding_chattousa_local = {
	local_tax_modifier = -2
	levy_size = -0.5
	local_build_time_modifier = -0.5
	local_build_cost_modifier = -0.5
	icon = 11	

chattousa_library = {
	tech_growth_modifier_culture = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_military = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_economy = 0.
	icon = 2	

chattousa_irrigation = {
	levy_size = 0.3
	icon = 1	

lion_gate = {
	local_tax_modifier = 0.3
	icon = 4	
Flavor text next.

Flavor text:
EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.1;Preparations to rebuild Chattousa;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.1;You have decided to rebuild the capital of the ancient Hittite empire. You comission quarries to deliver large amounts of marble and gather masons from around the realm to build it. How ambitious should this project be?;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.1;Rebuild just the royal palace.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTBrebuild_chatousa.1;Rebuild the entire city.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTCrebuild_chatousa.1;Make it even greater than it was!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
rebuild_chatousa;Rebuild Chattousa;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
rebuild_chatousa_desc;Now that you consolidated your power over the heartland of the legendary Hittite empire, you can rebuild their ancient capital.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.2;Chattousa rebuilt!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.2;The new city is almost complete. What do you want to work on as a great project to complete the city? You can rebuild the ancient library to further our scholars' work, you can reconstruct the irrigation system to allow you to support more troops, or you can rebuild the Gate of all nations to dazzle the emmisaries from the poeples you subjugated.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.2;Rebuild the library.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTBrebuild_chatousa.2;Reconstruct the irrigation system.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTCrebuild_chatousa.2;Rebuild the Gate of all nations.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
rebuilding_chattousa_local;Rebuilding of the city is in progress, construct buildings in your capital.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
chattousa_library;Library of Chattousa.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
chattousa_irrigation;Extensive irrigation system.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
lion_gate;Lion Gate.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x

Comments/criticism before I commit to SVN?
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Maybe FG would have an idea in India, Ancient Egypt...?

Egypt would definitely be Memphis, and probably a few more like Dongola, Luxor, Meroe, maybe Soba. But most certainly Memphis.

India... tough to say, because it's not like anything's been decimated in India as a result of the invasions. Major cities were well-maintained by their conquerors; in the case of Islam, there was destruction of religious sites, but that didn't happen in Lux, so the nearest equivalent would be the Sakae and Huna. The Sakae were basically the same case as the Greeks; too awe-inspired by Indian culture to destroy it. The Angra Mainyui Huna probably weren't as reverent, but they also weren't as effective, and their conquests were reconquered before much permanent damage could be done. The closest thing I could think of for India would be an option to restore Vedic sites for Hindus; luxurious palaces and temples to the various Hindu deities sacred to each site. I don't have any off the top of my head, but the handy-dandy Mahabharata is full of them.

Another option would be the cities of Tarim. The Hellens, Chinese, and Uyghurs coming through the area did much to destroy most of what was left of Tocharian culture; yet the Tokharoi still draw breath. This would be more cultural than religious. Not even sure what the closest thing to pre-Buddhism in Tarim would look like, aside from borrowing from Indo-European religion; but I like to think the Tocharians were more unique than that.
Looks very good! :eek:

Please let me pondere until tomorrow on the specifics.

Some immediate feedback:

- rather than e_byzantium, you should own at least 4 of the 5 Luwian HS, thereby proving yourself worth of Arinniti and Leo III's legacy.

- In terms of what could be rebuilt:
1. Imperial Palace, indeed;
2. "The Lion Gate" is not enough per se, there also was a Sphinx Gate, so maybe call it "Gates of the Nations"
3. the library, why not (actually "The Archives" rather), but at the Hittite time they were using cuneiform tablets for simple content, I doubt they would have any content in the fashion of the contemporary intellectual life for it (or you mean estbalish a new one???) so I would leave it out;
3. Irrigation OK, indeed the land is barren and needs a lot of work if you want many people to dwell there;
4. The Great Temple of Arinniti (which is an anachronistic revivalist approach as there was a pantheon of many many gods, but Hittite priests are no longer here to argue): focus on piety obviously (can you give ;onthly piety as for a building? Otherwise you may consider triggering the construction of such a building).

Finally, for someone who has done all this and has all 5 HS, why not a decision "Become consort of Arinniti" ? A trait a bit like the Saoshyant somehow...
For the Tarim Basin, I have many rough ideas (actually a lot of it is in the book I shared with you FG, I really advise you have a look at it ;) ), there is much more than just the Tocharians and Buddhism to it (Khotanese, Sogdian and Sanskrit being some of the important cultures we need to add at some point). In terms of architecture, indeed there are many Zoroastrian Fire Temples still impressive today, and Buddhist Stuppas of course; in addition to the quite big statues of the Mogao caves.

