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Scuffle at Duke of the Infantado's House
Guards Chase Armed Intruders Away

Guards on the estate of the Duke of the Infantado fought off a group of armed intruders on the estate. The intruders' motives are currently unknown, for it is unknown if they were there to steal or to kill. The press is currently waiting on a report to be made from the local police. Many suspect that the Duke of the Infantado's life was threatened, and are waiting for a response from him.
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((For the record, the slave trade's been abolished for years; we've even been helping the British combat it... though if they continue to refuse acknowledging us... >.>))
((Not going to lie, this sounds like we've handwaved any American resistance to the Quintuple treaty, which is the treaty that was signed in 1841 by Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and France (not Spain). The treaty never ended up being ratified mainly because of American Minister to France being very vocal to Louis Phillipe about it. So how come Spain, which is not even recognized by Britain, be invited to London to sign this treaty? And furthermore, how come the Americans did nothing about it this time, even though we still (assumedly) had the Webster-Ashburton treaty? A lot of handwaving if you ask me.))
((Private, only to those in the cabinet. For now))

Valencia sat considering a list of officers for promotion and assignment. The promotion of Carlists to higher ranks had left the lower strata with a preponderance of less conservative minded individuals; an issue that had to be continually monitored. He rubbed his temples tiredly, thanking God that Spain had colonies in far-flung places where such individuals could do little damage.

A knock on the door signalled a visitor. As the slim and not at all rotund form of the Archbishop of Toledo entered the room, Valencia asked "Your Excellency, what can I do for you?". He always had time for the Church.

The archbishop shuffled in accompanied by a servsnt carrying what appeared to be letters in his hand.

"It is a pleasure to be here. However I bring bad news. I presume you heard about the terrible situation at the Duke of Infantado's household. Truely it is a disgrace to see such ruffians attacking a man of noble blood. However during the standard investigation of the Property by my agents to check for any clues, or signs of entry that could indicate a motive. One of my agents found these letters." As the Archbishop said this the servant walked over and placed the letters in front Valencia.

Valencia begins to frown as he reads through the letters, he thought of young Infantado as a tad too rash, but nothing uncommon for his age, certainly not this rash. Looking up at the Archbishop he asks "Have you made further investigations?

"No, I brought them to you as soon as possible. If these letters are correct, then the Infantado was doing some rather illegal things, at times, when the realm needed stability. Affiliating with Millitant Republicans, not something I would expect from a man such as him. One of such honour, and loyalty. How do you propose we act upon this information?"

Stifling a cough - something he has been doing a lot of late - Valencia uses the pause to consider for a while.

"It would not do to harm the poor boy's reputation or impugn his honour without first being absolutely certain of the veracity of this information. I have been meaning to speak to him about this infernal pamphleteering of his, I will raise the matter gently with him at the same time perhaps. Is such a course agreeable to you, Excellency?

"Of course, we wouldn't want to destroy the man reputation on one impetuous action. However if I may add one thing. I propose we inform the Government officials of this action. To get their full support for any events that may occur"

"If you thank it best. On a strictly need-to-know basis for anyone outside the cabinet, of course."

"Of course, only he cabinet will know. Unless deemed nessecary for these truths to become public knowledge.

Good Day Sir, I hope this meeting was most informative."

"Good day, excellency."

The svelte Archbishop left the Duke to his thoughts.

((Thank you Keinwyn for the help))
Carlos Maria Alvera y Ponce de Leon sat in his quarters while African slaves hurried around him, carrying papers and tea.

"Okay, how much longer am I going to stay in Africa?" he said.

((I kind of lost track of where my character is. Is he still in Africa?))
Don Alejo finished surveying his latest plans for military expansion. The number of men flocking to sign up for service was truly testament to the love and devotion His Majesty’s subjects had for him. With this the home forces would be brought to a total strength of one hundred and eight thousand. Portugal too could field maybe thirty thousand, however Don Alejo worried their discipline, morale and equipment would not match those of the Spanish. Still, he prayed they would not see active war any time soon.

The colonial forces though were another matter. Despite the protestations of the Duke of the Infantado, the African adventure had met with approval even amongst some in the Liberal faction, providing new plantations of coffee and spices as well as a supply of exotic woods for the profit of both the state - allowing for tax cuts - and many fine gentlemen who had seen fit to invest in African projects.

Letters to General Carlos María de Alvear y Ponce de Leon and General Roberto Rafael Cortez Allende ((@zenphoenix @Terraferma ))

I shall be advising His Majesty to authorise a restoration of order amongst the savages of Benin. As your forces are HM's instrument in this region, it is pertinent to advise you to prepare your men and make the necessary plans for the operation.


General Alejo Ma. Sastre y Díaz de Santa Ava,
Secretary for the Office of War
Duque de Valencia.

