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The Tolstov Imperial Palace

The Tolstov Imperial Palace was designed two hundred years ago. It construction began the following year south of the capital Iridia outside the city limits, which since then with the growth of the city is now located well within city limits. The palace has today is the work of 4 different Emperors over the last two-hundred years who has continuously built on the palace into the grandeur that it is today. This includes Emperor Valers I, Emiliano III and IV, as well as Victarian VII, the current Emperor’s great grandfather, the vast majority being done by the first three before the Nobles Uprising. The palace is located next to the river Ira, and along one of the main roads of the capital known as Tolstov road, going from the center of the city and ending at the palace.

The palace itself is split into five parts, the Imperial Square, the Emiliano corridor, the Valer Corridor, The Romelia wing and finally the Central Courtyard. The frontal part of the palace is the Imperial Square, then on both sides wings extend out and south, that being the Right and Valer Corridor, which connects the palace together with the Romelia wing, as such enclosing the Central Courtyard in the middle. Around the entire palace is black metal fence, with Imperial crests of arms being displayed with gilded steel at every 100 meters, alongside the spike on the fence, which are also gilded, representing a stylized lily.

The palace has three floors, a ground floor, first floor, second floor and a ceiling. There are about 3000 servants working in the palace doing various work. Only the first and second floors are used by the Imperial family, officials and other members who spend their day and lives in the palace. The ground floor along with the attic belong to the servants, who sleep in rooms within the attic and work on the ground floors. Using the ground floors to move around the palace unseen to where they are needed, as well as bringing food and not disturbing the residents residing.

The architecture is baroque and the rooms has likewise been designed, thought several of the newer ones in the Emiliano Corridor of the palace has been remodeled in the Rococo style by Emiliano V before he designated it to his family for use.

The palace itself (not accounting for the fence) is about 850 meters in length and 450 meters in width, and has a total floor space of about 230.000 square meters.
The Imperial Square is the four wings, which forms a smaller courtyard and encloses it in the northern part of the palace which points towards the city center, and is where one enters the palace when on visits or where the Emperor enters upon returning home to the palace. There are six parts to the Imperial Square, the four wings, the courtyard and the front yard. The Imperial Square is named so due to being the part of the palace in which the Emperor and his immediate family lives. It is furthermore also being used for state occasions, balls, dinners and banquets, it takes up about a third of the floor space of the roughly 230.000 square meters.

The Front yard:

The Front Yard is where the main gate to the palace is, it is the frontal part of the palace where Tolstov road ends and the Palace begins. At the front there are three gates, one main gate in which carriages enter into the palace upon visit, along with a minor gate on each side for the servants as well as guards to use to enter and exit the palace. Each of the gates has the Emperor’s gilded coat of arms on them. Inside the Front Yard there is little to see, and anyone looking in from outside will not doubt be observing the Imperial Guards more than anything else, whom stand guard outside in wind and rain or sunny and warm.

Northern Wing:

The Northern Wing of the Imperial Square is frontal wing of the palace, which is the one that visitors see first, along with the commoners who pass by. It is located at the end of the Front Yard, and leads into the Courtyard by an opening in the ground floor, allowing carriages to pass under the building by going under the first floor. As this removed a section of the ground floor for the staff, during construction a small cellar only working as a connection between the two parts of the ground floor was built underneath to allow the staff to move through.

To get into the Northern wing, visitors have to pass through a corridor in the Eastern Wing through the courtyard, this corridor leads the visitor through various kinds of art, paintings, sculptures, mirrors, decorations and so forth in an attempt to impress and show royal power. This corridor leads all the way to the middle of the Northern Wing where a rectangular square with an elaborate staircase allows the visitor up on the second floor.

The first floor in the Northern Wing is split into two parts, on the right side is a large series of rooms with various tables, chairs and other comfortable furniture, not to mention various purposes. It has rooms for reading the newspaper, music, a smaller gallery with paintings and paintings on the ceiling as well as gambling tables where a good deal of the nobility spent their time when invited to the palace for state occasions. There have been noblemen both making and losing their fortunes in this room, even an Emperor who had to go to the House of Lords, following a season of poor luck to ask for money. Due to the amount of rooms there are also plenty of footmen walking around with drinks for the guests while there.


Concert Hall​

At the end of these rooms is a final large room, larger than the ones before, called the concert hall, it is here that the court gathers when a famous musician is playing a new piece, or when a piece of music is dedicated to the Sovereign and played. It was here that Bethany Konrad-de Viscany played a piece for the court following her marriage to His Imperial Highness Prince Stannis.

