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Dungeon Master
2 Badges
Jun 13, 2012
  • Crusader Kings II
  • 500k Club
Kingdoms of Agorath

Prospective players or spectators, click here for an easy to read PDF doc to enjoy, thanks to Great Slayer.

IRC Chat here. Type /join #Agorath


One thousand years after the fall of the Dark One,
The Golden Empire will shine no more.
Stagnant and corrupt, The empire of the east will fall.
The old kingdoms will decay in civil war,
With blood of Men, Dwarves, and Elves spilled across the East.
The Orcs will rise to claim vengeance on the followers of Light.
Madness will envelop the creatures of the world and no shire will be deemed safe.
When all this comes to pass,
The Dark One will rise once again,
Heralded by his Vampire Lord and army of Undead.
Magic will once again seep into the world.
For Light or Dark, the destiny of Agorath will unfold.

~Book of Light, Book Three; The Maegi Prophecy​

Act I
The Assembly

Protocol in the Assembly of Lords

Assembly of Sun's Shadow
and it's closing

Assembly of Serpentine

The Siege of Azeratii

Closing of Assembly of Serpentine

Attack of the Corpus Horde and the Siege of Tirath

Siege of Mirrorwater

Quest to Purge Necromancer Threat

Assembly of First Seed

Quest in the Vale of the Dead

Liberation of Mutikabir

Siege of Necro's Keep

Events of Last Seed

Assembly of Hallows

The Great Library of Hroniden and the Dark Elves Arise

The War in the North

Assembly of Sun's Shadow

Diplomatic Events of Sun's Shadow

The War in the North, Act II

The War of the Triumvirate

The Last Assembly

Act II
The War of Darkness

The Dark Exile

The Battle of Faltering Light

The Shields War

Darkness Gathers

The War of Shadows

The Battle of Vahamil Steppe

The Battle of Azure's Ridge

Light Returns

Dreagon's Invasion

Fall of the Light Basin

The Dark One Rises

A Hero Returns

Jacob's Trial

The Trial of Qylan

Invasion of Hroniden

Light's End

A Fell Winter

War of the Wolf King and the Fall of Mutikabir

Hope Springs

Enter The Dark One

Fall of Highathar

Fall of Hroniden

The Exodus of Galadriel

Counsel of Light's Hope

Plunge into Darkness

The Ward

Act IV

((A Thanks to the Players and guidelines for epilogue ICs ))

Suggested Reading
A collection of books detailing the lore and histories of Agorath

Calendar of Agorath

Trials and Conquests: A History of Azeratii

The Dwarven Pantheon

On Elven Religion

Ecclestius: Saxony and other Cultures

A Visitor's Guide to the Golden City

The Founding of Goi'Orka

Kogansunan: The Mountaintop Citadel

The History of Misr

Orclore: Volume One

A Text on the Armies of Misr

The Four Divines

Orclore: Volume Two

A Text on Dwarven Military

The Emirate of Tirath

A Text on the Military of Coamenel

Gods of the Saxo-Deutsch

Wines, Apothecary and Arms: The Economy of Coamenel

A Text on the Military of Herasnia

History of Herasnia

Kalare City: A History

Eol and the Founding of Coal

History of House Mindrilla

The City of Mutikabir


An Overview of the Lands of Herasnia

Units and Tactics, A Text on the Fighters of House Deagrin

Three Rivers

Frostverds and the Pale

The Deep Elves

Biography on ArchMage Qylan the Houseless

Hammer of Korak

Bestiary of Galadriel

Ceremony of the Dead


Theories on the Origins of the Krestarii Family

Catacombs of Kogansunan

The Immortal Trials

Mathlion of Hwicce

Historical Sites in Herasnia

The Kalare Family

A Text on the Wolfen Army

The Shahdom of Herasnia

A History of Dragons in Agorath

The Seeing Stones

A Guide to Business and Politics Among the Dwarves of Kogansunan

An Adventurer's Guide

Advanced Military Tactics

Mahakam's Battlesong: From Carbon to War

How To Play

Welcome to my latest attempt at creating a lasting and active game here on the Game Forums. This shall be a RP heavy game with some other elements thrown in to vary gameplay and hopefully make it interesting.

The main goal of the game is to earn prestige through diplomatic actions in the main thread, and battle actions and plots pmed to me. With all claimants to the crowns of Agorath dead, the rulers and descendants of the ancient heroes all have equal claim to the crowns. By gaining prestige you will prove yourself worthy to hold a crown and may one day reforge the empire. As you climb the ranks of the Assembly, internal and external threats will appear and need to be dealt with as well as other events that may be used to advance your prestige among the Assembly.

Step One: Sign Up
You start the game as a Count, Arl, Master, or Sheikh, depending on your race. Please follow this format when signing up:

Ruler Name:
Ruler Trait: Brilliant Strategist, Great Diplomat, or Masterful Schemer
Location: Hroniden, Highathar, Galadriel, Ecclestius, or Norseland
Race: Elf (Master), Dwarf(Master), Hronidian(Sheikh), Nord(Arl), Imperial(Count), or Orc(Chief)
Bio: A short bio on yourself, your family, and the province which you rule. Rulers in Agorath are said to be descended from the hero mages of the Age of Heroes, so you may want to include info on your lineage as well.

Agorath is a dangerous place, so it is important you have an heir to replace you. Tradition dictates it is the eldest son, but that isn't always the case. As you can see, you are given an option to list a daughter. Your family can be large as you like, but to start out you will only have one daughter eligible to marry. Alliances are sealed in Agorath with Marriage Pacts. Typically between the Heir of a friendly ruler.

As you can see, you must include a trait for your ruler - this will dictate whether you get a bonus to combat, diplomacy or plots. Strategists get a bonus to combat, whereas diplomats have a bonus to all diplomacy missions in the Assembly as well as slightly larger armies as their charisma will attract more men-at-arms to fight for them. Schemers have a greater chance of succeeding at plots as well as keeping their war plans secret.

It is important to include your location within the provinces listed in the post below. Read your options carefully before deciding which territory to make your home province. Only certain races may reside in each territory.

You may also list up to two vassals. These are lesser lords or landed knights that will be under your control - they can act as ambassadors or generals in combat, the choice is yours.
Champion is an important one, it can be yourself, heir, or one of your vassals, or someone else entirely, its up to you. Your champion will be a leader of your armies and go on quests on your behalf. Be wary though, the life of a Champion is often a short one.

Step Two: The Assembly of Lords

The majority of the game is played here. It is within the Assembly of Lords, at the Imperial Palace within the Golden City that rulers and their ambassadors meet to debate and discuss events facing the realm. The Assembly had been closed for nearly twenty years but is opened once again in a bid to bring peace to Agorath. Players may discuss whatever they wish openly here, whether it be trade missions, marriage pacts, or pertinent issues facing the kingdoms.