Letter To His Excellency, The Duke of Alba ((Private - @Marschalk ))

Excelentisímo Señor,
In view of your foreign plans, I must express admiration for your ambition in regards to a conference over the German problem; such an undertaking will prove no mean feat.
On what must seem a more mundane note, the savages that describe themselves as Benin would benefit from the order of Spanish civilization and the word of God. I therefore intend to advise His Catholic Majesty to bring order to their provinces should the situation prove favourable. Could you advise on whether these savages have any alliances - or whatever agreements that may pass for diplomacy amongst their ilk - with their neighbours, or whether any other of the civilised nations of the world have claimed this as their sphere?


General Alejo Ma. Sastre y Díaz de Santa Ava,
Duque de Valencia.

Manuel sat in his father’s chair, it was a beautiful chair that had been given as a gift by the late king Fernando upon his father’s restoration of Fernando to the Spanish throne. His father had valued the chair all his life and now it to Manuel it was a memory of both his father, the service his father had done to Spain and the love of Spain and duty they had done on to their realm, peers and kings. His main servant stood opposite of him, Manuel had a wary look on his face as he told him. “I want you to increase the guard, I have a bad feeling about this and I want my family to be safe.” The servant nodded before going off as Manuel looked down on a paper before him.

Public message from the duke of Infantado
As many no doubt have heard by now then my family estate came under attack a few nights ago. This attack is a despicable act against peace and order, and I thank god for the valiant defense that my own guards put up against the intruders. I am happy to say that neither I or my family was hurt during the attack, only startled by the sudden sound of gunshots, the valiant defense of my guards ensured that the introducers never even neared the palace, my home, and as such was kept at a safe distance away from us.

I also thank the local police master who did his position proud, when he arrived as he dispatched ten men to guard the outer walls and areas of my estate, while my own guards stayed near the palace to protect us in case another attack was forthcoming, which thank the lord it was not. Both me and my wife, the duchess, thank god for our fortunes and pray this will be the last of such despicable attacks.

Don Manuel de Alcántara Álvarez de Toledo, 14th Duque of the Infantado, 10th Duque of Pastrana, 10th Duque of Estremera, 11th Duque of Francavilla, 11th Duque of Peñaranda de Duero, 9th Marqués of Távara, Marqués de Santillana, Marqués del Cenete, Marqués de Almenara, Marqués de Cea, Marqués de Campoo, Marqués de Algecilla, Marqués de Argüeso, Marqués de Valderrábano, Marqués de Villanueva del Fresno y Barcarrota, Marqués de la Algaba, Marqués de la Bañeza, Marqués de Mirallo, Marqués de Valdunquillo, Conde de Saldaña, Conde de Villada, Conde del Real de Manzanares, Conde del Cid, Conde de Montijo, Conde de Miranda del Castañar, Conde de Fuentidueña, Conde de Casarrubios del Monte, Conde de San Esteban de Gormaz y Vizconde de Palacios de la Valduerna.
((So, it seems that a lot of problems are occurring due to so many factors having to be accounted for for something a player asks to do. One such factor is political clout allowing people to do certain things. As of now, there is no real way to determine political clout among factions. This is where I step in with a new mechanic to help elevate a lot of pain from myself and from you guys, The Strata System:

The Strata System

Is your political group a champion of the poor, do they uphold the beliefs of the middle class, or are they simply a party for the rich and powerful of the nation? This is based upon your organization’s commitment to the stratas of the nation. Via quality IC, your faction, rebel group, or organization can gain popularity among the different wealth levels of the nation. Each strata presents its own benefits for pleasing and penalties for angering. You can write a book about the plight of the poor, promise a certain reform to appease certain stratas, and call for tax cuts and benefits to the nobles. Of course, you will have to keep your promises to these strata, failing to uphold them will be a big problem, as well as watch your fellow group members who may isolate your faction from a certain Strata. Your group’s popularity among strata can help win elections, aide in causing revolutions, and help bring about change should it be needed.

The Strata:

Poor (Farmers, Laborers, Craftsmen, Soldiers): These are the lowest and poorest people in the nation. They make up the bulk of the population. Social reforms will greatly aide in getting them to your side. Due to their vastness, they can hide you from investigations, help you escape the country, and help spread ideas into the country even when you are in exile. However, one thing to note about the poor, they are not really that politically active, at least at this current stage. They don’t care about politics or reforms, all they care about is being able to provide for their families and not getting beat up. Groups that favor the poor can possibly see them join them in revolutions and coups, or see that they help bring in traitors and rebels by having them as informants. It is especially good with universal elections to have the largest voting body on your side...

