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Oh I see. I admit I was wrong then but I do think more permeant damage will be done than you are allowing for. Even if its just that people are suspicious about radiation so don't live in South England for the next hundred years. You don't see people who lived in Chernobyl going back there even though its 99% safe.

Everyone in this game has Hydrogen weapons. I'm 99% sure of that.

Firestorm do you think you could post us screenies of wether you and Cool do?

I've heard reports about elderly folks returning to Pripyat because they didn't care anymore. I've also heard reports that since humans have basically abandoned the area that the entire area is now teeming with wildlife. But I don't have docs for that.

As for next choice of targets:
It must be a German core
MP is weighted more heavily than IC when creating dissent.
VP's have nothing to do with the dissent hit, so they can be ignored.
Go for the biggest IC/MP area you can find that is a core that you aren't going to be taking soon. I suspect you're running out of those though, since you're so close to Berlin. I'd probably start looking at Soviet targets in the Urals, since those are likely to have the highest concentration of IC and MP other than Vladivostock. One strike would be enough to cripple Soviet forces with the dissent hit, and the IC hit would also likely skyrocket their TC, possibly causing an ESE penalty.
I'm sure you can hadle the newest nazi attacks :)

What about Belgium and Netherlands? Do they exist?
CBS World News – June 1st, 1952

June 1st, 1952

CBS World News

"The world today. The Columbia Broadcasting System now presents a summary of the all the important world news today. Reports from CBS correspondents by trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific short wave radio, and the latest developments as received by the Columbia's news room here in New York. Tonight we will be reporting on the latest military events from Europe and abroad via our correspondents in Paris."

"This is Paris. The situation in Europe continues to degrade as German attacks continue along the entire front. Allied divisions have been pushed back north of Berlin, where panzer divisions continue to engage the Allied tank divisions. Lubeck, a city north of the Elbe river, was lost after German divisions overran the American and Canadian positions guarding the city on the 26th. The German city of Rostock has fallen as Allied forces were forced to retreat after a amphibious assault from German divisions in Copenhagen landed behind the front lines that were engaging advancing German forces. To the south, Dresden has been recaptured as Allied commanders seek the possibility of striking at the southern flanks of the German counter offensive."

"In Asia, Chinese and American troops have begun to attack Soviet positions in northern China. Early reports indicate success as Soviet forces retreat north. The apparent cause of the recent attacks is to draw Soviet forces away from the disintegrating Korean front and allow them to reorganize. The attacks were conducted under heavy Soviet air attacks, which inflicted heavy losses on the Chinese divisions. With all available aircraft engaged in combat over the European skies, other fronts are feeling the effects of having to fight with no air cover."

"The African front continues to see little action as supplies from both sides are diverted to the major engagements in Europe. Here, too, aircraft from both Axis and Allied armies has been shifted north as the battle over central Germany rages. German radio reports that the ‘the most decisive battle of the war’ is currently being fought there. Despite this, German forces have managed to close on Allied divisions in the African pocket, who have now been forced to a small area around Mersah Matruh along the coast."

"Britain continues to lose the support of its populations. Cyprus recently declared its independence from British rule in a armed uprising a few weeks ago. Tanganyika followed suit a week after.









**So many panzer divisions. Intel reports the Germans have 60 of them, and always thought those were false because I never encountered that many. Now, I know that my spies were correct. Soviets also have alot of CAS planes. I saw a stack of 24 or so...As for the independence of British colonies, I have screens of them, but I figured it would just take up space and are not that important. If you guys wish to see them, I will post them**
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@Biges: I hope I can. And yes, both Belgium and the Netherlands still exist.

@Kuciwalker: Attacks on troops don't do anything to dissent, unless the province they occupy has manpower and IC.
@Sirveri: The Soviets have next to nothing for high MP, and all their IC is spread out pretty far. Most is 14 IC in once place I think. To compound the matter, I only have strategic bombers left. All my ICBMs are in production, but delayed because supplies and dissent consume all my available IC, so all their stuff is well out of range of my planes. My next target will be in Germany, but my fighter strength is running low. An attack now would risk the plane's destruction.
I want the independence screens posted in the next update. :)
Things go from bad to worse. Hopefully you can turn it around and trap the new German breakout. Africa is looking worse and worse right now, with Germans advancing and indy states in former UK colonies. Might it be better to release them all now?