As the game begins, all players are low level lords. The Archmage, and the High Steward will evaluate prestige gained by players, based on battles won, quests completed, alliances formed, and trade missions completed. By building up your reputation within the Hall of Assembly you will increase your chances of being granted a crown.

Diplomatic orders are issued through the Assembly of Lords. No diplomatic order, from trade mission to marriage pact, is guaranteed. If the die rolls against your favour, you can expect an unfortunate incident to keep you from gaining prestige.

The High Steward and Archmage are listening, so be loud, be strong and make your voice heard in the Assembly of Lords and a crown may be yours!

Step Three: The War Room

War orders are issued to me through PM. Orders are done in secret but there is always a risk of your enemies discovering your troop movements. Specify your plans, including who you will be sending to lead you troops and your overall battle plans. Not only will crushing a troublesome neighbour earn you prestige, but expeditions into the Wilds will earn you prestige as well.

Plots are conducted here as well. You may kidnap heirs and daughters for ransom, Send spies into enemy camps, Steal gold and special items or whatever you can imagine. Just be wary. If a plot fails and is discovered, you will lose prestige in the eyes of the Assembly.
Plot victories are achieved by rolling a 6/6 - the more backers you have, the greater your chances.

Always keep an eye on your inventory as well! Don't over extend your army and leave your castle defenceless, and keep saving gold to earn bonuses to your fortifications.

So in brief....

1. ALL army orders are done through PMs to me. Some joint military actions are proposed in the Assembly, but you must still order your captains, through PM, as to whether or not you will be honoring your Assembly commitments.

2. ALWAYS include a brief statement summarizing any diplomatic orders, proposals and votes. For example,

GreatSlayer said:
Mistress Eylinn of the Green Chasm shall attend the quest to capture the Necromancer. She will attend herself, leaving her champion at home.
Mistress Eylinn chose to not attend the assembly.
She will send 1000 men to the quarantine zone to supervise humanitarian efforts.

As you can see, Slayer gave a brief summary which also INCLUDED the name of his character. This makes my life easier and means i get updates done, that much quicker. So include the name of your character in your summary. Including your name, race, and province in your ICs will also help us all keep players straight as we play. There are a good few of us here now, and it can go a long way in keeping everything straight. Furthermore, you may want to consider creating a family banner or sigil that will further identify your ICs.

3. ONE diplomatic mission per turn. Starting now, In Agorath, it is the family that PROPOSES a wedding that holds the wedding celebration as a means of gaining prestige. Accepting a wedding proposal will not use up your diplomatic mission, but you will not gain prestige. It will only be the weddings of your ONE eligible daughter, and ONE heir that will create an alliance and gain prestige. This will keep things manageable for me as I GM our game.

4. ALWAYS state exact military numbers in your war orders to me. It may be easier for you to simply say "Whatever troops arnt attending the eastern campaign will go to the northern campaign unless they are already fighting the southern campaign, in that case shift them to the western campaign." But it makes things a lot harder for me to crunch the numbers. Try and know what troops you have where, in case stats arent up to date. AND state the commander you wish to lead the troops as well, for the sake of flavor in the ICs.
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The Lore of Agorath

Age of Mythos

Also referred to as the age of creation, little is known of the Age of Mythos save for the old legends passed down from eons ago. Legends say that in the beginning all was a vast void of nothingness. From an unknown time and realm, the Creator emerged. He brought with him great magic of Light that he used to create the sun, and bring light and matter to the Universe.

However, the Creator's magic became exhausted and out of necessity, He gave birth to the Dark One. The Creator and the Dark One worked in harmony during the first age, creating the world and the continent of Agorath, with its lands of plenty, beasts, Elves, Dwarves and Men. The age stretched on in a period of great peace as no worries were had by any of Agorath and it's creators.

Age of Darkness

An alliance of restless Elves, Dwarves and Men rose up against the Creator's in their greed and lust for power. Over five thousand years of war followed as the Mortal Alliance fought to usurp the magical power of their creators. Finally, at the close of the age, the alliance was able to usurp the power of magic and wield it for their own, however this created a terrible blight upon Agorath as the harmony between Light and Dark faded and the Dark One became mad. The creator retreated from the world and the Mortal Alliance awoke to a new nightmare, the twisted madness of the Dark One.

Age of Heroes

With the vanishing of the Creator, the Dark One, in his madness, cut a bloody swath across Agorath. Rising up to from the ashes of the Mortal Alliance, destroyed in the last age, powerful mages, known today as heroes, established great kingdoms of Elves, Men, and Dwarves to battle the Dark Scourge. The kingdoms fought each other as well as The Dark One, until the hero Ecclesiasties, a mighty human mage, called all heroes to his banner. In the black wastes a final battle with the Dark One ensued. Sacrificing his own life, Ecclesiasties summoned a powerful spell that banished The Dark One to the 'Outer Realm'. The power of the spell diminished all magic in Agorath until it faded away from the world shortly after. The followers of Eccesiasties formed the Golden Empire of all the races of Light with the heirs of Ecclesiasties as the Emperors and Protectors of Agorath and thus brought about a new age.

Today, most if not all ruling families claim lineage from the various heroes of this age, even building shrines and temples to honor them. Though all provinces of the East worship the Creator and Light Magic, most provinces have taken a patron hero as a Saint to worship, often it is a hero the ruling family claims to be descended from.

Age of the Empire

Also known as the Golden Age and believed to be the current age by most, the Age of the Empire began one thousand years ago after the fall of The Dark One. Though some maintain it to be period of plenty akin to the Age of Mythos, many others would disagree. Civil war and strife has marked the years of this age. The heirs of Ecclesiasties have been criticised of falling from grace in recent generations. Three hundred years ago Argrus III usurped the crowns of the Hroniden, Nords, Elves, and Dwarves and claimed lordship of all their kingdoms. The rest of his reign was spent crushing the subsequent civil wars. Kytos I, Who succeeded his father, Argus went further by calling for absolute crown law in Argorath and claiming the duchies, Jarldoms, Theron's for himself. The seceding Emperors shared their predecessors' mad love for power and fought to maintain the status quo until the present day, where the line of Ecclesiasties is broken and no heir to the Empire remains.




The continent of Agorath is a large and varied landscape. It is entirely up to you, the player, what the land of your province consists of, but I can give you a general outline of what the land looks like, from west to east.


Black Island
Firstly in the far west of the Continent is Drearaghuer or Black Island in the common tongue. This cursed place is the home to the sprawling temples dedicated to worshipping the Dark One and is the seat of His power when He is in this realm. Now it is a known bastion of Orc and Undead hordes that serve and worship their banished master.
No Player may make their home within the Black Island.