Middle (Clerks, Artists, Clergy, Bureaucrats, Officers): These are the most diverse group of people, and are often considered the most volatile. Yes, these make up the rabble-rousers, the educated, the enlightened bunch. A group that gains influence with them can cause nuisances for anyone who opposes them. Favoring the middle class can cause you to use them to bring up militancy, sow dissent against the government, and bringing back order should the need arise. Since the middle class are the most politically involved, having your group favor them can also help in revolutions. Penalties for distancing yourself from the middle class will mean a volatile group of men will always be against you, and that is something that will sure put a hamper on your plans. Favoring the middle class is useful for causing chaos and restoring order.

Rich (Aristocrats, Capitalists): These are the wealthiest men in the nation, and the most prestigious. These are the ones with the money, and as the golden rule states, “he who has the gold makes the rules”. Favoring nobles is useful for gaining campaign funds and helping you out in elections, as well as influencing behaviors at court. Using the rich can bring about great respect in a Head of State, but they can also be used to bring down his respect as well. The rich can cut off funds to elections, hurting the campaigns of your rivals, and nobles will spread discontent with the monarch at court, lowering his respect. Disfavoring the rich will cause them not wanting to fund you or help you, hurting your chances at winning elections. Favoring the rich can help either boost your chances of becoming prominent in government, or hurt the efforts of your opponents.

Stratas that can vote will vote for parties that favor them.

Each quality IC directed at one of the strata will add a point of respect to that strata’s respect of your group. If you wish for your group to have Strata influence, please PM me and I will add it to the list of groups. Of course, getting the respect of the strata is one thing, keeping it is another. Should you fail at meeting your promises, whether it be constantly losing elections, failing to implement a promised policy in government, or simply just ignoring their pleas. Also, favoring specifically one strata can distance yourself from the others, bringing penalties to your group. Events will appear often that can earn a bit more respect with a strata for your faction. All of this shall be based off of quality of the IC aimed at the strata. Once you have your respect, you can use it in various forms. Of course, the more respect you earn with a particular faction, the better the result is with making them do something for you. A group with 10 respect in the middle class would have a much easier time raising MIL then a group with only 2 respect in the middle class will have at lowering it.

Those who are independent can either have their IC go towards the respect of a certain faction, or go against that of another faction.

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The candles were lightened and the antique silver and gold plates were shining on the snow-white tablecloth. The servants were bringing in the snacks - ranging from foie gras to the cold sturgeon. The three men enjoying the hospitality of the Liria Palace and its happy owner were sipping white wine and talking.

- Gentlemen, I do believe that finding a solution to the German Question is instrumental for the existence of the Holy Alliance. – the Duke of Alba said, after him and his guests exchanged the usual pleasantries and have eaten their first fill, satisfying the hunger. The main course, the golden pheasants stuffed with persimmons, was carried in – and they moved to the main topic. – I believe that only through working out a consensual decision on the matter we can prevent future conflict.

Annual meetings of the four ministers of foreign affairs of the Holy Alliance became a custom since the ascension of the Duke of Alba. Each year they took place in a different capital – and this year it was Madrid. Don Esteban did his best to entertain his high-ranked guests – they already visited a corrida, hunted in Seville and so on. He found it very convenient that the two of his guests were not only the foreign secretaries, but the heads of the cabinets of their countries. And the third was the Imperial Chancellor of Russia, as close to the governmental leader as you could get in the ultrabsolutist Tsardom.

- The opinion of my King is simple. – Otto von Manteuffel, the Prussian Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs noted, as he looked through his small pincnet. – German sovereigns and their people are one folk – by the principle of blood, language, by their historical roots. Why should not they be allowed further integration? It is due to their current disunity that anarchism rises within some of the princely states. Manteuffel was an old-school moderate politician, a product of the orderly Prussian bureaucracy. A mediator by his nature, he was careful and waited for a long time before barking, let alone biting. One of the authors of 1848 constitution, he, however, now did everything he could to keep the royal authority strong within its boundaries. Don Esteban was happy that he dealt with him and not a more fanatical Prussian supremacist, such as their new representative at Frankfurt, Bismarck von Schönhausen.

The Minister-President and Foreign Secretary of the Austrian Empire, Prince Felix of Schwarzenburg, stared at Manteuffel. He was a person of another mold. Brave, ruthless and forceful, he was known was his scandalous love affair with Jane Digby, an English socialite, whom he impregnated, causing her divorce from her husband, the Earl of Ellenborough. During the Hungarian events he actively participated in the suppression of the mutiny. - Well, the opinion of my Kaiser is that the sovereignty of the German princes should be respected. And the German folk are already united, through the German Confederation, as created after the Congress of Wienna. – this lion of a man said, helping himself to the bird.