But well these are not monumental to the extent of the other sites I mentioned (granted, because whole cities are still assumed to be under the sands...). However, the cave monastery-library of Dunhuang (mogao caves) as a whole could be the occasion for incredible event writing on discovering religious lore, centered on buddhism but going much beyond (in fact all we know about Manichaeanism comes from there, as well as many things about Nestorianism and Central Asian Zoroastrianism, which is still totally absent from the game set up - OK one thing at a time!).

I suggest we come back to all that when we have more time, there are so many things I have in mind and not even the time / attention to write about them...

But if we wanted to make soemthing now based on Persepolis, I would call it "Sponsor monasticism in the Mogao caves" with the options to build a Buddha Statue, send expeditions to gather holy texts from India, study forgotten lore, etc.

But to get this right I think we should first devote appropriae time clarifying/researching lore and designing, so let us put a WIP board on this area, I'd suggest; you have my word I'll come back to it! :)
About Memphis... yeah, that's something I can do.

I've been long waiting to implement my Silk Road event chains, so this may be a good time as any of them, now that we have a fully armed and operational Tarim Basin.

Which makes me wonder, Would there be such a thing as a Silk Road in LI?
Rebuild landmarks files moved to my modding stuff folder and uploaded to SVN.

It wouldn't be that hard for me to draft several more based on ideas here, then warefouse them until you guys are ready to tweak flavor text and modifiers.
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About Memphis... yeah, that's something I can do.

I've been long waiting to implement my Silk Road event chains, so this may be a good time as any of them, now that we have a fully armed and operational Tarim Basin.

Which makes me wonder, Would there be such a thing as a Silk Road in LI?

Heh. It'd be more like a Silk Highway.

If anything, the cross-continental empires and maintained connectivity to the East would have kept the money flowing, strengthening not only both recipient ends considerably more so than IRL, but also destinations along the way, such as Tarim and Afghanistan.
Elaborating on my initial feedback for the re-build of Hatoushas, here is my suggestion for the code.

The idea is to make it a cumulative tier system, where you can build three layers: 1. the palace, 2. the city, 3. the temple. Building 2 means you build 1 as well, and building 3 means you build 1 and 2 as well. Then instead of a final touch focusing on architecture, the last option opens up a more spiritual new development, where you can become Arinniti's favourite

Changes are in orange. Please review them, I am not a very good event scripter... :eek:o

namespace = rebuild_chattousa
####[COLOR="#FFA500"]Rebuild Chatousa 1[/COLOR]
province_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.1
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.1"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.1"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_ruin"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.1" # Rebuild just the royal palace.
		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 730 }
			wealth = [COLOR="#FFA500"]-150[/COLOR]
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2[COLOR="#FFA500"].palace[/COLOR] days = 730 }

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTBrebuild_chattousa.1" # Rebuild the city with its fortifications and monumental gates
		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 1460 }
			wealth = [COLOR="#FFA500"]-300[/COLOR]
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2[COLOR="#FFA500"].city[/COLOR] days = 1460 }

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTCrebuild_chattousa.1" # [COLOR="#FFA500"]Rebuild the entire city and consecrate the greatest shrine to Arinniti ever[/COLOR]!
[COLOR="#FFA500"]		trigger = {
			owner = {
				piety = 500
		}[/COLOR]		owner = {
			capital_scope = {
				add_province_modifier = { name = "rebuilding_chattousa_local" duration = 2920 }
			wealth = [COLOR="#FFA500"]-300[/COLOR]
			character_event = { id = rebuild_chattousa.2[COLOR="#FFA500"].temple[/COLOR] days = 2920 }

####Rebuild [COLOR="#FFA500"]Chatousa 2
character_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.2.palace
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.2.palace"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.2.palace"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_built"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.2.palace" #The Royal Palace
		prestige = 300
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "[COLOR="#FFA500"]chattousa_palace[/COLOR]" duration = -1 }

character_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.2.city
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.2.city"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.2.city"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_built"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.2.city" #the city with its fortifications and monumental gates.
		prestige = 500
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "[COLOR="#FFA500"]chattousa_city[/COLOR]" duration = -1 }

character_event = {
	id = rebuild_chattousa.2.temple
	title = "EVTNAMErebuild_chattousa.2.temple"
	desc = "EVTDESCrebuild_chattousa.2.temple"
	picture = "GFX_persepolis_built"
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTArebuild_chattousa.2.temple" #the entire city and consecrate the greatest shrine to Arinniti ever
		prestige = 500
		piety = 500
		set_global_flag = chattousa_rebuilt
		add_trait = arinnitifavor
		b_mikissos = { set_name = "Great Chattousa" }
		capital_scope = {
			add_province_modifier = { name = "[COLOR="#FFA500"]chattousa_city[/COLOR]" duration = -1 }

Event modifiers: I redesigned based on a cumulative tier approach.

rebuilding_chattousa_local = {
	local_tax_modifier = -2
	levy_size = -0.5
	local_build_time_modifier = -0.5
	local_build_cost_modifier = -0.5
	icon = 11	

[COLOR="#FFA500"]chattousa_palace = {
	local_tax_modifier = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_military = 0.3
	icon = 2	

chattousa_city = {
	local_tax_modifier = 0.3
	fort_level = 1
	levy_size = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_military = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_economy = 0.3
	icon = 1	

chattousa_temple = {
	local_tax_modifier = 0.3
	fort_level = 1
	levy_size = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_military = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_economy = 0.3
	tech_growth_modifier_culture = 0.3
	icon = 4	

Note how the effects are now cumulative.