The Ashen Wastes
Countless battles during the Age of Heroes have rendered this land a charred and desolate place, void of life. Expeditions in the early years of the Golden Age had come across Ghoulish cities and Orc Fortresses being built among the wastes. However, no living person has ever ventured to the Wastes and returned to tell the tale in a long count of years.
Only Dark Players may make his home within the Wastes


The Haunted Forest
Early in the Golden Age, a Vampire Lord made this land his seat of power and cursed the once tranquil forest. Years of bloodshed and war may have vanquished the Undead King, but the memory of his power is seen in every twig, rock and stream of the forest. Only the brave or foolish ever venture here.
Only Dark Players may make his home within the Haunted Forest.


The Wilds
A desolate and harsh land of choked vegetation, stagnant rivers and pools, and treacherous canyons. This long and narrow strip of land was once heavily fortified by the Golden Empire as a first line of defense against the Black Scourge of the West. Today, the Wilds are home to vicious barbarians and outcasts of all races of the Light. With the forts of the Empire abandoned, deadly enemies stalk this land and prey on the hapless adventurer who walks this land.
No Player may make their home here


During the Age of Heroes, great desert warriors established a kingdom, or Sheikdom, within this desert land. The hardships in living in desert conditions forged the Hronidian into a strong and resilient people. Sharing the land with Orcish Clans further strengthened the constitution of the desert people. During a war with Orc Clans in the 505th year of the Golden Age, and the destruction of a magical talisman in their possession saw the Orcs become "Untainted" from the Dark Scourge, and has even allowed peaceful relations, more or less, with the Hroniden Orcs. Several Clans even joined the Empire, though the dream of an Orcish Kingdom was never realized.
Hronidian Men and Orc Players may make their home here.


High Mountain, as it is known in the common tongue, is actually a land riddled with many large mountain ranges. Highathar mountains split east and west Argathor and is a melting pot of all the races of Light, and even Orcs. Conquests throughout the ages have also given rise to several colony states of different races. Until it was usurped by the Emperor Argur III, Highathar was the last kingdom of the Dwarves, the rest having been destroyed in the Age of Heroes. Rich in minerals and other resources, and highly defensible Highathar has been an important province for maintaining the Empire since it's founding.
Dwarves, Men, Elves and Orcs may make their home here.



Land of Tranquil forests, as it is known in the common tongue, This last bastion of the Elves. Dominated by a lush forest, this land, which was once deeply rooted in Light Magic is now saturated with a mysterious aurora that is said to be the fingerprint of Light left behind by the Creator. During the Age of Heroes, Dwarves and men had both invaded this land and set up colony states in this land.
Men, Dwarves and Elves may make their home here.


Named after the hero who vanquished the Dark One and built the Golden Empire. This varied and fertile land is home to Men and has previously held strong as the capital of the Empire. Known as Imperials, the men who settled here since the Age of Mythos are revered for their prowess in battle and their shrewd tongue at trade. Ecclestius is home to the Golden City, the capital of the Empire and the largest city in Agorath. The Golden City houses the Assembly of Lords at the Imperial Palace, the neutral meeting ground for all lords of Light to meet and discuss diplomacy and issues facing the Realm.
Imperial Men may make their home here.


This harsh and frozen landscape is home to the Nords. Strong and cold as the land that bore them, Nords have a reputation for fierce warriors and hearty dispositions. A varied landscape containing mountainous regions, rivers of ice, expansive tundra, and even Dwarven settlements.
Nords and Dwarves may make their home here.

Recent History​

From 979 to 985 Age of the Empire, Emperor Essos I succeeded in maliciously murdering all claimants to the crowns of Agorath, thinking it would cement his claim to them. It did not and rebellion after rebellion took an awful toll on the man.

Emperor Essos II, also known as Essos the Fat, ascended to the throne of the Emperor after his father died of an apparent heart attack in 992 A.E. Essos was 41 at the time of his ascension.
Essos' reign was mainly concerned with holding on to the crowns stolen by his fore-fathers by crushing the revolts that had rose up across the Empire. Essos personally led an army of 10 000 men across the empire to put down the rebelling lords. In 994 A.E. Essos defeated the lords of Ecclestius and returned to the Golden City with many of the rebellious leaders in chains to live out the rest of their lives in the dungeons of the Imperial Palace. Essos did not remain in the capital long, and departed later that year with fresh troops and supplies.

Essos marched north to put down the Norse rebellion, however, word reached him that a large Hroniden host was marching on the capital to take back their crown. Essos divided his forces, sending 5000 to defend the capital while he led the remaining 5000 and stormed Norseland. Late 995, Essos lost a major battle and was forced to retreat back to the Golden City. He returned just in time as Hroniden and Nord armies joined forces and surrounded the city. Elves and Dwarves came down from the highlands and forests to join the force of rebels and take part in the siege of the city.

Essos, hold up in his palace with great stores to last a prolonged attack, and was confident that the Golden City was impervious to siege, and he would have been right, if it weren't for the dangers within.

Sometime in 998, as Essos became increasingly erratic, High Steward Mathlion and ArchMage Qylan formed a plan to neutralize the Emperors personal guard and force Essos to surrender. Late in 999 they succeeded, however Essos took his own life rather than surrender. Mathlion and Qylan released the captives in the dungeons and announced the reopening of the Assembly of Lords in hope that peace will return and the Golden City will be spared the wrath of the rebels. At the turn of the year, 1000 of the Age of the Empire, no heir lives and the Empire crumbles. It is now up to the Lords of Agorath what course the followers of Light will take...
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Below you will find the stats on your ruler, including number of troops in your army, your prestige within the Assembly, treasury, the defense level of your provinces fortifications, as well as any special items you may have. You will notice that your ruler will accumulate a small amount of taxes each turn. Note that when your army is raised, your taxes will automatically be spent to maintain your army in the field. Keep an eye on the status of your province. Animal attacks, diseases, bandits, and invading forces will endanger your province and bring about harmful consequences. To protect your province you may invest gold in building fortresses that will slow enemy sieges and give you bonuses to defense. 50 gold chests will raise your fort level by 1 level.

Lords beware! This report is of forces' last know location. It is entirely possible that the forces have since marched from reported area.

Deagrin Province, Highathar Territory

Ruled by the Masterful Schemer Deagrin Benthorn

Prestige: Preeminent High King Allied with Mahakam Clan
Army: 6500 - 500 - 1300 - 500 - 500 - 1000 - 400 = 2300 Troops
Gold: 30 Chests - 5 + 30 + 25 -25 - 10 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 15 - 50 -25 - 5 + 30 + 5 - 5 + 20 + 5 + 10 - 20 + 15 - 5 + 10 -5 + 25 - 5 + 15 + 5 - 5 + 20 - 15 - 5 + 10 = 100 Chests
Fort Level: 2
Province Status: Exiled!