Otto von Manteuffel now looked slightly annoyed, as if somebody was pulling his leg. He put the fork and knife aside, and looked at the Austrian Minister President. – First of all, Your Excellency, it in its current form the Confederation is but a mirage. Secondly, it is under unquestioned leadership of Austria. And Prussia, a great realm, is denied any true influence within it, as if it was something small, like the Principality of Lippe.

The Duke of Alba smiled, his shiny, shiny eyes not reflecting his true feelings. He understood perfectly well what the issue was about. Unification of German people, their needs, their identity – all of that was really shit. It was all about power, about who would be strongest wolf in the forest – Austria or Prussia. He looked at Count Karl Nesselrode, the Russian Imperial Chancellor, waiting if he has something to say.

Nesselrode has, it seems, become even more thin and bald than before. His skin was of yellowish ting and he barely ate anything, sipping honeyed milk from a large mug. The change of climate clearly did not sit well with a man of seventy-one – but his mind was as sharp as ever. – I believe… - he finally mumbled, taking another gulp of the hot drink. – That while unity of German actions may be beneficial, the unification of all power in ONE hands may not be good for the balance of the European Congress and the Alliance…

The old man has played ball – and Don Esteban come move on to his proposal. As the desserts and coffee were served, he stayed silent for a moment – but when the lackeys left, he spoke up. - Sirs, let us be frank. For all of the German states the sun shines from one of the two cities – either from Wienna or from Berlin. So it is up to you for to take the responsibility in the region. To guarantee that there is peace there, that war of brothers against brothers does not happen… Putting a portion of a vanilla mousse into his mouth, the Spanish Foreign Secretary continued. – I advise to call a new congress of the German princes to decide on the matter on unification. Reform the confederation, make it a federation, if you want. Increase the powers of the Diet of Confederation – and of its executive. Decide on further integration, in the form that would suit both of you. Common passports, freedom of movement of citizens within it, common postal system… There are many measures you could take…

The Prince of Schwarzenburg waited for the Duke to finish with his speech, and then asked impatiently. – It is all very well, Your Excellency, but the crucial is one question – the question of leadership. Who would head this renewed entity?

The Duke of Alba nearly grinned. It was ALWAYS about authority and influence. What else? He leaned forwards and lowered his voice. – Good sirs, you should divvy the power. Divide and conquer. Create a co-presidentship of Prussia and Austria. Make it successive – one term Austria, one term Prussia. Set the elective principle, so that the heads of the princely state would choose the leader of the confederation, as they did in the Holy Roman Empire. Divide the concrete powers… There are many ways. Surely you could reach agreement beneficial to everybody?

The both German representatives stayed silent for a few minutes, thinking it. Then the Austrian Minister President asked, after swallowing the last bit of the treacle tart. – But where such a grand meeting should take place? Don Esteban was quick to reply – he did not want a debate on whether it should be in Berlin and Wienna. - My King, of course, would be happy to host the German princes in Madrid, and I am sure that His Majesty, the Emperor of Russia could consider to have them as guests in St. Petersburg, if you wished for a neutral location… Here the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs looked at Count Nesselrode. - But perhaps Frankfurt, the capital of the current German Confederation would be the best option? And Spain - and Russia, I hope – could serve as independent and nonpartisan mediators, if you wish…

- It is something that my King should consider. – Manteuffel said, and Schwarzenburg nodded in agreement. When the dinner was over, the foreign statesmen left - and the Duke was left alone with his thoughts and papers...

((MoFA orders - iniative regarding the conference on the German Question. Hit 200 with France, increase relationships with Prussia and Russia))


From the DUKE of ALBA to the DUKE of VALENCIA ((Keinwyn - Private))

Dear Don Alejo,

I thank you for your kind words. Hopefully such conference would assist to resolve the German Question peacefully and prevent the further damages to the Holy Alliance. It all depends from the wisdom of the crowned heads of Austria and Prussia now - and I do hope that God would aid them here.

As for Benin, my agents have reported to me that is allied with two equally barbaric countries, Calabar and Dahomey. The first of the above borders this land. None of the civilized countries see that so-called state as friend.

Hopefully the arms of His Catholic Majesty would be victorious.

Your obedient servant,
Esteban Alonso Fitz-James Stuart y Silva,
Duke of Alba

A courtly remonstration
((Thanks to @Sneakyflaps for his half of this))

True to his word to the Archbishop, Don Alejo had requested the Duke of the Infantado visit him one evening. He had the misfortune to sneeze violently as the knock came at the door, and was thus dabbing at his nose when Don Manuel was shown in by his secretary.

“Don Manuel, it is good of you to come.” Valencia stood and offered his hand. “I would offer you brandy, but I am sure you understand I have none.” He smiled wryly. “I pray you are not too ruffled by that ghastly affair at your estate?”