On the left side of the staircase on the first floor is the most important room in the palace, at least symbolically. A large collection of rooms which forms a corridor then their doors are open going all the way to the end of the wing. The further you get down the corridor of rooms, the more important you are, with the most important people just outside the final room, the Throne Room. There are always two Imperial Guards present outside the Throne Room, no matter if the sovereign is inside. When entering the Throne Room, it is customary to bow three times, once upon entry, another halfway to his Majesty, and a third right before the Imperial presence.


Throne Room​

It is in here that foreign diplomats are presented, along with new members at court, or other citizens of higher standing having come with a partition to his Imperial Majesty’s ministers. It is also where the presentation ceremony happens of young aristocrats during the summer months who have now become eligible for marriage.

The second floor is likewise split into two different set of rooms. Over the Throne Room is the Stag Room, rooms only male visitors and courtiers are allowed to enter. In there presides the Emperor, it is very similar to downstairs that it has gambling tables, billiard and different strong drinks for the men to enjoy. It is a place the male nobility spends time after a dinner. Politics are often discussed, the chance to talk away from the formal setting of the House of Lords, and for the Emperor to discuss politics and his wishes for the nation together with his nobility along with a glass of wishky, brandy or scotch along with a Meldavarian cigar.

On the other side of the Stag Room is the Tea Rooms, which is for the ladies of the court, where they likewise come after banquets, it is presided over by the Empress (if she is lacking then the most senior/highest ranking lady). It is here that the women talk and listen to music. There is some talk of politics among those who sit in the House of Lords, but due to the low number then the majority of the talks focuses on art, music and gossip.

Eastern Wing:

The Eastern Wing is the part of the palace which is used state occasions together with the Northern Wing. On the ground floor is the Imperial kitchens, the ones used to cook for the guests at state banquets and other large events at the palace.

As you enter the Eastern Wing upon arrival, going in from the courtyard, you enter into a tunnel through the ground floor to a grand staircase which leads up to the first floor and into a corridor where you can go to either of the two rooms.


Grand Staircase​

Top half of the wing (as in facing north) is the great banquet hall, it is where the Emperors dine with the politicians, foreign diplomats and guests at state dinners and banquets. Opposite the banquet hall, in the lower half (facing south) of the Eastern Wing is the Great Ball Room, where the masquerades, balls and so forth are held for the guests with musicians playing above them on an interior balcony. The east wing is the only part of the palace which does not have a second floor, as the rooms were designed to be large and imposing on the guests, with paintings on the ceiling creating a further illusion making the ceiling appear even further away.

Next to the banquet hall on the first floor is a large corridor, which is used to connect the Eastern Wing with the Northern Wing, filled with paintings, sculptures and other art, which visitors use when going from the courtyard and towards the Throne room in the Northern wing.

Western Wing:

The Western Wing of the Imperial Square is used to house the Empress as well as the Crown Prince. As such they are the private quarters and are very rarely seen by anyone not a member of the Imperial Family, the servants or trusted ministers.

Within the last decade, after the now Emperor Victarian was sent to Tasmir, and the death of the Empress, the apartment stood empty. This was changed when Emperor Emiliano put the rooms back to use by granting the Empress quarters to his favorite mistress which caused a large scandal. Partly because she had no right, but also that she had been divorced twice and as such was seen as unfit company for the Emperor. Eventually the matter dealt with itself as the mistress died. Since then the Western Wing once again stood empty, waiting for new use.

Southern Wing:

The Southern Wing of the Imperial Square is the Emperors quarters, it is reserved alone for the Emperor to live in and have several different rooms. Some of them are the Emperor’s study where state documents are kept and where the Emperor reads the dispactes from the House of Lords and foreign diplomats. A library, game room and stag room among numerous others.

It is in the attic above that the head butler lives, the one who has overall responsibility for the entire palace. The Emperor’s two valets also live there among several footmen. In the cellar are the cooks, a private kitchen installed serving only the Emperor and his private guests with whatever they may wish.


Emperor’s private rooms​

It is also rumored back from the days of Victarian VII that a secret passageway is located behind a fake shelf in one of the rooms, one which Victarian VII used to move between him and his favorite mistresses who lived in the Emiliano Corridor. Its naturally never been proven, not for lack of trying by Emperor Emiliano V’s wife.

