HoI4 Dev Teasers (previously Podcat's Twitter Teasers)

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So German communists aren't plausible but US communists are? This is getting ridiculous, what's the metric here? How do they choose what to include or not? It feels like they're just doing it for the memes at this point

We never said German communists were implausible?
So German communists aren't plausible but US communists are? This is getting ridiculous, what's the metric here? How do they choose what to include or not? It feels like they're just doing it for the memes at this point

The metric being 'available time for implementation'. I was personally quite miffed by it because I had ample ideas to work with. As for how we choose what to include and what not, deadlines tend to have a thing or two to say about that.
it's very weird that you prioritized a democratic path over a communist path for germany

I will reiterate:

'available time for implementation'

It was the most time-efficient to tie in with the other path we were adding. A communist tree with an entirely new entry point would have required -much- more time.
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this community is craving more

A small but vocal minority of this community is craving 'more'. This is not to say we don't hear you, and I think you may be pleasantly surprised for this DLC. However, do not profess to speak for the entire community, because telemetry shows you most decidedly do not.

I love Alt History...thats why we all play this game. If we didn't we'd just watch WW2 in Color.

As had been said before, the notion that Germany could ever win the war is preposterous, and at least as 'implausible' as the other alt-history paths we implement. Yet I never see anyone complain about this.

They sold their game on faulty and misleading marketing and nothing else. Look at all the trailers for the game and tell me otherwise.

Such as this pre-order trailer for the base game?

Ya because that wasn't an already established core mechanic of the series and is only now getting added after 2 years of bitching by people who know this is one of the weakest titles in the series.

Literally every single metric we have, from daily and monthly active users to lifetime sales, and everything inbetween, shows that HoI4 is vastly (and I mean vastly) more successful than any previous iteration of the game. I am not at liberty to disclose specific numbers, but let's just say the comparison isn't even close.

But it's fairly obvious the player base wants those whacky scenarios


The most popular nation in Death or Dishonor is Hungary, and that's entirely due to the Restore Austria-Hungary path. The most popular is mod is Kaiserreich, a giant web of overlapping alt-histories. Paradox didn't plan to make so much alt-history, and only did it when they realized it was so popular. You can agree or disagree with how the direction the game is taking, but I think it's not too difficult to understand why they are doing this.

Telenil hits the nail on the head: our data corroborates this. I'll see if I can wrangle Dan into making another telemetry dev diary to show the numbers on history/alt history, as we did with multiplayer.

Seriously dedicating time and resources to make up such crock scenarios is just such a waste of time and potential of this game.
some crooked fantasy that took maybe half a week at most to compile?

So which is it?

This is off topic. You want to continue this and get answers to your question(s), make another thread. We can continue it there.

Shaka is right. I will say before ending this discussion: telemetry clearly shows the incredible appeal that alt history has, so I can already say this direction will likely not change. As I said before, we do hope you'll be pleasantly surprised for MtG on this question, however. Now, please take any further discussion on this topic (including replies to this post) to a new thread. We've cluttered this thread enough, and if things don't stop I will have to ask moderators to intervene.
The most popular mod for Darkest hour was Kaiserreich, so I dare say that maybe the community that has been with us since HoI 2 (that includes me, by the way) is pretty okay with this direction. It's not like the old fans are all a hive mind that only ever wants a perfect historical simulation.

Plausibility is, in my opinion, a very subjective term and what one person considers plausible is utterly absurd to the next. Let's not pretend that history itself doesn't have the occasional upset that would be considered implausible by many if it was proposed as an alt-history story (A French bastard invading England and taking the crown? Some weird monk publishing a rant and shattering the catholic church? The French army folding in 6 weeks after sitting through 4 years of gruelling trench warfare only one generation earlier?).
This just reinforces the feeling I had about not being heard. It's not that I want everything to be railroaded or historical, it's not that I'm completely opposed to wild alternate history options, it's that I'm opposed to having those options take precedence over historical and quasi-historical options. I know I'm not alone in this, and I never claimed everyone who played old Paradox games felt the same way, just a "large part" of them. I'm literally asking to be "thrown a bone."

I may have exaggerated, then. I just don't particularly like it when people claim to speak for the silent majority and use it to give their arguments greater weight. Speak for yourself, don't presume to speak for others. I also would argue that you are getting some pretty damn juicy bones in Man the Guns, some of them even being free. Alt-history is flashy and can seem bigger than it really is, but I would argue that all of our DLCs so far have included things to make the historical experience deeper and more accurate. It seems to me at times that the mere existence of the alt-history stuff is seen as tainting the rest of the game, and I honestly don't understand that.

This is true to an extent, but I'm sure we can all agree a Second American Civil War is utterly absurd.

Depends. A lot of people seem to look at the historical situation in 1936 and wonder if a ACW could have errupted by itself. I agree that it could not have. But civil wars errupting without player intervention is Victoria's territory, not ours. Our civil wars, by and large, happen because of player intervention. And I for one do believe that if FDR had been more aggressive with the New Deal - far more aggressive - then the opposition would at last have felt compelled to take up arms. And the player is not a passive observer in this game who gets to occasionally nudge something one way or the other, the player is actively involved into making this happen. Historical FDR would probably have weighed the options and decided not to push too hard, but the player is not restrained by that unless they choose to.
cheer up, only 3 weeks :)
3 weeks until POI!
I am honestly disappointed with myself for not getting more shipgirls references in. I might have to sneek that into a post release patch...
So its his fault there are none?
Purge the heretic! Put him in the corner, or something!
I actually submitted a quite extensive list of eastereggs, but sadly there wasn't enough time to implement and verify...
No, rather, he wanted us to add them but I vetoed it when I assembled the Achievements list :D

A stab in the back!
You, Sir, are a PT-Imp pack!
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Well it is more of a generic KC discussion thread at this point, with weekly updates from my side.