“I am quite fine, your grace, and thank you for inviting me, I hear you have been in bad comfort as of late and I truly hope that the rumours are false.” Manuel said offering a smile back to the old duke as he shook his hand. “I am thankful that my guards proved more than able to stop the.. rabble.”

“I thank you for your concern, my doctor informs me it is nothing more threatening than a rather bad summer cold. Age catches us all in the end eh? I can assure you that the police are doing their utmost to catch whatever ruffians assaulted your property.

Now to the matter at hand. I am sure you have an inkling on what I wish to speak to you about; these pamphlets you so brazenly produce are a terrible example to the country. If someone can produce such items under the nose of His Majesty with impunity it only serves to encourage others - who may not be so fortunate as to enjoy your standing and connections - to act in a similar manner.”

“I am sure the police will do their utmost, I have met the captain several times and I am sure he will not disappoint in this.

As for your matter of hand, clearly it shows that the Cortes must be opened again to the plights of the nobility, a place for us to show our concerns and issues. You seem to talk as if I write to hurt his Majesty and country, if you read what I write you would find it to be quite the opposite. It is advise to his Majesty, some shared only by a few others by a lot, of wrongs in this nation and we must have a way to profess this and know our concerns be taken seriously. With the Cortes out of order and power, there is no other way than simply write a private complaint, there is no way which that can gain support. Surely you must agree that a pamphlet is a better way of solving issues, than a gun and a revolt.”

Valencia grinds his teeth slightly at the mention of guns and revolts. “Summoning the Cortes is His Majesty’s prerogative, as such I will not comment one way or another; If he wishes for one it shall be so. The problem lies not in what you write, but the fact that you distribute unauthorised literature, something that is illegal, and you cannot be unaware of this. Others seeing the impunity with which you do this may be encouraged to commit far more incendiary remarks to paper, the very thing these laws are there to prohibit.”

“You are right, these laws are here to prohibit texts and literature that are against his Majesty, yet so far I have no spoken against his Majesty. I have spoken of the plights of the people, plights that are true to both the court and the peasants, I am making them aware and clearly it has been successful, if you read the pamphlets, you will see there is no ill word or intend of his Majesty.”

“A man such as yourself is not without the connections or the ability to make his thoughts known to those who have the ability to act on them, what need is there for the literature at all?”

“To gather support. While I may indicate my thoughts in private to my cousin, my brother-in-law and so forth, then there is no other way to show the will. This is simply a better way to get support, and to share my views with my peers. I am only releasing said literature in court, if I am to release it there, or speak with groups of them at a time the result would be very similar and in the end the support will still be there. You know as well as I do that the court speak of politics, gossip and so forth.”

Valencia sighs “I fear we are going in circles. Speaking with your peers at court over dinner or suchlike is perfectly acceptable. Printing your concerns and distributing literature is illegal. Perhaps a short break from court would be prudent? Lt. Colonel, I am assigning you to the army of the Niger, you will report to Brigadier Cortez Allende and assume duties as commander of the 5th foot. Such a posting will also no doubt discourage any further attempts on your life - if that is indeed what the miscreants were after. Questions?”

“Not as much questions as a response.” He said as he looked sincerely at the duke. “I'm not going to the Niger, not after my family has so recently been attacked, if you wish to banish me from court for a year then so be my guest. If you wish to assign me to the Niger then you will have my resignation from the army tonight before I leave from home, I have never been in a command of a regiment and I don't plan to begin so in Africa. As for the attack on my life, I am not leaving my family here for the foreseeable future, and neither am I taking them to such a place as the Niger.”

“Oh heavens no, sending your family to the Niger would be unthinkable. Whilst I understand your concern, I can assure you their safety would be of paramount importance. Perhaps they could even guest with Don Esteban and his wife? The Niger is not a bad proposition for yourself either, you will see action there, get a chance to win your spurs. I pray the same cannot be said for any other theatre. Is your mind set regardless?”

“I am sorry your grace but I am not leaving for the Niger, as I said if you want to punish me, banish me from court for some time, make me pay a fine, I will complain at neither and you will have your punishment to ensure that others are dissuaded from publishing.”

“Very well, as you wish. I will accept the resignation of your commission. As for leaving court that is not my decision. Good day the- ah one last thing.” Valencia looks at his guest heavily. “I hope you are careful in the company you keep… and correspond with.”

Infantado raised an eyebrow. “huh?”

Valencia considers for a moment. Is the young man playing dumb? Should he press further? In the end he decides to leave the matter for the moment. Let the Archbishop continue whatever investigations he has. “Just something to keep in mind. Good day, Don Manuel.”

