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So...I was told in this thread that what I am attempting to do here is somehow called 'writing'. I assume that to adhere to that, I need to do more of the 'writing', whatever that might be.

Welp...here you go:

List of Hanoverian Monarchs: (Includes Princes of Calenburg, Brackets indicate Dukes of Brunswick-Lunenburg)
Wilhelm I “the Victorious”: 1432-1473 (House of Welf) [Wilhelm III]
Wilhelm II “the Younger”: 1473-1491 (House of Welf) [Wilhelm IV]
Friedrich I “the Restless”: 1482-1484 (House of Welf) [Friedrich III]
Heinrich I “the Elder/the Evil”: 1491-1494 (House of Welf) [Heinrich IV]
Erich I “the Elder”: 1494-1540 (House of Calenburg)
Erich II: 1540-1584 (House of Calenburg)
Julius: 1584-1589 (House of Grubenhagen)
Heinrich II Julius: 1589-1613 (House of Grubenhagen)
Friedrich II Julius: 1613-1636 (House of Grubenhagen) (Duke of Hannover from 1621)
Georg I: 1636-1641 (House of Hannover)
Christian I Ludwig: 1641-1648 (House of Hannover)
Georg II Wilhelm: 1648-1705 (House of Hannover)
Johann I Friedrich: 1705-1719 (House of Hannover)
Ernst August: 1719-1738 (House of Hannover)
Friedrich III August: 1738-1767 (House of Hannover)
Christian II Heinrich: 1767-1799 (House of Hannover)
Johann II Georg: 1799- (House of Hannover)

Thank you! Now all we need is a short story and we are all set :D.

Just kidding :p.

Good to see that your colonial holdings are expanding!

I believe the natives are thrilled as well!
Chapter Seven - How to win a war

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war. Defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. Scandinavia goes to war and then lets Burgundy win it.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War​

Even though Bohemia has her hands full with Scandinavia invading Pommern (i.e. Bohemia invading Jutland), Prague still finds the time to prevent poor Hanover from diplomatic advances.

With Hanover's lack of success in the subtle area of influencing minor nations, the Duchy can still boast a great warfare score. In wars with natives, I mean. And so Friedrich von Moltke, Freiherr von Moltke (Moltke is the recently-founded capital of German Kongo), Commander of the Neuhanoverskolonialstreitkräfte, or Colonial Forces for short, is ordered by Governor Dietrich to arrive with his army in Cotonou, the capital of New Hanover. Preparations for the first major ground operation, which is the conquest of the Kingdom of Oyo, have begun.


(Freiherr von Moltke together with some of the soldiers of the Colonial Forces, shortly after their arrival in New Hanover, contemporary painting. As the Heer returned to Europe, new regiments made out of local recruits were formed in Kongo. Also note the Hanoverian colonial flag here - white and red represent the traditional German naval flag originally steming from the Hanseatic flag and black stands for Africa.)


Conflict in the distant lands

The 3rd War over Pommerania has been raging for almost a year now...and this screenshot is so loaded with information that it requires a key:
1 - Bremen, our juicy diplomatic target
2 - Scandinavia, adding another CB without any actual investment into the war
3 - us, providing free passage to everyone and his mother
4 - Lippe-Detmold, the traitor of the Triangle of Power
5 - Burgundian troops mentally preparing to die for Scandinavian cause
6 - us again
7 - more Burgundians
8 - Bohemians occupying literally all Scandinavian territories in mainland Europe
9 - today's datum
10 - Bohemian territories, void of any Bohemian armies. Was this all a cunning plan by Copenhagen?!
11 - definitely not Scandinavians landing in Pommerania

Bohemian General of the Armies in the North, Ladislav Tyl, once again puts faith in the power of the Imperial troops and intercepts one of the Burgundian armies, hoping to stall them before reinforcements arrive.

And they arrive. Not for Tyl, though. Scandinavians, seeing the golden opportunity to invest troops into a battle against an outnumbered enemy, swiftly move into the theatre. After some confusion, General Aage Urne manages to convince the Burgundian General Staff that they actually are a Scandinavian army (a phenomenon generally considered a popular myth) and they are here to aid Burgundians in the battle (an actual fantasy scenario). Nevertheless, the battle is quickly decided, ending in a debacle for Ladislav Tyl.


