Is a Lovecraftian-themed DLC basically confirmed at this point?

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Soul of the nation, and are you saying the devs didn't say that? I mean, is it a 'dig' to repeat what the dev said?
This reminds me of someone telling me Marx believed communism is an actual spirit or ghost like the holyspirit or something literally possessing people.

The real cthulhu is communism.
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No, its not DLC.
It is a way to simulate externalities for modders.

Nuclear destruction in Cold War conversion mod.
Societal disintegration in AD 2020 conversion mod.
Climate change in Future conversion mod.

They are making Industrial era game as a base for Atomic and Information era mods.
Why PDX doesn't allow internal links?
There was one thread suggesting modern day game.
forum.paradoxplaza . com/forum/threads/if-paradox-made-a-game-about-the-xxi-century-what-feauters-would-you-want.1038084
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Reddit users have noticed that the ship in the new loading screen is the same as in The Mountains of Madness event.
Since Paradox reuse art all the time (Unique art for events is expensive, after all) I presume that ship is also present in numerous other V2 events. Furthermore, while I don't recognise the ship from any famous explorations, I'd be willing to wager 5€ that the artist was inspired by a real life ship and expedition. I'm fairly confident we'll see some Easter eggs and that Lovecraft is one of the more obvious sources is to me indisputable, but this looks like Paradox wants to reference the famous explorers of the period rather than any proof of a Lovecraft event or DLC.
I wouldn't be hugely surprised to see a day-1 mod, similar to sunset invasion for CK3 though
Hmmm. A Lovecraft DLC could add some gameplay features like religion overhaul (to simulate the occult obsession of this time period), and espionage (to simulate cultist infiltration of government).

I don't think a major dlc slot would be allocated to Cthulhu, but I'd love a small, Halloween-themed dlc for the great old ones!
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Hopefully Victoria 3 stays historical and doesn't go down the alt history patch of hoi4
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Hopefully Victoria 3 stays historical and doesn't go down the alt history patch of hoi4
I don't think I've ever seen the Lovecraft Mythos being described as alt history before.
  • 4Haha
I don't think I've ever seen the Lovecraft Mythos being described as alt history before.

Mainstream scholars tend to believe that the Confederacy's defeat was an inevitability, but things could have easily gone the other way if the South had completed its clandestine program to invoke the Elder Gods and rain torment upon the North. The ritual was already well underway when Davis's encounter with an avatar of Nyarlathotep caused him to second-guess its compatibility with Southern values. The occultists insisted that said avatar only appeared Black because he was comprised of the infinite darkness between the stars rather than any African ancestry, but Davis was unconvinced and insisted on a more racially-pure ceremony. The Southern wizards attempted to modify the ritual at the last second to instead summon Rlim Shaikorth, the White Worm, and consequentially reduced most of Virginia to a frozen wasteland.
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  • 12Haha
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Hmmm. A Lovecraft DLC could add some gameplay features like religion overhaul (to simulate the occult obsession of this time period), and espionage (to simulate cultist infiltration of government).

I don't think a major dlc slot would be allocated to Cthulhu, but I'd love a small, Halloween-themed dlc for the great old ones!
It would be interesting to have occult events related to a mechanic of religion, especially with the change from orthodox religion to 'spiritualism' for lack of better world.

Adding in a small 'supernatural events' checkbox that puts a few references to things like arctic explorers finding hollow earth, occult/seances, mountains of madness, actually magic rasputin, jean mayen polar bears, and maybe a chance for some transylvanian count to start up a fuss would be really fun.
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A Lovecraft DLC? No, I think not. Some Lovecraft inspired events/easter eggs? Surely, I'd like that.
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Mainstream scholars tend to believe that the Confederacy's defeat was an inevitability, but things could have easily gone the other way if the South had completed its clandestine program to invoke the Elder Gods and rain torment upon the North. The ritual was already well underway when Davis's encounter with an avatar of Nyarlathotep caused him to second-guess its compatibility with Southern values. The occultists insisted that said avatar only appeared Black because he was comprised of the infinite darkness between the stars rather than any African ancestry, but Davis was unconvinced and insisted on a more racially-pure ceremony. The Southern wizards attempted to modify the ritual at the last second to instead summon Rlim Shakorath, the White Worm, and consequentially reduced most of Virginia to a frozen wasteland.
I think you're forgetting that Lincoln himself authorised Miskatonic University to begin expeditions, and by 1863 had achieved Elder Sign technology through the Massachusetts Project (This is also how they later solve the Dunwich Incident). Later explorations to the South Pole do not conclusively confirm that it was alien intervention by the Elder Things that gave the North this power, but it's a plausible explanation. Even if the South had achieved their wonderous and terrible weapon there is little reason to expect that would have definitely swung the war in their favour. Again, we're talking about things that happened so late in the war, Sherman was on his way to Atlanta with shoggoth-proof torches.

It would be interesting to have occult events related to a mechanic of religion, especially with the change from orthodox religion to 'spiritualism' for lack of better world.

Adding in a small 'supernatural events' checkbox that puts a few references to things like arctic explorers finding hollow earth, occult/seances, mountains of madness, actually magic rasputin, jean mayen polar bears, and maybe a chance for some transylvanian count to start up a fuss would be really fun.
This is what they eventually did in CK2, and I think it's a good idea. For most people those Easter eggs are just small fun events, and for people who don't, a checbox to disable should be fine. This is assuming, of course, that Easter eggs will be actual small and rare event chains.
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Lovecraft's horror is personal, intimate, a single man who faces bizzarre or dreadful situations...I am wondering what people expect from injecting Lovecraft's stories into a grand strategy game (thus anti-lovecraftian at its core) like victoria 3 besides as funny easter eggs.
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I would like to have Steampunk or Lovecraft universe DLC.
BUT not soon after release. Something around 3 ears after release when it is fully developed to restart interest for the game.
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