Manuel looked confused for moment before nodding. “I hope your health will improve.”
The King formally accepts the resignation of the Duke of Valencia as First Secretary, and further follows his advice in naming the Duke of Alba his successor. He shortly thereafter announces the new government:

First Secretary of State: Don Esteban Alonso Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, Duque de Alba (Mars)

Second Secretary of State: Andrés María Cardinal de Porcelli y Vallabriga (Luft)
Secretary of State for the Treasury: Don Aldo Trumpo (Noco)
Secretary of State for Economic Affairs: Don Aldo Trumpo (Noco)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Don Esteban Alonso Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, Duque de Alba (Mars)
Secretary of State for Grace and Justice: Andrés María Cardinal de Porcelli y Vallabriga (Luft)
Secretary of the Office of War: Alejo María Sastre y Díaz de Santa Ava, Duque de Valencia (Kein)
Secretary of State for the Interior: Don Artai Amaro de Soutomaior y Andrade Duque de la Coruna (Lyon)
Secretary of State for Public Works: Alejandro Manuel Felice Juan Francesco de Soneta di Belmonte (ML)
Secretary of State for Development: Barros T. X. Hortun y Llorente Etxeto, Conde de Vizcaya (Dadarian)
Secretary of Church and Papal Relations: Andrés María Cardinal de Porcelli y Vallabriga (Luft)

Chancellor of the Royal Philippine Company: Joaquín António Bakar Vélaz Gorrimendi (Jack)


On the Institution of Slavery in the Colonies

The practice of slavery has, of late, grown increasingly dubious in the eyes of the Crown and of the Church, and in keeping closely to the intent of His Holiness the Pope, who rightfully condemned the trade of slaves, and indeed moving beyond his initial calls, as well as more fully attending to declarations made in the past, the Crown now wishes to implement a range of reforms to better the lives of slaves throughout the colonies.

First and foremost, limitations shall be placed upon slave owners restricting immoral and violent actions being forced upon their slaves, the fullest extent of these to be determined at a later date; also along these lines, ordinances maintaining a minimal standard of slave housing shall be assumed, the limits to be determined by the governor of the colony and approved by the Crown. Slaves of the Faith shall be provided with places of worship, and shall not be compelled to work on the Sabbath; those heretics and heathens amongst them shall be converted. Slave families may no longer be divided, though the parents may be loaned out for a period not exceeding six months.

Of most import however shall be this: as of the 1st of January 1852, no child born of slaves shall be himself a slave. They shall, furthermore, be regarded as an indentured servant for a period not exceeding ten years, wherein they shall serve the master of their parent’s in good faith; those born after the 1st of January 1855, shall be compelled to live in such a state for only five years, starting from the age of fifteen. Those born after the 1st of January 1860 shall be considered wholly and utterly free.

For every child born between the 1 January 1852 and 31 December 1854, slave-owners shall receive 200 reals in compensation per child, whilst for children born after 1 January 1855 shall receive 350 reals per child.

Furthermore, the sale and shipment of slaves across the Atlantic, or indeed from possession of the Kingdom of Spain to another, shall forthwith be strictly prohibited, and those found involved in such unseemly acts shall be treated as any other violator of the laws pertaining to the slave trade would be.


On the matter of pensions for the soldiery of Spain, I am not opposed to the measure, and I shall leave the matter of determining fair allocation of funds to such an endeavor to its architect, the Duke of Zaragoza, along with the Duke of Valencia and Don Trumpo.


We, the Crown, do not appreciate the open mockery of both a man of the cloth and a member of His Majesty’s Government in the Court, as such statements, however the intent of the messenger, cannot be tolerated. Therefore, we ask that the Duke of Infantado to retract his comments in regards to the Primate and apologise for such unbecoming behaviour.


On the matter of ennobling the Primate, such a move is not opposed by the Crown and shall henceforth be placed under consideration.

The King disclosed his thoughts on the various matters going through the Court and the Government at this time.
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I see that your majesty has sadly been poorly informed by the course of recent events, sadly not that I can say I am surprised anymore in this day in age of our Spain. I will not apologize to the Primate for the words I have spoken, I have spoken of a symbol that should die and be washed away, yet I see that the symbol is only growing stronger as office of prestige, power and trust by his Majesty is given into the hands of those undeserving by virtue, honour and done worse by their base cunning.

To his Majesty, I have always spoken for you, and the justice and equality that could be expected within your realm. Never once I have spoken against you, I have written openly and advised, I have spoken my mind plainly when injustice was done in your name, am I to be punished for such honest service of a subject onto a liege? I spoke against the injustice committed in your name, and I was the one that did everything in my power to secure that the French recognize your Majesty’s reign, which they did after the ambassador fell short.