The new Trait:

arinnitifavor = {
	agnatic = yes
	religious = yes
	unique = yes 
	customizer = no 

	diplomacy = 2

	same_religion_opinion = 10
	monthly_piety_modifier = 5

	ai_rationality = -20
	ai_ambition = 50
	ai_zeal = 100

This is a first step, I can then propose a next step: Become Arinniti's consort, which will require this one.

For the trait icon at this point I don't really know?

Flavor text:

EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.1;Preparations to rebuild Chattousa;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.1;You have decided to rebuild the capital of the ancient Hittite empire. You comission quarries to deliver large amounts of marble and gather masons from around the realm to build it. How ambitious should this project be?;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
[COLOR="#FFA500"]EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.1;Rebuild just the royal palace.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTBrebuild_chatousa.1;Rebuild the city and its fortifications including the monumental Lion Gate and Sphinx Gate.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTCrebuild_chatousa.1;Rebuild the entire city and consecrate the greatest shrine to Arinniti ever!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x[/COLOR]
rebuild_chatousa;Rebuild Chattousa;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
rebuild_chatousa_desc;Now that you consolidated your power over the heartland of the legendary Hittite empire, you can rebuild their ancient capital.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
[COLOR="#FFA500"]EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.2.palace;Chattousa Palace rebuilt!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.2.city;Chattousa Palace and City rebuilt!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTNAMErebuild_chatousa.2.temple;Chattousa¨Palace and City rebuilt, with the greatest temple dedicated to Arinniti!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.2.palace;The new city is complete. The Royal Palace stands in its renewed glory, providing you with a magnificent place to receive tributes from all the peoples under your reign, like the kings of old.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.2.palace;Inaugurate it in a great ceremony!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.2.city;The new city is complete. The Royal Palace stands at its highest point in its renewed glory, providing you with a magnificent place to receive tributes from all the peoples under your reign, like the kings of old. Impressive city walls protect a vast area where you intend to settle thousand of people, the elite of your empire. The walls are garnished with monumental gates, replicates of the antique Lion Gate and Sphynx Gate.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.2.city;Inaugurate it in a great ceremony!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTDESCrebuild_chatousa.2.temple;The new city is complete. The Royal Palace stands at its highest point in its renewed glory, providing you with a magnificent place to receive tributes from all the peoples under your reign, like the kings of old. Impressive city walls protect a vast area where you intend to settle thousand of people, the elite of your empire. The walls are garnished with monumental gates, replicates of the antique Lion Gate and Sphynx Gate. A vast area where the ancient priests used to worship their thousands of Gods has been devoted to build a great shrine to Arinniti, the finest you have ever seen. Clearly you enjoy Divine favor!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
EVTOPTArebuild_chatousa.2.temple;Inaugurate it in a great ceremony and proclaim myself Arinniti's Favorite!;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
[/COLOR]rebuilding_chattousa_local;Rebuilding of the city is in progress, construct buildings in your capital.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x
Reforming religions get this vanilla event text:
The ancient [Root.Religion.GetName] religion is proving unable to withstand the onslaught of the Cross and the Moon. Rather than abandoning the old ways, [Root.GetTitledName] and the most powerful priests have decided to reform the [Root.Religion.GetName] faith. With codified rites, a holy scripture and a strict church hierarchy under a single leader, they hope that the reformed [Root.Religion.GetName] faith is better armed to fight back against the weak and effeminate foreign beliefs!

With Islam and Christianity more fractured, I don't think this is appropriate. If anything it should be the Cross and the Sun. Suggestions for revisal?
In fact reforming in LI is not as much a desperate effort to save old ways as it is in Vanilla, and is more a reward for successful conquests. It is a time when a conqueror uses earthly power to re-shape the divine as it fits him.

Aslo some religions reforming are actually Islamic and Christian. Some reformed religions have the reformer head of the new clergy, some do not. The variety of contexts makes it kind of challenging to come up with a 1-size-fits-all description. Here is my attempt, anyway:

[Root.GetTitledName] has brought infinite glory to [GOD] by leading the faithful to victory and by asserting [Root.Religion.GetName] dominion over all our world's holy places. But these accomplishments, impressive as they are, are only the beginning. [Root.GetTitledName] and the most powerful priests have been chosen by [GOD] to preside over the destiny of the rightful [Root.Religion.GetName] in this new era. [Root.GetTitledName] has announced that all faithful shall express their devotion through the same holy rituals, follow the same holy scriptures and abide to the spiritual leadership of a clearly hierarchized church. Today is a day to be remembered, as the reformed [Root.Religion.GetName] religion is born!