Manor + 500 Troops

Urist Province, Highathar Territory

Ruled by the Great Diplomat Wonorm of House Urist

Prestige: Well Known Master
Army: 6000 Troops
Gold: 90 Chests
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Saxon Province, Ecclestius Territory
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Willhelm Von Saxon

Prestige: Famous Duke Allied with House Krestarii and Kalare
Army: 6500 Troops
Gold: 50 Chests - 10 + 20 + 5 - 5 - 10 + 25 + 5 - 50 - 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 20 + 5 - 5 + 10 + 5 + 15 = 105 Chests
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Manor + 500 Troops

Vasatiis Province, Ecclestius Territory,
Ruled by The Great Diplomat Jestanii of House Krestarii

Prestige: Famous Proconsul
Gold: 65 - 5 + 15 = 75 Chests
Army: 7500 - 400 = 7100 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Dragon Riders + 1 Combat Roll

Embassy + 1500 Troops


Coamenel Province, Galadriel Territory,
Ruled by The Great Diplomat Nienna of House Coamenel

Prestige: Preimminent Queen
Gold: 50 Chests - 10 + 20 + 5 - 10 - 5 + 20 + 15 - 5 - 50 - 20 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 30 + 10 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 25 + 20 - 100 - 5 + 25 - 50 - 5 + 5 - 25 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 25 + 20 = 75 Chests
Army: 7500 - 200 - 200 - 400 + 500 - 200 = 7000 Troops
Fort Level: 2
Province Status: Thrall Hazard!

Manor + 500 Troops


Stronghelm Province, Norseland Territory
Ruled by The Great Diplomat Arnulf of House Stronghelm

Prestige: Famou Jarl Allied with House Rostani and House Kalare
Gold: 50 Chests + 5 - 10 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 10 - 10 + 25 - 50 - 30 - 10 + 5 + 20 + 25 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 = 65 Chests
Army: 6500 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Safe

Manor + 500 Troops

Kalare City-State, Norseland Territory,
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Kvothe of House Kalare

Prestige: Dark King
Gold: 50 Chests - 10 + 20 + 5 - 5 + 15 + 15 + 20 - 5 + 20 - 25 - 10 + 25 - 5 + 5 - 50 - 5 + 10 + 5 + 30 - 5 + 30 - 100 - 20 + 10 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 30 + 25 - 5 + 30 - 25 + 25 - 25 + 10 - 5 + 15 + 10 - 5 + 20 - 100 - 5 + 25 + 20 - 5 - 5 + 25 -5 + 15 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 25 - 100 - 5 + 15 + 10 = 50 Chests
Army: 6000 - 2100 - 500 + 10 000 - 4200 = 9200 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Hammer of Korack
Inferno Spell (+1 Combat Roll)
Dark Affinity (+1 Combat Roll)
Ice Shards Spell (+ Combat Roll)

Azeratti City-State, Ecclestius Territory,
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Ra'Gru of Goi'Orka

Prestige: Preeminent King
Gold: 50 Chests - 10 + 20 + 5 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 10 + 25 + 10 - 15 + 10 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 30 - 100 -5 + 20 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 30 + 20 - 90 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 20 - 15 = 10 Chests
Army: 6000 - 1500 - 300 = 4200 Troops
Fort Level:0
Province Status: Safe

Lights Protection + Combat Roll
Speed and Reflexes + Combat Roll

Emirate of Misr, Hroniden Territory,
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn I Ayyūbid

Prestige: Preeminent Sultan
Gold: 50 Chests = 10 + 20 - 20 - 5 + 25 - 25 - 5 + 30 - 50 - 10 + 25 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 15 -5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 10 - 5 + 10 + 10 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 15 - 100 - 5 +25 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 30 - 50 - 5 + 15 = 25 Chests
Army: 7500 - 800 - 1000 + 2000 = 7700 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Exile

Embassy + 1500 troops
Wild Ruin Held!
Light Spell Learned! + Combat Roll

Herasnia Province, Hroniden
Ruled by The Great Diplomat Asad Imir Rostani

Prestige: Very Famous Shah
Gold: 50 Chests - 25 + 25 + 20 - 10 + 25 - 5 + 5 - 25 - 10 + 25 - 25 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 30 + 5 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 10 - 100 + 20 = 55 Chests
Army: 7500 - 1200 - 1100 - 900 - 400 - 400 - 800 = 2500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Exile

Manor + 500
Fairy Force + Combat Spell

Province of Berandreil, Galadriel Territory
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Zephfer Huaindren

Prestige: Worshipful Dark God
Gold: 50 Chests - 25 - 10 + 5 - 10 + 15 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 10 - 25 + 30 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 15 + 10 + 10 - 15 = 85 Chests
Army: 10 500 - 3300 = 7200 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Dark Shrine + 500
Dragon Shift + Combat

Province of Green Chasm, Galadriel
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Eylinn of Mindrilla

Prestige:Very Famous Therain-Queen Consort
Gold: 50 chests - 20 + 20 - 25 + 10 - 15 + 15 - 5 + 5 - 10 - 5 + 20 - 5 - 5 + 5 -5 + 5 - 5 - 5 + 30 + 10 + 5 - 5 + 15 + 20 - 5 - 5 + 15 - 100 - 5 + 25 + 20 + 10 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 5 - 20 + 20 - 100 - 5 + 20 + 5 = 20 Chests
Army: 6500 - 600 - 500 - 1600 - 200 - 400 + 1000 - 400 = 3800 Troops
Fort Level 0
Province Status: Exile

Manor + 500
Dark Affinity + Combat Roll
Flame of Barumn + Combat Roll
Dreagon's Bane + Combat Roll
Intrigue + Stealth Roll

Province of Three Rivers, Ecclestius
Ruled by The Masterful Schemer Justinus Celestian

Prestige: Very Famous Duke Allied with House Frostverd
Gold: 50 Chests + 15 + 15 - 50 -5 + 5 - 10 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 15 - 10 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 25 - 10 + 20 - 5 + 25 + 5 - 5 + 20 - 100 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 5 = 55 Chests
Army: 6000 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Safe

Light Spell +1 Combat Roll


The Pale, Norseland
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist Alföðr "The Crownless" of House Frostsverð

Prestige: Famous Jarl Allied with House Celestian
Gold: 50 Chests + 5 - 5 + 5 - 50 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 20 + 5+ 5 = 85 chests
Army: 6000 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Safe

Mahakam Clanship, Galadriel Province,
Ruled by The Masterful Schemer Yarpen syn Światowida

Prestige: Famous UnderKing Allied With House Deagrin
Gold: 50 + 5 - 5 + 10 - 50 - 5 + 5 + 25 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 20 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 115 Gold
Army: 6500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Vampire Infestation!

Manor + 500 Troops

Wolfen Province, Ecclestius
Ruled by The Great Diplomat Count Matthew Wolfe

Presitge: Famous Duke
Gold: 50 - 5 + 5 + 10 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 90 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 20 = 75 Gold Chests
Army: 6500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Manor + 500 Troops
Summon Spirit Wolves + Combat Roll

Bravengard Province, Ashen Wastes, Ruled by the Brilliant Strategist Luk'av of Bravengard

Prestige: Well Known Dark Lord
Gold: 45 Chests
Army: 5000 + 1500 = 6500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Mad Beasts!

