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Also, sorry for going into the whole flags thing, but why is the French flag the Bourbon flag. It wasn't the case in V1. Granted it was a constitional monarchy but it's not like the Netherlands have the Royal Dutch Standard as their flag. France was represented in 1836 by the tricolour not the royal standard. This is probably a placeholder but I'd still like to point that out. The other explanation could be that you're going with a different flag for each sort of type of government. In that case I'd say keep the standard for the Monarchy type government of France only.

Additionally the Bourbons weren't even in power in 1836, since Louis Phillipe I was, member of the Orlean house.
Since tech trading is out, there should be some other way the SoI members get a little bit of tech from their masters (and maybe even the other way around). It seems that technology has a way of spreading on its own - at least between friends.

A few examples:
1) Great power stations its troops to a SoI country. People in that country will eventually learn to make copies of their equipment or training.

2) A SoI member of some GP has difficulties in getting its economy to work. To avoid it rebelling or going bankrupt, the GP teaches the country how to improve its economy.

3) GP's sell or give their outdated equipment to their SoI countries.

I think it would be quite reasonable, that technology will spread from advanced countries to the countries that are in contact with them (geographically, socially or politically) in a similar way to knowledge of strange and new lands spread in EU3. This way even the most backward of countries will at least learn to use muskets by the end of the centrury...
There are always 8, unless there are only 7 countries left.


In the very unlikely situation that there are only 8 countries left, with one of them being a puppet state of one of the other 7 nations, how will this influence the two state's relationship.

Might be a stupid question though, but I'd imagine that a puppet states (must be?) is in the sphere of influence of their controllers.

In the very unlikely situation that there are only 8 countries left, with one of them being a puppet state of one of the other 7 nations, how will this influence the two state's relationship.

Might be a stupid question though, but I'd imagine that a puppet states (must be?) is in the sphere of influence of their controllers.

Because we like Beligium more

And because we tactically chose our first king to be one that was on good terms with the UK (family of Victoria), France (through his wife), Austria (being German and through family ties) and Russia (having served in the czar's army). Yeah, Leo I was on a roll there.

William I of the Netherlands was seen as a bit of bully by then :p
So stop answering stupid questions about handling of unlikely situations and start answering those that are not stupid and actually likely to happen. :)

And if I understand it correctly, there will be no system for opinion between two non-GP states, right? How will they be selected when new GP rises? Completely random? Based on current relations? Based on long-time average?
So stop answering stupid questions about handling of unlikely situations and start answering those that are not stupid and actually likely to happen. :)

King decided to boycott me after I called his english funnier than Johan's :rofl:
That interface is real cool!! I noticed plenty of new diplomatic actions are available. And, there is no more old "colonial war" :p.
I love it.

This may have already been asked, I haven't had time to check (I shouldn't even be reading this, now you've got me far too giddy and excited to finish my essay), but USA a great power in 1836? Really? I find that slightly (read: very) strange. The US wasn't thought a great power by anyone until much, much later.
I love it.

This may have already been asked, I haven't had time to check (I shouldn't even be reading this, now you've got me far too giddy and excited to finish my essay), but USA a great power in 1836? Really? I find that slightly (read: very) strange. The US wasn't thought a great power by anyone until much, much later.

Alpha, I s'pose. Notice how everyone's economy rating is zero.

IMO the Great Powers in 1836 would be UK, France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, Turkey, Spain and the USA surely deserves a seat at the top table in front of, say, the Netherlands, Piedmont, Portugal or Sweden.

By WWI-time, Germany, Japan and Italy would be in, Turkey and Spain out and Austria clutching to life. I wonder who, in game terms, displaced it though? :)

In related news, I have decided on Mexico for the first game :cool:
I can see that the term opinion might cause a bit of confusion with relations. Perhaps the term Influence would be better? That way you could have different influence ratings, which works out fine regardless of relations. There are numerous examples of empires wielding considerable influence in countries that hates them.
Kind of makes me think of German-British relations pre-WW1, and the opposite for French-British (low opinion but decent relations) :p

Or even contemporary. To quote sir Humphrey: "Well, they might be (our allies) now; but they were our mortal enemies for centuries, and old leopards don't change their spots." :)
All I know is that in my first game (as Netherlands), Dutch irredentism is full on. Belgium won't exist for long.