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Rise of the Ents


The tranquility of the Galadriel forests has been shattered as villages and holdfasts reel under the sudden aggressiveness of the ancient Ents. The beasts, who normally avoid eleven roads and settlements, have been reported attacking travelers and patrols. With trade stunted and the garrisons of Galadriel busying themselves with combating this new threat, one line in the prophecy begins to ring true; Madness will envelop the creatures of the world and no shire will be deemed safe. Mages across the realm maintain that this may only be the beginning.

All Galadriel Players' provinces are deemed hazardous!
Players will receive a misfortune roll, collect no taxes, and be unable to reform ranks
until their province is made safe!
The Immortal Trials

Traditionally, whenever an Immortal died due to natural causes, they would be given a funeral, a feast, and buried with other immortals and Firuz Rostani in the Chamber of heroes. Every two years, there is a grand tournament on the month of Serpentine between all of the Immortals and Mamluks. The tournament is followed up by a grand feast and a lavish ball. This year isn't your typical tournament. Instead, what is happening is the Immortal Trials. 250 new immortals will be selected from a candidate pool of 1000.

To be a candidate you must meet one of the requirements:

1. Be recommended by one of your superiors in the military.
2. Have demonstrated excellence in the service of battle.
3. Be a landed lord in Herasnia.

Any empty spots can be filled by anyone from Agorath. Recent additions have included mercenaries, thieves, and wandering travelers.


A Mamluke and his lord preparing for the tournament. Note the equipment standard on a Herasnian foot soldier and a noble.

The events in the trial include an archery contest, a footrace in full armor, and duels on horseback and on foot. Fights to the death used to be common, but now the duels are regulated to ensure everyone's safety.


A painting of one of the famous duel between the current champion Kamal Jabir Ahmed (shown on left) and former champion Isma'il Saifullah Ali (shown on right).

Gambling on the events has been a tradition in the past, and is now heightened by the fact that they are selecting new Immortals. Street peddlers, carts, and stalls around the area of the trials are selling items ranging from jewelry to food. Refreshments come in the form of alcohol, and if you're hungry, you can visit one of the many stalls and pick something to eat. The items range from bread and cheese to roasted organs and fried fish heads.

The tournament is one of the busiest times of the year, and everyone benefits from it. In addition to the tournament, there are also religious festivals and rituals, making Serpentine a very festive month for the people of Herasnia.
((Galren's tournament is a diplomatic mission. Galren stands to gain prestige and gold for hosting the games. Any player who would like to contribute may do so, with a chance to win gold and prestige for the winner! A purse of gold for second and third will be awarded as well. Any lord or his champion or vassals may attend.))

((EDIT: Deadline for this turn is Sunday, 11:00pm Eastern))
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((Bishop, you misinterpreted my post. I just did that for some lore. I'm not actually hosting a tournament when I have slaves rebelling against me. That's just silly.))
Emir Asad wishes to say that the tournament has been postponed due to the slave revolt in Herasnia.
((Bishop, you misinterpreted my post. I just did that for some lore. I'm not actually hosting a tournament when I have slaves rebelling against me. That's just silly.))
Emir Asad wishes to say that the tournament has been postponed due to the slave revolt in Herasnia.

((What? You could crush the slaves by the end of Sun's Shadow and have the games held by next month to celebrate your victory! If you cancel these games, the terrorists - er I mean the slaves - win!))

((EDIT: I should explain as well - when your province is faced with hazards, such as slave revolts and ent attacks, as long as you commit at least 5000 troops to making your province safe - you have a 100% chance of success. Any less, and you may only weaken the hazard or have no effect at all.))
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((Oh? Then forget what I said. I'm going on with the tournament.))
The Not So Crownless Jarl comes to his home to find new taken thralls of conquest rebelling against their house masters. His steward who would be ruling in his place was stumped, just barely being able to put off any violence and did not know what else to do. His lord ends it all with one sentence.

- "The law is clear, they were given life by their masters and owe a depth, now they refuse to pay their dept, thus their masters may collect however they wish."

He then returned in to his throne room and sat down there. His wife shortly joined him

- "Anything interesting happened dear?" she asked, looking at his crown. But he screamed in response and threw away the crown and charged to his chambers "I WAS GIVEN RIGHTS THAT IS NOT MINE TO HAVE!"

Anastasia picked up the bronze crown and put it on his seat, he will come to terms of it eventually.