The Southern Wing is also the largest of all in the Imperial Square, having an extension on both sides of the main wing which builds into the Emiliano and Valer Corridor which extends down the Palace.
The Valer Corridor of the palace extends down on the left side of the Southern wing of the Imperial Square, it is in here that all state business is conducted by the various ministries, the Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Imperial Affairs and the Head Ministry (whenever it’s in use) all have quarters here. There are five enclosed building on this wing, extending out of the corridor and into the Central Courtyard, mirroring the ones opposite on the Emiliano Corridor, each building taking the shape of a square with its own courtyard. Inside each building works the ministers and their chosen diplomats, administrators and officials. There are also private rooms for the ministers and most senior officials on the second floor, allowing them to live within the palace with their families.
The Emiliano Corridor of the palace is located next to the river and was built by Emperor Emiliano III to house the growing court and Imperial family, as it is here that the courtiers and royal family members live. Like the Valer Corridor it has five apartment buildings which are formed as squares, extending out from the corridor and into the Courtyard, the first one was split between the two younger brothers still alive of Emperor Emiliano V. Half of it going to Prince Stannis and the other to Prince Maximilian.

In the next set of apartments, normally reserved for dukes or foreign diplomats of worth, Emperor Emiliano gave a great honour when he granted it to his bastard son. After that the apartments, both in the five added buildings as well as on the corridor in general are the various courtiers and noblemen. It is said that the Emperor’s mistress always stay in the fourth apartment, on the first floor where the supposed secret tunnel ends.

Both the Emiliano Corridor and the Valer Corridor has a length of about 650 meters. Towards the end down on the ground floor, the Imperial Guard have their barracks, as well as cooks and doctors working for them.
The Romelia wing was built by Emperor Emiliano IV following the conflict on Ailhus, this Wing connects the Right and the Valer Corridor. Inside of it is the Imperial chapel, a large chapel at that which serves the sermons of the Imperial family every Sunday as well as the courtiers and ministers in attendance. The chapel has its own bishop, which over time usually gets a closer relationship with the royal family, as he works both in the education of the children, but also as their confessor and spiritual relief. Due to the proximity to the Crown, and equally important the ministers and courtiers, many in this position eventually go on to become Archbishops, meaning the majority of the Bishops here have been women.

Also living here is the Imperial physician as well as the court physicians. The two have different quarters and the former only answers in case a member of the Imperial family is ill, or if asked to attend to a courtier by the request of the Emperor or Empress.
The large Courtyard in the middle of the palace is enclosed on all sides by the various wings of the palace, and was only recently made into a garden as well, with fountains, flowers and bushes. The Courtyard was reconstructed by Emperor Victarian VIII’s great grandfather was asked by the mayor of Iridia, along with the House of Lords to give up his extensive gardens, forest and grassland. Victarian VII was however a compromising man, much to the joys of those who asked him to abandon. The compromise however was less appealing, which included the House of Lords to pay for remodeling the courtyard to allow fountains and a smaller garden enclosed within the palace
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Death of an Emperor
(Joint IC with Sneaky)

The body had been brought back. It had arrived only recently, the journey from the front having taken longer than expected. Victarian had come a few days earlier, having had his enthronement in front of the Archbishop and several prominent courtiers. The state funeral was to happen soon, the preparations were underway - first was the lying in state followed by a proper funeral at the cathedral. Emperor Emiliano’s body had been laid in the chapel, awaiting the funeral and under the care of the local Bishop. Victarian stood next to the coffin, looking down at the body of his father, the Bishop standing next to him, a few steps behind him trying to offer reassuring words.

Alastair entered quietly, receiving a silent, somber nod of greeting from his half-brother. He stood beside the casket and looked down at the face of his father - once so full of life, now pale and utterly still. He almost looked like a different person.

“He missed you.” Victarian said, not looking up as he nodded to the Bishop who began leaving the room, leaving them alone.

“And I him.”

Victarian just gave a small nod as he looked down. “He wanted you to join him at the front.”

“It would not have been seemly. I’m only a lieutenant.”

Victarian shrugged. “Plenty of other ones there.”

“The emperor’s bastard serving by his side - I wouldn’t have wanted that. The reason I joined the army was to make my own way.”

His younger brother looked up. “Is it worth it?”

“I used to think so.” Alastair turned from the body, idly fingering the hilt of his sword. The sword his father had given him so many years ago. “These days I find myself less and less sure. Wherever I go, the same things follow. The army is no different.”

“What things?” Victarian asked as he looked back down at his father.