Dark Temple (+1500 Troops)

Karmont Province, Ashen Wastes
Ruled by the Masterful Schemer Balthar Birch

Prestige: Worshipful Dark God-General
Army: 22 500 - 2400 = 20 100 Troops
Gold: 50 - 25 - 5 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 30 -5 + 15 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 5 - 90 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 20 + 20 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 25 + 15 - 5 + 30 - 100 - 5 + 30 + 5 = 60 chests
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Dark Temple(+1500 Troops)
Dark Spell + 1 Combat Roll
Aegis Shield + Combat Roll
Judgement Spell + Combat

The Province of Urdnot
Ruled by the Great Diplomat Borguk of Urdnot

Prestige: Preeminent King
Army: 6000 - 2100 - 100 = 3800 Troops
Gold: 50 - 5 + 10 + 15 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 10 + 25 + 15 - 5 - 5 + 5 - 100 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 20 - 25 + 5 + 5 - 5 - 20 = 0 Chests
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Exiled!

Wildfire Spell + Combat Roll

Vardohus Province
Ruled by the Masterful Schemer Ainikki Hilmarsdóttir

Prestige: Famous Queen
Gold: 50 Chests - 5 + 30 - 10 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 20 + 5 - 5 + 5 - 100 - 5 + 30 - 5 + 25 = 65 Chests
Army: 6000 - 100 = 5900 Troops
Fort Level: 2
Province Status: Safe

Garhold Clanship, Highthar Territory
Ruled by the Brilliant Strategist Garhold Bittersteel

Prestige: Worshipful Dark God-King
Gold: 50 - 50 + 25 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 15 + 10 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 25 = 110 Chests
Army: 5000 - 700 - 300 = 4000 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Safe

Loghain Province, Haunted Forest
Ruled by the Great Diplomat Loghain Deftspear

Prestige: Worshipful Dark God-King
Gold: 50 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 30 -10 + 20 - 5 + 10 - 5 + 30 - 100 - 5 + 15 - 5 + 30 = 50 Chests
Army: 6000 - 800 - 700 = 4500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Golem Spell + Combat

Al-Jabaal Province, Hroniden
Ruled by the Great Diplomat Abu Basir

Prestige: Emir
Gold: 50 Chests
Army: 6000
Fort Level: 0
Provinve Status: Safe

Ordivantis Province, Highathar
Ruled by the Brilliant Strategist Owain of Tudonii

Presitge: Unknown Count
Gold: 50 - 5 + 15 - 50 - 5 + 5 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 5 - 15 = 40 Chests
Army: 5000 - 200 - 1600 - 1000 + 400 = 2600 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: Exiled!

Razudal Province, Ashen Wastes
Ruled by the Masterful Schemer Koldun, King of the Undead

Infamy: Well Known Self Entitled King
Gold: 50 - 5 + 25 - 5 + 30 + 5 - 5 + 5 - 20 = 80 Gold
Army: 5000 + 200 - 300 = 4900 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Exiled!

Thaanos Province, Ecclestius
Ruled by The Brilliant Strategist, Balfour Aingeal

Prestige: Well Known Count
Gold: 50 - 5 + 20 - 5 + 25 = 85 Chests
Army: 5000 - 1000 - 500 = 3500 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Lunasta Province, Galadriel
Ruled by the Great Diplomat, Kaelia Melavia.

Prestige: Unknown Mistress
Gold: 50 - 25 = 25 Chests
Troops: 6500 - 1500 = 5000 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: Safe

Manor + 500 Troops

Unlike the characters central to the overarching storyline, such as Qylan and Jacob, these characters control their own provinces that operate much like the player controlled territories. Created by me, it is hoped that these NPCs will bring some balance to the game to the Kingdom's that lack the same amount of vassal/players as other characters. Players should feel free to interact with the following NPCs however they see fit.

The Tooth
Ruled by the Great Diplomat Goldtooth SwiftThorn

Prestige: Well Known Master
Gold: 50 - 5 + 10 = 55 Gold Chests
Army: 6000 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: SAFE

The North Shield
Ruled by the Brilliant Strategist Arl Farkark One-Eye

Prestige: Unknown Arl
Gold: 50 Chests
Army: 5000 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status SAFE

Ruled by the Masterful Schemer Elron of Mirrorwater

Prestige: Unknown Master
Gold: 50 + 20 = 70 Chests
Army: 5000 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: SAFE

Tirath City-State
Ruled by the Great Diplomat Azeem of Tirath

Prestige: Unknown Emir
Gold: 50 - 50 = 0 Chests
Army: 6000 Troops
Fort Level: 1
Province Status: SAFE

Ruled by the Brilliant Tactician Ashtul the Fallen

Prestige: Unknown Dark Lord
Gold: 50 Chests
Army: 4000 Troops
Fort Level: 0
Province Status: SAFE

Dark Trance (-10 Dark Spells)
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The Golden City


The Capital of the now fallen Empire, the Golden City is the cosmopolitan center of Agorath. The city is home to over one million residents of all races of the Light. The architecture of the city consists of a combination of Dwarven, Elven, Hronidian, and Ecclestius designs. Dominating the cityscape is the Imperial Palace, which houses the Assembly of Lords, and the Tower of Light, which is the seat of the ArchMage and the School of Light, the ancient order of Mages of Agorath.

Rulers will have the option of purchasing and upgrading property within the Golden City which will advance their prestige within the capital. Having property within the Golden City will also allow rulers to draw from the vast pool of citizenry to bolster the size of their army. In order to begin buying property, however, rulers must have already obtained the prestige required for the High Steward to consider making you a permanent resident of the city.

25 Chests of Gold
Well Known

The High Steward has signed over the deed to a luxurious vacant manor. The residence will act as your headquarters within the Golden City. An additional 500 men will now join your army.

50 Chests of Gold

Permission has been granted to upgrade your manor into an Embassy. As well as housing your ambassadors and entertaining dignitaries, the embassy will project your glory into the Golden City. An additional 1000 soldiers will now join your army.

Fortified Embassy
50 Chests of Gold
Duke, Theron, Shah, Jarl, or Petty King

The people of the Golden City toast your name in taverns and your accomplishments are well known to all. For the right price your embassy may be upgraded with a training yard, barracks, strong walls, and fortifications. An additional 1500 will now join your army.

50 Chests of Gold
King, Sultan, High King

You have reunited your territory into a mighty kingdom and may now upgrade your embassy into a mighty palace that will fill the people of the city with wonder at your glory. 2000 additional troops will now join your army.​

The Black Island


One of the many shrines in Drearagheur, The Black Island

25 Chests of Gold
Dark Lord

A place upon the Isle where Dark Acolytes will worship Dark Lords. Worshipers will bolster the power of the Lord and allow an additional 500 Troops join their army.