The Pale exercises it's law and puts down the thrall revolt by force using all of it's available troops
The Pale starts it's colonization program of the four new islands discovered to the north.
The Great City's Dwarf Quarter was abuzz with the news. Deagrin Wrothiron had been recognized as Underking of Kogansunan, the first dwarf to wear a crown in centuries. The rest of the city, and indeed the rest of the realm, might be worried about reports of murderous slave revolts, bloody wars and monstrous killer trees. But in the dwarf quarter there were few to no slaves, scarcely any more trees, and thousands of miles between them and any battlefield. The new Underking was much more real, most dwarves in the quarter having seen him at the celebration of his children's engagements.

The city-dwarves did not have the satisfaction of seeing the new Underking stride majestically through their streets. He was far away in the forests of Galadriel, fighting alongside the allies of his new kin. Their disappointment was tempered by having the next best thing, his heir (and now Prince!) Deagrin Benthorn, and his fair young wife Żelisława.

Deagrin Wrothiron had never permitted his daughter to travel before the time came for her to be wed, but Żelisława's family was less rigid on such manners. She had assumed that when her husband went to court, she was to go with him. Benthorn had grown fond enough of his wife in the past few months to be glad of her company, and had learned enough to know she would chafe at being asked to remain idle in Kogansunan's citadel while he was gone. And so the two of them were ensconced in the master suite of the Deagrin manor.

"Remember, my prince, we're having guild elders over for dinner, so do be home in time to wash and change." Żelisława was still lounging in bed, her blonde hair fetchingly disheveled, as her husband dressed for the Assembly.

"Which guilds?"

"Chandlers, cobblers, and... well I forget the third one. It will come to me. I remember it was tedious. Their wives are coming over for luncheon, along with a daughter each. No doubt they'll be pushing them on me as handmaidens."

The leading class of city dwarves had been jockeying for position since word first came of Benthorn's approach. They all wanted something, mostly just to be seen with royalty but also to have their relations taken on as attendants, servants, and other followers. The entreaties were always made quite respectably and humbliy, but they were becoming bothersome nonetheless.

"Make sure to mention all the empty workshops and houses in Kogansunan, and how much we'd like more respectable dwarves to live there. Try to bring it up naturally." His father, and Deagrin Burntbeard before him, were eager to convince city dwarves to relocate to the Mountainhomes. Only a few families had been persuaded thus far. Benthorn hoped that these formal entertainments day after day might have more success. With unrest in the city, the idea of a trip to the mountains might not seem so risky, and then there was the allure of living in a true Dwarf kingdom, rather than just a small part of a city of humans.

"I've quite the speech worked out. I've been practicing making it not sound rehearsed." Benthorn walked over to the bead, stooping down to give her a kiss. "Try not to let the assembly upset you too much."

"I make no promises"
((Aghh! I'm referring to myself as Emir! I have to get used to my new title as Shah.))
Character Bio


High Steward Mathlion of Hwicce

Born into a long line of statesmen and diplomats, great things were expected of Mathlion since his birth. Born into a noble family in the Golden City, Mathlion was sent to Hroniden to be tutored at eight years old. In the city of Mutikabir, Misr Province, Mathlion learned the ways of stewardship from one of the wealthiest and successful merchant families in Hroniden. Being fostered in the desert warrior culture, however, engrained Mathlion with the ways of a tactician, and upon returning home to the Golden City at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the Golden Army.

Breaking from the heritage of his house caused much internal strife within Mathlion's family, and after a brief career as an officer in the army, Mathlion resigned and returned to the life of an administrator, though he still carries with him, symbols of his time in Hroniden, including wearing a T'shkeih, a symbolic headdress as well as a Misiri sword gifted to him by his late mentor.

Serving as a chancellor and steward for many of the ruling houses of the Golden City gave Mathlion a reputation as a cunning negotiator and superior statesmen. By the age of twenty-five, Mathlion was given a seat on the Emperor's Council as Chancellor. Mathlion personally negotiated peace with rebellious Lords and was able to peacefully end nearly a dozen different revolts.

As he was appointed the High Steward of the Empire, and responsible for the oversight of the Emperor's Council, the madness of Essos was complete and there was no hiding the campaign of murder carried out by the Emperor and the heirs of the crowns and all the land took up the call of revolt. Mathlion negotiated a merciful sentence for ArchMage Qylan when he began to openly defy Essos I, and secured his release years later when Essos the Fat took up his father's crown.