To the nobility, I defended you, I gave you my voice when the taxes were unbearable, when serfdom was abolished and the taxes nearly bankrupted several of you. I stood by you and I will do it again, I have fought with all of my spirit for your rights and your cause and I have ensured that they have been respected. I have never wished his Majesty ill, such a thought does not exist in my mind, I only wish gone those who have become plainly unfit for service in his Majesty’s inner circle who seeks nothing but self-advancement.

To the clergy, I ask do you also fear at night, fear when you sign a paper of what might follow if it is disliked? Do not fear for I will speak your cause just like I do the nobility if you allow me and give me that privileged. I am a man of faith, I was speaking of his word, of the decrees of his representative while the Primate did not do anything, he did not support the wording of the throne of Saint Peter, and yet he wields such power.

It was I who spoke against the taxation of the nobility, it was I that spoke in defense of the Throne of Saint Peter, and both times changes followed, the Primate did none. We the nobility have a right to be heard, and know that our grievances be heard, clearly they have not for only those of base vanity within your Majesty’s inner circle seems to gain that favour while the rest of us are shunned in darkness. I have presented my grievances and in return not only has the Primate been given a promotion, but he has been placed in consideration for ennobling and granting of titles. My concerns have clearly not been addressed, simply shunned as others. A man such as the Primate, who speak not for god and gives ill council deserves not such a privilege, and it is below the honour of Majesty to grant such favour.

If his Majesty was advised by good council of proper blood, then he would have been assured that I did not disrespect the Primate, instead I spoke of the image he has become and the ill council he has offered. I asked him to change course and refit as someone befit of his station. If mean spirited creatures had not acted with improper motive then his Majesty’s eyes would not be open to the darkness and threat that surrounds him and his legacy at this moment.

I do truly apologize if I have offended your Majesty, but I will never apologize to a Primate who acts unfit of the station which he has been granted.

Don Manuel de Alcántara Álvarez de Toledo, 14th Duque of the Infantado, 10th Duque of Pastrana, 10th Duque of Estremera, 11th Duque of Francavilla, 11th Duque of Peñaranda de Duero, 9th Marqués of Távara, Marqués de Santillana, Marqués del Cenete, Marqués de Almenara, Marqués de Cea, Marqués de Campoo, Marqués de Algecilla, Marqués de Argüeso, Marqués de Valderrábano, Marqués de Villanueva del Fresno y Barcarrota, Marqués de la Algaba, Marqués de la Bañeza, Marqués de Mirallo, Marqués de Valdunquillo, Conde de Saldaña, Conde de Villada, Conde del Real de Manzanares, Conde del Cid, Conde de Montijo, Conde de Miranda del Castañar, Conde de Fuentidueña, Conde de Casarrubios del Monte, Conde de San Esteban de Gormaz y Vizconde de Palacios de la Valduerna.

((Too late for me to have time to edit

Aimed at both nobility, clergy and the church in general))

“Noble members of the court.” Manuel said as he stood in the middle of court, as he looked at the courtiers that had gathered around him. “I have been asked not to write more pamphlets, so I will avoid doing so, instead I now speak of you of the vanity and insanity that has taken hold of our kingdom.” The duke looked at around at all the nobility surrounding him, his peers. “The most terrible attack against my family was not the work of some ruffians, they were equipped with malice in spirit and malice in intend, they were sent to kill me, and they were not just anyone, no they were workers under the so-called secret police. This most likely being the same that went after de Costa when he was imprisoned, and now they have come after me.” Infantado pulled up a document, signed below along with a following letter validating the statement and signature by the police captain near the Infantado estate. “This confession here was made and signed by a man the police found near my estate, covering behind trees to avoid detection. This man has confessed to be a part of a secret police that was sent with the direct orders to kill me. The minister of Justice is the Primate, a man with enough resources and influence to order and carry out such an act, he is known and feared in Spain, the day after I write a pamphlet against him there is an attack on my person with the intend to kill me, a member of the same secret police has confessed this and at the same time as this attack on my person I am asked to apologize to this man, what outrage is this? All the same time he is shown favour for such outrage, surely not just man left in Spain can favour such ation.

Furthermore then this is now just my claim, but a respectable police captain has written in admittance to have witnessed this, and woe be onto him who calls a just man a liar for own benefit. An attempt on my life has been committed, after I wrote against the Primate, and I demand proper justice as befits every subject.”

(rolled high on a private investigation and thus this information was given and approved by Naxhi and as such showing its legitimacy, do however note that the Primate is not in the written confession, that is added by Infantado in his speech)
The Nobles versus the Clergy

Who would have thought that a bunch of thieves and hooligans could cause one of the biggest internal crisis in the history of Carlist Spain? What started out as a pamphlet against what one saw as a corrupt clergy spiraled out of control as plots were executed and confessions were made. What turned into a simple police investigation soon became a scandal, one that warrant everyone's attention at court.