50 Chests of Gold
Dark Lord

The simple shrine has been upgraded to temple, housing the Acolytes and enshrined statues of the Dark Lord. An additional 1000 Troops will join the army of their Lord.

Fortified Temple
50 Chests of Gold
Insidious Demon-Lord

Your place of worship has been built upon to include a barracks and tower. Strange pulses of Light can be seen across the West where your Acolytes practice magic. An additional 1500 Troops will join your army.

Dark Castle
50 Chests of Gold

Your followers have built a great cathedral, complete with barracks, towers and high walls in your honour. An entire city has been built to house your many followers. An additional 2000 Troops will join your army.​
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Sign ups are now open! Please sign up with the following format:

Name: One-Eye Riley
Age: 29
Trait: Masterful Schemer (or brilliant strategist, or Great Diplomat)
Race: Imperial (elf, dwarf, nord, hronidian, or Orc) Remember, races may only live in certain territories!
Location: Biesboim Province, Ecclestius
Vassals: (up to two vassals) Vondrick Von Lichenstien
Tom Bombadil
Champion: Tom Bombadil
Bio: Having lost his eye in a horrible hunting accident, the count who claims lineage from the Hero Boris the Blade from the Age of Heroes, has vowed to claim the Dutchie of Biesboim for himself.
Name: Deagrin Burntbeard
Age: 74
Trait: Schemer
Location: Highathar
Race: Dwarf
Vassals: Urist Bronzefinger; Rangi Bonegreaves
Bio: A member of a cadet branch of the last reigning house of Mountain Kings. The direct heirs of the deposed kingdom were wiped out, but the Deagrins cooperated with the Imperials and thus retained their wealth and position. Patrons of Dwarven artisans and culture, they've also maintained a strong core of sworn axes and client houses among the mountain homes.

Killed by Undead at Highathar. He died as he lived, inside of a cave.

Name: Deagrin Wrothiron
Age: 137
Trait: Strategist
Location: Highathar
Race: Dwarf
Heir: Deagrin Benthorn, Deagrin Gilthammer
Daughter: Deagrina Magmamane
Champion: Deagrin Gilthammer
Vassals: Urist Bronzefinger; Rangi Bonegreaves
Bio: Third son of a previous Master, Wrothiron rose to power by acclamation by the nobles of Kogansunan following the death of his great-nephew Burntbeard. A veteran of several campaigns against goblins, bandits, and other enemies of his people, he has a reputation for bravery and integrity. He rose to be High King Under the Mountains, leading the Lords of Light in several battles.

Slain by the Dark One itself in single combat. He did not fear the darkness.

Deagrin Benthorn
Age: 37
Trait: Schemer
Location: Highathar? (in exile)
Race: Dwarf
Heir: Deagrin Victor (Age 1)
Champion: vacant
Vassals: ?

Bio: The death of High King Deagrin Wrothiron left his son, Prince-Master Deagrin Benthorn, the de jure High King. With Kogansunan destroyed, most of its residents slaughtered or worse, and his followers numbering a few thousand ragged refugees, how much practical impact this has is debatable.

Like most sons of high nobility, Benthorn received the best training his father could afford. Even so, he's only an average warrior. Unlike his father and brother, Benthorn excelled in the study of history, politics and law. During his father's reign, most of the day to day governance of the Mountainhome fell to him, along with the wrangling of vassals. He was well suited for the role, and assisted by his wife, Mahakam Żelisława he was able to fuel the nascent dwarven renaissance and resist the forces of darkness in several attacks. As the citadel fell before the Dark One itself, Benthorn led the survivors through a hidden passage built into the innermost sanctum for just such a day. Whether he can lead the remnants to new hope, or whether he is fated to be the last of the great House of Deagrin, will be decided in the coming days.
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Name:Urist Wonorm
Trait:Great Diplomat
Heir:Urist Brockim(Age: 40)
Vassals: Fel Gram
Rythr Golovin
Champion: Fel Gram
Dead Chamions and Rulers:Rythr Sonn,Fel Jekk
Bio:The Urist Family is one of the most powerful one of the noble dwarves families.Dwarves as tradition live around 160 years and the Urist family used to be the advisors of the king of Highathar and patrons of dwarven technology and metal crafting.Now with the Empire destroyed,Urist Wonorm using the power of diplomacy has vowed to restore the kingdom of the High mountain and the Empire to it's former glory.
EDIT: Damn,I should have been faster.Now Deaghaidh has a member of my family as vassals(Yes,we Urists put our surname first :p)What should I do now
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Here's an IC to explain why the Urist family put their surname first and then the name:
Tales of the Urist Family(Part I)

Legend tells of a deity located deep in Highathar,Mother Nature or Kilmorph(Stone Mother in the Dwarven language).It is said that Kilmorph created the first dwarves out of clay from the earth and scattered them among the world.It is said that these dwarves were thought of as immortals,but as further generations of dwarves were born their relationship with Mother Nature decayed and coming into contact with other races allienated from their original culture,tradition and purpose:Mining the earth and learning it's secrets.As such they lost their immortality.Some of the first Dwarves,"Men of Kilmorph" as they are called,died but some lived to tell their story.One of them was Urist Seaxov the Blessed,who was placed to Norseland by Kilmorph and after the destruction of the dwarven colony by the Nords there instructed him to travel to Highathar with his family.Because of the difficulty of living in Norseland,Mother Nature had blessed the Urists with the capability of learning and developing technologies never seen before.These included underground farming,high-tech weapons capable of killing dozens of soldiers from a distance and so forth.When Urist arrived with his men,the King of the High Mountain refused allowance of entrance to him and the Urist family had to settle in the High mountain,but away from the Kingdom.When Orcs first attacked the land,Urist knew that this was the chance to gain the King's trust.He used these weapons to frighten the Orcish army and as such protect the Kingdom.When the King and his army saw those weapons,they were amazed,since the King's family was blessed by Kilmorph to provide innovation to the arts and to culture and not as much to technology,as observed by the Deagrin family,which still holds these blessings.The King was as such pleased with Urist and seeing the technological capabilities of his family,he elevated him to advisor and it became some sort of a tradition for the Kings of the High Mountain to elevate members of the Urist Family to this status.Because of his loyalty to the King,Urist Seaxov was allowed to put his surname before his name,which was a honour at those times.As such,the Urist family kept this tradition.Because of the King's ever-growing greed for power and gold,Urist faked his death,took the plans for the high-tech weapons and left.Now his family has to rely once again on their brilliant minds to develop these technologies again.Although it is said Urist Seaxov still roams these lands,undetected by Magicians and Dwarves alike...
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I like the idea of Dwarves putting the family name first as a rule actually. I was thinking I'd edit my original post accordingly
(( My thoughts regarding Dwarven History:

There were Seven Fathers and Seven mothers. Each pair in time founded one of the Mountainhomes, the traditional centers of Dwarven culture, each in a different peak in the mountains of Highathar.