Working closely with Qylan, Mathlion of Hwicce brought about the gradual surrender of the Empire and was the architect behind the Treaty of Burnt Bridge. Appointing himself Speaker of the Assembly of Lords, Mathlion sought to bring about a new era of cooperation wit out the oppressiveness of an overbearing monarch. Qylan thought he was being naïve and given the history of civil war among the newly sovereign provinces, Qylan may have been right.
High Mage Arctus of Ironmouth stands before the assembly, the old Dwarve leaning heavily on a staff.

"My Lords, please take a moment to read an important scroll found in the Library of Hroniden. It was remarkably well preserved, and alludes to a Light Basin, that may help shed some answers on the phenomenon of magic returning to our realm."

Report on Ashen Wastes
5th of Dragoon, 642 Age of Empire
Lord-Captain Hiaht of Smythe

My Lord Emperor, as per your order, I have compiled a detailed description of the stronghold that has been plaguing our patrols out of the Wilds as of late. Beyond the Fallen Rock, the land begins to rise into a great mountain range. Mages maintain that this was once a holy place in the early years of the Empire, but as early as 50 years into the current age, the site has fallen to the Orcs and other unsightly beasts.

My personal court mage assures me that this is a sight of great magic - I do not believe him of course, as magic is gone from this realm forever, I am sure. But far be it for me to question a man of the Light.

Last month I led a forced reconnaissance to the mountain and found only death. Orcs had gathered there in great number, and when we finally reached the temple, we found a horrible monster there that forced my retreat.

However - I uncovered remarkable writings that do confirm that this was what the ancient heroes referred to as a Light Basin. A holy sight that brought forth magic into the realm. I however would not put any importance on such wild imaginings. What concerns me, is the Orcs using the old temple as a staging area for their incursions into the Wilds.

Without a sizable force, I fear that the temple may not be taken and will continue to disrupt patrols and operations in the region.

Reinforcements of five thousand men could end this threat once and for all. As always, I defer to your greater judgement.

Yours in Service,

Lord-Captain Hiaht of Smythe

"My Lords! Your Champions are needed. We must travel to this holy sight and cleanse the temple in hopes that Light will grow in strength."
"Lord High Mage, perhaps we should confirm this information to still be valid, before we take any serious actions to reclaim a temple to the light? You are acting on information that is centuries old. In that time the Orcs may have left the area or perhaps they have been breeding, in which case we may be facing a host of foes requiring an army the size of the Golden Army to defeat."

"I offer to send a unit of scouts to the temple, perhaps a cooperation by several lords sending their best trained scouts. Let us find out if we should commit larger military forces to the area, otherwise there are plenty of problems within Agorath currently, with slave rebellions throughout the lands and trees going on the rampage in the north."
"High Mage, I would like to remind you, that not only is the Realm in absolute chaos, but other threats keep piling up. Not only do you cite urgency to quell the Dark, but now also cite the urgency to save the Light. Meanwhile, war is waged to end the Nords intrusion in Galadriel, who also suffers an attack by Dark tainted Ents, meanwhile sources from the last Quest show a looming appearance of a twisted branch of the Elves that worship the Dark One.

You cite alarm to twice in this meeting, yet at the same time, the failure of the Slavery Compact is abundantly clear, seeing as the unfree has risen across the realm to claim their freedom through violent resistance, putting the rest of the land in chaos as well. You are asking a cripple with no legs, or arms, to carry you up the stairs because you think speed, not logic, not informed evidence of our destruction is prudent. Choose your moments. There's plenty of destruction to go around already, and the Assembly leaders won't even touch these subjects.

These quests and their dangers can't possibly be so acute. I agree with the Men of Three Rivers. These dangers would have existed for hundreds of years, and could wait a few months more. I will not even send this information to my Therain. I shall reiterate my previous proposal to be reviewed by the Assembly, its attendance, and its two leaders as well."

The ambassador from Green Chasm sat down, clearly irate with the Assembly leaders constant preaching of doom.

Eylinn Mindrilla's ambassador suggest a peace where the Nords will withdraw their troops and occupation of Galadriel lands.
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As he heard the High Mage talking the new crowned Jarl's vision darkened, his wound under his arm hurt. The cut was indeed deep. He put much of his strength to not show weakness in the assembly. He started to hear the whispers from Dödr again. He could see the dark figure standing behind the High Mage. He heard the whispers telling him to go. "am I going mad?" he thought to himself. He stood up ignoring the pain of doing so.

- "I with my thanes will join this quest."