We set the stage with the actors. Our first main character is The Duke of the Infantado. He was no stranger to asking for change. His family was very influential in Spain due to the vast number of titles and he had already persuaded the more reactionary elements of the Spanish court to petition the King for lower taxes. Yet, one thing that always kept bugging him was the prestige given to the clergy. A clergy, that after the arrest of Miguel de Costa, that the Duke found corrupt and evil. This introduces our second character, The Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain. The Primate of Spain was a ruthless yet loyal member of the Carlist inner-circle. He was the clerical support the Carlists needed during their conquest of Spain. He was also the leader of the secret police of Spain, cracking down on dissent. For his execution of arrests of revolutionaries across Spain, Carlos V showered him with awards and even considered giving him a title, something uncommon to give to members of the Clergy (even though it has been done before). The Duke of the Infantado saw that the Archbishop was not really in-line with the policies of Gregory XVI, who condemned slavery while the Archbishop never commented on slavery in Spain. Yet, many of the clergy respected the workings of the Archbishop. He and the pope at the time were very anti-revolutionary, and so it was expected for both to try and starve off revolution. That all changed though when Gregory XVI died.

The Council of Cardinals proceeded to elect Pius IX as Pope. Pius IX was much more liberal than his predecessor, and it was shown when he pardoned many revolutionaries in Europe, asking amnesty for their release. Many liberals in Spain took it as a sign that the Pope could back them in their quest to take Spain, and that his policies would rub off on the clergy in Spain. The Primate of Spain immediately had their hopes dashed when he had Miguel de Costa arrested for conspiracy to revolt and tried in front of the King. Even after he pleaded guilty, Miguel de Costa was executed, outraging liberals across the country. The Duke of the Infantado saw that the Primate of Spain was not following the orders of the Heir to St. Peter, and decided to write. He published a pamphlet calling out the clergy for going against the will of the Pope, and allowing slavery to continue to grow in Spain. A few days later, a group of hooligans attacked and were repelled from the Duke's estate. It was believed that they were there to kill the Duke. The Primate of Spain had immediately claimed that this was Republican infighting, that the Duke was a republican sympathizer, and a dispute had almost cost him his life. The Primate of Spain presented "evidence" to the government connecting the Duke to Republican movements. Of course, some in government have heard that not even the local police were allowed in, so how could the Primate procure such evidence? The Duke of the Infantado though, oblivious to the Primate's evidence, hired his own private investigator, who, with the help of witnesses, managed to track down one of the hooligans and have him arrested. The hooligan though turned out to be a member of the secret police, and signed a document saying that what he did is to be kept secret. The document with the signature though found its way into the hands of the Duke of the Infantado, who procured this document as proof that the secret police were targeting him, and he immediately blamed this attack on their leader, the Primate of Spain. Representatives of the Primate say that the Primate had nothing to do with it, but many still wish to hear a statement from the Primate.

What is known is that the secret police did attempt to break into the Duke of the Infantado's home with the hope of killing him. Now the court and the members of the government should decide if they back the claims of the Primate that the Duke of the Infantado is a republican sympathizer, or the claims of the Duke of the Infantado that the Primate is a bloodthirsty tyrant who is putting fear into the minds of citizens and eliminating all that stand against him. Nobles close to the Duke have begun to call for the removal of the Primate from his posiiton in government. Clergy under the Primate have called for the Duke's arrest. Regardless of the decision, it seems that this scandal has the potential to rock Spain to its core...
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Player Actions Needed: With both sides of the story in this scandal unfolding, it is time for the players to chose who they back in this crisis. The choice is either to stand with the Primate or the Duke of the Infantado and to determine who is right and who is wrong in this case. Nobles (players with noble titles) should vote who they back.

Sample Ballot:

Support: Duke of the Infantado/Primate of Spain

Voting will end Thursday at 8:00 PM EST or Friday at 1:00 AM GMT.
I don’t understand why there is any doubt regarding the good Primate’s innocence and that this all a plot to destabilise court by the treasons Duke of the Infantado. What evidence does he have that this alleged witness is part of the secret police? No true officer of secret police would claim that what he did is to be kept secret, for that will make the uncovering of what is to be kept secret far more likely. The most likely option is that he is a Cristiano, or worse a republican, plant meant to make ridicules lies such as this seem reasonable, a liar about his identity (probably do to financial compensation by the duke) or a complete fantasy mean to undermine the catholic church in Spain and thus the foundations of our very civilization.

-Don Rodrigo Fajardo de Mendoza, Baron of Polop and Benidorm, Governor-general of the Philippines.

Support: Primate of Spain
((Can we abstain from the vote/not take a side?))