Each of the first dwarves awoke in a different part of the world, but in time through various trials and adventures each Father found a Mother, and each pair in turn came to the High Mountain, the tallest peak in Highathar. One dwarf father awoke at this peak, Deabrok, who named himself King of the High Mountain. Each of the first couple lived there for a time, accepting him as the elder and leader, but one by one Deabrok alienated all of them in disputes of honor and primacy, and they left to found the other six homes. Their initial acceptance of him is the foundation of the historical claim of the Deabroks as High Kings of the Dwarves, a title the legendary King's heirs would claim with varying degrees of real authority (much like the High Kings of Ireland, the power of the office largely dependent on the prestige and strength of its occupant).

The Fathers and Mothers pass from history into legend in the Age of Darkness. The commonly accepted narrative is that they refused to take part in the usurpation of magic, and were turned out of their own strongholds by their ambitious children. This event is considered the reason that Dwarves, unlike the Fathers and Mothers, are not immortal, and the disapproval of the parents is also the reputed reason that Dwarves cannot directly wield magic themselves, though they would in time learn to imbue magic into objects.

After the victory of the Light races in the Age of Heroes, the Mountainhomes entered their golden age. Great achievements of craftsmanship were achieved, and the fortresses of the dwarves grew to dizzying size, majesty and wealth. As part of the Golden Empire, settlers and adventurers from the Mountainhomes struck the earth to dig out colonies in new lands, some of which grew to eclipse their parent realms.

The golden age turned sour, and the Empire began to oppress instead of lead. Several times various dwarven lords joined in revolts. Despite many efforts, no rebel was able to unite the disparate, fractious dwarven houses, and many of these revolts ended in the rebels being betrayed by ambitious family members or upstart houses. The High Mountain was the last Mountainhome to rise, and resisted Imperial forces in a bloody, decade long siege. Levies from previously conquered Dwarven realms would prove key to the eventual Imperial victory. In the end, the last High King of the Dwarves collapsed the innermost sanctum as it was falling to the assault, entombing thousands of Imperial forces with him and bringing about the utter ruin of the greatest of the Mountainhomes.

Edit: Also, I'm looking for a way to use the Dwarffortress name generator outside of DF. If anyone knows of one, please post the link (unless its a forum, due to the ban on links to other forums).

A map would be nice to see how places relate. A suggestion would be to place the mountains where the dwarven mountainhomes are on the border between Highathar and a desert region, as tall mountains tend to create rain shadows. ))
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((love the lore you added, Deadghaidh. Keep In mind that your province can follow which ever beliefs you like, I only suggest if fits in the overall framework of the Creator of Light and The Dark One at the top of the hierarchy. I suggest hero worship, and ancestor worship, but its up to you, as long as it fits in the framework of the ages.

A map of Agorath will be posted later today, as well.))
((I'm thinking of posting later today or maybe tomorrow Part II of the "Tales of the Urist Family"
I also think as a rule dwarven noblewomen should be allowed to lead armies.What do you think of this Bishop?
Love the input Deaghaidh!))
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Tales of the Urist Family(Part II)

While there are many legends among the dwarven society,the one about Kilmorph and Urist Seaxov is undeniably the one filled with most "Mythos"as to say.It is well known that the dwarves are not immortal not because of their allienation from stoneworking but because they turned against their Fathers and Mothers.The Urist family was not blessed by Kilmorph to have a shrewd mind when it comes to technology,atleast not indirectly,but because they lived in a harsh environment where technological developments like underground farming,lava handling and crafts,advanced mining techniques and traps were a necessity for survival,such as the Deagrin family used arts and culture to consolidate their relations with Men and Elves.For if the dwarves of the Urists were so higly advanced,why did the Nords manage to destroy their colony?One could arque,that they didn't think of an invasion from one of the races of Men and that the Norse used intrigue,but such stories will and must remain stories for the sake of being objectivity.It is true that the early dwarves and especially the Urist family held women a high esteem,going as far as worshiping Kilmorph as the Earth Mother.The truth is however that men have prevailed more in the Urist history than women.One thing that should be mentioned though,is that the expedition leader for the High Mountain was Urist Seaxov's wife,Gerla Marthea,a strong and independent woman.When the Orcs invaded the High mountain for the first time,it is believed that the Urist family vented through stone mechanisms high-pressure water from a nearby waterfall to the orcs and throw it at them,scaring the superstitious Orcs.It has been ever since to pass down technological secrets from one Urist to another when being tutored.

Now More about Urist Seaxov.The truth is that not much is known about him,unlike the other Fathers and Mothers of the Dwarves.It is unkown if he was born out of the Norselands or if he travelled there with his family.It is also unsure whether he lives today,like meny Fathers and Mothers do,since his corpse has not been found but neither has he been found.What is known though is that he fought with Ecclestus,or Egletus in the dwarven language and religious texts,against the Dark One,being one of the few Fathers that allied with the other races in the Age of Darkness and was as such capable of wielding powerful magical spells of conjuration and illusion and passing down to his heirs this knowledge and capability of using magic(as such,he is regarded by most foreigners as evil).To keep alive this sacred tradition,Urist family members continue to research on the implication of a spiritual life source,or mana as it's called by magicians,into a lifeless object,a material like stone,dirt or even obsidian,to create creatures bound to their creators,known as golems.Unfortunatly though,much knowledge has been lost about illusion spells.Golems were used extensivly in the Norselands by the Urists,but most of them now lie destroyed,having rejoined their original birthplace in a cruel irony.Golems are still used in Urist society,including the army and the workforce.Urist's are also known for exporting golems throughout the Empire and binding them with their owner through use of spells.One last experiment ended in disaster,as the family tried to create Golems that deflected spells.In the battlefield,these Golems proved destructive,not for the enemy army,but for the Imperial army,being forbidden to be used again,as they actually let the spells pass through them instead of deflecting them.This lead to a crisis in the Urist family and a loss of a huge amount of prestige among the noble circles in The Golden City.What can a failed experiment do...

((love the freedom we can have,thanks Bishop))
((Love the map, particularly as it makes us Dwarves the center of the known world! :D

In general I think of Dwarves as a highly patriarchal society. I was thinking about male dwarves outnumbering females as far as birth rate. As a result female dwarves wind up being horded like gold or jewels, locked away from potential dangers, real or imagined. It would also mean that to get a mate a bachelor dwarf would be under great pressure to amass wealth and or prestige.

All that said, it doesn't make female dwarf warriors, generals, or even rulers impossible. In fact any that did emerge would be all the more famous for being rare.))
Reserved for Bestiary

Bestiary of Agorath
Eles Rietah
Mage of the School of Light
Circa. 341 A.E.