(General Tyl, after the defeat at Schwerin. Also, this is not a spoiler - for all we know, Stannis, I mean Tyl, might just be resting)


War on Africa

In June, the Colonial Forces start their advance against Oyo. Well, Oyo and all other Sub-Saharan realms willing to join the party.

But the war is already decided, since Hanover discovers how to construct Engineers in July. Thanks to the establishment of Engineer brigades, army supply system and logistics are immediately made more effective.


("Do you have any idea where the oil drill is?" "Not at all.")

(Hanoverian army is now [in] EKO)

In July, von Moltke seizes the Oyo capital. This is followed by several devastating victories over African armies. We are not a backward nation from Ameriga, you now.

(defeats delivered from the hands of natives - not featured in this AAR)


Back in Europe

Around the same time, the war in Germany does not go well for Prague. After massive defeats, the entire northern front collapses and Bohemian armies are forced to retreat to the Saxon Line. It has been a while since a war was so close to the Imperial Heartland.

In October, Imperial Marshal Corinth, in order to shift the focus of the war, sneaks with his forces through Braunschweig and attacks Masbourg's 3rd Army in Hanover. Even though he is outnumbered, the Imperial Guard once again manages the impossible and routs Masbourg's army, albeit at great cost - Corinth is mortally wounded in the battle. The Bohemian army then moves to Schwerin and joins with the rest of troops returning from Jutland.

(see? I told you he was just resting)

Masbourg flees to Magdeburg to reinforce his army with soldiers from Brandenburg. The now isolated 10th Army in Saxony is intercepted by General Tyl and his fresh conscripts. Could it happen? Could the Empire turn the war?


(Imperial army led by General Tyl in the battle of Chemnitz, neo-Romantic paiting)

(First task after unification: native subjugation. Let's make our European ancestors proud)

Meanwhile in South Africa, the Kingdom of Burgundy, dedicating all its resources to deliver a hopefully fatal blow to the Bohemian Empire, now reduced only to Bohemia proper and the Principality of Nitra, fails to address the so-called 'Boer issue'. Dutch exiles, who found their refuge in South Africa a long time ago, have been having several disputes with the Burgundian Duchy of the Cape for a while now. Fearing a Burgundian invasion, the Boers set aside their pride of independence and formed a loose coalition of republics called Batavia - the name continuing the old tradition of the so-called Classicist movement.

But an attack on an upstart republic somewhere at the outskirts of its realm is the last thing the Burgundian Crown has in my mind. Because it is the time for the Empire of Bohemia to fall.

(situation in January, 1857. Everything north of the red line is controlled by the Scandinavian-Burgundian alliance. Mostly by Burgundians, that is.)
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What a mighty paper tiger!
Hannover needs to enter this war and help the Emperor, or the Duke of Burgundy and the King of Scandinavia. Heil dir im Siegerkranz and all that.

I still hope we will see a Kingdom of Hannover, and Mittelafrika seems to be progressing well!

Für Gott und Königreich!
What a mighty paper tiger!

Even paper tiger is strong in the paper jungle.

Hannover needs to enter this war and help the Emperor, or the Duke of Burgundy and the King of Scandinavia. Heil dir im Siegerkranz and all that.

Wow, thank you - I haven't known that the anthem of Han[n]over became the anthem of OTL's German Empire. Not that the anthem is particularly known, though.


I still hope we will see a Kingdom of Hannover, and Mittelafrika seems to be progressing well!

Für Gott und Königreich!


Or maybe not. Who knows.
Huzzah for the Boers!
Oh, and, uh, I guess go Hanover, too. They make good pretzels.
Habe Hoffnung!
So Bohemia will get severely weakened by this war. Maybe an occasion for you to expand your sphere of influence, both militarily and diplomatically?
Excellent! Excellent! More and more from this story.
Huzzah for the Boers!
Oh, and, uh, I guess go Hanover, too. They make good pretzels.
Habe Hoffnung!


Boers. Badass by definition, right ;)?

So Bohemia will get severely weakened by this war. Maybe an occasion for you to expand your sphere of influence, both militarily and diplomatically?

Wait and see ;).

Excellent! Excellent! More and more from this story.

Thank you, thank you very much :).
Chapter Eight - Where were we?

It is the year 1857. The Bohemian Empire is defending itself from a combined Burgundian and Burgundian attack. With some Scandinavians making an appearance occasionally. And the Duchy of Hanover is somewhere in the story as well, I guess.