What is UK's dissent right now?
Oh don't you worry. I'm not leaving until I take Berlin and its reactors.
Ironic in the first screenshot to have Field Marshal von Falkenhausen lead the Chinese against the Soviets.
It may be necessary at this time to release Indoesia if possible. If nothing else they'll produce infantry for the Asian front. What are the Japanese doing?

Any chance of a 2nd nuke soon? I think Berlin and Munich are your best bets as to targets, but on the flip side you may want to use a nuke tactically to slam some of those monster stacks. Either way anything that spikes up German dissent is a good thing, If the east breaks free, Russia, Ukraine, Poland Hell even Czechoslovakia at this point it will only aide the war effort.

I would have to say risk it as soon as you can. There really isn't any choice here.
Ouch...looking bad...
Berlin has already been nuked. I cannot remember if I hit Munich yet, but yes that is my next target.
@Kuciwalker: Attacks on troops don't do anything to dissent, unless the province they occupy has manpower and IC.
I think he meant simply damaging the units, thereby seriously depleting manpower. The AI is sure to defend Berlin with a strong garrison. Do you have other targets that still have high MP left, and would cause big dissent hits?
BBC Home and Forces Program – June 13th, 1952

June 13th, 1952

BBC Home and Forces Program

"This is the BBC home and forces program. This is Bruce Belfrage. Here is some very tragic news that we have received over the past hour from a communiqué from Washington DC. The American cities of New York and Atlantic City have been destroyed by German nuclear bombs. The suspect loss of life is staggering, reaching into the millions. Both attacks took place during mid-day when most civilians were out working at their jobs. Liverpool has also received another nuclear strike, which has utterly destroyed any remaining industrial sectors of the region. The CBC, the American news service that regularly reports on military events from Europe to our news room has been disrupted due to the raid on New York. Their news station was destroyed, and is expected to remain offline for some time. We will attempt to relay events from Europe to your homes as they come in to our station."

"We have contacted Tommy Fourever, the CBC news correspondent attached to Commander Feuersturm’s Headquarters unit in Germany."

"This is Tommy Fourever. The front in Germany is facing the most peril it has seen since the Normandy Invasions. Following the loss of Hamburg, Kiel and Lubeck, all Allied forces have been back pushed across the Elbe River except for the British and Spanish divisions stationed in Potsdam. American divisions on the reverse side of the Elbe River have been keeping a line of supply open to these divisions as they attempt to break into Berlin and destroy the German reactor complex in the area. The divisions holding this passage open are sustaining heavy losses as more and more German divisions attempt to close the pocket through Leipzig. German attacks across the Elbe at Hannover and Gottingen have been bitterly repulsed by American and Canadian forces."

"The latest German offensive was supported by two tactical nuclear strikes against American forces stationed in Gottingen and Wolfsburg. Military losses in these two regions spiked up to over 100,000 due to the attacks, and were immediately deployed out of the region to behind the front lines. One does not need to ask Commander Feuersturm how the situation goes. A mere look at his figure explains it all. He is pale and looks aged beyond his years. He feels personally responsible for the massive loss of life sustained in the recent months by soldiers and citizens on the Allied side, and this has led to several diagnosed stress-induced ailments."

"The American airforce fought a large air battle over the southern regions of Germany. The battle was a loss for Allied command, which saw the destruction of 4 fighter squadrons and two strategic bomber squadrons. Soviet forces were reportedly assisting in German air defense after the increase of Allied air presence along the front. It is rumored that one of the bombers was carrying a nuclear device destined for Munich, though nothing has been confirmed or denied as of yet..."








**My Bomber. And 8 fighter divisions. Destroyed. By who? Soviet fighter aircraft. What the f**k were they doing there?**
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This is the point in the game where I start cursing at my computer, turn off the game, and destroy the save file. :(