“My name. My birth. The way people look at me as either an inconvenience or an embarrassment.” He rubbed eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. “My superiors distrust me and my peers despise me. The men are less certain - all I can hope for is that they view me as a good leader, in time.” He turned to his half-brother. “No doubt you’ve experienced some of it yourself.”

He gave a slight nod, a tear forming in his eye. “Was that why you left Tasmir, because you felt despised?” He asked with a voice slightly cracking.

Alastair knew then that he made a mistake speaking as bluntly as he had. He stepped forward and embraced the young boy before him, for that was what he was - a boy who had lost his father. Just as I have, he thought. Why do I feel so differently?

“No, not truly," he lied. "I simply wished to prove to everyone that I was more than my name, that my sole significance of lay not in my birth, but in my life. It was time for me to make my mark, or so I thought.” He forced a smile. “You have never given me anything but love, Vic. You and father both. Know that.”

Victarian just stood there, returning the embrace as he sobbed quietly, running his hand over his eyes to dry as he regained control of his emotions. “I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Alastair released him. “I know this has been hard for you - and it will only get harder in the coming days. You are the emperor now.” It felt to strange to apply such a word to someone so young. “It will be a difficult adjustment, but you can always depend on me if you need to. I'll never be very far.”

Victarian nodded. “Thank you.” He said, looking back at their father. “You don't have to go back if you don't want to.” He said looking back at his brother.

“What else can I do? I am too young to hold an office, therefore the military is the only path of advancement open to me. I do the crown no good sitting on my arse, spending money and doing nothing.”

Victarian chuckled slightly, a bit sadly as well. “Like cousin Emiliano.”

“Exactly.” Alastair forced another smile. “Besides, if I do well enough, rise through the ranks, I could be a great commander someday. With you on the throne and me in the field, we could do great things together.”

Victarian smiled, for the first time. “I suppose.” He said. “How is army life, what do you spend your time doing?” Victarian never having been keen on himself serving in the military, in fact having hated the weeks where his father forced him to sleep and live amongst a regiment.

“In theory we are supposed to keep the troops in a state of constant combat readiness. Act as if every day could be the one we are deployed.” Alastair grimaced. “In practice, though, we are left much to our own devices, to smoke and gamble and chase women outside the base.” The tone of his voice made it clear that he did not approve of nor partake in such activities. “My hope is that when war does come I will finally be able to experience true military life.”

“It sounds like court, just less grand, more dull and with more secrecy.” He looked at his brother, “Do you hate it that much?” He asked, a mixture of surprise, disappointment and doubt. He offered a slight smile. “Is the food at least decent?”

"It is ... passable." He said, sighing. "Ever since I can remember I’ve dreamt of leading men into combat, of achieving glory on the battlefield. I joined the army so I could do just that - not immediately, obviously, but eventually. But I’ve yet to see action. Of course I am disappointed, and frustrated. But not without hope.” He gestured to the door to the Chapel beyond which the expansive rooms and long corridors of Tolstov lay. "Besides, at least in the military I can climb the ranks and gain recognition. What can I do here?”

Victarian frowned, “Stay with me, like in the old days.” He said, forcing a slight smile before he sighed and turned around, beginning to walk out of the chapel.

It needs to be said. “The old days are gone, brother. We are not children any more. You are an emperor now, and I am a soldier. I, too, sometimes yearn for the days when we could play without a care in the world.” He smiled sadly. “But that is no longer possible, is it? We must each do our duty.”

Victarian stopped in his tracks, just standing still for a moment. “Tell that to the Lords, my duty now is to have a stranger come here, take control of father’s lands and his responsibilities for the next four years all the while I have to sit and smile, pretending to be happy.”

Alastair cringed inwardly, feeling as if he could almost see the weight that bore down on his half-brother’s shoulders. Such a large weight for one so young. How can I abandon him to this?

“The Lords will choose someone capable to be Regent,” he said, not truly believing it himself but forcing himself to say it for Victarian’s sake. “In the meantime, you do have a duty to perform, and no less important.” He gently turned his brother to face him. “You have four years to prepare. To study. To fully immerse yourself in the role that awaits you, so that when the time comes for your formal coronation you will be the most prepared monarch there ever was. I know you have doubts - who wouldn't? But you have a choice - to waste these years as an ornament, or use them to become the best you can become.”

Victarian nodded, not really sure what to think himself as he listened to his brother’s words. He just looked at him for a bit. “I will.” He said with a small smile.