Hanover, happy to expand her power on her enemies' expense, increases her influence in Braunschweig. Securing Braunschweig is vital for Hanover's safety since the Principality serves as a passage to the Hanoverian exclaves in the south.

General Masbourg's 5th Army surprises Bohemian command when it intercepts the Third Bohemian Army in Brandenburg. While Masbourg's exhausted troops fight another bloody war with the Imperials, joint Scandinavian expeditionary forces under command of Count Oxholm wait for the results nearby. The battle ends with Bohemians defeated again - and with the Scandinavian massive army ready to reinforce the frontlines (not that they actually did that), the Empire has no option but to surrender in March.

Bohemia lost Pommerania and got humiliated (for being defeated by Scandinavia). Burgundy received nothing. To assure us of her existence, Bohemia immediately bans our diplomats from Braunschweig.


(Pommern - the Urlaub there is worth dying for)


In case you forgot, we had been at war with the Kingdom of Oyo this whole time. We won, apparently.

This war puts our population ratio to a strain, so no more expansion in Africa until we somehow manage to snatch more territory in Europe.

With the Duchy's power rising so steadily, the National Liberal Committee wins another election by a large margin. The government claims that it is a coalition of Liberals and Anarcho-Liberals.

Some of our loyal troops doubt the commitment of the government to the Liberal and Anarcho-Liberal ideas. But hey, whole two regiments in the Heer are loyal to the Duchy! Our position is rock solid.


(Hanoverian government's position, artistic rendition)


Having been banned from Braunschweig, our diplomats refocus on Bremen.


(Hanoverian diplomatic efforts)

And Prague, having lost too much of her diplomatic power, decides to go directly on offensive, hoping to intimidate the small Duchy right on the borders of the still-living behemoth. But Hanover takes her chances, doubling the bet against a country that could erase her from the face of the Earth.

And succeeds! Bohemia decides to scale back her influence until she can restore her power. Only a small step before Hanover can become a Kingdom in her own right.

While having a success in foreign courts, the Duchy still faces many problems at home, with radicals pushing further their agenda to denounce the 'liberal' establishment. Dangerous ideas are spreading throughout Hanover...


(Some of the many toxic ideas present in Hanover in the second half of the 19th Century)


Okay, okay, everybody, let's calm down a little and realise that Hanover isn't the center of the world. Yet. It is not even the center of Germany when we are at it. In June, 1858, the Dual Monarchy decides to indirectly attack the Scandinavian Kingdom by funding separatists in Spanish Colombia - Spain, being a Scandinavian ally, obviously calls Copenhagen for support.

And apparently, Paris is not the only one who would like to strike Scandinavia.

After it becomes completely clear which side is to take, Hanover does so.

Oh well.
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Seems like Scandinavia will be crushed, unless something unexpected happens.
Is Scandinavia suicidal or something?

It is Scandinavia, you know.


Why is Burgundy allowing Scandinavia to lose like this?

Maybe because Burgundy is getting real tired of Scandinavian <censored>?

Seems like Scandinavia will be crushed, unless something unexpected happens.

We will see what happens.

Wait. I already know. But you will get to know that as well.

Some Scandinavians just want to watch the world burn :p


Scandinavians. Watching the world burn since 793.
  • 2
If there was something I coudl have changed about crisis in Vicky 2, it definately be the ability to be interested if at war. Do you think the UK would suddenly be uninterested in some major nationalist crisis in Europe just because it decided to invade some random south african nation? Not in the slightest bit would that be true. They be far more interested in the crisis in Europe, which could actually change the balance of power, not those" uncivilized negros and those unkempt Boers."

Welll, ok, if they produced a massive amount of tea, maybe. :p
I like that note on the bottom.

Considering Scandinavia, it is somehow surprising :D.

Because of the mechanics of crisis. They are probably in a war at the moment, and so are unable to even be on the fence or even decide if they wish to be interested.

If there was something I coudl have changed about crisis in Vicky 2, it definately be the ability to be interested if at war. Do you think the UK would suddenly be uninterested in some major nationalist crisis in Europe just because it decided to invade some random south african nation? Not in the slightest bit would that be true. They be far more interested in the crisis in Europe, which could actually change the balance of power, not those" uncivilized negros and those unkempt Boers."

Welll, ok, if they produced a massive amount of tea, maybe. :p

V3 stuff, I guess. #StillHoping