The answer was like if it had come from nowhere, ignoring both his father-in-law and his old ally in battle's discussions about the ongoing problems. He was going crazy...

Jarl Alfödr Frostverd joins to cleanse a Tainted Temple in the Ashlands
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The High Mage nodded at the Jarl of the Pale then turned to the Lords of Three Rivers and the Green Chasm...

"I understand the troubles facing your land, but they pale in comparison to what we face in the time to come. You tire of us doom-sayers?! Perhaps I should read to you a passage from the book of Light...

"One thousand years after the fall of the Dark One,
The Golden Empire will shine no more.
Stagnant and corrupt, The empire of the east will fall.
The old kingdoms will decay in civil war,
With blood of Men, Dwarves, and Elves spilled across the East.
The Orcs will rise to claim vengeance on the followers of Light.
Madness will envelop the creatures of the world and no shire will be deemed safe.
When all this comes to pass,
The Dark One will rise once again,
Heralded by his Vampire Lord and army of Undead.
Magic will once again seep into the world.
For Light or Dark, the destiny of Agorath will unfold.​

"The Empire has fallen. The realms are in a state of civil war, blood of men and mir have spilled across the lands and the beasts of the land are stricken with madness. Magic is indeed seeping back in the world, and yet only the Dark is returning to full power. What of the Light?! Will you all sit back and relish in your petty feuds blind to the prophecy that is unfolding before us all?!

"I do not deny that you speak wisely, but time is not a luxury we have. This must be done now! I propose that in addition to your champions, we reform the Golden Army and march out with the Champions of Light."

The High Steward Proposes forming the Golden Army to aid the champions on the Quest
Mathlion quickly stood up.

"No! This is not an option! The Golden Army must remain in this city!

"Forgive my outburst my Lords but.... but this cannot yet be deemed a threat to the entire realm."

"Not a threat to the realm?!"

"Yes! Not a threat to the realm! Have you no respect for law and the treaty of burnt bridge, High Mage?! Now be silent on this matter, I beg you."

"Oh ummmm... very well, High Steward."
The Ambassador of Green Chasm rose again:

"Our petty feuds? When our lands were invaded by Nords, the Assembly said nothing. When our people were stolen from their homes, you did nothing. When the Nord sent none to aid the Light, you gave him a crown. Now Two Dwarves, One Elf, and One Human comes to correct these breeches of sanctity, and you call their cause petty? But when a small whisper is ushed over a threat that may affect You, then you ask for universal assistance. With no firm evidence at all. It is not feasible, and I will not have your patronizing tone. I will still not inform my Therain of your hypothetical campaign until you have something substantial to provide to this Assembly."
The Ambassador of Green Chasm rose again:

"Our petty feuds? When our lands were invaded by Nords, the Assembly said nothing. When our people were stolen from their homes, you did nothing. When the Nord sent none to aid the Light, you gave him a crown. Now Two Dwarves, One Elf, and One Human comes to correct these breeches of sanctity, and you call their cause petty? But when a small whisper is ushed over a threat that may affect You, then you ask for universal assistance. With no firm evidence at all. It is not feasible, and I will not have your patronizing tone. I will still not inform my Therain of your hypothetical campaign until you have something substantial to provide to this Assembly."

"Petty, yes. For your feuds are petty compared to what is to come. All signs point to the truth of the Prophecy. There can be no denying the strength of the Dark, which we have already seen wielded by the Necromancer, and these recovered scrolls are our only lead into what could be corrupting the Light and keeping it from our realm. You believe it not, at your own peril! Furthermore you have a duty, yes, a duty, to report what is discussed here to your Therain! For it is HER you represent, my Lord ambassador."
"What the esteemed High Mage is trying to say, I'm sure, is that you have every right to defend your lands. This Assembly has no authority over any of the sovereign realms, and by the law of the treaty of Burnt Bridge, we are unable to intervene.

"However, Lord-Ambassador, the threat we face is very real and at the very least, must be investigated. While we would never think to dissuade you from forfeiting the protection of your own borders, we do ask you commit what resources you can, ideally a Champion and tithe of gold, and by the Light, some answers on what face our realm can become known."
"I have as little interest to report theories and rumours as I report Ale taxes in the brothels to my Therain. That information is of no interest to her. I will not deny these areas may contain useful information, but until there's substantial proof of such, not fairy tales from scrolls, then we have nothing to go on whatever may lie ahead. But it is not that urgent, or acute, that we can't investigate it further before heading straight into the Dark One's bowels."