The following is a culmination of work added to over the years by dedicated Mages, Captains, and even Hunters who have travelled the lands of Aragoth in an ambitious mission to sort and compile all living beasts encountered throughout the realm. This work would not have been possivle without the tireless efforts of my predecessors in the last age who compiled a wide variety of notes and texts on the beasts of the world as well as tainted creatures whom follow the bidding of The Dark One. By order of Emperor Hyatt The Peaceful, I give you the Bestiary of Agorath and may it be an easy point in reference for all who plan to travel the walked and un-trodden paths of Agorath and may it save the lives of many.

Beasts of Norseland
Norseland is rich with the beasts one would find across the northern lands of Aragoth. Mainly deer, wolves, great cats, and bears. Each animal poses a threat, even a deer when in heat can catch the unweary off guard. A proud tradition of hunting these beasts persists within the Nord culture, but a respect of the land held by people of Norseland has conserved the populations of these beasts and their populations are rich as a result.

Unique to Norseland, however are beasts of a more hostile disposition.

Larger than their lesser cousins, the Direwolf is a pack animal that can grow to be as large as a man. Some, from the Age of Darkness and Heroes, were said to grow as larger and tower over men, though none in recent history have been found. Strong and fierce, these beasts pose a serious threat to small settlements and wonderers throughout Norseland.

Frost Troll
Also referred to as a Yeti, or Snow Monster, Frost Trolls are known to inhabit the mountainous regions of Norseland. They tend to be solitary animals, though there have been documented cases of them working in pacts. Cunning predators, Frost Troll's often ambush their prey using their snowy coats to remain hidden from their unsuspecting catch. Crude traps are also known to be built by these Trolls which exhibit an intelligence that has previously thought to be non-existent among the creatures. Frost Trolls are weak against fire.

Descended from goblins, these creatures are covered in a thick fur unlike their smooth skin southern counterparts. Much like goblins, Rikelings are pact animals and are capable of fashioning tools mostly for hunting and warfare. Unlike goblins, Rikelings remain untainted and place an almost religious significance on gold and precious metals. Traveling the wilds of Norseland is fraught with danger especially with these murderous thieves willing to kill for the gold in your pocket. When facing a pack of Rieklings, it is best to concentrate efforts on killing their leader. Destroying the alpha riekling will often cause the rest to scatter and retreat.

Frost Dragon
Unique to Noseland is the Frost Dragon. Though rare, and only thought to be a handful of dragons active in a decade, the rest spend the majority of their lives dormant, underground. Ranging from size from a small house to a town, dragons are fierce and deadly. If you come across one, find cover and pray to the Creator. Though they have an aversion to fire, standing ground against a Frost Dragon is foolish and unadvisable.

Beasts of Ecclestius​

The lush shires, forests and hills of Ecclestius are teeming with deer, wolves, great cats and bears. Unlike the Norselands, however, the southern regions of Ecclestius also call home to Water-Lions, great snakes, buffalo. The diverse lands of the Imperials is home to a diverse ecosystem as well as other dangers unique to the cosmopolitan territory.


In the Age of Heroes, great mages who succumbed to the Black Scourge were buried with honor across the territory in large barrows. However some were tainted by the Scourge, and over the years have risen as twisted reflections of what they once were. These monsters, though long since severed from the Dark, stalk the night and are known to steal small children from their beds. Wights are immortal, but their etheral form will dissipate when struck. It is unknown just how long the Wight will diminish for, Some say years, but others claim days.

Goblin tribes often make their homes in the wooded glades of Ecclestius, however, unlike the charred skin of the Western Goblins, the Ecclestius goblins seem to have no reverence for the Dark One, and like their Riekling cousins, have a homicidal lust for gold. Always working in packs, and often using tools and weapons taken from victims, this threat should not be underestimated.

Beasts of Highathar

The rocky highlands and mountains of Highathar are home to an assortment of creatures, including mountain goats, Great Cats, and Cave Bears. There are some creatures, however, that pose a greater threat than these common beasts.

Surviving the ages, these creatures endowed with powerful strength and lack of empathy, are known to guard ancient ruins and passes. Though created to be docile and obedient, many golems have become mad when the connection with their master's becomes severed and pose a serious threat to the people of High Mountain.

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House Deagrin History

Deabrok the Elder King is the patriarch the House of Deagrin traces itself back to. Awakening in the shadow of the High Mountain itself, Deabrok was gifted with a mastery of words and songs. His eloquence persuaded each of the Fathers and Mothers to dwell in his halls for a time, though in the end his excessive pride and insistence on dominance drove all of them away except the matriarch Uria, the personification of modesty and patience.

Deabrok's ability to persuade his fellow Dwarves meant that in ancient times his hall was blessed with the fruits of all their innate gifts. This, and the reverence all the Fathers and Mothers felt for the High Mountain, made his hall the greatest of all. As each new advance was made, Deabrok would find a way to use it beyond the useful in pursuit of beauty. Sculpture, musical instruments, jewelry, high dwarven cuisine, all are attributed to the influence of Deabrok.

Legend has it that Deabrok is sometimes still encountered as an anonymous, impoverished travelling bard. In most he appears to seek refuge from inclement weather. He stays one night, and depending on the hospitality of the host some reward or punishment is found after his departure. This usually takes the form of some ordinary object being transformed into a more beautiful version for the hospitable and charitable. The unwelcoming tend to receive some form of mockery. One popular story has the lord who refused him entry outright discovering his family name etched indelibly in the bottom of every chamberpot in the hall.

House Deagrin came into existence three generations after the banishing of Deabrok. A Dwarven prince of the same name attempted to usurp the High Mountain from his elder brother. Deagrin family tradition has it that the brother was mad, though other sources disagree. In any case the coup failed, Deagrin was killed, and his children banished. Seeking refuge in colonies in Galadriel and Norseland, they eventually rose to prominence in Kogansunan, the sixth and smallest of the original mountainhomes. As Imperial forces were assaulting the fortress due to a failed rebellion by its king, Deagrin Crustwater overthrew Sankis Fireaxe. He surrendered to the Emperor and became Lord of Kogansunan. Deagrin forces were among those crushed in the final collapse of the High Mountain, fighting on the Imperial side.
((Great job guys! I love the work you both are doing to flesh out the Dwarve race. My only nitpick is that magic has greatly diminished in Agorath. Ecclestiasties had broken the magical link with the world when he exiled The Dark One. Today magic only exists as cheap parlour tricks. That isn't to say that enchanted items don't still exist, however. Golems still could exist today if binded together by the use of an enchanted item, like a enchanted clay heart, for example. - however this would mean they wouldn't be wide spread and very expensive and preciously sought.

I think you both have the Dwarves covered pretty well. There is still an Orc, Desert, Nord, Elven, and Imperial Kingdom to forge! Not to mention a certain prophecy warning of the return of the Dark One... Build a Kingdom, Boss players around, Forge an Empire, Save the world... All you have to do is sign up!:)))
((I am interested in joining as an elf, but I am to lazy to do the reading right now, so I shall join.))